Aoyama's bad day

By WarWhale

11.4K 452 1K

Aoyama is having a bad day, does the rest of the class notice? If so what do they do about it? Aoyama is a ch... More

Won't be there
Don't you Idiots know?
We're Getting There
Party Time! (Part One)

Party Time! (Part Two)

1.7K 96 191
By WarWhale

Yaoyorozu's POV

Yaoyorozu and the girls were practicing for their routine at Mina's house in her "dance studio". Apparently what Mina called her dance studio was what Yaoyorozu would call a detached garage

They had been practicing their routine for hours. They were nervous that since they've had so little time to rehearse that one or more of them would slip up.

And this was a performance that they wanted, more than anything, to get right.

So they compensated for their limited rehearsal time by running through the routine over and over again.

Yaoyorozu set the camera up so that it could see all six girls and hit record.

"Alright ladies, let's do this again!" Mina called out.

The girls all took their positions and waited for the music. When the music started, Yaoyorozu did her best to stay on the beat.

Jiro sang along with the track serving as the vocals.

The music ended and everyone rushed for the camera. Mina took it and pressed play. The video ended and Mina spoke.

"Pretty good!" She glanced studied the video a bit more. "...but Yaoyorozu, you're still a little fast and Tsu, you're still to slow."

"Aww, I thought I finally had it that time." Tsu said.

"And Ochaco, you know that you're still doing the move we cut out right?"

"Oh no! Which one?" Uraraka said looking alarmed.

Mina should her on the video and then demonstrated what she was supposed to be doing.

"Ok. I think I got it, but can we do it again. Just to make sure." Uraraka said flustered.

"Sure-" Mina started.

"I would love to have more time to practice, but it seems as though we are out." Yaoyorozu said looking at her watch.

Unfortunately, constantly moving around and dancing in a garage that lacks an air conditioning unit, results in sweaty and not very nice smelling people.

"It's late and we definitely all need showers before getting ready." She said.

The girls all agreed, if somewhat hesitantly. They all looked nervous and unsure and Yaoyorozu knew she had to say something.

"More practice time would have been ideal, but all we can do is our best. I believe in us more than I've ever believed in anything. We got this!"


Iida's POV

"Alright, let's get these streamers up!" Iida yelled.

The public relations committee had arrived a few hours ago after successfully aquiring party goers. So every boy from class 1A, minus Todoroki, was now helping with set up.

Sero and Tokoyami immediately took to the job. Sero used his tape to hang from the ceiling while he put up the purple streamers and Tokoyami directed Dark Shadow from the ground.

Kirishima and Bakugo were setting up tables and centerpieces nearby.

Iida had M*neta blowing up balloons, half hoping he would pass out before finishing and that he would need to spend the rest of the evening back at the dorms.

While M*neta was blowing up balloons, Koda was arranging them into an arch that we could put at the entrance.

"Koda, how's the arch coming?" Iida asked.

"Good. Just a few balloons left." Koda responded with two thumbs up.

"Oh good. I think might pass out." M*neta said.

"Well, we're going to need more balloons for the stage."

M*neta's eyes bulged in an unflattering way, but Iida's attention drifted away to something he just remembered.

"Speaking of the stage, where's Mr. Cementoss? It's 3:30."

"We'll go look for him!" Kirishima offered while pushing Bakugo towards the doors.

"Hey! I'm doing something here!"
Bakugo complained.

"Yeah, but we're almost done and Kaminari can finish."

But before a decision could be reached the gym doors opened and the the girls of class 1A walked in.

They were all dressed in matching sleeveless dresses in different colors and they all did their hair so that it was braided in different styles.

They looked like different sides to the same coin.

"Are you boys looking for this?" Hagakure asked. As the girls all parted ways for Mr. Cementoss.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got caught up." He said. "Where should I put the stage?"

"Over here." Ojiro and Shoji guided Mr. Cementoss to where they had mapped out the stage dimensions.

"Wow Iida, the place looks great!" Yaoyorozu said looking at him. "How much is left?"

"Well, we just need to decorate the stage, bathe the place in glitter, and we're still waiting on the food."

"Okay." She looked around at the place. "you guys should go get dressed. We'll start on the stage and glitter."

"You sure?" Iida asked.

"Yeah, we got it. Go."

"Come on boys, it's time to get dressed."

They all filed into the attached locker room and started changing into the clothes they brought with them.

Kirishima and Bakugo were arguing about what was 'classy' enough for the party. Kirishima thought Bakugo should wear a tie, but Bakugo was not so enthusiastic about the idea.

While they were changing, Todoroki walked in.

"Todoroki! How's the food looking?" Iida asked.

"It looks delicious. My brother and sister are setting it all on the table now."

"Good. Good." Iida buttoned his shirt. "What time is it now?"

"Almost 4:00." Sero shouted.

"We asked guests to arrive early so that we can surprise Aoyama, they'll be arriving soon. I'm proud of the work you did today."  Iida said, completely aware that he sounded more than slightly melodramatic "Let's make this a night to remember for our friend."


Aoyama's POV

"Uno!" Midoryia called out, looking victorious.

Aoyama had tried on numerous occasions to go back up to his room and pretend that today was just some random day, but Midoryia never let him go.

He kept thinking of new things to do together in celebration of Aoyama's birthday. Playing Uno was their latest activity and probably their last one.

So Aoyama decided to not take it easy on him. It was his birthday after all.

Aoyama placed down his second to last card, which was a wild draw four.

"Uno." He called. "and I choose blue."

Midoryia drew his four cards while muttering annoyances. He put down a blue three.

Aoyama put down his last card, a regular wild card.

"I win!"

"What?!? You had two wilds at the end?" Midoryia huffed. "That's cheating."

Aoyama was about to respond, but Midoryia's phone buzzed and his attention was there.

Aoyama started putting away the cards. He was struggling to get the last couple cards in the box when Midoryia said.

"Hey, wanna go for a walk?"

"A walk?" Aoyama asked, confused "a walk to where?"

"Uhh, I don't know. Just out." Midoryia placed a hand at the back of his neck. "you know get some fresh air."

"Uhh yeah, sure." Aoyama agreed

"Cool. While I'm going to change, how about you?"

"Change? I thought we were just going for a walk."

"Yeah, but I want to look my best just in case people happen to be around." Midoryia said sounding slightly nervous for some reason.

"You know what? You're right." Aoyama striking a pose "I should look good on my birthday."

They went upstairs to change and Aoyama was glad that Midoryia suggested it. Aoyama believed that the way you dressed affected your mood.

And Aoyama wanted to do everything in his power to feel good today.

Aoyama and Midoryia left the dorm and a silence fell upon them. It was comfortable though, at least to Aoyama.

They walked in this silence for a while, ten minutes or so when Aoyama finally spoke up.

"Thank you." He said

"For what?" Midoryia asked looking at him.

"For celebrating with me, today."
Aoyama kept his eyes on the ground. "It was fun."

"Oh. No problem, man."

Truth be told, Aoyama never realized how little of himself he shared with the people he so desperately hoped to be friends with.

Never realized that they didn't know when his birthday was, or that his family is in France, did they know the reason why he was trying so hard to be a hero? has he ever told them anything?

Why? Why has he never tried to be friends with them?

Aoyama was brought out of his head by Midoryia turning onto the path that leads up to gym gamma.

"Come on man, let's go see what the class is up to." Midoryia smiled while walking down the path.

He was at the door when Aoyama stopped him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt their training." Aoyama said.

"Yeah. I'm sure they would love to see you." He said, chuckling.

Midoryia opened the door, but it was completely dark inside. Aoyama stepped into the building.

"Why are the lights off?" Aoyama asked, but before he got a response the lights all came on at once.


Aoyama gasped, his hand flying to his mouth. Aoyama took in the whole scene before him. There were streamers hanging from the ceiling and colored lights filled the room.

The lights made the glitter that was sprinkled all over everything to twinkle like stars. Balloons were positioned nicely all over the room and stage. Wait, stage?

Aoyama was speechless. He would have asked if this was all for him, but the happy birthday Aoyama  sign on top of the stage made it pretty clear.

There were so many people here, honestly it looked like all of UA came. There were so many people that Aoyama couldn't see anyone he knew until he looked on stage.

"Happy birthday, Aoyama!" Iida said, standing along side the class 1A boys minus himself and Midoryia. "The girls of class 1A have a performance for you, but before we get to that, us boys also have something for you."

Iida looked Aoyama in the eyes and continued on.

"You once told me that you strive to be an equal to the people in our class. I didn't know what to say then because I didn't understand and to be honest I guess I still don't understand. I don't understand how someone as amazing and unique as yourself could think you were anything less than deserving. Deserving of this party, deserving of not only being a hero, but being apart of class 1A, and deserving of spending your birthday with your family." Aoyama was thrown slightly by that last part. "turn around, Aoyama. Your gift from the boys in class 1A is behind you."

Aoyama turned around to find Mr. Aizawa standing beside his mother. The tears had started falling from his eyes before he had even realized they were coming.

Aoyama ran to his mother and wrapped her in his arms.

"Happy birthday, Yuga." She said holding him out so that she could look at him. "you have wonderful friends."

"I'm glad you're here mother." Aoyama said, pulling her back into a hug.

"I'm glad too, my beautiful boy." She said, letting him go.

Aoyama turned to Mr. Aizawa with the intention of thanking him, but he held up a hand.

"Anything for my favorite student." He said with a slight smile before walking away. "Besides, they did most the work." He called back.

Aoyama and his mom turned towards the stage when Iida spoke.

"Now for a performance by the girls of class 1A!" The boys all exited the stage. As they left all the girls came on.

They stood together in a line looking every bit as beautiful as their souls.

"Gorgeous" Jiro sang as the synthetic pop sound started.

The girls moved in circular motions around each other, making sure to stay on beat.

"You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.
You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong."

They moved their hips in time with the music and twirled one at a time like a wave. They moved across the stage like perfessionals.

Aoyama was impressed and so was his mom. He could tell by the look on her face.

"They did this all for you." She said, sliding her hand around his waist. "I'm so happy to know you've had such amazing people looking after you."

Aoyama turned back to the stage to see the girls twirl and stomp in time with the beat drop.

"You're so gorgeous. I can't say anything to your face. 'Cause look at your face. And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say? You're gorgeous" Jiro sang.

"You make me so happy it turns back to sad."  She sang and they all spun in a pattern and pointed to Aoyama.

"There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have." Uraraka and Mina left the opposite sides of stage, while the other stood in place and moved their hips to the beat.

"You're so gorgeous, it makes me so mad." Uraraka and Mina reached him and grabbed him by the wrist and lead him towards the stage.

They made it back to the stage and Mina guided him to the center. Aoyama was in position in time for the girls to strike their poses around him when the beat dropped.

"You're so gorgeous! I can't say anything to your face, 'Cause look at your face."

The girls moved in time with their rhythms and patterns perfectly and Aoyama did his best to look at least half as good as them.

The song was nearing it's end and the girls pulled into a tight group around him.

"You're gorgeous!"

They all posed as the song ended.  With Yaoyorozu and Jiro giving him a kiss on his cheeks. Mina and Hagakure were leaning forward with one arm resting on his torso and the other going around his back. Tsu and Uraraka were squatting down by his legs with their hands in the air.

The audience cheered and clapped for them. Aoyama clapped as well and thanked each one of them for their work and dedication.

When they were leaving the stage, Iida went back up and Yaoyorozu joined him.

"We hope you enjoy the party, folks." Iida said.

"There's food and drink on both sides of the gym so don't hesitate to eat everything you can." Yaoyorozu said.

At the mention of food, Aoyama noticed Mr. Aizawa leading his mother to where it was located. Aoyama was more grateful for her presence then he's ever been for anything, but he was glad to have a moment with his class. 

Yaoyorozu and Iida joined the class 1A herd that had formed and Aoyama ran for them.

"Thank you." He said, pulling them into a group hug.

Aoyama knew it was them that had spearheaded this party and he wanted, no, needed them to know how much he appreciated it.

"It was our honor, Aoyama." Iida said, sounding ever like the class president.

"You're so very welcome." Said Yaoyorozu.

"I don't know what to say. I-" Aoyama couldn't find words to express how much this really meant to him. "thank you."

Iida and Yaoyorozu smiled.

"When someone in class 1A has a bad day, we all have a bad day."
Iida said.

"We really just wanted to show you that you're important to us and that you can talk to us because we're you're friends."

Aoyama was struggling to hold back the tears and when Iida and Yaoyorozu saw, they called for a group hug.

Aoyama was caught in the middle of probably the biggest group hug to have ever happened. Even Bakugo was pulled into the hug.

When they broke apart, Aoyama knew he was an integral part of class 1A and he was proud to be apart of this specific group of people.

"Come on! It's party time!" Kaminari shouted over the music playing.

And that's the story of Aoyama's best birthday ever!


Hey guys, this is it, the finale! Woohoo! Thanks for reading!

I said this in the description, but I'll Say it again. Aoyama is a character I think is highly underrated and deserves more love. In the fandom and in both the manga and anime.

I had a dream once about the class 1A girls singing Gorgeous by the queen of my existence Miss Taylor Swift. It's kinda cringe, but somehow the wholesomeness over powered it. So I wrote it down lol

Also would like to take this chance to say that I obviously DO NOT  own the lyrics from gorgeous or the characters from My Hero Academia.

If you have a character from My Hero Academia that you think is underrated, message me. I can't promise anything, but I'll try and come up with a story for them.

Anyways, thanks for reading and if you enjoyed it, even a little, please consider voting for it :)

-Castellan (The Author)

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