The Cold Boss Lady (TCBL)

By phoenix8142812

1.6K 92 29

"You are fired" "but ..." "I said what I said" "ugh...another one in the list" ... I sound like a psycho but... More

Chapter 1: Don't expect me to stutter
Chapter 2: Without Bright and Cheerful Colors
Chapter3: WalNUT'S
Chapter 4: Welcoming Enemy
Chapter 5: Stone Man
Chapter 6 : Watch me!
Chapter 7: Rat in the Hole
Chapter 9: Emotionless, Lifeless...!
Chapter 10: Lunatic...!
Chapter 11: Is being a Woman too hard?
Chapter 12 : Unknown Destination
Chapter 13 : Teleporting
Chapter 14: Little Bex
Chapter 15: The drug
Chapter 16: She looks pretty

Chapter 8: Hello Ms.!

86 7 2
By phoenix8142812

Rebecca's POV:

The Lorraine's were resting upstairs while me and Lisa were busy digging in. Ms. Rose was smiling widely watching me fill my stomach like a pig. Just then, we heard footsteps coming down. I saw Lisa's mouth hanging wide enough to fit a cat. I followed her gaze and found Ron and Tae coming down. Both in their casuals.

It might be the sun rays that made them glow brighter. Ron was wearing a pine green pajama with white jumpers, his hair like perfect sea waves while Tae had tortilla brown sweatshirt and umber trousers on.

They made themselves comfortable on the table Ron sat opposite to me with Tae on his right and I sat with Lisa on my left at the end of table.

" Afternoon, munchers" Tae beamed and rubbed his palms. I rolled my eyes and Lisa sighed. I turned to Ms. Rose who was staring at the both of them like a hunter. Oh, I forgot I didn't introduce them.

"Ms. Rose, this is Mr. Ron Lorraine and Tae Fallon from Nova-Tech. They are staying here for another couple of days" I told flatly.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Rose" both of them said in unison to which Ms. Rose nodded with her broad smile. Then we ate silently until Tae began inspecting his surroundings with a fingers tapping on his chin.

" You live alone? Where are your parents? Aren't you introducing our handsome faces to them?" he asked in a baby tone.


" Kids, come on dinner's ready" the lady shouted arranging the dining table.

" Coming mom" the kids shouted from upstairs.

" I am first" the boy giggled holding his stomach and giggling.

" No Mark, it's me!" the girl exclaimed crossing her hands.

" Mom, tell her it's me" he pouted.

" Mom, tell Mark the truth" she sighed and sat down.

" Come on kids, stop fighting. Here, let's eat" their mother said smiling.


" Ecca...Ecca..." I saw Tae waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I will get going. Ms. Rose will be looking after your necessities" I said and left to office immediately followed by Lisa.

Ron's POV:

Dad informed me to leave to New York to check things at RE. Me and Tae both left early in the morning. I was curious about this meeting. I mean curious to see her. The CEO. As we landed I saw someone waiting for us with a sign 'NOVA-TECH'. I approached her and stood there clearly not in a mood to start a conversation while Tae brought his hands for a hand shake.

" Hey babe, you are?" he asked grinning.

Ugh...this fellow, no manners at all.

" I am human, what are you?" the girl replied back. I just got startled by her comeback. Serves him right. I chuckled internally.

"Lisa, personal assistant of the CEO, RE" she replied smiling.

"Ron Lorraine, Nova tech" I said.

We got into the car. Just then, I got a call from our manger that Mr. Roosevelt, our finance head left in the middle of a meeting for some personal reasons. I hate people like them. Work dodgers.

Soon, we were in front of the office building. The interiors were cool. My type, definitely. Lisa led us to a room. As we approached I saw someone crying. Woah! are they playing any horror movies inside? Just then we heard a come in.

I saw a girl approaching me. She had a kind of understated beauty. Her tall frame and slender body were like of a Victoria secret model. Her blue eyes, like the sea, were calm and emotionless. Long, wavy brown hair, so smooth and silky, almost as if it was tailored from gold fabric. Her inner self was so intimating. She held out her hand.

" Hello, Mr. Lorraine. Nice to meet you" she said. Oh, I get it. It's her. The CEO. The one that lives secretly yet powerful enough to bring down a stock market. I thought she doesn't show her face to the world because she is ugly or something like that. But this is completely opposite to the picture I had earlier.

" Miss. Rebecca, CEO of RE! The pleasure is all mine to see you, the rat which always lived in it's hole" I shook my hand. She forced a smile and turned to Tae.

She was about to speak when Tae pulled her into a hug.

Ugh...this idiot is an embarrassment. I should spank his ass once we leave.

" Oh my god. Did it hurt when you fell from the heaven?" he said. Freaking Tae Fallon you will a dead meat. I coughed not to make it more awkward and he pulled away.

" Hello to you too. Yeah, I even died 25 years ago just like that pickup line" she countered. I chuckled. This is his second failure. These women in RE got nerves. Poor Tae.

" So Ms. Rat-" I was cut off by Rebecca.

" I prefer Rebecca, Mr. Lorraine" she replied annoyed. I just scoffed and took seats opposite to her. I discussed about all the issues we dealt with and showed me some proof.

" So we prefer, monitoring the work personally to avoid further calamities" I finally declared. They received a call and whispered among themselves.

" Mr. Lorraine, we apologize for not able to find a stay place for the both of you because of the short notice. Would you like to use any other connections?" she asked me.

What, is she seriously asking me this? I wish dad would allow me to stay in the house we bought in NY. Sadly, not happening because I almost destroyed it breaking some people's bones and making a big issue out of it.

" No" I said.

They both looked at me as if they are gonna punch me on my face. I really can't help girls.

" We are not uncomfortable to stay in your residence" I regret having to destroy my house in NY. Let's see what you got in you Ms. Rebecca. I am really tired of hearing my father brag about you and your personality.

" You will be escorted by Robert. Looking forward to work with you" she replied and shook our hands. Just then a man with big biceps and black uniform entered and lead me and Tae to the car.


Another chapter out...Hehe

This chapter has Ron's POV but this is not the end. The next chapter will be his POV too.

The text in italics is flashback that played in Rebecca's head. Are you tired of these POV's?

Well, I am. I need to write same stuff again in other's perspective. I will try to make it short though.

Lisa : You just gave me two chapter's of my own *pouts*

Tae: I didn't get a single one till now *pouts with puppy eyes*

hey, both of you shu shu..get away. I am not falling for those * screams internally...Why so cute?*

Okay by-

Ron: You forgot the question.

Well, I am a less enthusiastic since only few answered the previous one.

Rebecca: Don't over act you know they love us already

Err...this lady. You guys leave. This is author's note. Give me and my lovely readers some space here.

( All four stomped out laughing their asses off)

Yep, back to us. Here, is the question.

QUESTION : How do you think is the relation between the heir and Half-heir?

Come on guys, vote comment and share. ;) ;)

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