Their Thief

By DRK_Stories

3.3M 102K 39.5K

Theirs series book #1 (Unedited) A thief who dresses like a man to be safe. Three brothers, half-werewolf an... More

Copyright + Warning
Their Wife


34K 1.3K 1.4K
By DRK_Stories

A/N: There's a trigger warning in the description of the book and I'm not going to specify which one applies to this chapter cause spoilers.

* * *

Damaris Rana

Lola fussed with my curls while Max stared me down.

"Please," he begged. "For me?"


"Come on! It'll look so hot on you!" he whined.

"No, max."

"Help me out here, Lola."

"Uh, I don't think I have enough information about what you're getting all dressed up for me to decide that for her," she said, scrunching some product into my wet hair to keep the frizz under control.

Max grimaced. "Dont worry, Lola-bear, we'll tell you all about it if we live to tell the tale."

Worry swirled in my stomach. We couldn't mess anything up tonight, Simon's life was on the line.

"Come on, sweet cheeks. I know something was going on between you and-" he glanced at Lola, "-you know who before you got here," he said wiggling his brows. I flushed at his words. "If not for me then do it for him. Let loose and enjoy your final night together."

Lola finished with my hair. "I'll give you guys a moment to talk," she said awkwardly, ducking her head as she left Luca's bathroom where we had set up camp to get ready.

I watched her walk out, feeling guilty for excluding her. "No, Max," I sighed out in defeat. My voice became a whisper. "I have too many scars to wear something so revealing," I said, looking at the red spaghetti strap dress he was holding.

"Oh," he said, eyes widening. He quickly put the dress behind his back. "Shit, I'm such an insensitive friend."

I shook my head. "No, I'm just... different than your average friend." I looked down with a self-pitying smile.

"Don't worry, sweet cheeks," he said wrapping his arm around me. "Hang with me long enough and we'll have you proudly wearing whatever you want in no time. I have no problem with cutting a bitch."

I chuckled. "I don't doubt that."

He rolled his eyes and walked out of the bathroom with the dress.

I took the time to look over the makeup Lola had applied. My eyes were lined with black liner and surrounded by a beautiful black smoky eye with hints of red. She had waxed my upper lip and plucked my brows and any unwanted hairs she could find. My skin was covered in a perfectly matched foundation, making my light brown skin look smooth and flawless. Precise contouring sharpened my rounded features to appear chiselled. My lips were painted with a dark, red, liquid lipstick to bring the look together. I don't think I've ever looked so good before.

Max walked back in with a pair of black jeans, and a matching lacey long sleeve top. "Here," he said, shoving them towards me before walking back out.

I changed into the clothing. The jeans were tight and clung to my figure that had recently started to fill out again. I wore a black camisole underneath the sheer black lace shirt. The design of the lace managed to hide the scars that lay beneath it as long as no one looked too close.

After getting dressed I walked back into Luca's room to find Max waiting with a pair of black combat boots.

"Just what you need to finish looking like the badass that you are," he said holding them up.

I rolled my eyes and put them on. "I don't need them to look like a badass. I am a badass," I said smirking at him.

I couldn't forget that. I was a badass before I got entangled with the King brothers, and although they may have thrown me off my game, I wouldn't let them keep me down. Once Simon was safe they would understand who they were truly dealing with. It was time to shove the scared little girl they resurrected back into the coffin built for her in the back of my mind. The week-long break I had gotten from them was just what I needed to clear my mind and start piecing myself together instead of constantly cowering in fear. It reminded me what living without constant fear was like.

"Okay," Max said, clapping his hands once. "Game plan. I'm going to leave to get Simon first. I already explained to Lola that we're going to need her to distract the guard. She was reluctant at first, but she did agree. While she's distracting him, you need to sneak into the slave passage that I showed you last time. Do you still remember the directions from there?"

I nodded my head. "Go straight until I reach the spiral stairs, then go down until the end. Take the third left, then the second right. Exit through the door with the 'X' and then through the door on the opposite wall of the hall it opens into. Then wait for you."

"Good. I'll meet you there with Simon. The passage has an exit that comes out near the side exit of the house. I've already parked my car near it, all we need to do is get in it unseen. My dad has Ash and I told him to text me if the kings leave the party early or if something goes wrong. It seemed a little suspicious, but I decided to not tell him about our plans tonight. The fewer people that know the better. "

"What... what if we get caught?" I asked.

"We won't. Confidence is key. Don't let doubts and fear make you mess up. If you do get caught, flash them your collar and threaten them using the Kings names. That should be enough to scare them off for the time being. They'll be too scared to interrupt the Kings during such an important party to snitch on their pet. Smile, sweety, we're about to save your forbidden lover- Argh!"

Max dropped to his knee, clutching his chest.

"Max!" I rushed to his side. "What's wrong?"

He didn't answer. Dropping his head to the ground, he bit the back of his hand, sniffling a scream while his other hand clawed at his heart. He started to tremble and his skin was breaking out in a sweat. I could swear the hair on his arms thickened.

"Max!" I called again, tears starting to fill my eyes. I didn't know what was happening, what was wrong with him. "I-I'll get Lola," I said before moving to get up. She was a witch, right? She could help him.

He grabbed my arm before I could get to my feet. "Don't," he grunted out with a pant. "It'll- be over- soon," he panted out, pausing to catch his breath between words.

He muffled another scream with his hand, dropping to his side and curling his knees into his chest. A sob escaped my lips as I rushed closer. I cradled his head in my lap, running my fingers through his sweat coated hair. I muttered soothing words and felt so helpless and useless. My friend was curled on the ground in pain, yet I could do nothing to help him.

He lay on the floor, curled up with his head in my lap for over half an hour. Every time I protested and got up to get help, he grabbed my arm and refused to let me go. He kept clawing at his chest while muffled screams and sobs left his mouth. I had to try to restrain his hands because he was drawing blood, but it was useless. He was stronger and I was starting to feel fear for a reason other than my friends' well being when his fingers sprouted claws. It was easy to forget he was a deadly werewolf.

Once whatever was causing him pain ended as abruptly as it started, he stayed lying on the ground- panting. I continued to run my fingers through his hair to soothe him. His ginger locks had darkened with the sweat that saturated them. When his body finally stopped trembling, he wrapped his arms around me and sobbed into my stomach.

"Why doesn't he want me?" he asked in a broken voice, hiccuping.

"Who?" I gently inquired, brushing the hair off his forehead.

He took a deep, shuddering breath and shook his head. After one last squeeze, he let go of me. He got to his feet, his legs faltering before he steadied himself again.

"No one," he wiped his face while sniffing. "I'm going to take a quick shower and change," he said, looking down at his blood coated shirt that was torn with claw marks.

I got to my feet and grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Max-"

"I'm fine, Damaris. I'm fine." He stared out the window blankly, not looking at anything specific. Sorrow and pain reflected on his face. After a few moments, an ember of anger glinted in his eyes. It was fanned and grew until it was a roaring inferno. He clenched his jaw as his now hardened eyes looked over the beautiful, calm, and serene setting sun that was the opposite of the ugly, raging anger that was engulfing his eyes.

A shiver of fear and unease went down my spine when a strange glint entered his eyes to join the anger. His lips that were pressed in a hard line slowly curled up into a sinister smirk. "I'm going to be just fine."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "I'll meet you at the exit with Simon in an hour. Don't get caught." He turned and left the room before I could get a word out.

* * *

My chest gently heaved as I unclenched my sweaty fists and neared where the nearly invisible line that indicated the entrance to the passage marked the wall. I glanced toward the end of the hall. Lola stood in front of a shaggy brown-haired man, her face beet red. I couldn't make out what she was saying. The man in front of her even leaned in to hear her better, making her turn even redder.

While focused on the two, I failed to notice how close I was to the table holding some abstract art sculpture. I froze when my foot made contact and the sculpture shifted, making a sound. It was a short and barely audible sound, especially for someone at a distance as far as Lola's, but I'm guessing the man with her wasn't human like me, so his hearing wasn't as limited

He started to turn towards the sound. There was no place for me to hide in the open hallway. The only options were to make a run the few steps I needed to make it to the passage door or try to run back down the hall and into the wing I was supposed to safely stay the night in. Neither option mattered anyway because it wouldn't take the man long to turn around, he was half ways to looking at me already. I was going to get caught. So I just stood there like a deer caught in headlights.

Before he could spot me, Lola grabbed his face in her hands, turned it towards her, and slammed her lips on his. The man tensed, but relaxed when Lola moved her hand to run it through his hair.

I looked away and hurried to the passage just as the man wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. I quickly found the switch and slipped into the passage as soon as I could fit.

At this point, if anyone wanted to save a life with a kiss all they would have to do was hang around me.

I took a moment to calm down before following the directions Max had given me. I was still worried about him. Despite trying to help me solve my problems so actively, he refused to divulge his. It was clear that everything was not fine like he claimed. After what happened in the room, my concern was at an all-time high. It wasn't just emotional problems that he may have, it was physical too.

I paled as my thoughts went in that direction. This whole time I was so concerned about Simon that I failed as a friend to Max in return.

I shook my head. I couldn't think about anything other than getting Simon out right now. Get Simon out, then confront Max.

I travelled the dark passages in silence. Luckily, I didn't encounter anyone while following Max's directions. Once I took the final turn, every door that I passed, I looked for the white 'X' that Max told me he marked the right one with.

After passing three doors, I found the marked one. I paused to listen for any sounds on the other side and when I didn't hear anything, I cracked the door open slowly. My eyes scanned the empty hallway as it was revealed while my ears strained to hear any approaching footsteps. Not hearing or seeing anything, I stepped out.

But I made one mistake. I didn't check the blind spot behind the door, instead relying on my ears to catch any sounds.

I turned to close the door but was left holding my stinging cheek in shock as the door shut on its own, the crack of skin meeting skin echoed in the hall.

"Do not block my way, human," a female voice sneered.

I looked up at the blonde woman who slapped me. She towered over me in her black heels. Her seemingly elegant face was twisted into a sneer, ruining the otherwise regal appearance that she held. She wore a blue figure-hugging gown that screamed money while her hair was pulled back in a high bun, not a strand out of place.

Still shocked, I pressed myself against the wall as the stinging turned into an unpleasant warmth under my hand.

"I can't believe they allow human filth into their home," she mumbled to herself as she strode past, her heeled steps made no sound on the rug that ran down the hall.

I snapped out of it when she rounded the corner and left my sight. Rubbing my cheek, I pushed her out of my mind. It wasn't the first time I had been slapped by surprise in my life and she didn't linger on me long enough for me to worry about her raising the alarms or telling the brothers.

I looked around with sharper eyes now, making sure I don't miss a single inch for another person. When I was sure the coast was clear, for real this time, I headed to the large wooden door on the opposite side of the hall.

Opening it, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Max?" I asked, my voice came out high pitched and shrill as my eyes darted over his ensemble.

He was leaning against a black sports car with tinted windows wearing a black mesh shirt that I could see the lines of his muscles and nipples through. He wore leather pants, combat boots, and had a cross earring dangling from one ear. His hair was styled to be a perfected mess and I was pretty sure he was make-up, more than just the black that surrounded his eyes. A collar that resembled one that you would put on your dog rather than the one placed on me was worn on his neck.

He flashed me a smile. "Stop checking me out, Sweetcheeks, lover boy has been awfully impatient this whole time waiting for you."

I blinked, processing his words, before whipping my head in the direction of the other figure I failed to notice because of Max's appearance.

"Simon!" I launched myself towards him. He stumbled back into the car as I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced him.

Remembering his condition from when I last saw him, I released him and stepped back while gripping his arms like he may disappear before my eyes. I scanned his body looking for any sign of injury but was relieved to find that he was completely fine. His previous injuries were healed and no newer ones replaced them.

He smiled, amused by my concern. "Hey, Cupcake, long time no see."

I snorted at his casual reaction to seeing each other in one piece after so long before engulfing him in a bigger hug.

"Come, children, we have a schedule we need to stick to," Max said, tapping the top of the car before rounding to the driver's seat.

Pulling away Simon held my hands, squeezing them. "Sit with me?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course."

He opened the backseat door and held it to let me slide in before following. I refused to let go of his hand. The moment he closed it behind him, Max started driving.

Nervous energy filled the car as no one dared to speak as we drove down a long, narrow, windy, gravel driveway. It was longer than the main one and took us to a different exit than the main driveway led to.

The silence let the wind carry the notes of classical music, conversations and laughter to my ears over the sound of the engine. It was faint and grew fainted as we got further from the lite up mansion. I looked back and could see a steady stream of headlights heading up the main drive to the residence.

The silence seemed deafening as we rolled up to a smaller gate than the main that had a security guard in a small building keeping watch.

"I need you two to duck and hide. There's a blanket back there to cover yourselves with," Max said.

Simon and I fell to our knees and huddled to one side of the car without a word. Deja vu from when I had to hide similarly before hit me from the action. Pulling the blanket over our bodies, I held my breath as the car rolled to a stop.

"Gary!" Max greeted cheerfully. "How's it going, man?"

"It good," a man's gruff voice replied. "Where you headed, I was sure you'd be at the party tonight?"

"Nah, too many prissy bitches to deal with. I'm going hunting for dick, even got my dick hunting outfit on."

The man, Gary, snorted. "Alright man, you do you," he said followed by the sound of the gate rolling open.

Simon and I remained crouched and hidden until Max told us it was okay for us to get up again.

"Aren't you worried about him telling someone he saw you leave? You're supposed to be with me inside," I asked as I straightened my shirt out.

"No, it's not unusual for me to leave the grounds so no one's going to go out of their way to tell someone that I did unless asked directly." He pressed some buttons and music filled the vehicle as he drove down the empty, dark road. "We have successfully accomplished the escape part of the plan."

I looked up at Simon, a cheek hurting grin splitting my face for the first time in so long.

* * *

Noise filled the night. Laughter, loud voices, and annoying high pitched giggles assaulted my ears while the faint stench of trash tickled my nose. Off to the side, I could see a group of staggering men moments away from breaking into a fight. Goosebumps broke out over my body as the cool night breeze blew through my hair.

My hand was warmer than the rest of me as it stayed interlocked with Simon's. I didn't want to let go of him while knowing that this could be the last time I ever saw him again. I squeezed his hand at the thought and stepped closer to him, hugging his arm with my free one. I probably looked like a clingy girlfriend to onlookers.

I looked up at him as he looked around us. He looked the same as I always remember him, aside from the scar that cut through his eyebrow, but his eyes seemed to have aged years.

"Okay," Max said, drawing my eyes from examining Simon's unsuspecting face. He checked the time on his phone before continuing. "The three musketeers are usually occupied until two in the morning during these parties, but I'm going to give us until midnight considering they'll probably want to get back to you as soon as they can. That should give us some time to enjoy ourselves before you have to say your goodbyes and we have to return."

My heart raced. "Are you sure? I don't want to risk anything."

"Yes, I am," he answered. "Yves should be here any minute. We'll straighten everything out regarding Simon so all he has to do at the end is get in his car and be driven to safety."

"You talking 'bout me?"

I jumped at the voice.

Turning around, I watched as a tall, lanky man with dark hair sauntered up to us in the alleyway we had ducked into.

"Yves!" Max grabbed his hand and pulled him into one of those man hugs.

"It's been too long, Max. I'm kinda hurt you only contacted me cause you needed something."

The two caught up for a bit, ignoring me and Simon. From the way Yves's fingers lingered when he reached out to touch Max's arm and the way he focused so intently on what he was saying, Max won't have to look far if he was serious about hunting for dick.

"At least he has someone else to turn his attention on now," Simon whispered into my ear.

"Come on, he's not that bad."

He snorted. "I've never met anyone more annoying than that man child."

"I'm sure that's not true." I tried to stop my face from showing my amusement but failed. Max was a man child. I wouldn't have him any other way.

"Okay," Max said, turning with a clap. "Everything's set. All you need to do is head to Yves' office when it's time to leave. For now, let's live a little!"

I looked at him skeptically. The seriousness of the situation made it difficult for me to think about having fun.

Max released a sign and flung his arm over my shoulders and dragged me away from Simon and Yves. "Relax, Sweetcheeks. This is your last night with Simon. Have fun, get drunk, and say your goodbyes on a happy note."

"But I can't stop thinking of what could happen if they notice we're gone. Shouldn't we make sure Simon's on his way to safety and get back before that can happen?"

"Like I said, relax. They're going to be too busy to notice and if someone asks questions Lola will cover for us. If on the off-hand they do find out, then my dad will let me know that they're leaving the property and we'll have enough time to get Simon out of here. They won't hurt you so you don't have to worry about that either."

"They said they would punish me," I whispered, a hint of fear laced my voice.

Max threw his head back in laughter. "Oh God, Damaris, the only kind of punishment you'll find yourself receiving from them is the kind that makes you walk funny. You'd probably even like it if you gave it a chance."

Confused, I narrowed my eyes. "I doubt it. Who the hell likes being punished?" He laughed even harder. "Anyways, what about you? Wouldn't you get in trouble?"

"Don't worry about me, I have special friend insurance," he said waving my concern off. "The most they'd do is assign me to train with the warriors to get my ass handed to me. I have nothing to worry about as long as you're in one piece."

"What happened if I'm not in one piece?"

"Then I'll be in a few pieces." He turned to walk back towards the other two who seemed to be discussing details of the plan that Max had told Simon on the drive over. "Let's not think about that right now." He stopped us a few feet away from Simon and Yves and lowered his voice. "So, I was serious about hunting for some dick earlier."

I raised a brow at him. "Was what Vincent said true, are you..."

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, but that's going to change tonight. Is it alright if I leave you and Simon on your own for a bit?"

His tone was serious. He was asking genuinely. If my answer was no, he would stick with us the whole night.

My face broke out in a grin. "Go get some dick, Max. I can survive on my own without you for a little while."

Max flashed me a megawatt smile before we headed to join the others. Yves led us to a side door in the ally that led into the club that had a line out front. When he opened the door we were hit by the loud music and deep bass that spilt out. We entered near the washrooms that gave off a faint scent of perfume, vomit, and piss. Grabbing Simon's hand we weaved through the crowd of grinding and swaying bodies that smelt of alcohol, sweat, and sex. The dark space was lit up by lasers and beams of lights that danced over the dancing crowd.

"Here," Yves yelled over the music, holding out a card. "Use it at the bar to get drinks on the house."

Simon took it from his hand with a nod.

Max leaned over to yell into my ear. "We'll regroup at the bar in half an hour, alright?"

I nodded.

He glanced at Simon then levelled me with a serious expression. "Remember, no lip-locking."

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Why did he make it such a big deal? Satisfied by my response, he and Yves disappeared into the crowd.

"Come on," Simon said into my ear. "Let's get a drink."

He led us over to the bar as I looked around the club. It was large and seemed to be filled to capacity. There was a DJ area on the opposite side from the bar and cages held women and men dancing in only their underwear and glow in the dark body paint. Along the walls were tables with booths for those who wanted to take a break and a few standing tables were placed near the bar.

We walked past a dark hallway, moving out of the way of a stumbling couple who made their way to one of the many rooms that lined the hall. When they found that it was locked they simply moved onto the next which opened for them. My eyes caught sight of the edge of a bed before the door swung shut behind them. Guess this club provided everything necessary for their customers' needs.

We reached the bar and Simon was able to find an opening to flag down the bartender. He ordered us our usual drinks before leaning back against the bar and pulling me to stand between his legs. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rested my head against his chest and released a sigh of contentment. It had been so long since I had been in Simon's arms, since I felt the warm safety they always provided.

"Damaris," I looked up into his eyes. "I'm sorry about all the shit I said last time, I didn't mean any of it."

I smiled up at him. "I know, you were just in a bad situation and needed someone to blame. You were right, all this is my fault."

He shook his head. "It's not your fault, everything is on those monsters." His face turned sombre. "Is it true? What that man child said? Is this really the end for us?"

My eyes dropped to his chest. "Yeah."

I wasn't sure if Simon heard my reply over the loud music, but the bartender came back with a beer and a glass filled with a blue-tinted liquid before he could reply. Simon handed him the card and told him to bring ten shots, five for each of us.

He turned to me, holding out the blue drink with a forced smile on his face. "Then let's get fucked together one last time."

I took the drink and sipped it. As much as I wanted to let loose with him one last time, the inkling of fear in the back of my mind wouldn't let me fully relax. What if the brothers-

I clenched my jaw. No. I'm not going to let those three taint my last moments with Simon.

I grabbed two of the shots that the bartender had lined for us. Facing him with a grin, I handed one to Simon. "To getting fucked, one last time."

He grinned back at me, a real one this time. Clinking our shots together, we threw them back. I twisted my face at the heated burn that trailed down my esophagus while Simon laughed at my expense. Grabbing another one, I took the shots consecutively before the fear and doubt about tonight could return. I had no doubts it wouldn't once the liquor worked its magic. I could already feel the liquor working its magic as my muscles loosened.

Grabbing my hand Simon dragged me away from the bar once he finished his shots and onto the dance floor, abandoning the two drinks he had initially ordered us. A giggle escaped my lips when I stumbled over my feet and almost fell on my face. Luckily, Simon was there to save me.

He turned me around and pulled me to his body. His hard chest pressed against my back as his hands gripped my hips. I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck as he ground his hips into mine to the rhythm of the beat. The ignorant bliss that comes with alcohol grew stronger as all my worries disappeared. The only thing I could think of was the press of Simon's body against mine. The more we moved against each other, the more apparent the hardening length pressing into my lower back got.

We danced moulded to one another for what felt like hours. Sweat beaded on my forehead and made my shirt stick to my body. A sliver of guilt shot through me out of nowhere. My brows furrowed in confusion at it before turning into irritation. Tonight is supposed to be about letting loose with Simon, about saying goodbye.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the bar. If my mind didn't want to leave me alone, then I would drown it until it stopped ruining tonight.

I reached the bar and slammed my hand down. "More shots!" I yelled at the bartender. "Please," I added when he looked at me with annoyance.

He shook his head and filled two shot glasses before placing them in front of me. I grabbed them and was about to turn to hand one to Simon, but stopped when I felt his arms wrap around me as his chest pressed into my back. He ground his hips into mine as he placed a kiss on my neck.

My head fell back against his shoulder and a small moan left my lips. Accompanied by the moan was the feeling of guilt once again. Huffing in annoyance, I grabbed one of the shots and downed it before following it with the one meant for Simon.

Chuckling in my ear, Simon turned me around and caged me against the bar, pressing his thigh between my legs. "I thought one of those was for me, Cupcake."

"Oops," I replied looking up at him with a drunken grin. I had to blink to clear my swaying vision. I used to be a lightweight in our merry band that used to drink regularly before, I could only imagine how low my tolerance was after not drinking for months. Given how much I had already drunk, I knew I'd wake up with regrets the next day. All I knew at the moment was that I was with Simon and I was free.

It took me a moment to realize that the warm wet sensation on my lips was Simon. I closed my eyes and ignored the page of guilt. Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his golden locks, gripping them and pulling him farther into me. His tongue slipped into my mouth to tangle with mine, drawing a moan from me.

He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. "Fuck, I need you."

With those words, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him in the direction that we had seen the couple stumble towards earlier. He tried to open two different doors before finally finding an unlocked door on his third try. Pulling me in he shut the door and shoved me against it, his lips back on mine.

I moaned as my body writhed against his. My head spun with the alcohol as his hands grabbed my ass before one trailed up underneath my shirt to grab my bra covered breast. Breaking the kiss he pulled away to grab the bottom of my shirt and pulled both the lace top and camisole off, leaving me in my lacy black bra. The move made me sober slightly as the realization of where this was going dawned on me.

I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away slightly. "Um, wait-"

My words were cut off as his lips crashed back onto mine. I grabbed his shoulders to push him away as he wrapped his arm around me and lifted me off the ground. He carried me over to the bed before dropping me onto it and pulling his shirt off over his head.

"Simon, wait, I don't-"

He ignored my protest and grabbed the waist of my jeans and started tugging them off, taking my underwear with them.

I struggled to sit up and tried to push him away. "Simon, stop!" A hint of panic entered my voice.

"Shh," he hushed as he stopped trying to pull my pants off to remove my boots first. "I know you want this too."

"No, I'm not ready-"

He harshly pulled my pants and underwear off completely, causing me to fall back onto the bed wearing only my bra. Before I could get back up his body was pressing down on me, his hips between my thighs.

I once again tried to push him off. "I said no, Simon!"

"Shut up!" he said, grabbing both my hands and pinning them above my head in one of his. "You owe me this after everything." He pulled my bra down to reveal my breasts.

Tears started to blur my vision as his warm mouth latched onto my nipple. He reached down between us and undid the buttons of his jeans.

"Stop, I don't want to do this," I shook my head.

He pushed his pants down his hips and pulled his cock out before pushing up on one hand and looking down at me in anger. "Why? Your pussy only good enough for those monsters?"

I shook my head.

He got up and sat back on his heels, my legs spread open by his thighs giving him a clear view of my bare crotch. "Come on, Cupcake, you know you want this," he said, fisting his cock and dragging the head through my folds. "Look how wet you are for me."

I flushed, from the alcohol or the embarrassment, I wasn't sure which. I didn't want to do this, but... it was better than letting one of the monsters take my virginity right? My intoxicated mind tried to rationalize why it was a good thing to give into Simon. He was my friend. He wouldn't hurt me...

But he wouldn't stop either.

I screamed as he shoved his length into me in one sharp thrust and struggled against his hold on my wrists. A stinging pain filled my lower abdomen to accompany the burning stretch I felt in my unprepared opening.

He placed his unoccupied hand over my mouth, muffling my cries. "Shh," he hushed before pulling out and thrusting back in. He didn't wait for me to adjust before he started to pound into me.

The pain in my lower abdomen grew, but the friction of him entering me lessened as warm wetness provided lube.

He continued to thrust into me like an animal as my intoxicated mind began to drift away from the moment. I was no longer in pain under Simon as he sought his own pleasure. Instead, I was in the abandoned house that I had first encountered him in. We were both huddled under a ratty blanket in the corner furthest from the drenched carpet under the leaking ceiling. I was laughing as Simon animatedly read the book in his hands under a flashlight, each character having its own special voice.

A smile lifted the corners of my lips.

"That's a good girl," Simon said leaving me slightly confused. I don't remember that line being in the book. Brushing it off I continued to listen as he told the tale of demigods trying to prevent a war between gods.

A loud crash filtered through my memory, interrupting the story, before the weight pressing me down was gone.

I blinked as the old abandoned house faded and an unfamiliar ceiling replaced it. Shouts and growls rang out and an intoxicating scent drew my dazed attention.

I looked around and the first thing I saw was Max standing in the open doorway with Yves behind him, both their faces were pale. Max was gripping the doorframe in his white knuckles hands. His eyes were focused off to the side, wide and unblinking.

I followed his gaze and went numb. The feel of the fabric underneath me, the sounds filling the room, and the intoxicating scent that was screaming for my attention all faded to nothing. I couldn't process what my eyes were seeing.

Lying on the floor was the boy who was just reading me story's under a blanket with a flashlight. His eyes were open but they were unseeing as they stared up at the ceiling. In front of him stood Alec, his arm drenched in blood as he dropped a body mass onto the floor beside Simon's head. The same blood that matched that flowing from the gaping hole on Simon's unrising chest where his heart was.

I got up on shaky legs, the pain between them forgotten. All I could focus on was the unmoving body of the boy from my memories.


I stepped towards him but screamed when I found myself held against the wall with a hand wrapped around my neck. I looked up into Alec's anger hardened face as my struggles grew more desperate. Reaching up, I clawed at his tight grip. If he applied a little more pressure, air wouldn't make it into my lungs.

"I guess I'm partly to blame since you think you can go fuck another man while we are still living and breathing." His voice was deadly calm. Instead of easing the growing fear in me, it only served to worsen it.

He released a dark chuckle as he wrapped my hair around his fingers. Painfully tightening his grip, he pulled my head back so I was looking at him. The blues of his eyes were completely black.

"Poor little mate, fate must have it out for you. First, you get tortured by your mates, then while they try to make things right, you go and fuck the man that was planning to sell you to protect himself. Did you think you were giving your virginity to someone who cared? That could have been the case if it was one of us," he dragged a finger through the blood coating my inner thighs. "But no, you were fucking the man who traded you for protection in prison with a smile on your face." He brought his blood coated fingers up to his mouth. "You gave away what was meant to be mine," he growled.

I looked away from him as he slipped his fingers into his mouth. My gaze once again landed on Simon who still lay unmoving. "S-Si-"

Alec's growl cut me off. His hand at my throat disappeared as the one in my hair wrenched my head back. The next moment his sharp fang-like canines were buried in my flesh where my neck met my shoulder. Screaming I tried to push him off, but he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

The pain that was focused at the point where he was piercing my skin with his teeth started to spread. My screams grew louder as a fire rushed through my veins and throughout my body. I tried to push Alec away, to unlatch his teeth. I pushed, punched, and kicked until the pain was too great and all I could do was slump against him. I stopped screaming because it just made the pain worse.

He finally released me from his teeth after what felt like hours. He gently licked the wound he caused before letting go of me completely. I fell into a heap at his feet, not having enough energy to hold myself up.

"Alec!" I heard Luca yell, but he made no move to help me up.

"Since you want to get rid of us so desperately, fine. You can go. Take Max and Vincent with you and get the fuck out of here before I do something I will regret."

Blinking, I barely processed his words as my eyes focused on the body that lay opposite me. Using every remaining molecule of energy I had left, I crawled my way to Simon. The sound of raised voices and arguments in the background faded as I cupped Simon's face in my hand, his eyes were open and unblinking.

"Simon," I called, lightly trying to slap him awake. "Wake up."

He didn't move.


My eyes scanned his bare chest and landed on the gaping hole where his heart should be. Looking back up at his face, I noticed the dark mass that Alec had dropped earlier, realizing what it was.

Picking it up in shaky hands, I put his heart back where it belonged. "Simon," I covered the bloody hole with my hands. "Wake up. I fixed it."

His head rolled to the side when I moved his hair out of his eyes.

"Simon, stop playing with me. I know this is a joke, your eyes are open. This isn't funny. Wake up."

He wouldn't listen.

I grabbed his face with my bloodied hands. "Simon! Stop it and wake up!" I yelled at him.

A warm material was placed over my shoulders accompanied by firm, large hands. I looked over my shoulder to find Luca crouched beside me.

"Why won't he wake up?" I asked him.

"He's gone, love."

I shook my head. "No, he's not."

Shrugging his hands off I grabbed Simon by the shoulders and shook him. "Wake the fuck up, Simon!"

"Damaris," Luca's gentle voice called as he pried my fingers off of Simon. He wrapped the jacket around me tighter and pulled me to sit between his legs, folding over me and placing his chin on my shoulder as he rocked us back and forth. "I'm sorry, love, but he's gone."

A choked sob left my mouth, and I broke. Luca held me tighter and continued to rock me as I cried my soul dry. At some point, I felt a hand being placed on my knee and followed it to Jace who had joined us on the floor. Even his intoxicating scent wasn't enough to break through the cloud of sorrow that surrounded me.

They sat there with me for who knows how long until my tears ran dry. All I could do was stare blankly at Simon's dead body as it grew cold.

At some point, someone, most likely Luca, had slipped my arms into the suit jacket that he had placed on my shoulders and had buttoned it up. I didn't notice until he had started to remove his arms from my body, taking his comforting hold and warmth.

I looked up as he and Jace both got up, avoiding my eyes. They both looked towards Simon's body, more specifically the blood that stained his jeans and covered his still exposed dick, and clenched their jaws and fists before turning and leaving the room.

Max walked towards me and sat down beside me. "I'm sorry, I thought they explained the bond to you. They said they would," he whispered, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his arms, replacing Luca. I don't know how to feel about that. I didn't know if I felt anything at all. Everything was just numb.

Alec crouched down in front of me. Reaching out, he traced his bite on my shoulder with his thumb "Keep one thing in mind, Damaris, I may be setting you free for now, but we will come for you. So, hide the best you can, because once the sun rises, the hunt is on."

With those words he got up and walked out the door, leaving me in the room with Max, Yves, Vincent- who I hadn't notice enter, and the dead body of Simon.

Their Thief: Book 1 is complete and available on Patreon.

Their Thief: Redemption is currently being updated on Patreon.

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