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By poison-fruit

18.9K 394 987

From before the reign of Kylo Ren TIL after. Also this is not a Reylo fanfiction. More

The Force.
Dark Thoughts.
Dameron and Organa.
Left Behind.
Dear Karva.
Supreme Leader.
First Mission.
Love Is Weakness.
Lord Vader.
A Shift in the Force.
With me, or Against me.
Solo's Return.
Calm The Anger.
Leia and Anakin.

You Are The Reason.

491 9 2
By poison-fruit

A few years later. I stand there looking to my children, watching them. They both have blindfolds on. I start stepping around them and cross my arms. "When you feel something in the pit of your stomach and the hair raise on your arms and neck. That is the Force calling to you. There is bad and there is good." I look to anakin who is lifting his blindfold up slightly to look at me. "You're not focusing." I say to him and he takes the cover off. "Momma I don't feel anything." He pouts slightly and I kneel down and look at him. "That is okay." I smile softly at him and stroke his cheek. "What's on your mind my love?" I say and he hums. "Food.." I let out a laugh and look to Leia who is trying so hard to concentrate.

I feel a tingle up my spine. "There's your father now." I say quietly and look over at the broad man who has his top half of hair up. We had chosen to be civil. No love even if deep down I know my heart skips a beat when I feel that tingle. Just like when we were in school and when I saw him on the ship finally. "I was wondering where you were." He lets out a soft laugh and the kids get up immediately and run over. He picks them both up and looks to me. I nod and he starts walking, speaking to the children. "You're hungry? Hungry for what?" Anakin and Leia speak up. "Cracknal!" They say and smile.

I take a deep breath and step into the hut with them. Syra still stayed with us but Ben made her another hut next to us. She helped of course but he wanted to keep her around in case of anything. He would still go on small trips but this didn't bother me anymore. I pull the cracknal from the drawer and slice them in small rolls. I place them on the plate neatly and pour them blue milk. I look to the meal for a moment and look to the milk. Good memories and bad memories. Sometimes I have constant replays in my head.

I shake my head and grab two fruits, slicing them and plating them on the side of the small round finger bites. I lift the plate up and hold the two cups. They look to me and I smile knowing what they want. I focus hard and the plate shift and moves slowly to the table, setting down. The two giggle and clap their hands, as I step to them and place the milk down infront of them. "When your done go and meditate." I speak and look to them both. Anakin groans slightly and take a bite of his food. Ben looks to him and hums. "Don't groan at your mother." I move and sit in the space beside Ben. It's strange to not show affection infront of your own children. Yes they get affection but I feel there's a strain when they don't see their parents love each other.

I take a breath and shift slightly closer to Ben, moving his hand over my shoulders. He slightly tenses and I look up to him. He furrows his brows slightly at me to ask 'what' all with a facial expression. I mouth 'later' and look to the kids as they eat. "So. What do you see when you meditate? Hmm?" Ben asks them and I rest my chin on my hand. Anakin speaks up. "Mostly dark because of my eyelids. But when I open them it's not dark anymore."

I let out a soft laugh and shake my head. Leia looks to her fruit and take small bites. I look to her and adjust slightly. "Leia?" I ask and she looks to me. "Mine is dark too.." My heart skips a beat and I feel Bens hand fold into a fist. "I don't know it's like something calls me." Leia says and I clear my throat. "Leia, don't feed into the darkness. You are strong and you can fight off this thing." I watch her and she looks tired. "Maybe you should rest instead. Skip meditation." I nod and she smiles softly at me. "Go on and finish up. Then go to bed. Both of you." I stand and make my way outside again hearing the quietness as well as the creatures crowing.

I place my hands to my hips and then my forehead. "Damn it." I say lightly and step over to the speeder someone asked me to work on. I open the hood and look at what is wrong. I just start getting dirty and toying with every little thing. I try my best not to get angry and try to calm my mind. Ben isn't Kylo anymore. He fought it. I'm not dark. I fought it. But I still constantly have nightmares. I feel the tingle on my spine and turn around to see Ben there, leaning against the wood of the small shack. "Are you okay?" He asks and I take a breath, rubbing my forehead with my wrist and then taking a cloth, wiping my hands off.

"Anakin spoke to me. The day I left and came here. He said they'd choose their own paths. What if she chooses the dark Ben?" I look to him and close the hood of the speeder. He shakes his head and steps to me. "She won't. She has no reason. We love her and Anakin both." I sit against the vehicle and cross my legs and arms. He steps where my legs are between his.

"I think we should take them back.." he looks to me and I furrow my brows. "To the base. So they can be trained properly. Because you can only train them so much." I look up to him and sigh. "What if that triggers something in Leia? Her parents leaving her? That's what happened to us." I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh softly. "We could visit and stay there for a week and always be with them Karva. You know it's the right decision.." Ben speaks to me and I purse my lips. "Yeah, you are right." I look to him for a moment and he does the same. I feel my heart quicken and I finally speak up. "I'll send a hologram to them." He nods and steps back so I can stand up.

I make my way over to the station and look over at him as he steps over. "You should do it. You have a better voice then me." I speak and he lets out a chuckle. "Are you complimenting me?" I shrug and lean against the wood, clasping my hands together. He starts speaking and I look down to my boots. "Hello. This is Ben Solo. Both Karva and I think it's time for our children to be trained properly. They are both force sensitive. We will just need someone to come and pick us up. Safe travels and may the force be with you." He turns it off and sends it. I pull the head up and look to him. "I've never heard you say that." I let out a laugh and he rolls his eyes like a child.

"You always use to think it was dumb. In school and when we finally got back from where we were." I smile and he looks to me. "From what I remember, you were the one who was so skilled you would always say it to everything. Even if a rock was to be kicked by your boot." I part my lips and hit him in the chest. "That's very rude." He shrugs and lets out a laugh. I smile and shake my head. "Cmon. Let us go inside." I step over and he follows along. I step into the room and he takes a seat on the bed. I step into the bathroom and turn the over head on. I wash my body and hair, ridding it of the dirt.

I step out and pull a towel over my body, stepping into the bedroom. I look through the clothing and just opt for one of Bens softer shirts that come down to my mid thigh. I look to him as he moves his head slightly like he was looking at me. I step back into the bathroom and take it off, pulling the fabric over my head. I step out again and he is peeling off his clothing. I look over slightly and take a gander at his body. He's beautiful and I hate myself for thinking these things. He looks to me and I can see his lip slightly curve up as he looks down at his boots. I step from the room and step to the children's room.

I look to anakin and tuck him in. He's already asleep. I place my hand over his forehead and I can feel that he is dreaming of greatness. The light force. He just needs to relax when we train. I look to Leia who is asleep as well. I step over and pull her cover up slightly. I look at the purple glow that's in her hand. How did she get that? I shake my head slightly and place my hand over her forehead. Her dreams are horrid. Ones I have once dreamed. I clench my jaw and my eyes shut as I try to pull that from the pores of her skin resulting in them all coming back to my mind. I part my lips slightly, feeling my lip quiver. I now see that her dreams of light are of us. All of us together. Everyone. Her ancestors and all.

I stand and then feel slightly dizzy. That will hopefully give her the sleep she needs tonight. I step towards my bedroom again, my hand on the wall to give me leverage. I stop at the door way and see Ben with damp hair and pants on his body. I watch him as he pushes his hair back. I'm exhausted now. It takes everything out of my body to try and rid my child's mind. I lean my head against the doorway and close my eyes. I hear the shuffle and feel the hands onto my waist and cheek. "What'd you do?" Ben asks me and I roll my head back to look to him. "I wanted her mind to be clear." He shakes his head and pulls me slowly towards him. My tired eyes just wanting to hug him so badly.

So I do. I hug him so tightly and dig my fingertips in him as if I'm about to fall through the floor. I don't feel arms around me for a minute and then they envelop me, holding my head against his chest and his other around my waist. My mind is clearing up slightly and I look up at him. His eyes have something in them. He just took some of the horrible memories from me as well as the horrible feeling. So he is feeling it too. I place my forehead against his chest, feeling it fall and rise. "You didn't have to do that." I speak and he rubs my back slightly. "Be quiet." He speaks to me softly and lifts me up, laying me into the bed. He then moves to lay beside me.

"You're a good mother." He says and I hum. "You're a good father." I lay on my stomach and lift one leg up, holding my arms under me and close to my chest. "And next time you read my mind I'm going to cut your head off." I smile softly with my eyes close. "You were the one staring.." he says and I open one eye. "You were too." I close my eyes again and he lays onto his back, placing his hand against my thigh that is propped up. All I get in return is a soft laugh and it's enough to make me fall asleep.


The next day I hear a ship outside. Ben let me sleep in from the way the blinds are closed. I sit up and rub my eyes, moving to pull up leather pants and boots. I just tuck in the baggy shirt and step out of the room, pulling my hair up. I step outside and look to see someone step out of a space craft. Only to see the one and only Poe Dameron. I let out a laugh and look to him. "Well well well." I speak and he smiles. "Karva." He nods once and then I give him a big hug. "Gosh I've missed you." I let out a laugh and hear a voice clear from behind. I stop hugging and look at Ben with the kids and cases to hold our clothing. "Dameron." He nods once and I raise my brow. Is he jealous? "Ben." He smiles and nods. "So. You guys are coming?" I nod. "Of course. I birthed these babies."

We get on the ship and I look to my children. "Why do you look so scared my love?" I ask the children and kneel down infront of them. "We don't want you to leave." I hum and look to both of them. "We will come for a week every month and we will see how much progress you've made. My loves. Just because we are doing this does not mean we don't love you. We want you to be the strongest there is. But if you choose to leave the force that's fine too. You always have a choice." I kiss both of their cheeks and smile. "And if you ever need us you can always send us a hologram." I nod and they both smile. "It's your first adventure ever. And plus this is where I met your father." I nod and look back to Ben who watches us. "We were both kids then though."

Leia speaks up. "But now you are madly in love." I nod and look to her. "Yes. Madly in love." I smile and stand up, moving to sit next to Ben, holding his hand in mine. It's simple gestures just to show the children we are okay. We are lying though. But deep down I know I'm not..


We had arrived a few hours ago. Apparently there was going to be a feast tonight for our arrival and I honestly haven't done one of these in forever. I have nothing to wear neither. Ben is with the children today. He's watching how they will be trained. So I take it upon myself to venture off.

I'm wearing all black which is fitting because that's what I use to wear all the time. Master Jedis wear it. I use to be able to count on my hand how many would wear black but now I see several. I step until I see someone familiar. I put my differences aside and step to her. "Rey." I smile and she looks to me with a smile. "Karva." She envelops me into a hug and I let out a soft laugh. "It's been too long old friend." Rey speaks and I nod. "It has. About the feast tonight. What am I suppose to wear?" She nods and hums. "I have it sorted already. I have several for you to choose from." She furrows her forehead and I nod.

"Perfect." I smile and nod, placing my hands together. "You should check out the new training room." I hum and furrow my brows. "I will do that. Thank you." I leave her and step back to my room. I haven't touched my lightsaber in a long time. I look to my bag and take a seat. I shake my leg slightly, bouncing it up and down. I take a breath and bite at my cheek. I get up and grab a box, sitting back down and tilt my head from side to side. I close my hands, making the knuckles pop. I open the box and look to see the hilt. I take a breath and go to close it but stop, shaking my head. "Don't be scared Karva." I say to myself and take the hilt. I drop the box and everything that's happened flashes before my eyes. I grip it tighter and I close my eyes harshly.

I stand up and breathe, making my way to the training room. It's empty and gray with only some light. I open my lightsaber to see the purple color. Then it starts. There is a hologram that steps out and I slice through him easily, the hologram disbursing in fake particles. Several then step out and I start slicing through them again. I move and the wall blocks pull out as I hop up with each run parkouring up and flipping of and slicing through the last one. My right hand is placed firmly on the ground and the saber pointed back. I hear another lightsaber and I look to my right to see Ben stood there in all black as well with the shine of his saber on him. I raise a brow and stand up, watching him.

"Show me what you got." He says slyly and I watch him as he starts walking around me. I watch him and start stepping as well. I look to his saber and he steps forward quickly to strike which my reflex quickly forces my saber against his. I look to him and shove it back, striking several times. He force pushes me back but my feet stay to the floor. I try my best to push against it and then force push his saber from his hand. He does the same for me and I start running at him. He pulls his hand up to stop me, making my back hit against the wall. I'm practically bonded together. He steps to me and stops holding me together. He placed his hand against my throat and moves my head to make me look up at him.

His breathing is heavy and so is mine. My blood pulsing and I'm sure he can feel how fast my heart is going. He only puts the slightest pressure, making my lips part slightly. The air feels so heavy between us. He clenches his jaw and I watch his eyes look over my features. "Will you just do it already." I practically beg quietly. He then crashes his lips to mine, moving his hands to lace within my hair. I've been waiting for this for awhile. I move my lips against his and hold his hips, holding him closer to me. He pulls away softly and places his forehead to mine. I place my right hand against his heart and he moves his right hand and holds it against mine, moving it so our palms are against one another.

It's like electricity when our hands are touching. I look into his eyes as he looks into mine. "We should go." Ben says and I nod. He kisses my lips once more and I savor it. We start walking together and I force pull my hilt and he does as well. We click them to our belt and he starts walking along side of me. He glances to me and I glance up at him. In one swift move he pulls me over his shoulder and I let out a Yelp, gripping onto the black leather vest. "Ben!" I let out a laugh and he picks up his pace, sliding down the hall and turns the corner.

He ducks up into our room due to his tall stature. He grabs his hilt and tosses it to the side, laying me onto the bed slightly harsh. He grabs mine off of my belt, making me lift up slightly, tossing it to the side as well. I look to him and feel my heart almost coming out of my chest. He leans down and kisses me deeply. I cup his cheeks and move my lips against his. He moves his lips against my body and I tilt my head to the side. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and he takes it upon hisself to take my vest and shirt off of me.

He looks down at me and I undo his vest and he also pulls both off. He looks down at me I'm utter awe. My chest is bare as he stands and pulls my boots as well as my pants down my body. He kicks his boots off and I watch his every move. He pushes his hair back and undoes the waist band before pushing them down. We don't need anything before because I want him so badly as it is. Just the tension in the air is thick. He moves back to hover over me and places kisses against my jaw before positioning himself, moving his hips slowly into me. I gasp and move my hands to his sides, running them against his skin and up his back. He parts his lips and looks between us as he continues his movement with a slow motion.

I pull my head back and lift my legs up more around his waist. I moan out softly and he continues to move but picking up the pace slowly. He sits up slightly and holds my thigh with one hand and the other making me come up slightly. I lean on my palms and he continues. I look to his form and take harsh breaths. He places his hand against my jaw and makes me look up at him. He looks at my face and continues to move his hips. I part my lips slightly and let out a noise. We keep eye contact as he continues. He moves his thumb between my lips and I take the opportunity and hold it there in my mouth. He pulls it out and run it against my chin, then gripping my throat.

I move a hand to his wrist and hold it lightly. He lets out a breath that I could hear and he clenches his jaw. I put my head back and grip his wrist harder, rising to my high. He continues as I let out a soft cry. I feel the pressure and I throw my head back, releasing around him, letting out a moan. He continues until he groans lowly, leaving himself in. He leans down and kisses my lips softly, moving his hand to stroke my cheek. "I love you." He speaks to me and moves out of me. I am surprised by his affection.

"I love you." I say softly and he smiles, kissing me again. "I've been waiting awhile for that... Every time you were asleep, every time you would be with Anakin and Leia, and every time we would fight in the past." I watch him and purse my lips together. "A lot happened in the past.. It stays on my mind.." I say to him and he lays beside me on his side. "I was surprised when I saw you again Karva. You had grown so much and I was so different." I watch him and peck his lips softly. There's a knock on the door and I get under the covers, he does as well. "Uhm. Come in." A person brings in a rack of dresses and I make a face at them. "Lovely.." I say under my breath and Ben lets out a chuckle.

He stands up and steps to the closet pulling out an all black outfit. He starts putting it on and pushes his hair back. "I'm gonna go see Anakin and Leia. Help them get ready." I nod and he steps to me, kissing my forehead. "I'll be waiting for you." I nod and smile sweetly. "Okay."


It didn't take long to get ready. I chose a nice black dress with my boots and just let my hair lay on my shoulders. I start making my way towards the center and look to see Ben with Anakin and Leia. I smile to myself and Ben looks up at me. I hold my dress slightly and play with the fabric as I step over to them. "Momma!" They both happily say and I lean down, hugging them tight. "How is it so far?" I ask the both of them. Leia smiles and nods. "No more bad thoughts." I kiss both of their heads and look to Ben. He has the slightest smile on his lips. I stand up and he wraps an arm around my waist. "You look beautiful." He speaks in his low voice.

I look to him and he shows affection by pecking my lips. Anakin makes a noise and Leia looks at us. "I hope I find someone like momma and daddy." Anakin rolls his eyes and looks to the other children. "Can we go?.." he asks and Ben looks to me and then them. "Yes. Go." He urges them and they run along. Their little brown youngling outfits are so cute on them. I hum softly. "How would you want to move back here?.." I say lightly and Ben looks to me. "Is that what you want?" He asks and moves my hair to behind my shoulder. I nod and smile sweetly. "Yeah I think so."


I stand there looking over the city that is new. I feel arms wrap around me as I hum, leaning back against him. "Are they asleep?" I ask quietly and Ben hums with a tired nod. "Yes." He kisses my neck softly, running his hands against my stomach. "So do you want a girl or a boy?" I ask him and he hums. "I'm not sure. I'm happy with whatever we have." I nod and turn to look at him Ben. Everything we've been through added up to this moment.

I watch him for a moment and sighs softly. He is perfect to me. He places his forehead against mine and I look up to him. I place my right hand against his right hand, looking up at each other. This is just the beginning of our story.


* I know it was a long chapter but this is the end of the story. Thank you for sticking around and honestly I know it took me awhile to end it but. They deserved a good one. Thank you.*

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