Marrying the professor

By may00m

577K 16.5K 1K

Elena Parker is in her second year in college, she stays with her roommate Laura at the girl's dorm. Most of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note 3
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank you
New Story
Loving The Anti-fan

Chapter 3

20.5K 625 89
By may00m

"Hey, can I have this seat?" I didn't expect to see her now. I frowned and nodded without looking at her. I grabbed 'The Shinning' and carried on reading from where I stopped.

"Are you going to ignore me now?" Laura said while playing with a strand of her blonde hair. I ignored her comment and kept reading. "Elena, listen I know you are mad at me, but I promise you this is the last time."

I looked at her face that held some guilt, and dropped the book on the library studying table. "don't make promises that you cannot keep," I sternly looked at her. "I know that you want to have fun but sometimes you need to consider other things too. Like your study," I sighed and took the water bottle and had a gulp.

Laura stayed silent while bending her head in regret. "I know, you are right," she said while playing with the sleeve of her blouse. "I apologize if I pulled you in trouble, I know that what I did yesterday wasn't right, and I will understand if you want to give up on our friendship."

Oh my is she serious? "what makes you say that?" I asked with concern. "Well, you know, you get my ass out of trouble," she lowered her gaze, and a glitter of moisture is visible in her hazel eyes.

"I love you Laura and I care for you, don't you ever think of ending our friendship," I warned, and reached to her hand, "And because I care for you I can't leave you alone in tough situations, I don't mind getting in trouble if that means you are safe."

Laura looked at me lovingly and got up from her seat to hug me. I gently patted her back while she was sobbing. "Um, I think the librarian will probably kick us out," I said while laughing quietly.

I got up from my seat and took my book, "Oh, I heard some interesting gossip about the morning lecture," she said playfully while she opened the library door. Yeah, my boy James Collin definitely told her about the awkward class.

"Well, it depends on what he told you," I replied. We kept walking till we reached the campus garden. "Who told me what?" Laura asked confusably. "You know, James!" I answered.

"Oh no, it's not James, everyone on campus has been talking about the handsome new English teacher," she interestingly stated. "Unfortunately, he teaches me," I sighed while plucking the grass.

"No wayyy!!!" Laura excitedly clapped her hands. I wish if I were as excited as she is. But whatever, it seems that everyone is head over heels for Mr. Adam. I mean am not gonna lie he is indeed handsome, no he is even stunning, but he seems too stiff and firm.

"Whatever, I think he is too full of himself like I get it he is fine as hell, but he isn't nice at all," I frowned remembering the early morning embarrassment.

"Come on Elena, you don't know how lucky you are," she said while pouting her lips. "If I were in your place I would probably be drooling at his class."

I laughed at her comment, she always had a weak spot for handsome men. I mean who doesn't but sometimes looks betray us when the inner self turns out to be ugly.

"Anyways, did you hear the news?" she asked curiously. I shook my head in denial. "I kind of expected that, You live under the rock honey," she stated while coming close to where I sat.

"It's Caitlyn, she is engaged!!" she said while frowning. Caitlyn is engaged? I never in my life thought that this girl would get married. I mean since she changes her boyfriend every month, I don't think she stands having a husband.

"And who is the lucky guy?" I asked sarcastically but I was truly curious to know his identity. Laura stretched her arms and yawned, "Guess who!"

"I don't know is it, Andrew?" I knotted my eyebrows while trying to think who was the most insane man to marry her. "No, it's someone that doesn't go here," she said sadly. "Okay," I simply stated.

"You don't know who she is marrying? It's freaking Chase West," she said while sighing sadly. Oh, I remember this name, I just don't know where I heard it. "Chase West? His name sounds familiar," I said while trying to acknowledge where I saw it.

"He is the West empire heir and the most wanted bachelor in the country," she sighed for a thousand times today and carried on "That bitch doesn't deserve such a man."

Oh yeah, Caitlyn isn't nice to everyone at the university. She always has something to argue about, and she is always right since she comes from a wealthy family. Those kinds of families always use their money and power to prove their point, even if they are somehow wrong.

"Whatever, I have a class, I need to go," Laura quickly stood up and wiped her clothes. "Okay, good luck!" I said while giving her a thumbs up. "You too."

The fresh breeze made me want to lay on the grass all day, I really can't wait to finish this and get my degree. I mean it's still my second year, but I heartily miss Dad and can't wait to work with him at his bookstore.

I reached for my phone to see a text from James, 'Coffee?'

I replied with 'Anytime baby,' and laughed. I always mock James with nicknames and he does the same. We were at primary school when we first met, and we kept our friendship till now. I used to have a crush on him when we were at high school, I mean all the school did.

I remember the girls envying me for being James Collin's best friend. I never told him about having a crush on him, I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I stood up and lightly wiped my jeans, and headed towards 'The cozy corner'. The best place that serves coffee in the state. I genuinely need coffee right now or else I will probably be sleeping in the afternoon class.

I checked my phone to see it was 10 sharp, cool I still had two hours till the next class.

I walked for ten minutes till I reached the cafe, I texted James 'Where are you? am here.'

I entered the place and was greeted with silence and coffee aroma. No one is here apparently, I then spotted the waiter. So I chose a table at the corner and patiently waited for James. I rested my head on my hand and checked my phone to see if he replied.

The bells on the door chimed, and I glanced expecting James. It wasn't James, It was Mr. Adam.

I quickly looked away, and that's when I sensed a figure standing in front of me. "Great to see you again Miss Parker," he said politely. I looked at him and gave him a small smile, "You too Mr. Rutherford."

"May I sit here," he asked while gesturing to the seat in front of me. "Yeah, sure," I said nervously. Oh God, James where the hell are you?

"So tell me Miss Parker, or can I call you Elena? " he asked while intensely looking at my eyes. "Yes, that's fine," I stated nervously. He stayed silent for a few seconds and then took off his glasses.

"I like to get to know my students better, so that we can have better communication in class," he paused for a while before resting his hand under his chin, "You though, Elena, seem a little bit hard to understand."

I raised my sight to see him observing my face, "What is so hard to understand? I am a normal student, nothing is too hard about me," I said while raising my left eyebrow. Mr. Rutherford smiled and nodded his head, "Exactly," he stated.

I let a breath and stayed silent. It seems that Mr. Rutherford has an issue with me, maybe he didn't like me just as I did.

"Well, am here to ask you something," he said while resting his back against the chair. My amusement surely was written on my face, I barely knew this man for two hours and he was already asking for something.

Trying to stay polite as much as possible, "Feel free to ask," I said. My curiosity made me stay and listen to what he wants, but what they always say is 'the curiosity killed the cat'.

He stared at me for a few seconds before saying "Will you marry me, Miss Parker?"

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