My Revenge

By ugly_choco2005

22.2K 948 209

Anna Alejandro a simple girl who get played by the schools richest boy . She disappears after a few sudden i... More

The proposal
Happiness..... really?
Unus pro omnibus
Suicide or Revenge?
The acid#2
Final plan!!
The rape
Good samaritan
The truth
Finish me??
The ultimate checklist
Author's Note.
The prom!!
You are fired!!
Sunshine and Moonlight.
Running away
The nightmares
New Characters.
Happy Ending?


394 17 0
By ugly_choco2005

Unknown pov

"Hey flat ass! Someone's here to see ya. And by the way, how come you never told me you had such a sexy babe?"

I look at him with a has-the-drug-finally-gotten-to-your-head look. Who the fuck is he talking about.

"Firstly, stop fucking calling me flat ass. I bet I got a whole lot more than your mama do." I guffaws at this, I ignore it and instead continue.

"Secondly, who are you talking about. As far as I know, the only babe I have or had in this case, I haven't seen her for five years.

He looks at me suspiciously. Maybe he thinks am trying to hide meat from him.

"Ohh please, you don't get to look at me like am lying to you. You know I would never hide meat from you!"

He seems convinced a little bit and just went on to tell me that a woman was here for me and left.

Who could this woman be? My heart fills up with hope that finally my love has finally come. But how could it be her? The last time I saw Anna, she wasn't really in a "am going to survive this,surely" position.

Either ways, I have to find out if it truly is the one I have been waiting for.


"What I am trying to tell you is that I can get you out of this hell hole and into the real world. Just do the work I want you to do. Or don't you want to take revenge on the sole cause of you being here. Don't you want to get back the girl you love."

I was seated in the visitor's section of the prison with a woman that I'd swear I have never met before. The confusing and most suspicious thing is that she knows literally everything about Anna. Who could she be. She might even be a detective pretending to be on my side so he can get news of Anna. Not on my watch bitch.

"Look, there is no need to fucking kid with me here", I begin angrily," I don't know what you are talking about. Who is this Anna in the first place?"

"Look Luise." How does she know my name. "I know Anna better than anyone. I failed her once before and now I am back to help her again. I know she went in the wrong path, but it was all my fault and now I want to revenge for her. I know you hate Drew. That damn asshole made life a living hell for her five years ago and now, he is about to destroy her again. I need you to help me. I know you hate him too and this is your chance to get out of jail and back at him too." She says softly but with a slight hint of desperation. I contemplate on what she said and she might be right but how exactly to I fall into the picture?

That is exactly what I ask her. She smirks like she was expecting the question" I need your help. You have the weaponry. You have the connections and I have the brain and ideas. You know the saying, a problem shared is a problem solved. You are the only one capable of helping me at this point." She sighs" are you with me in this Luise? Remember, freedom, shelter, food and a job."

All these sounds like a fairytale. And I will be able to finally save Anna now. That is if she still alive though. If not I would be happy to destroy Drew.

I nod my head and she smiles triumphantly. She pulls out a document from her bag and hands it over to me. I look at her, the obvious question in my eyes.

"This here is a contract. If you read it you will find all the rules I have. They are not too stressful though, just the do's and don'ts. In it you will also find your address and cheque. I will leave it with you today. Please read it carefully because once you sign it, there is no going back." She says with dead seriousness and turns to walk away.

I wonder. She carries this aura of danger and power. Well I don't care. I am used to it all. But wait I haven't gotten her name. I think aloud. She must have heard because she turns around, and with a deadly smile," you just call me shadow." And she disappears leaving me with a name just as mysterious as she is.

There is something am confused about though. Why is she obsessed with having revenge on Drew?

Who is shadow,really?


Hey guys!! I am so sorry that my updating has been so horrible.

School started and somehow I hot my phone seized by my mom. YAY!!(notice my sarcasm).

Now I only get my phone during the weekends. So please bear with me. For those who don't know, this book, My Revenge is ending. This is the last chapter of MR. But not to worry, book two Forgiveness: love and death is coming out soon.

How are y'all BTW. Live has been hard for me lately in many ways but one.

I hope you are all right.
Let's hope that the covid disappears soon enough and everybody becomes ok.

I have word thought at times. What if the next pandemic is zombies? I would live in a basement forever.

Thanks a lot to all who are still with me here.

Love y'all.

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