Jin's one of a kind sister

By nicefosterbts

38.4K 1K 62

Wonjin: just a warning, you are the only girl in our department, so just be prepared You: what do you mean Wo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 9

1.7K 47 3
By nicefosterbts

You woke up and you looked around. Y/n was still asleep on your chest

Jungkook and Tae were on the other couch. Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin were asleep on the floor. Yoongi must've gone to his room. you grabbed your phone off the table and you looked at the time it was 8 am. you didn't want to wake up Y/n so you looked through social media as you waited for people to wake up. the fist one up was Jin. he sat up and looked around

You: everyone else is still sleeping

he looked at you and noticed Y/n

Jin: she must've been really tired if she's still sleeping

You: hyung can you help me

Jin: oh heck to the no she's more cranky than Yoongi when someone wakes her up. when we were still living together I was at risk to get a black eye every morning

You look down at y/n

You: she looks harmless

Jin: then you wake her up

he gets up and leaves the room. you let out a sigh. you slightly shake y/n trying to wake her up, but it didn't work

You: Y/n wake up

she moved slightly but stayed silent. you moved, trying to move her off you. her eyes open and she looks at you, correction she glares at you.

You: ok, I won't move

she closes her eyes again. you laid your head back down giving up

Namjoon: wow you look comfortable

you look at him

You: I need to go to the bathroom

Namjoon: so wake her up

You: I don't even want to attempt that again, she's scary

Namjoon laughs and stands up. he walks over to you and picks up y/n. her eyes open, but close again after Namjoon pulls her against his chest, carrying her. You get up and you run to the bathroom needing to go badly

Y/n POV: when you heard Hobi running out of the room you smiled

You: he's so cute

You whispered quietly

Namjoon: what did you say?

you ignored him and just held onto him tighter

Namjoon: Y/n you really should stay awake

he tries putting you down, but you just held on tighter not wanting to leave the warmth

Namjoon: Y/n, let go

he forcefully detached himself from your grip making you stand on your own. You looked up and him and you glared

Namjoon: don't give me that look

You took a step closer to him and you stomped hard on his foot. he silently screamed, as you walked away from him. You go into the kitchen and you hear a faint scream from the living room you smirked and you sat down at the counter, watching Jin cook

Jin: who woke you up?

You: Joon

Jin: what did you do

You: nothing


you put your hand over your mouth trying to hide your laughter

Jin: Y/N!

You: what he should not to wake me up. Hobi called me scary after he attempted to wake me up

Namjoon: Jin, your sister IS THE DEVIL!

You: aww thank you joonie

soon everyone was in the dining room eating breakfast

Jungkook: Y/n you don't have work today right

You: nope

Jimin: we should go shopping!


Jungkook: I GO TOO

You laughed

You: sure, why not

You grabbed your bag and you go into the bathroom. You put on your jeans but you decided to keep on Hobi's hoodie. You didn't know why but you felt happy while wearing it. You put on your socks and you leave the bathroom after brushing your hair. You grabbed your car keys

You: Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook My car, I'm driving!


Namjoon: And ME!

You: 1 Jin you're my brother, 2 Namjoon you're my friend already and we hang out often let someone else have a turn

Hobi: I Call shotgun!

You and Hobi both run out to your car with the other 2 following. You put your bag in the trunk and you get into the drivers seat. Hobi was hooking his phone up to the aux cord, while Jimin and Jungkook were arguing what song to play first

Hobi: Y/N pick a song to play

You: Blueming by IU

Jungkook: IU!!!!!!

You: Jungkook shut the hell up before I leave you on the streets

Jungkook: sorry

Once you get to the mall, the boys put on their masks and hats. you put on a mask and you walk in. The others soon joined. Tae runs off to the Gucci store, Jungkook goes to buy new timberlands, you and Hobi were walking together looking for tie-dye shirts. Jimin was with Namjoon and Jin was off somewhere.

Hobi: wait what about this one

he hold up a purple and blue shirt up

You: oo, I like that one, it would make a pretty crop top

Hobi: How many crop tops you have

You: Not that many but tie-dye crop tops look so cute

Hobi: why can't you just leave it as it is?

You: because why not customize it to be my own

Hobi: fair point

You: hey Hobi, when we get back home could you teach me a new dance

Hobi: which one

You: Fire

Hobi: sure, that one isn't that bad

You: I'm going to get this one

Hobi: so, question

You hummed in response after you paid for your shirt

Hobi: Have you ever had a boyfriend?

You: I've had one before but Jin and Namjoon beat up his ass after he cheated on me with my best friend. I haven't had a boyfriend sense 2016

Hobi: Wow he's a jerk

You: yep, we dated for 3 years

Hobi: dang

You: have you ever been in a relationship

Hobi: I was when I was young but that was in middle school

You: yeah that doesn't count, have you at least liked anyone

Hobi: actually yes

You: oooo who!?

Hobi: I'm not telling

You: Why not

Hobi: because it's a secret

You: But we're friends

you elbowed him, while smiling underneath your mask

Hobi: it's a secret, I'm not telling. Let's go find the others

You: wait, I want to get new sweat pants

Hobi: ok

You: let's go to the adias store

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