Black Lightning: Overload

By kamjaxson

2.6K 148 11

In this story Jeff, Jenn, & Anissa race against the clock to track down their team and bring them back safe... More

Chapter 1: Holey Moley
Chapter 2: The New Discovery
Chapter 3: The Last Favor
Chapter 4: Night of the Living Controllers
Chapter 5: Survival of the Powerless
Chapter 6: The Interrogation
Chapter 7: The Book Of Elements ~ Fire & Ice
Chapter 8: The Book Of Elements ~ Earth As A Person
Chapter 9: The Book Of Elements ~ Recharged
Chapter 10: The Book of Second Epiphanies
Chapter 11: The Book of War ~ Part 1
Chapter 12: The Book of War ~ Part 2
Chapter 13: Back To Life
Chapter 14: The Hostages ~ Part 1
Chapter 15: The Hostages ~ Part 2
Chapter 16: Jenn Overloaded
Chapter 18: Finale ~ Part 1
Chapter 19: Finale ~ Part 2
Chapter 20: Finale ~ Part 3
New Book Alert!!!!!!

Chapter 17: Guess Who's Back?

100 5 0
By kamjaxson

"Ok fellas back inside before she changes her mind and starts a war", Jeff says.

The boys turn and go back into the sanctum. They all sit down, lost for words.

"We've got no chance.", Brandon says.

"You don't know that", Jeff says.

"I agree with him, Mr. P, we can't go up against those girls, Jenn was able to fight all of us by herself, now she has 5 more girls with powers, 4 if you don't count Ms. P", Khalil says.

"And it's six of us here, with powers, 5 if don't count Gambi", Jeff says, "We're equal, all we have to do is get our girls back then take down Jenn".

"And how do you suppose we do that?", Dionte says.

"I've got a plan", Jeff says.

"But it has to wait, let's find out what Jenn is planning, then go from there, but for now, we have to tend to the stuff happening in the streets of Freeland", Gambi says.

"And what's happening in Freeland?", Jeff asks.

"Well a common drug lord, is developing a new kind of drug, I don't want to just destroy his facility, but I think we can talk to him first see if he would pull the plug on the whole operation, if not we'll blow the place up", Gambi says.

"And may I ask, who this Mystery Person is?", Jeff says.

"I don't know but I have his location", Gambi replies.

"Well let's move out, Khalil you and Dionte go to the facility and start evacuating people, any body steps in your way, you take them out, wait for my signal to blow the place up if it comes to it.", Jeff says.

Khalil and Dionte grab their mission bags and walk out.

"Brandon and TC, you two are with me, might have to shake him up, or throw him around to see eye to eye", Jeff says, "Gambi send us his location, and send Khalil the location of the facility."

Jeff walks out the door, Brandon and TC following. Jeff takes off into the sky, Brandon and TC hop on Dirt Bikes and follow behind. When they arrive to the Mystery persons penthouse, Jeff bracelet starts going off. 

"Everything okay, Mr. Pierce?", Brandon asks.

"Yeah but I think I know who this Mystery man is!", Jeff says walking into the building.

They get on the elevator and go to the highest floor, when the doors open there's a man sitting with his back facing them.

"I see someone is back in the game", Jeff says.

"Back", the man laughs, "I never left!".

"You surely had an off season then, thanks to me and my team", Jeff says.

"Oh Black Lightning, How I'm glad to hear an older negros voice again", the man says turning around.

"Tobias, we both know, if it wasn't for your injections you'll be walking around frail", Jeff starts, "Actually, you wouldn't be walking around at all".

"May I ask why you payed me a visit", Tobias says.

"You're creating a new drug, I don't know or care what it is but it's not coming out onto these streets", Jeff says.

"But this is a harmless drug", Tobias says.

"No drugs are harmless", Jeff says.

"On the contrary, you have your Ibuprofen, Aspirins, etc", Tobias replies.

"Well let me be more clear, None of Tobias Whales drug are harmless", Jeff says.

"Now I can't argue with that, but this time it's different", Tobias says.

"How?", Jeff says.

"It's sort of a painkiller if you may", Tobias says.

"The last time you made some painkiller it didn't turn out good for anybody", Jeff says

"It turned out good for me", Tobias says.

"So you're making a virus", Jeff says.

"In the form of a pill", Tobias says. 

"Are they flammable?", Jeff asks.

"Maybe", Tobias says.

"Yes or No", Jeff says, "I got two teammates there ready to blow the place up".

"Blow the place up if you want, I'm not agreeing to stop making painkiller", Tobias says. 

"Oh, that was the plan", Jeff says, "Now!', he says into his watch.

Over at the Facility, Khalil is walking out with the last Factory Worker. He waits until the workers are out of smoke distance and looks up at Dionte and nods. Dionte throws 2 fire balls at the facility. The factory blows up, and send a big wind gust.

"It's done", Jeff says.

"Perfect", Tobias says.

"Why is that perfect!", Brandon says.

"When you blow up a factory full of pills, it turns into a dust like chemical, which you just gave to some of your teammates", Tobias says standing up.

"What?", Jeff says.

"There is a cure though", Tobias says about to walk out.

"Where?", Jeff says.

"We've talked for too long", Tobias says. 

Brandon starts shaking the ground, Tobias starts stumbling, TC holds out his hand and pulls a chair to Tobias. Tobias falls into the chair. 

"He asked you a question", TC says.

"There's three and only three samples", Tobias says.

"Why would you only make three?", Brandon asks.

"Just incase I got infected, Three strikes and I'm out", Tobias says.

"Too late for you to use those, hand them over, and you won't go back into the vault", Jeff says.

"See I just love when an old negro, finally grows some balls and pose a real threat", Tobias says throwing him a brief case.

"How do we use them?", Jeff asks.

"As darts", Tobias says.

"Thanks", Jeff says turning and walking away.

"You're not welcome", Tobias says.

"Fix your chandelier", TC says.

"Why?", Tobias replies.

"It's broken", TC says holding out his hand and pulling it out of the ceiling.

When they get back to the sanctum, Gambi is watching a monitor.

"Good Job, Khalil and Dionte destroyed the facility without getting anyone hurt", Gambi says.

"Not exactly", Jeff says.

"What do you mean?", Gambi asks.

"When Khalil and Dionte destroyed the facility the pills let out a dust cloud of poisonous painkiller", Jeff starts.

"Painkiller, that's what Tobias is making?", Gambi says.

"Yeah, and when it turned into a dust cloud, Khalil and Dionte possibly got infected", Jeff says.

"So they have Painkiller", Gambi asks.

"Maybe, but we have a cure to kill painkiller, Tobias gave us three samples, 2 for Dionte and Khalil and the last one for....", Jeff starts, pulling out one of the samples.

"Jenn!", Brandon finishes.

"Yeah, but we have to hurry they'll be here any minute now", Jeff says.

"How do we insert it into them", Gambi asks.

"With a dart gun", TC says.

 "You insert into a dart gun and shoot them with it, but be careful we only have three" Jeff says about to give Gambi the sample.

Just then a knife flies through the small bottle shattering spilling all the serum.

"That's 1 Down", Khalil says walking in with Dionte.

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