DEAR JULIETTE ā–¹ Anthony Bridg...

By hhypnos

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"My final letters, were they read? Or were they written in vain?" Although born in France, Juliette Villeneuv... More



37.8K 1.3K 350
By hhypnos

chapter eight

THE GRAND WINDOW IN HER BEDROOM OVERLOOKED GROSVENOR SQUARE and its frequent bustling nature. The wooden chair she was sat upon rudely dug into her skin, however, she was too fixed on the affairs of the square to notice. As usual, members of the high society mingled amongst themselves, laughing elegantly and spreading tales. The afternoon of the Crawford Ball was no exception.

Anne's nimble fingers stroked through the soft locks of Juliette's brown hair, releasing a chill down her spine. The feeling was closely followed by a sensation of comfort. Her lady's maid stood at the back of the chair, brushing through the tangles her hair acquired throughout the day.

They did not speak of what happened during the early hours of that morning when the moon hung high in the sky. Those were not events Anne dared to inquire nor was it words that Juliette had the strength to release. So, instead of saying anything, Anne delicately worked on Juliette's hair for the Crawford Ball while Juliette sat in silence, revelling in the comfort.

Once Anne was done, she handed a small hand mirror to Juliette. She asked, "Is it to your liking, Miss?"

A small gasp fell from her pink lips as she looked at herself in the mirror. Anne had outdone herself once again. A light rouge brightened her cheeks and the small diamond embellishments in her hair heightened the green specks of her brown eyes.

"Anne," Juliette smiled as she lightly touched the intricately styled updo donned with precious gems. "You always do such wonders."

"I try my best, Miss."

An elegant laugh graced the air of her bedroom.

Still enamoured by her appearance, Juliette said, genuinely, "Thank you, Anne."

Anne cleared her throat. Through the reflection in the mirror, Juliette noticed how Anne's eyebrows furrowed and how she bit her lip, as if deep in thought. The blonde lady's maid had been by Juliette's side since she was nine, and hadn't strayed. Anne was a constant in her life. Through her years in Paris to her summers spent in London, Anne was there. So, when Juliette expressed her gratitude, it exceeded the intricate hairstyle and rouge cheeks. She may not have disclosed it specifically, yet Anne knew.

"Juliette, I must ask as you are a dear friend, are you alright?"

"I'm quite well." Even though the words were freed from her own lips, Juliette struggled to believe they were of the truth. The lie hung heavy in the late afternoon air. She forcibly swallowed the remnants of the deception that sat heavily on her tongue.

Juliette refrained from turning to look Anne in the eye. Instead, she remained fixated on the mirror and the reflections it bestowed. The expression dancing on Anne's soft features explained it all. Juliette's weak words of deceit did not surpass Anne's instincts and cunning wit.

"I worry about you," Anne's voice was quiet, nearly going unheard by Juliette's ears. The blonde woman's delicate fingers fixed a strand of Juliette's hair that had fallen loose.

The sincerity in her tone tugged at Juliette's heart. A frown briefly flickered on her pink lips and her throat tightened. Quickly, Juliette forced a strained smile.

"I appreciate the concern, Anne. But, I must assure you, there is no need to worry."

. . .

The Crawford Ball was a dazzling sight to see. An array of candleholders were spread across the ballroom and held flickering flames. In which, the light of the small fires beautifully danced upon the pale walls and glinted in the precious jewels worn by elegant women. Immediately, the large centrepiece of white and pink roses caught Juliette's eye. A curtain of dangling crystals hung around the flowers, reflecting the lowlight of the candlelight. However, the beauty of the centrepiece was no rival to the captivating smiles worn by the ladies as they enchanted the men.

Lord and Lady DuBois were hooked on an arm of Juliette's as they escorted her around the ballroom. Promptly into their rounds, Lord DuBois bade the two a farewell once he saw the sight of a dear friend, whom he said had a very promising son. Juliette knew her uncle's intentions were well, however, she also knew the ageing man grew easily tired of balls and other celebrations. She did not blame him for yearning a quick escape from the formalities of such an event.

The captivating diamond, Daphne Bridgerton herself, entered on the Ball hooked on Anthony's arm. Her frock was an innocent white with glimmering gems embellished the bust. The precious diamonds that hung from her ears swayed as she moved and shimmered in the candlelight, earning the attention of wandering glances. Closely following behind was Lady Bridgerton accompanied by her two sons, Benedict and Colin.

Instantly, the Duke of Hastings swept in like an impatient vulture and led Daphne away from her family, towards the dance floor. Juliette was thrilled for her dear friend. It appears as if the Duke held an interest in the girl. Before the season ends, perhaps Daphne will be a duchess.

Juliette and her aunt continued on their rounds. Every so often, they would be halted by a charming young man, eager to make discussion with Juliette. They all offered words of kindness as well as remarks which fuelled Juliette's confidence. However, other than bundles of compliments and weak conversation, Juliette was bored. Each man was nearly identical to the last: dull and boastful of material things. Juliette desired a connection, not wealth. So, each time, Juliette politely excused herself and her aunt.

She found herself searching for Lord Blackwood in the crowd. Yet, to no avail, his stunning grey eyes and unruly hair was nowhere to be seen. Juliette fought a frown from appearing on her face. The elaborate facade of elegance she has fabricated will not be disrupted nor tarnished by a man.

"Catherine, Juliette," Lady Bridgerton greeted, approaching the two. The older woman halted Juliette and Lady DuBois in their rounds. She donned a kind smile. "May I say, Juliette, you have grown to be a magnificent young lady. My sincerest apology that we haven't reacquainted since your arrival. The social season has kept us all on our toes."

"Lady Bridgerton, it's such a delight seeing you after so long," Juliette truthfully. She couldn't help the wide grin blessing her sweet features.

Years before, when Juliette would visit London during the summer months, she would often frequent the Bridgerton house when she wasn't with her extended family. Not only due to the once inseparable nature she shared with Anthony, but also because Lady Bridgerton yielded the same aura as her late mother. The mother of eight was quick to welcome Juliette into her home with a warm heart and open arms.

"Oh! Juliette, please call me Violet," Lady Bridgerton expressed, resting her hand over her heart. She sent Juliette an endearing look, one that warmed her heart greatly. "We have known one another far too long for such formalities. You are, in essence, family."

"Yes, of course, Violet."

Glancing briefly at both Juliette and Lady DuBois, Lady Bridgerton's tone was light and chipper as she declared, "I shall invite you both for some tea in the upcoming weeks. A chance for us all to catch up, and do what us ladies do the best, talk."

"It would be a pleasure. I do enjoy those little biscuits your chef prepares, truly divine," Lady DuBois answered. With raised brows and an impish grin, Lady DuBois played with her following words lightly, "If the recipe card were to disappear suddenly, it surely wouldn't be my doing!"

Lady Bridgerton and Lady DuBois erupted into a soft fit of giggles.

"Catherine, care to join me in fetching some refreshments?" Lady Bridgerton asked Lady DuBois, motioning her hand to the refreshment table little ways away. "I'm sure Juliette would appreciate some time to mingle."

Juliette may have been misguided, but for a fleeting moment, it seemed as if a glint of mischief flashed eagerly in Lady Bridgerton's eyes. Juliette ignored the thought.

The two ladies bade Juliette their farewells, heading towards the refreshment table. As they moved through the crowd, Juliette could hear the remnants of their elegant laughs and joyous conversation.

As of yet, Lord Blackwood was nowhere in sight. Juliette refused to allow that to put a damper on her mood.

Juliette stood near the pale wall, eyeing the ladies and gentlemen dancing. A sliver of longing arose as she yearned to dance, to be spun while the worries of her world melted away for the slightest of moments. Daphne and the Duke stared deeply into each other's soul as they followed the beat of the orchestra. They stared deeply with what Juliette could only recognize as a budding admire, a budding love. Her heart softened at the sight.

"Lord Blackwood hasn't yet arrived, has he?" The voice was velvety and unexpected, sending a chilling sensation to crawl up her spine. She jumped slightly and her heart fluttered at his smooth voice. Juliette despised the power he had over her, even after all the pain he caused.

Anthony did not deserve such power.

Juliette refused to steal a glance at Anthony as he stood to her left. She fixed her gaze on the dancing Duke and Daphne. Devoid of any emotion, she stated, "No."

"A shame, isn't it?" He snickered with what seemed like euphoria heavy on his tongue. Surely, even a blind man could see the joy Anthony was relishing in at the current moment.

Juliette refrained from inelegantly rolling her eyes at his provoking words. A coldness remained in her chest from their conversation the other night at Vauxhall.

"Oh, please, sound happier," Juliette said, her tone thick with sarcasm.

"It's not a sin to be happy, is it?" He questioned, wielding a false sense of innocence.

Juliette quickly turned to face him, the skirt of his pale blue dress twirled at her ankles from the sudden motion. She sent him a stern look as she was unimpressed by his comment. Anthony appeared unfazed by the displeased glare, releasing a small snort at the sight.

Juliette scoffed, "Your happiness is at the expense of my misery."

"I am simply being mindful of the company you keep." He offered a smug tight-lipped smirk and took a sip of his drink.

His behaviour frustrated her as well as caused unwanted emotions to arise. Annoyed, she queried, "What is it to you?"

"Lord Ainsworth is a despicable man who does not merit your time," he stated blandly, raising his brows in emphasis.

"What of Lord Blackwood then? From what I've experienced, he is worth my time. He is kind, handsome, and he brought me flowers" Juliette's rant was hastily interrupted.

"He cannot provide you the life in which you deserve," he claimed, finding strength behind his words.

"And who can? You?" Juliette questioned in a snapping manner.

She studied his face, searching for any form of emotion lingering at her words. Anthony's brows were furrowed, deep in thought. Releasing a soft breath, his lips twitched as if yearning to spill his heart's desires. A burning sensation ate away at Juliette's rouge cheeks, as his gaze was fixated on her. His eyes travelled every feature, following every line and curvature of the face he knew too well. Juliette's heart ached at the action. Under his burning gaze, Juliette's skin was under attack by fiery desire and she felt removed from the world. She wanted to step closer, to study the finer details of his beauty, but she refrained. Moments passed as they stood under a thick silence, and once again, Anthony did what he did best.

Anthony failed to answer.

"Silence, of course. I would be a fool to expect anything else," she muttered. Juliette ignored the riddled emotion flashing alongside the glint of candlelight in his brown eyes. A craving to solve the puzzling emotions attacked her brain, but she knew it was not worth the pain. In her peripheral vision, the familiar form of Lord Blackwood mosied around the room. "Please, excuse me, Lord Bridgerton, it appears as if Lord Blackwood has arrived."

With a forced smile, Juliette nodded at the Viscount and went to leave. A frown flickered on his once smug guise. The sight blessed her heart.

"Oh," she gasped as if she nearly forgot something of importance. Turning around to face Anthony once again, she advised, "Try not to glare too harshly nor too long at the Duke dancing with your sister, you may simply combust."

. . .

rose's notes

Woohoo, double update! Happy Friday everyone :)

Violet is being kinda shady... I wonder what that's about... 🤔

I hope you enjoyed chapter 8! If so, please vote and comment! I always love hearing what your thoughts and opinions are! <3

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