[ON HOLD] The Love no one can...

By atwonyoungstan

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Please note this: - This story is fictional - This story isn't meant to break or torn the image of the idol ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
My Apologies
Chapter 4

Special Chapter

139 3 0
By atwonyoungstan

Hello everyone! Me and my friend made this scene so he wished to name "Y/n" as Phoenix (Note: My friend is the main character. He's Phoenix). 

Please Enjoy! :)


Phoenix sighs "It's our wedding anniversary today... What do I do..."

Minho playing Valorant and drops the controller "God dangit"

Phoenix looks "Why Lil bro?"

Minho looks "Oh I just lost the game"

Phoenix nods slowly and sighs

Minho stands up and sits beside him "You okay?"

Phoenix sighs "It's just that..." hold his head "It's Sakura and my Wedding anniversary. I don't know what to do..."

Minho looks at his calendar on his phone "Oh yeah" keeps his phone "Well, what does noona like to do?"

Phoenix looks "Well... She loves to eat, sleep, play, cuddle and be competitive"

Minho chuckled "It's okay I have a horny wife too don't worry"

Phoenix chuckled and nods "Yeah.. mostly that's it"

Minho "Where did you two go last year? For your Wedding Anniversary"

Phoenix thinks "we we're just here. We didn't have anything but a dinner"

Minho smiles "Take her to a date! Even though its simple, we'll try to help"

Phoenix tilt his head

Orochi and Kazuma raises their hand "we're here!"

Phoenix smiles "Thanks guys"

Minho smiles "Bring Kkura noona home by 9 pm and we'll start the surprise for both of you" stands up and pats his shoulder

Phoenix smiles "Thanks lil bro" stands up and fistpumps

Minho smiles "no problem hyungie" fistpumps

Phoenix nods once and walks upstairs to their room

Sakura yawns on the bed under the blanket "What could I give oppa this wedding anniversary day?" looks at her phone and texts Minju

Minju inside her room "Yes unnie?"

Sakura "Minju, could you give me some gifts ideas fo Oppa?"

Minju "Oh yeah it's your wedding anniversary today?"

Sakura nods "Yeah It is."

Minju thinks "What does Oppa like? Our hapiness right?"

Sakura nods "Yeah. Wait... Oppa does like Diamonds"

Minju smiles "I'm on it!"

Sakura eyes widened "Woah... That was quick"

Phoenix knocks and opens the door

Sakura looks

Phoenix comes in and smiles "Saku~"

Sakura smiles and stands up from the bed "Annyeong oppa! Happy anniversary"

Phoenix smiles and hugs her "Happy anniversary darling. How are you?"

Sakura smiles "I've been good. Watching Parasite on Netflix"

Phoenix nods once "Saku?"

Sakura looks while hugging "Yes oppa?"

Phoenix smiles "Let's go on a date?"

Sakura eyes widened "Really??"

Phoenix smiles and nods once "Yup, let's get dressed"

Sakura claps fast excited "Yay!!"

Phoenix smiles and walks to his dressing room

Sakura runs to her dressing room and grabs her dress selections

Phoenix smiles and grabs the Wedding Suit he wore during their wedding

Sakura thinking "What should I wear..." thinks cutely

Phoenix showers with the Suit hanging on the door knob

Sakura smies and grabs her strapless wedding gown, long white gloves and her make up

Phoenix finishes and wipes his hair and his body

Sakura hops inside the shower and showers her body

Phoenix grabs his white shirt and white under polo and puts it on

Sakura washing her body

Phoenix puts his underwear on and hair lotion

Sakura washes her hair

Phoenix puts his pants on and grabs his black suit and red tie

Sakura finishes and grabs her towel and wipes her body

Phoenix grabs some contact lenses and puts it on his eyes

Sakura dries her hair by a blow dryer and wears her bathrobe

Phoenix puts on his red tie

Sakura ties her hair with some clips and puts on a big White Flower Clip on her left ear

Phoenix put on Black Leather Shoes

Sakura drops her bathrobe down and wear her Bra and Panties

Phoenix fixes and dries his hair

Sakura puts on the Wedding Gown


Phoenix waiting downstairs

Sakura sees him and smiles and walks down the stairs

The Huge Chandelier opens up in the middle

Phoenix looks and smiles

Sakura giggles "Be right there Oppa~" on her white gown with the Flower Pin on her ear

Phoenix smiles "She's so Beautiful and Fabulous"

Sakura goes down and hugs his arm "What do you think oppa~?"

Phoenix smiles "You look absolutely wonderful"

Sakura smiles "Awww thank you oppa"

Phoenix smiles and snaps and the Tesla Roadster drives by itself to the Doorway

Phoenix and Sakura hops inside


Phoenix drives and arrives to the Restaurant

Helper looks and bows low "Your majesties"

Phoenix hops out and help Sakura out

Sakura smiles "My Gentlemen" holds his hand and hops out

Helper walks beside Phoenix and bows

Phoenix looks and gives him the Keys

Helper nods and hops inside the Roadster and drives it to the Team All Star parking

Sakura smiles "What a beautiful restaurant!"

Phoenix smiles "The best and the most-fanciest in the world"

Sakura smiles and nods

Waiter looks while carrying two Menus and bows "Your majesties, please follow me to your table suite"

Phoenix looks and nods once

Sakura nods once and smiles and walks with Phoenix

Phoenix smiles and walks upstairs

Sakura smiles and follows on her white high heels

Phoenix smiles and walks to the Balcony Seat

Phoenix sits Sakura down slowly on the Top of the Restaurant with an amazing view of the sea

Sakura smiles "thank you oppa~"

Phoenix smiles "Of course for my darling"

Sakura smiles and giggles

Phoenix smiles and sits down

Waiter bows "Hello there fellow customers, what would be your order for today?"

Phoenix looks at his menu

Sakura looks at her menu "What's your best recommendation sir?"

Waiter looks and points at the King Prawn with Butter Sauce and Worchester sauce

Sakura smiles "Ooh that looks delicious"

Phoenix smiles "One King Prawn please, For me One Seabass with Vegetables on the side. Hold the Side dish"

Waiter smiles "Any complimentary drinks?"

Phoenix smiles "We'll both have your finest Red Wine"

Sakura smiles and nods and gives him the Menu

Phoenix gives the Waiter the Menu

Waiter smiles "Expected around 5-10 minute wait Mister and Missis."

Phoenix smiles "Wonderful"

Sakura giggles "Such elegance oppa" winks

Phoenix chuckled "Not that elegant Kkura"

Sakura giggles and looks out to sea "Man the Sunset would be so beautiful today. Especially with no clouds"

Phoenix smiles and nods "Yeah this will be an amazing night"

Waiter grabs two wine glasses, an ice bucket and Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine


Minho carrying the Smoke machine

Kazuma and Orochi nailing and hammering together two parts of the surprise

Mahiro "Yah Minho! Where do you want the fan to be?"

Minho looks "Place it like 5-feet away from this"

Mahiro nods "Okay boss"

Minho chuckled "Aish" plugs the smoke machine

Taehyung wrapping the entire fountain in lights

Orochi lands down "I'm going to do the special thing I wanted about the Fountain"

Minho looks and nods "Alright dude, be quick, ETA only 5 hours"

Orochi nods and runs to grab his laptop

Minho smiles and uses Telekinesis to plant 6 Wysteria and Cherry Blossom trees making a circle surrounding the fountain

Mahiro looks and smiles "this will be an amazing surprise"

Kazuma hops down "Hope so"

Minho smiles and nods

Back to the Loving Couple <3

Waiter places a napkin on both of their laps and places the Wine Bottle on the side of the Flower pot in the middle

Sakura smiles

Waiter pours Red wine on Sakura and Phoenix's wine glasses

Other Waiters brings the King Prawn and the Seabass meal

Phoenix looks and smiles "Are you able to finish the Prawn Kkura?"

Sakura giggles and shook her head "I didn't expect the prawn to be that big. Pwease help Kkura to eat it?"

Phoenix smiles "Owkie"

Timeskip after the meal~

Sakura smiles and wipes her mouth "That was an amazing dinner"

Phoenix smiles and nods while wiping his hands "I agree"

Sakura smiles and burps quietly

Phoenix chuckled "Awww Kawaii"

Sakura giggles and looks and covers her mouth

Phoenix looks "Anything wrong?"

Sakura points on the Distance

Phoenix looks and smiles "The Sunset" (go to the picture I'll sendeuu)

Sakura smiles "It's so beautiful, with the Orange and Yellow sky"

Phoenix smiles and nods

Sakura smiles

Waiter brings Sauvignon Blanc Domaine du Salvard Cheverny Blanc White Wine and pours on their new Wine Glass

Sakura smiles "Thank you for your hard work sir"

Phoenix smiles and nods "Thank you for helping us too"

Waiter smiles and pours both of their wine glasses White Wine "It is my honor to serve you two your majesties" bows

Phoenix smiles and nods and grabs his wine glass

Sakura smiles and grabs her wine glass "To our wedding anniversary"

Phoenix smiles "many more to come" cheers and both glasses of wine hits lightly

Sakura and Phoenix smiles and drinks


Orochi typing fast

Taehyung plugs in the lights and turn on and smiles "Fountain is ready"

Kazuma puts white silk around the Base Fountain

Minho preparing the Wysteria-Cherry Blossom petal flying moment

Mahiro preparing the fans

Kazuma preparing for lights

Orochi "Done!" presses enter and the Fountain transforms to their precious moments

Taehyung smiles "That's amazing!"

Kazuma smiles "Of course, it's Orochi"

Orochi chuckled "Aish you always say that"

Minho smiles "You're a smart man that's why"

Orochi smiles "Thanks"

Minho smiles "Alright, everyone take your positions, we're lighting this puppy up in 3 hours"

Taehyung Kazuma Orochi Mahiro nods


Phoenix and Sakura finishes their night leaving the restaurant at 8 PM after eating dessert, the most-expensive dessert in the world "Strawberries Arnaud"

Sakura smiles "I'm full" giggles

Phoenix chuckles "Yeah we did eat quite a bit"

Waiter brings the Bill

Phoenix looks "$1.6 million? Alright" pulls out his cheque

Sakura "Let's split it hubby?"

Phoenix looks "Nah It's Owkie my flower, I'll pay for it"

Sakura nods slowly

Phoenix puts the cheque on the tray and gives $2,500 tip to the waiter

Waiter smiles wide and bows low "Thank you your majesties"

Phoenix and Sakura smiles

Waiter smiles and walks to the Manager's office

Phoenix smiles "Let's go home?"

Sakura smiles and nods "Yup, let's go" stands up and stretches

Phoenix smiles and walks down with her

Sakura smiles and walks down

Timeskip~ It's Showtime

Sakura holding Phoenix's hand on the way to the Pyramid's Entrance

Phoenix looks around "is there a black out? Why is it so dark?

Sakura don't know sign and looks around and sees an Arrow pointing straight to the Fountain

Phoenix looks and walks with her to the fountain

Sakura stops in front of the fountain

Minho "now!" whisper

Orochi presses enter on his laptop

Taehyung opens the lights

Fountain lights up slowly to bright white

Sakura looks and backs off a bit

Phoenix backs off

Minho "Band! Go!"

Maestro hiding somewhere and starts to Play "Thousand Years – Christina Perri"

Sakura looks around no one is seen

Phoenix looks at the Fountain

Sakura looks

Orochi made an animation with the water with both of them dancing on the middle

Phoenix eyes widened

Sakura eyes widened

Orochi presses enter

The Animation changes

You two are perfect, you two are one, you two are super romantic and super close. Happy Anniversary Sakura and Phoenix. From a period of being complete strangers to each other (Shows a water animation where Sakura and Phoenix walked away from each other)

Sakura hugs Phoenix's side while reading

Phoenix looks and caressed her hair

... to a complete family (shows an Animation of Rena's Birth, Hikari's Birth, and Mirai's birth and their wedding picture)

Sakura and Phoenix smiles "Oh my"

Tonight, is your night, Enjoy and cherish it you two. You two are our loving Leaders. Emperor Minho and Empress Wonyoung might be the Royals, but you two are the team's core. (Shows them an animation dancing inside a Ballroom)

Sakura smiles

Phoenix hugs off and smiles "Can I have this dance?"

Sakura looks and holds his hand and nods "You shall my darling" smiles

Phoenix smiles and places his other hand on her hips

Sakura smiles and places her other hand on his back

Kkunix dances through the night with the Moon up above

Minho smiles and opens all the Fans

Cherry Blossom Trees becomes Pink and Wysteria Plants becomes Blue

Kkunix dancing to Thousand Years

(lyrics while they're dancing: I have died every day, waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand Years, I love you for a thousand more, and All along I believed I will find you, times are bright and hard to me but I have loved you for a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more~)

Kkunix smiles and dancing

Sakura "Oppa?"

Phoenix smiles and looks "Yes darling?"

Sakura smiles "For the past few years we've been together, I've always been a wife that would usually screw up and be clumsy. But you've always put me on the right path. You always help me get over anything I face. Whenever I am sick, you were there to help me and to regain my strength. Whenever I'm alone, you would be always there to cuddle and give me hope, and whenever I'm scared and uncertain of the future. You're there for me always. Thank you Thank you hubby, from the bottom of my heart, I will forever be your cherry blossom" lays her head on his chest

Cherry Blossoms flies around them

Phoenix tears and smiles "For the past years we've been together, you're the only beside me always. Whenever we fight, we always become one again without wasting a day. When I became evil, your pure heart saved me. When I am supposed to be super depressed, not even Minho can remove it, you used your own will to save me. Now, as we walk to another future" spins her while dancing and speaking

Sakura tearing and smiles and holds his back again

Phoenix tearing and smiles "I know you will be with me throughout eternity. I will love you, I will support you and I will always be here as your number one supporter, lover, caregiver, and your husband" does forehead to forehead

Sakura cries while doing forehead to forehead

(lyrics while they're dancing: I have died every day, waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand Years, I love you for a thousand more, and All along I believed I will find you, times are bright and hard to me but I have loved you for a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more~)

Violins playing beautifully while the Cherry Blossom petals and Wyesteria petals flying around them

Minho "control the fans" whisper

Mahiro nods while controlling the fans

Cherry Blossoms and Wyisteria petals flies around them

Sakura wipes her tears and looks at Phoenix's eyes

Phoenix looks back and smiles "Yes my darling?" I love you for a thousand years~

Sakura smiles "I love you so much hubby" holds his jawline and cheek

Phoenix smiles and holds her palm on his cheeks "I love you too darling" kisses her on the lips I love you for a thousand...

Sakura smiles and kisses him back more~

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