Yakko Warner x Reader

By rats-writing

41.4K 752 668

You were a toon with your own show, things were going smoothly, until you were featured in an episode of Anim... More

Meeting the Warners
First Night at the Water Tower
Chaos and Spaghetti
Care to Dance?
Beach Day
Nursing and a Scary Movie
A Date
A Little Sleepy
Pulling Teeth
Big Brother's Worries
Your Hero in Khaki Pants
A Strange Transformation
The End of an Era

Amusement Park

1.8K 35 25
By rats-writing

Today you were going on a trip with the Warners. You were currently on a bus heading to an amusement park that you'd been planning on going to for weeks. You all had been sitting in the same spot for almost an hour and everyone was getting antsy. Wakko was changing positions every 10 seconds, Dot was staring out the window, and Yakko was cracking jokes.

"What do a Burbank bus station and a sexy lobster have in common? One's a crusty bus station, and the other's a busty crustacean!" he said and laughed as if what he just said was hilarious.

You just looked at him with that face you make when someone tells a bad joke, and Dot groaned.

"Aw c'mon, I even picked a bus joke! There's no winning with you guys." he said, crossing his arms.

His pouting, however, did make you laugh a bit, and you poked his cheek. "Aw, don't worry, I like your jokes. They're terrible but in a good way."

He chuckled and gave you a side glance before turning to give you a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't too long before you guys finally reached your stop.

Dot jumped up out of her chair and stretched. "Finally!" she exclaimed as Wakko slid onto the floor.

You all got off the bus and walked up to the entrance. There was an admition cost, which meant everything else was a lot cheaper, and you planned to stay all day and really get your money's worth.

Yakko paid and you all went inside. You took a moment to look around and admire the place as Yakko grabbed a brochure from the stand near the entrance. He opened it and turned it around to look at the map on the back. He scrunched up his face in confusion before realizing it was upside down and turning it around. You peaked over his shoulder and looked at all the different activities marked on the map. Wakko and Dot popped up on each side of him to look at the map as well.

"There's a cute animal exhibit!" Dot said, pointing to a spot on the map.

"And a giant roller coaster!" Wakko jumped up and down in excitement.

"And a tunnel of love." Yakko said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Oh brother." Dot rolled her eyes.

"Lets go on the roller coaster first." you suggest.

"Good idea, if Wakko eats before riding that thing he'll lose his lunch." Yakko said as you started walking down to where the map said the ride was.

The line wasn't too long, but Dot still had time to point out at least three cute boys while you waited. You guys climbed into the seats, you sat next to Yakko with Wakko and Dot right behind you. When the coaster started moving up you realized just how high it was going. You reached for Yakko's hand and squeezed it. He looked at you with a mischievous expression and you looked back at him with concern.

Right as the coaster reached the top, Yakko signaled Wakko who threw his mallet at the switch controlling the roller coaster's speed. It flipped the switch all the way to the max and snapped the lever off. You looked at Yakko with shock as he laughed and grabbed onto you. The other people on the ride screamed, louder than usual, as the coaster flew down at an insane speed. All four of you grabbed on tightly to the bars holding you in your seats as the coaster flew down the tracks towards the loop. As you flipped upside down, the momentum actually pushed you down into your seats. The three siblings were the only ones laughing, as the rest of the people on the ride were terrified. The coaster flew around the corner and came to a screeching halt at the end. Yakko took your hand and pulled you out of your seat. The four of you walked past the other riders who were still glued to their seats in fear and the conductor who was frantically trying to push the broken lever back to the right speed.

You all cracked up laughing as you walked away from the ride. "That was a terrible idea." you said, still laughing.

"I know, wasn't it great?" Yakko responded, laughing as well.

You hurried away before anyone figured out that you were the ones who broke the ride. You ended up near the food court and Wakko of course wanted a snack. You all walked up to an ice cream stand and ordered four cones. Yakko took two from the server and handed yours to you with a smile. You took it and held his hand with your free one as you guys walked around the park with your ice cream.

After you all had finished eating, Yakko pulled out the map and remembered the tunnel of love he saw earlier. He leaned down to his siblings to tell them something.

"Hey, how about you guys go have some fun on your own." he said, handing them a bit of money.

"Riiight." Dot responded, her hand on her hip, as Wakko gladly took the money out of Yakko's hand.

The two ran off in the other direction as Yakko turned to you with a smirk. You raised an eyebrow before he took your hand and led you in the direction of the ride.

"Oh, you weren't kidding, there really is one." you said when you saw the ride you were heading towards.

"When it comes to you, I never kid." he said with a grin.

You laughed as he pulled you onto the ride with him. It started moving slowly and soon you were in a dimly lit tunnel.

"The lighting in here is perfect for a makeout session." he joked with a mischievous smile.

You blushed and shoved him with your elbow, which made him laugh. As you went through the tunnel, music played softly in the background, and Yakko put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. You turned to him and he was already looking right at you. The atmosphere in there really did make it easy to ignore everything else and just stare at him. He cupped your cheek with his hand as he leaned in and kissed you. He kissed you softly for a while, pulling away every so often to just look at you. You wrapped your arm around his neck and you felt him smile into the kiss.

You both stayed like that for a while until you pulled away, Yakko was rarely ever the one who ended a kiss. He nuzzled his nose against yours, and you saw light in the corner of your eye and turned to see the end of the ride was approaching. As the ride came to a stop Yakko stood up and offered his hand to you, which you gladly took. He pulled you up and out of the ride and you both walked back out into the main walkway.

It took a moment for both of your eyes to adjust to the light. Once they did, Yakko took out the map again and turned it towards you.

"What do you wanna do next?" he asked you with a smile.

You leaned your head on his shoulder a bit as you looked at the map. "Oh, lets go to the game booths." you suggest, pointing to where they were on the map.

"Sounds good." he said, and you both walked over to the area and looked around.

There were a lot of different games, but the classic balloon dart booth caught both your eye. Yakko pulled you by the hand over to the booth and gave the man a dollar to play. He concentrated on the targets and threw the darts, only popping one. He pouted and crossed his arms, so you gave the man a dollar and gave it a try. You were very good at darts, it was one of your things, and you won him a good sized purple teddybear. You handed it to him and his face lit up. He squeezed it and gave you a soft smile that melted your heart. You gave him a kiss on the cheek before you both turned to look for another game to play.

You shot water into a clowns mouth, fished for ducks, and tossed rings onto glass jars. After an hour of playing booth games you ran into Wakko and Dot. It was good timing, because you guys soon decided to head home.

You were waiting at the bus stop and Wakko was poking the teddybear in Yakko's arms. He turned to look at his younger brother.

"You can hold it if you want," he told him, handing him the bear. "But it's still mine."

Wakko jumped up and down as he took the bear out of Yakko's hand and squeezed it in a hug. You giggled to yourself and leaned over to Yakko.

"You can give it to him if you want, I don't mind." you whispered to him.

"No way, that's mine." he whispered back in response, and you laughed.

You all got onto the bus and slumped down into the seats. You didn't realize how tired your feet were from walking all day until you sat down. You rested your head against Yakko's shoulder and he leaned his head on yours. He reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.

Wakko was snuggling the teddy while leaning on Yakko and Dot was leaning on Wakko, both of them were asleep. You looked out the window at the now darkening sky, your head still on Yakko's shoulder.

"You can sleep too if you want, I'll make sure we don't miss our stop." Yakko told you, and you snuggled against his arm, closing your eyes after the long day.

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