RWBY: Pirates of the Caribbea...

By NotGonnaSayMahNaym

30.4K 618 347

Yang is starting to question her normal life, and wants something new. During a fight with the White Fang, Ya... More

(Y/N) "Jack" Sparrow
Getting Comfortable
A Pirate's Life For Me


2.6K 57 25
By NotGonnaSayMahNaym

The next couple days were much better.

I had some trouble with the pirates. They occasionally tried to touch me in certain spots. Sometimes they'd succeed, and either I would gently get them off, or Jack would get them off for me.

Jack and I had gotten much closer. Though he tried to stay closed off, he rarely did. Whenever there was another pirate nearby, he made sure to keep a close eye on me, making sure no one touched me, and whenever he caught someone trying something, he'd move me away or push them away.

He taught me a lot about being a pirate, and sailing the seas. I learned a lot about how to sail a pirate ship, and I had to admit, though it was hard work, it was fun work.

One day, I was standing on the crow's nest with him, looking out into the ocean.

"I see why you like it out here," I said.

He rose an eyebrow.

"It's so nice," I said. "It almost makes me forget about those perverts down below. Almost."

He smiled. "It gets my mind off of a lot of things, too."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Whatever upsets me," he replied.

I looked at him. "I didn't know things upset you."

"Doesn't everyone get upset from something?" he asked.

"Touché," I said.

There was an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry," Jack said.

I turned to him. "For what?"

"I'm sorry you were captured," he said. "I'm sorry you were sold to us. I'm sorry for everything you've gone through."

I lowered my head, as the memories of my life before I became a pirate slave came flooding into my head.

"It's fine," I said. "It's not your fault."

"Doesn't mean I don't feel bad," he said.

"It's kind of my fault anyway," I said.

"Well that doesn't make any sense," he said. "How is it your fault for getting captured?"

"I was trying to stop a train with my teammates," I explained. "A girl named Neo came in, trying to stop us. I could've fought her with my friends, but I decided to fight her alone. I lost the fight, and I got myself captured. So... here I am."

"So it is your fault," Jack said.

I laughed, and punched his shoulder. "Not helping!"

We looked back out at the ocean, and that's when we saw it. There was an airship making its way to us.

Jack immediately looked down and shouted, "All hand hoy!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at us.

"Pirate-Hunting Airship dead ahead!" Jack shouted.

Captain Elton ran to the wheel, and began turning, shouting orders to the pirates.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"General Ironwood," Jack said. "Bloody Atlas military."

"They're after you guys?" I asked.

Jack nodded. "Those are special kinds of airships that hunt down pirate ships."

"What if I can go home?" I asked. "What if they can take me home?"

Jack glanced at me. I knew he was thinking about it. He wanted me to be happy, but he didn't want to lose me.

"What if they can take me home, and you can come with me?" I said.

He looked at me.

"You saved my life," I said. "I can convince them to let you come with me."

"My home is here," he said. "In the ocean."

"I'm not going anywhere without you!" I said.

"Then I guess you're not going home, are you?" Jack said.

I knew he was trying to get me to leave, and he'd decided to let me go. But something inside of me didn't want to leave if it meant I'd never see him again.

I interlocked my fingers with his, and I smirked at him.

"Yeah," I said. "I guess so."

He gave me a confused expression, which quickly vanished as the Black Pearl started to turn, and he nearly fell off the crow's nest from how off-balance he was.

The ship slowly turned in an attempt to avoid the incoming airship. But we couldn't avoid getting close, and the airship shot lines at the ship, hitting it in the side, and keeping it from moving.

"Now what?" I said.

"Do as I do," Jack said. "No matter what happens, don't try to stop me."

He started climbing down the ladder, and I followed him.

Soon, we were on the deck, and, when we looked up, Atlesian soldiers were making their way to the deck. They aimed their weapons at the pirates, who were outnumbered almost immediately.

General Ironwood came down, and walked up to the captain.

"Captain Elton?" he said.

Elton scowled. "General."

Ironwood turned to his men. "Bring them aboard."

The soldiers grabbed the pirates, including Jack and me, and I was immediately pulled away from Jack.

"Wait!" I shouted.

Ironwood turned to me.

"I want to stay with him!" I shouted.

Ironwood looked at Jack, and then to me.

"Ignore her," he said.

"No!" I shouted. "I want to stay with Jack!"

"General's orders, love," Jack said. "Just let it go."

But I wouldn't take that for an answer. I slammed my elbow against the soldier holding me, and ran to Jack, pulling him into an embrace.

Soldiers ran to grab me, but I glared at them, and held Jack tight.

"I won't fight back if you let me stay with him," I said.

I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't leave Jack. I didn't feel safe without him. After everything I'd gone through, he was the only thing that gave me a sense of security.

Ironwood grumbled in anger. "Let the lovebirds stay together."

I started blushing.

"More like guardian," Jack corrected.

An hour later, Jack and I were being pushed through the halls of the airship, Jack in cuffs, while I just held his hand tight.

Soon, we were brought to a prison block.

"Not another cell," I whispered.

"I got this, love," Jack said.

He turned to the soldier behind him.

"I'd like to speak with your General," he said.

The soldier stared in confusion.

"Trust me," Jack said. "He'll want to know about this. And bring my stuff, will you?"

A few minutes later, Jack and I were together in the halls, with soldiers keeping an eye on both of us, and one soldier holding Jack's stuff.

General Ironwood made his way over to us, even more soldiers behind him.

"What do you want, pirate?" he asked.

"Jack Sparrow," Jack corrected. "And, I have something I'd like to offer to you."

"What could you possibly offer me that I would fine valuable?" Ironwood asked.

Jack gave me a soft push forward. "Her."

I turned to Jack in shock. Was he trying to get Ironwood to bring me home?

"Why would I want her?" Ironwood asked.

"Very simple reason," Jack said. "She isn't one of us. She's been our slave for a few days now."

Ironwood's eyes widened. "Is this true?" he asked me.

I sighed, knowing I had to find a way to keep Jack out of trouble. "Yes. But Jack wasn't a part of it! He's my friend! He made things so much easier for me!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he's a pirate," Ironwood said. "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

"Though it seems enough to condemn him," Jack said.

"Indeed," Ironwood said.

"Finally," Jack said.

Suddenly, I felt a chain around my neck as Jack put me in a choke-hold, though I wasn't choking.

"What are you doing?!" I said.

"Play along if you want me out of this," Jack whispered.

I gave a subtle smirk as I realized what he was doing, and I tried to act as terrified as I could.

The soldiers aimed their weapons, but they didn't shoot.

"General Ironwood, my stuff, please," Jack said.

They stared, wondering what to do.

"General!" Jack said.

With no other choice, they got his weapons, and prepared to hand them to him.

"Ms. Xiao Long, if you'd be so kind?" Jack said.

I took his equipment, turned around, and started putting them on for him.

"Sorry for the threat," Jack said.

"Don't worry about it," I whispered. "All that matters is you're going to be alright."

He smirked, and after I was done, he turned me back around.

"Gentlemen," he said, "m'lady," I smiled at him, "you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Jack Sparrow!"

He lifted his arms over my neck, letting me go, and took off running in the opposite direction, the soldiers chasing after him.

I smiled as I watched him go.

"Are you alright?" Ironwood asked.

I looked at him. "Fine."

I started walking away, hoping Ironwood would think I was trying to find a place to rest. But when I rounded the corner, I immediately looked for the spot we'd entered the airship from, knowing Jack was on his way there.

I finally managed to find the open door, where I could see a rope leading back down to the Pearl. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed as I waited for Jack to come back.

Finally, I saw him peek around the corner, and spot me standing there.

"What are you doing here?" he said.

"I'm waiting for you," I said, standing up.

"You're supposed to be going home," Jack said, walking up to me.

"I know," I said, lowering my head. "And I really want to. But... if you're not going with me, then I'm not going."

He smiled. "Well, I'm going to need someone to give me a hand with setting sail."

He led me to the rope, and I prepared to slide down to the Pearl. But then, I stopped. I turned back, looking down the halls.

"What's wrong, love?" Jack asked.

"What about the others?" I said.

"Since when did you care about them?" Jack said. "They tried to ra--"

"I know," I interrupted. "But... we can't just leave them here. Besides, it'll take more than just us to get the Pearl going."

"The code says anyone who falls behind is left behind," Jack said.

"I know," I said. "But still. We can't sail it on our own."

"Every pirate for himself," Jack said, shoving me back to the rope. "You can either go to the ship, or I'm leaving you behind."

I smirked at him. "You won't leave me behind."

"And what makes you think that?" Jack asked.

"I know you," I said. "You won't leave me behind."

Jack scowled. "You're good."

My smirk turned into a genuine smile. "I know."

Jack mumbled to himself as he walked over to the rope to go back to the Pearl.

"Just wait in the Pearl," I said. "I'll get the others back. Don't set sail until I get back, even if the others try it."

He nodded. "Of course." He turned to slide down, and I was about to leave, when he spoke up.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked.

I stopped. "What do you mean?"

"This is your chance to go home," Jack said. "Let the people who enslaved you be punished. And you're throwing away your chance to be free, and saving the people who have made your life hell. Why are you doing this?"

I stayed silent for a moment. "I don't know. It just feels right."

And with that, I took off, making my way back to the cells, where the pirates were being imprisoned.

When I got there, I saw a couple soldiers keeping watch. I slowly approached them, and carefully pulled a gun from one of their belts, before backing up, and shooting them down.

I approached one of their bodies, and pulled a scroll from his pocket.

I walked up to the cells, and began opening them with the scroll.

"Yo ho!" I shouted as the pirates walked out. "We're busting out of here!"

The pirates stared at me. But, unlike before, they weren't looking at my body. They were looking where Jack normally looked: my eyes. And their stares weren't lustful, but confused.

Barbossa walked up to me.

"Why are you releasing us?" he asked.

I smirked. "I think the words you're looking for are thank you."

"I asked you a question," Barbossa said.

"It felt right, okay?" I said, losing my smile. "There's no time for conversation! Jack's waiting for you guys in the Pearl! Let's go!"

I started to leave, when Barbossa grabbed my arm.

"Wait!" he said.

I turned to him, worried what he was going to do.

"The captain is being executed somewhere else on the ship," he said. "You're going to save the captain, right?"

I put on a determined face. "Yeah. Go to the ship. I'll get Elton."

The pirates hurried to get to the Pearl, while I ran through the ship to find Elton.

Soon, I found myself near the back of the ship, moving slowly to keep people from noticing me. There he was. He was being dragged through the halls, to the room I assumed he'd be executed in.

I charged out, and knocked them out easily. Elton turned to me.

"What are ye doin'?" he said.

"Saving your life, you're welcome," I said.

"Me?" he said. "Why?"

I sighed. "I don't know, okay? It just feels right! Can we talk about this later?" I turned around to leave with him. "We've got to get you out of--"

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw an Atlas soldier holding a rocket launcher.

"Look out!" I shouted, shoving Elton against the wall as the soldier fired the rocket.

The rocket hit the wall, exploding on impact, and sending me and Elton flying. I hit the ground hard, blood pouring from my forehead, and my clothes scorched.

I started to feel the ship falling.

"Uh oh," I whispered.

"The ship's going down!" Elton shouted.

"I noticed!" I shouted back.

The air sucking through the hole pulled Elton and I out of the ship. I grabbed the edge of the hole with one hand, and Elton's hand with the other. I tried to pull myself back in, and I saw Ironwood and a group of soldiers making their way through the halls to us.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted.

"What I have to!" I shouted back.

"You were his slave!" he shouted.

"I don't care!" I shouted, pulling Elton to the wall.

"Take this!" Elton said, handing me a knife.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked.

Elton pulled out another knife, and planted it into the wall. "This!" He started to climb the wall using the knife.

I smirked at Ironwood, and saluted. "Have a good one, General!"

I climbed up the Airship to the deck. Elton pulled me up with him.

"Okay, now what?" he said.

"What do you think?" I said. "We get back to the Pearl!"

We stood up.

"The airship's going down fast," Elton said. "We need to hurry."

"I noticed!" I said.

We ran along the airship as it descended, back first, into the water. Soon, it was in a tilted position, and Elton and I were running up steep ground to get to the Pearl. Then, Elton slipped, and started to slide down the ship. I turned around and grabbed his hand.

"I've got you!" I said. But I started to slip.

"But who's got ye?!" Elton shouted.

I started to lose my balance, but held onto Elton's hand as tight as I could. Finally, I couldn't stand anymore, and I was just about to fall when someone grabbed my hand.

"That would be me, Captain!"

I recognized that voice. I turned to the person holding my hand, and smiled as I saw who it was.


Jack smirked at me, and pulled me to my feet.

"You came back?" I said.

"Figured you could use some assistance," Jack said.

We helped Elton to his feet, and ran up the ship as it started to sink into the ocean. We ran to the edge of the airship, and leapt back into the Pearl.

I hit the deck hard, and the wind was knocked out of me. I turned myself around, seeing Jack looking at me.

"You're bleeding!" he said.

"Hey," I groaned through the pain. "At least my hair's okay. My hair's okay, right?"

Jack smirked. "It's as gorgeous as ever."

I could feel my face heating up as he said that.

"Come on now, love," he said, helping me to my feet.

I stood up, and managed to get my balance back.

"I'm alright," I said.

I looked up to see all the pirates staring at me. I started to feel afraid again, and I moved closer to Jack, and gripped his hand tight. But when I looked back to the pirates, I realized their stares weren't directed at my body. They were just like Jack's stares. They were looking directly into my eyes. And they weren't stares of lust, but instead stares of awe and concern.

Elton walked up to me, and, out of instinct, I moved behind Jack.

"Ye saved us," Elton said.

"Y-Yeah," I said.

"Even after everything we did to ye," he continued.

"Y-Yeah," I said. "I-Is that a good thing?"

He looked at my bloody forehead. "Ye're bleeding."

"I noticed," I said.

"Somebody get her a med-kit!" he called.

"Aye aye!" a couple pirates said, rushing to get me a med kit.

I was confused. Were they concerned for me?

Elton looked to Jack. "Ye were right to make her part of the crew. And ye came back to help."

"That I did," Jack said, smiling.

"Is there anything ye would like?" he asked.

Jack's smile grew. "I'd like a long brown coat. And a cool brown tricorn."

"Done," Elton said. He turned to me. "What about ye?"

"I'd ask for my weapons," I said, "but I know you won't--"

"Done," Elton said. "Someone get her weapons!"

My eyes widened. "Y-You trust me not to--"

Elton smiled, and extended his hand to me. "Welcome to the crew."

My jaw dropped, and I looked up to Jack, who smiled at me. "I think you want to take that."

I smiled, turned back to Elton, and shook his hand. "Happy to be here."

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