Forest Germ

By YuzuTree

333 3 1

A child born in the forest pushes forward into the city to play volleyball. A certain ace takes interest in t... More

0. Upbringing in the Forest
1. First Day of School
2. Tryouts Results
3. Seniors vs Juniors
3. Practice Match with the Boys
4. A New Good Luck Charm
5. Itachiyama vs Fukurodani (Boys' Volleyball)
6. Getting to Know Each Other
7. One Practice Day...
8. Golden Week: Day 1
9. Golden Week: The Next Day

10. Golden Week: Nohebi Girls' Scrimage

29 1 0
By YuzuTree

『3rd POV』

It was game day. Their training camp has ended and it was time for a practice match with the Nohebi girls' VBC. The boys' VBC had a match that day as well. Both teams were in their respective gyms warming up.

For the rest of Golden Week, [F/n] was not used to having three meals a day. She opted out from eating during lunch and dinner for showering or extra practices. Sometimes she would skip out on all the meals completely and no one would notice. Her presence was pretty unnoticeable.

Except for the Itachiyama's ace and libero. This made Sakusa and Komori worried as they were the only ones noticing. They would force her to eat the food they saved at night. [F/n] would refuse until she gave into their persistent with a bite or two. This enough to satisfy them.

~ ♪ ~

Sakusa was warming up with the team as usual, but today he was having a bad day today. Almost unmotivated and slightly sluggish which was unusual. His spikes didn't seem to have enough spin as usual.

"Sakusa, are you okay?" Komori asked.


"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine," emphasizing the last part. Komori still looked at him questionably; unconvinced his cousin he was fine. Maybe I could use that to motivate him a little. [F/n] is not here to help either so that could do the trick. If not I'll probably be sprayed with Lysun. Hopefully not in the face.

"Sakusa," Komori called out. The ace turned asking what. His cousin didn't answer and only motioned him to come closer. He obliged, coming over to the libero.

"What did you wa-!" Sakusa was cut off with a photo shoved in his face. That photo was [F/n] sleeping while holding Sakusa's hand. His face wasn't shown in the photo.

"If we win today's match, I'll give you this cute photo of Mori-san~♪," Komori gives a cheeky smile. Sakusa was mad. Mad that his cousin took a photo of her without their permission. Mad that he wanted it to keep for himself.


"Then how 'bout I add this picture into the mix?" Komori showed another photo. This time it was when they were at the bubble tea shop. [F/n] was sipping her drink with Sakusa watching her.

Sakusa eye widen. His eyebrow began to twitch as he continued to argue with his id and superego. He turns around, walking back toward the court asking, "Iizuna-san, please toss me a ball please."

"Okay," the senior responded surprised. He tosses the ball and Sakusa spikes the ball. One of the first years attempted to receive it, but it spins out of bound with a lot of force. Sakusa is back to normal. Well as close to normal. He's all motivated to get those photos and to potentially delete the other ones Komori probably took behind their back.

~ ♪ ~

At the girls' gym...

[F/n] gave out silent sneeze during warm-ups. This went unnoticed by everyone as everyone spiked. She shook her head slightly and resumed back to practice.

"Hello!" At the doorway was the Nohebi team. The home team went to line up to greet the visitors.

"Girls line up!" Everyone arranged themselves parallel to the opposing team and greeted for a good game. Itachiyama let Nohebi warm up as they observe from the side.

"Let's play!"

Let the game begin...

Itachiyama - Nohebi
0 - 0

~ ♪ ~

It's near the closing point for Nohebi on the first set. The snakes taunted the weasels throughout the match; annoying most of the members. Especially Juumonji and Makino as they were the most hot headed. The most calm out of the members was [F/n] and Captain.


"I got it!" [F/n] receives the ball and it goes up to Imai. She tosses the ball to Makino to spike. The opening for a straight was blocked off. The middle blocker spikes a straight shot. This is received by one of Nohebi's wing spikers. The players follow suit keeping the ball up for the their captain to spike a block out. Everyone thought it was a point for Nohebi. However [F/n] was there, barely receiving the ball back into the court.


"Nice save, [F/n]!"

Itachiyama quickly move to follow and sets it Takao. She is blocked and hits a feint. The opposing players try to get the ball, but fall short. Point to Itachiyama.

Itachiyama - Nohebi
23 - 24

"One more point!"

"Nice serve!"

"Go for it, Juumonji!"

The ace hits a hard jump serve causing the Nohebi's formation to go awry. The ball is spiked over with a two person block, but goes back up again thanks the snake's libero. Nohebi team attempt to score again, this time Itachiyama having only one and a half blockers up. [F/n] saves the ball with a diving receive. Keeping the ball alive. It is tossed to the ace, who gives a super straight shot through the seams. Point for Itachiyama again bringing the score to a deuce.

Itachiyama - Nohebi
24 - 24

Both teams rallied with each other for a while before the last two points finally going to Itachiyama. The first set goes to the weasels.

Itachiyama - Nohebi
26 - 24

It was time to change courts. As the teams were switching side, some of the serpent members were riling up the hot-head members of Itachiyama. Of course, that wasn't going passed off them as they gave snake-eyes back at them. [F/n] took no mind as mentally analyze where she should cover for the next round. She looks back to see her team and the opposing team giving stank eyes and remarks at each other. To be exact the hot tempered members were being held back by the others.

"Senpai, guys. We should get ready for the next set," she called out but was unheard. She called a couple more times and went unheard again. She returned back to walking next to Kujo-sensei's side.

"Nice play, Mori."

"Thank you. Sensei, could call the team over. I tried a number of times, but they didn't hear me." He looks to see and calls for them.

"Girls, come on we have more matches to do today. Stop arguing and save it for the court."


Set two began...

~ ♪ ~

A day of scrimmages has ended. Both teams won their scrimmages for the day and are celebrating with hot pot.

"I'm alive!"

"Thank you, Miura-senpai!"

"So delicious!"

"Stop stealing all the meat!"

Sakusa, finishing early, went to look for [F/n] who was absent from dinner again. It didn't help she didn't have a phone so he couldn't contact her.

Where is she? He thought as he searched the female libero. He decides to check their room after looking around in the building. Sliding the door open, he finds her stuff missing.

Komori comes up from behind, "Sakusa, what's wrong?"

"[L/n] isn't here. Her stuff not here anymore."

"You're right! Where did she go?"

"Boys, what's wrong?" Miura came up the duo along with the other third-years.

"Mori isn't here," Komori answered.

This made some of the third-years worried and creating a fuss.


"Where did she go?"

"Don't worry. Mori actually went home early. Apparently, her parents asked her ahead of time to leave right when camp ended. She never been away from the house till now so they must be worried," the captain said pacifying the worrywarts. They sigh in relief to hear the little libero was okay.

"Thank god. Next time she should tell us," Juumonji said.

"She told me ahead of time so I guess she completely forgot to tell you guys."

"Welp, we're going to go now. See you two tomorrow."


"See you tomorrow, senpai!" Komori gave them a farewell with a his cousin giving a nod, "That's good to hear Mori-chan was okay."

"Yeah. That reminds me..." Sakusa turns the libero, "Those photos..."

"Oh right! Hang let me mail them to you." The libero pulls out his phone and sends him the photos he promised, "I deleted what I sent so don't worry."

"Really?" The ace asked giving him an almost murderous look. The later held his hands up in defense that he was telling the truth. In reality, he still had more photos of them and had sent extras copies to his computer for safe keeping.

He still uncertain of his cousin's words, Sakusa chose dismiss it and move one. He wasn't going to try to wrestle Komori for photos. Too many germs to deal with. Sakusa goes in the room and grabs his stuff to leave. Komori follows suit ending the day.

~ ♪ ~


A-choo! The little libero gave a sneeze and rubbed her nose with her forefinger. I hope I don't come down with a cold.

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