7. One Practice Day...

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『3rd POV』

The next day during lunch time in the library, the usual trio were back in their usual routine. The fans calmed down (and hopefully for the next few weeks). Sakusa and Komori came into the library to their usual table. [F/n] was sitting about to eat her until Sakusa called her name.

"Mori," she looked at him, "Could you stand up, so I can disinfect the table and seats?"

"Usually you would do it on your side, so why...?" She asked as she stood up. Sakusa didn't say anything and disinfected the entire table and chairs.

After he was done, they sat in their seats. This time Sakusa was sitting next to [F/n]; surprising the two liberos. They mentally shook it off and began to eat. Today's lunch for [F/n] are melon breads with peach juice.

~ ♪ ~

[F/n] finishes her food and was about to daydream until Sakusa holds his food up to her mouth again; surprising both liberos.

"Didn't I say only one time." Sakusa doesn't say anything other than wait for [F/n] to eat a bite. She doesn't make a move to do so and gets up to get a book. Sakusa pulls her sleeve to not move; egging her to eat a bit of his food.





"Mori-san, you're better off not arguing with him, Mori-san. He becomes very stubborn when he wants to," Komori pointed out as he ate. He was enjoying this little bickering between the two. More like Sakusa insisting on [F/n] to eat from his chopsticks and the later refusing to do so. The little libero sighed, resigning in defeat, taking a bite. This made the ace content and returned to eating after switching to a (second) cleaner pair of chopsticks.

The two gotten closer. It's kind of cute. The taller libero thought as he enjoys lunch with the two.

~ ♪ ~

It was practice time. Except this time, they are practicing in the boys' gym as Coach Orihime was out because of her pregnancy. They were doing casual pass drills with one another until the coaches called them in the middle. As they took their water break, they listened to the boys' head coach.

"Okay we are going to do some mini practice matches. The teams will be mixed so be ready. It will be the usual six versus six. Whoever makes it to 15 points wins. You will be in groups of five. The liberos will play in all the teams as the six players. We're going to pick out the teams so pay attention," the boys' head coach called out the teams and they head to their respective sides to practice with one another. The liberos were of the the side doing pass drills.

"Coach, why are the liberos going to be in all the teams?" Miura asked.

"Of course, this in consideration that we only have two libero. But we need this to match what a starting rotation is like as much as possible. This practice is more to be able play in any team while being aware of people around you when they move. This will help them with their read blocks and observation skills not only on the opposing side, but on your own team as well," The coach explained.

Miura thought about the coach's words for a little while before asking, "[F/n]-chan and Komori-kun are good at this so they are a reference for the members?"

"Correct. Both, in my opinion, are very scary compared to any spiker in the world. If I had to choose who I would rather face, it have to be anybody else but them. Their innate abilities to keep the ball up is frightening and hopeful at the same time. Haha!"

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