The Daughter Of Rachel Mason

By _X_Sammii_X_

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Chloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What... More

Chapter 1 - Chloe's First Day
Chapter 2 - Bolton Found out
Chapter 3 - Phillip's Party.
Chapter 4 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 5 - Max Tyler Arrives
Chapter 6 - An Affair Begins.
Chapter 7 - Bolton Is Innocent
Chapter 8 - Ethanol And A Baby.
Chapter 9 - My Baby.
Chapter 10 - Max Found Out
Chapter 11 - Its Hard.
Chapter 12 - An Early Arrival
Chapter 13 - Going Back To School
Chapter 14 - Daddy's Here
Chapter 15 - Trip To Hospital
Chapter 16 - Jealous Kim Campbell
Chapter 17 - A New Pupil
Chapter 18 - Max Is Back At Waterloo Road
Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do
Chapter 20 - A Night Out With The Girls.
Chapter 21 - What?
Chapter 22 - Me Or Him.
Chapter 23 - Why Would You Do That?
Chapter 24 - An Accident
Chapter 25 - Max Finds Out
Chapter 26 - Jealous Are We ?
Chapter 27 - Chloe's Anger
Chapter 28 - The Talent Show
Chapter 29 - What's Wrong With Her ?
Chapter 30 - Its A New Term.
Chapter 31 - Chlo Is Pregnant
Chapter 32 - Caught
Chapter 33 - Max Can't Find Out
Chapter 34 - Police Visit To Waterloo Road.
Chapter 35 - Roses
Chapter 36 - You're Evil
Chapter 37 - For The Love Of A Daughter.
Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.
Chapter 39 - Charlotte's Breakdown.
Chapter 41 - Mean Stinks.
Chapter 42 - Chlo's Baby.
Chapter 43 - Heart To Heart
Chapter 44 - Drugs In School
Chapter 45 - Your Baby Didn't Make It.
Chapter 46 - Distancing Herself.
Chapter 47 - Return Of An Old Face.
Chapter 48 - You're Sick
Chapter 49 - I Don't Want Too Live Anymore.
Chapter 50 - School Disco
Chapter 51 - Romance Is Blossoming.
Chapter 52 - Kyle Stack.
Chapter 53 - The End Of A Friendship?
Chapter 54 - Supply Teacher.
Chapter 55 - Aubree's Birthday.
Chapter 56 - I Know You Took Her.
Chapter 57 - Getting Aubree Back.
Chapter 58 - Another Attack.
Chapter 59 - DeJa Vu
Chapter 60 - School Trip.
Chapter 61 - A Deal.
Chapter 62 - Andrew Treneman
Chapter 63 - Half Term Holidays.
Chapter 64 - I'm In Love With You.
Chapter 65 - Attacker Caught.
Chapter 66 - A Complaint Has Been Made.
Chapter 67 - Finding Out Who It Was.
Chapter 68 - Don't Be Jealous
Chapter 69 - Locked In.
Chapter 70 - Stay Away From Me.
Chapter 71 - Arranging A Date.
Chapter 72 - Caught In The Act.
Chapter 73 - Telling Eddie
Chapter 74 - Inspection.
Chapter 75 - Talks.
Chapter 76 - Chloe's Been Attacked.
Chapter 77 - She's Not The Same.
Chapter 78 - I Believe We'll Be Okay.
Chapter 79 - He's Been Caught
Chapter 80 - This Won't Work.
Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.
Chapter 82 - Michael Byrne.
Chapter 83 - Talking With Tom.
Chapter 84 - I Need Proof You Care.
Chapter 85 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 86 - The Beginning Of The End.
Chapter 87 - P.E Arguments.
Chapter 88 - Sam Kelly.
Chapter 89 - Rumors
Chapter 90 - Goodbye Rochdale.

Chapter 40 - Getting To Charlotte.

338 8 4
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - Another Massive Thanks Too StrangeDesires For Once Again Helping With The Idea For This Chapter! I'd Honestly Be Lost Without Her Help. Hope You Likee.


Chloe had been trying to get Chlo too talk to Charlotte but it wasn't happening as Chlo couldn't believe that Charlotte had slept with Tom, Chloe was torn, she had known Charlotte for years and she was like a sister to her but Chlo was her other best friend, logging onto facebook she uploaded a status

Chloe 'AubreeLeigh Mason - So confuseed, I'm not even blonde yet I get more confused than anyone -_-! Why r things always complicated! I wish I was Aubree-Leigh's age, least she's got nothing too worry about apart from her next feed. Charlotte&Chlo! I Lovee you bothh!! Xoxo

Chloe logged off and made her way downstairs "shall we be off then?" Chloe nodded and got Aubree "let's go".

Arriving at school Chloe saw Charlotte sitting alone and Chlo was standing with Ben "this is gonna be tricky" Rachel smiled "Chlo will forgive Charlotte soon enough" Chloe looked at her mum "yeah but until then what am I gonna do? I'm not choosing between them" Rachel sighed "look love, they'll figure it out" Chloe nodded "Chlo come here" Chlo walked over "Charlotte come here" Charlotte walked over "what's going on?" "I love you both but I'm not getting involved in this, sort it out" Chloe looked at Charlotte who shrugged and walked off "Chlo? Forgive her?" Chlo frowned "she slept with my dad, how am I meant too forgive that?" Chloe shrugged "try? For me" Chlo sighed "I can try but its gonna be hard" Chloe smiled "good".

Charlotte sat in the common room when Bolton came in "hiya" Bolton gave a small smile "alright?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, what you doing?" Bolton shrugged "terroring Budgen" Charlotte smiled "I'll come with you?" Bolton shook his head "if there's too many involved he'll know about it" Charlotte frowned "oh, right, okay" Charlotte watched as Bolton walked out the common room and Danielle walked in "oh look there's the tart who got knocked up by Clarkson" Danielle finished speaking just as Chloe walked in "you wanna say that again?" Danielle paled and shook her head "yeah I thought not" Danielle went to say something but Chlo walked in "she starting again?" Chloe nodded "clearly she didn't get the message before" Chlo sighed "Danielle, seriously, you're in your final GCSE year don't screw it up" Danielle frowned "Chlo its not right, she slept with Mr.Clarkson" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah? And I shagged Mr.Tyler, more than once" Danielle frowned and walked out "yeah good call walking out" Chlo went to sit by Charlotte "alright?" Charlotte smiled "look Chlo I am sorry, we were both drunk" Chlo smiled "I forgive you, and your baby is gonna be well cute" Chloe grinned at the sight of her two best friends getting on so she went to sit in the middle of them.

Charlotte was walking through the corridor when Danielle approached her "Chloe isn't here to protect you now is she" Charlotte rolled her eyes "I'm past caring what you think, in fact I know that you fancy Mr.Tyler" Danielle frowned "who told you that? Was it Chloe?" Charlotte smirked "noone had too tell me, you can see the way you look at him" Danielle walked away leaving Charlotte standing there.

Chloe made her way to English with Mr.Clarkson and Charlotte was in that lesson "alright C?" Chloe glared "don't talk too me" Bolton frowned "what have I done?" Chloe rolled her eyes "leaving Charlotte out? Yeah she told me everything" Chloe walked carried on her way to English. Entering the classroom she deliberatly sat with Charlotte "Chloe why you sitting with her? Sit here" Chloe glared at Vicki "I suggest you shut your trap" Vicki frowned "Chloe?" Chloe rolled her eyes and stood on the table but before she could say anything Tom walked in "Chloe get down, you'll break your neck" Chloe rolled her eyes "actually Chloe go and sit with Vicki" Chloe glared "no" Tom looked at her "either sit by Vicki or get to the cooler" Chloe raised an eyebrow "neither" Tom glared "cooler now" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever" Chloe left the class and went to the cooler.

Charlotte knew people were talking about her and she also knew Tom wasn't doing anything about it "oi Charlotte what's it like being a whore?" Charlotte tried her best to ignore them but in the end she got her bag and left "Charlotte come back here" Charlotte ignored him and carried on walking.

Chloe was dying of boredom in the cooler when Chris walked in "here again Chloe?" Chloe grinned "well I heard you were on cooler duty and decided to pay my 2nd home a visit" Chris laughed "why are you here anyway?" Chloe shrugged "attempting too stick up for a frend" Chris frowned "how do you mean?" Chloe sighed "since people found out about Mr.Clarkson being the father of Charlotte's baby she's been getting grief" Chris frowned "what type of grief?" "Calling her a whore,stupidest thing is noone ever said that when I got pregnant by his lord almighty Max Tyler" Chris smiled "pregnant or not, you would have given them a whole load of grief" Chloe grinned "true" Chris looked at Chloe "you got any work?" Chloe shook her head "wasn't in English long enough to get any" Chris smirked "I'll go get you some" Chloe groaned "no you don't have too" Chris grinned "you can't stay in here without work, go and get some from Mr.Clarkson" Chloe groaned and stood "fine".

Chloe made her way to Tom's classroom even though she didn't want too. Arriving she walked in "Mr.Mead sent me to get some work" Tom nodded and Chloe noticed Charlotte wasn't there "where's Charlotte?" Vicki looked up "she's done a runner because she's a whore" Chloe walked over to her "what did you call her?" Vicki paled "no-nothing" Chloe glared "you called her a whore?" Vicki nodded and Chloe smirked "well you must be an even bigger whore, working in a strip club" Vicki looked at Chloe "that's a lie" Chloe smirked "no its not, I've heard from a few people that you're working there" Chloe smirked when Vicki shut up and walked out the classroom without getting her work.

Returning to the cooler Chloe was angry at what happened "Chloe where's the work?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know and I don't care" Chris frowned "what's happened?" Chloe glared "Mr.Clarkson allowed Charlotte to walk out the lesson due to bullying that occurred in his lesson!" Chris sighed "do you know where Charlotte is now?" Chloe shook her head "nope" "right let's go have a look for her".

Max saw Chloe walking the corridors and wanted to know why "Chloe why aren't you in class?" Chloe rolled her eyes "not now" Max frowned "Chloe" Chloe walked away "come here" Chloe turned back to him "I said not now". Chloe met with Chris "anything?" Chloe shook her head and Chris sighed "right you go and speak to your mum and I'll check the roof" Chloe paled "she wouldn't do that?" Chris smiled "go and see your mum" Chloe nodded and made her way to the office.

Rachel was in the office with Kim and Max when Chloe walked in "why aren't you in lesson?" Chloe sighed "Charlotte, she's gone missing" Rachel frowned "what do you mean gone missing?" Chloe rolled her eyes "I mean, not in school and believe me, I've looked everywhere" Rachel sighed "where's Chris?" Chloe looked up "he's checking on the roof" Rachel nodded "well I think someone should tell Eddie" Chloe grinned "I think you should" Rachel was confused "why?" Chloe shrugged "bad news always goes down well when its from someone you don't like" Chloe looked at Max who smirked.

Charlotte was sitting by Tom's street "Charlotte what do you doing here?" Charlotte looked up and saw Chlo "oh sorry" Chlo frowned "what's up?" Charlotte sighed "everyone going on at me about getting pregnant by Mr.Clarkson" Chlo smiled "ignore it" Charlotte shook her head "its hard" Chlo sighed "does anyone know you're here?" Charlotte shook her head "come in" Charlotte again shook her head "its not appropriate" Chlo smiled "look at Chloe she actually stayed in Tyler's house" Charlotte sighed "I should get out of here" Chlo shook her head "you're coming in and we're gonna have a hot coco" Charlotte smiled "thanks".

Chloe was getting annoyed that noone could find Charlotte "noone can find her? I'll bloody look for her myself!" Rachel sighed "look Chloe we're doing everything possible" Chloe rolled her eyes "look bloody harder" Rachel glared "get back to lesson" Chloe raised her eyesbrows "I'm not going back to Mr.Clarkson's lesson, he's the reason she's gone missing" Rachel rolled her eyes as Chloe left the office as Chris walked in "well who put her in a bad mood?" Rachel sighed "this is Chloe, she's always in a bad mood" Chris grinned "she was rather cheerful earlier" Rachel smirked "wonder what's changed".

Charlotte sat with Chlo in her bedroom "look, Vicki Mcdonald is the last person to be calling someone a whore, she works in a strip club" Charlotte sighed as the front door opened "Chlo are you here?" Charlotte paled "I should go" Chlo sighed "it'll be alright" Charlotte shook her head "no I really should go" Tom walked in "why are you here?" Chlo frowned "Tom?" Tom looked at Chlo "Miss.Mason, Eddie, Miss Campbell, Mr.Mead and Chloe are all looking for you, worried about you" Charlotte paled "sorry Chlo, I should go" Charlotte stood from Chlo's bed and left.

Chloe was sitting at home with Aubree worrying about Charlotte "Chloe?" Chloe looked at aubree who was asleep and went downstairs "anything?" Rachel sighed and shook her head "Eddie and Chris are still looking" Chloe nodded and went back upstairs and started her homework.

Eddie had been driving around looking for Charlotte and he was starting to wonder if she was ever going to come back, pulling into Rachel's drive he saw Chloe sitting outside "Chloe everything alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, just want her too come back, she doesn't need to worry about Vicki McDonald anymore" Eddie sighed "its hard for her, like it was for you" Chloe sighed "I found it hard, and I'm gonna be honest I never wanted a baby" Eddie smiled "you're an amazing mum to your baby" Chloe smiled "Charlotte would be amazing too" Chloe got her phone and dialled Charlotte's number -

"This is Charlotte, leave me a message and I'll get back to you".

"Charlotte its Chloe, obviously, you have my number stored, I hope. Let us know where you are, please! I'm missing you! You're the sister I never had, so call me or anyone" Chloe hung up and felt tears sting her eyes "she'll come back Chloe, she has too".

Charlotte was sitting in a cafe in town listening to the voicemail messages from Chloe, Eddie and Rachel, she wanted to see them again so she rang Chloe -


Charlotte - hiya Chloe its me

Chloe - are you alright?

Charlotte - not really.

Chloe - where are you?

Charlotte - a cafe in town

Chloe - there's at least 16 cafes in town

Charlotte - the one by the trainstation

Chloe - okay, stay there.

Charlotte - okay.


Charlotte hung up and waited for Chloe. 20minutes later Chloe arrived with Aubree "sorry it took me a while to get out so I said I was taking Aubree for a walk" Charlotte smiled "can I hold her?" Chloe nodded and handed Aubree over to Charlotte "come back, Vicki McDonald won't cause anymore trouble neither will Danielle, if they do they'll have me too deal with" Charlotte sighed "everyone hates me, Chlo only talks to me because of you" Chloe smiled "look at me, everything will be fine, now I suggest we go back to mine before Eddie or my mum send a search party out for me" Charlotte smiled and they went back to Rachel's.

Arriving back at Rachel's Chloe noticed Charlotte was shaking "it's gonna be alright" Charlotte smiled and they walked into the house "mum?" Rachel walked out of the living room "Charlotte are you alright?" Charlotte nodded and Rachel turned to Chloe "you knew where she was and never told us?" Chloe rolled her eyes "I didn't know until she called me an hour ago" Rachel nodded and went to make drinks for Charlotte and Chloe.

Charlotte sat on Chloe's bed with her while Aubree was playing with Chloe's ipod "look, how about tomorrow we start an anti-bullying campaign and call it MeanStinks" Charlotte smiled "MeanStinks?" Chloe nodded "yeah, effective immediatley MeanStinks is now officially beginning at Waterloo Road tommorow" Charlotte smiled and hugged Chloe "thanks" Chloe grinned "no worries, because Mean Stinks and we're gonna tell everyone that".


A/N - Hope You Likeed xoxo

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