Lucifer King

By LucifersMistresss

457K 12.2K 4.6K

His lips broke away from mine leaving me panting like crazy and made their way to my cheek. Leaving a hot tra... More

๐“๐‡๐„ ๐†๐€๐๐†
Hazel meets Blue
Sin with me
Mind tricks vs. Reality
Pills N Smokes
The Bachelor
Little Thief
Hot as Hell
Fear and Danger
Our Last Kiss
I am Lucifer King
Family Drama
Resisting Him
Hot n' Cold
Silent echoes
The Devil's weakness
Daddy's girl
Confused or Confusing?
Up in the Sky
The Phoenix
๐ƒ๐€๐๐“๐„ & ๐†๐€๐๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐‹
On My Knees
Blow Me
I'm Back!
Celestial Disputes
Baby Steps
Dante's Monologue
Fire on Fire
Face the Consequences
Painful Pleasure
Battle Scars

Hurt Is The New Love

8.1K 260 155
By LucifersMistresss

"Well I can see, you home with me. But you're with another man."-Are you gonna be my girl, Jet.

Warning: Depiction of violence! Proceed with caution.

Eliana's POV

"You never learn, do you?"

My skin prickled and the hair on my body stood when I heard his voice. I let go of Caden and turned around slowly, locating him right in front of me with his arms crossed on his chest.

Caden probably recognized him because he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, protecting me in a way. My back was against his chest and I could feel his heartbeats, multiplying by the second.

"Someone would think that after all these times that you made me angry, you would stay away from trouble. And here you are, whoring around minutes after you found out what you are." He spoke up again. His eyes fell on Caden's hands around my waist and his red orbs danced dangerously inside his eyes.

I know that I should probably feel scared of what is to happen to me next, but all I can feel is the anger bubbling inside me, ready to explode.

"Eli...Eli that's him. The one who ki-" Caden started.

"I know" I interrupted him. It's best if he didn't speak now.

There was silence. We were just looking at each other, challenging one another.

To be honest I was just buying time, to mentally prepare myself for the conversation and the events that are about to follow.

I guess he decided he had enough of that awful staring contest because his hands fell on his sides and he took a step forward.

"Why did you do it?" I asked quickly, making him stop.

"I warned you" He casually replied.

"That's not what I asked. Why did you do it?" I repeated, feeling the anger ready to burst.

I just felt so angry with him. There was this weird feeling of rage inside me that I have never felt before. It was a mixture of hate, terror, and betrayal.

This whole situation is driving me insane and the fact that Lucifer actually killed Caden out of jealousy is just the cherry on top.

"Because you disobeyed me, and I warned you of what would happen to him if you stayed"

I pushed away from Caden and stepped closer to Lucifer, craning my neck to maintain eye contact.

Every time our eyes collided I felt a spark of electricity blast inside me, my brain always becoming foggy. The first time I saw him he could manipulate me in a heartbeat but I think somehow I have learned how to control it and fight against this stupid mind link.

"Can't you just admit it? Or is your ego that bruised?" I spit out, my anger getting the best of me.

His eye color started shifting between red, burgundy, and black and I could practically sense his wrath on the air. He inhaled sharply and his left eye twitched.

"Don't go there." He said, trying to calm himself down. "Now enough talking and enough of your little games. Step away, we can do this without you getting hurt again." He said and took another step, extending his arm.

"No" I replied and with my hands shielded Caden from Lucifer.

"Oh?" He stopped again. He cocked one eyebrow and let out a small humorless chuckle.

"I said no." I was practically challenging him with my eyes, silently praying that he would let me go.

"Your mom was right." He smirked at me."You really are stupid."

Hateful and violent thoughts crossed my mind when he said that. I was ready to pounce on him and make him regret his life choices- although, I would probably need a tanker to even scratch him.

"You think I'm gonna let you go? Are you delusional? You think that I will let you go, that I will let you leave me...and take a dead soul with you." He laughed mockingly at me. His smile doing crazy things at me.

In a second his demeanor changed, his lips falling into a straight line and he raised his right hand, snapping his finger. I heard a swoosh from behind me and when I turned around, Caden was nowhere to be found.

"What did y-" I was interrupted by his warm hands on my waist and his warm body that was pressed up against me. He moved forward, pushing me backward and pinning me to the wall. Caging me in with his enormous torso, like a hunter and its prey.

Alarmed, I looked up at him only to see him bowing down so we can be face to face.

I gulped slowly and closed my eyes when I felt the heat of his body scorching mine. His hot breath hit my face and his sweet scent filled my nostrils.

Intoxicating. He smelled like pure fire, wood, and whiskey. I couldn't possibly put it in words.

"Didn't you listen to your mother? We are mates Eliana. Do you know what that means?"He grabbed my chin lightly with his fingers, looking down at my lips. His touch was tender and caring.

"Yes," I breathed out.

"You see... I don't think you do" He said and his fingers curled around my jaw, grasping it tightly.

"You're hurting me" I whimpered out and grabbed his hand, digging my nails in his forearm.

"And I love every second of it" He whispered, his breath hitting my face again.

"You see, little demon... I never thought that I would meet you. Being who I am... is very difficult and demanding."

He leaned down more and dived his face in my neck, the tip of his nose leaving a hot trail wherever it touched. He inhaled making me shiver and whimper.

Whenever he touches me like that my skin prickles and my mind automatically stops working.

Come on Eliana, get your shit together.

"But you don't need to know any of that. Now that I got you, you're not going anywhere." He bit down softly on my neck and then he licked the same spot, making me let out a moan I didn't know I was holding in.

He looked up at me again and his hands traveled down my body, following my curves down to my hips. He gripped them tightly and I felt his claws tear my skin. I looked deep into his eyes; they are blue now. That magnificent color makes me melt every time. 

He pressed his forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes.

I wanted to give in. I was ready to give in, to succumb to his wishes but the thought of everything that I've been through since I met him was keeping me sane.

The wrong thing that I did with Lucifer is that I treated him as a toxic person, a crazy toxic boyfriend. He is far from a person.

He is the Devil. He is not a damn human. He is the evilest person to ever exist and he is my so-called mate.

I don't know what did I ever do to deserve such a bad fate, but that's God's business.

I should have been stronger, that day at the club. I should have stayed with my friends. Now I would be fine in the safety of my home, with my friends laughing while we watched Disney movies or having a Harry Potter marathon. I would visit my dad in Athens. I would continue my studies, get my degree.

But I guess that life wasn't meant for me.

God, you really fucked this whole thing up, didn't you?

I focused on the man in front of me again, his forehead still against mine, our eyes searching each other's souls.

I could give in. I could accept this whole mate-situation and continue to live by Lucifer's side, safely until I die. But thinking over what he did to me... thinking about what he is actually able to do to me, is what keeps me from succumbing to this tempting offer.

As I looked into his eyes, I saw the craving and the need. He craved me, he wanted me and he needed me by his side. I knew that I was a necessity when he locked me into that room, but his huge ego wouldn't let him admit it. But I never thought that I would see him needing me.

"You're mine now" Lucifer whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I guess he had been waiting a very long time to find his mate. And that's what makes this more fun. 

I tilted my head to the side, leaned in, and brought my lips close to his ear.

"You are the worst thing to ever happen to me. I don't know why God gave you a mate but you should have never had one. I'm not yours and I will never be because I'm too good for you. I deserve way better than you and I'm gonna find someone who is the exact opposite of you because I fucking hate you." I whispered to his ear, the venom slowly pouring out of my lips.

I could feel him getting angrier and angrier as I was speaking, his breathing becoming rapid and quick. His claws dug deeper into my flesh, but it was bearable.

You shouldn't have said that, Kara spoke up.

An animalistic growl started rumbling from his stomach and escaped his lips as I felt my feet being lifted from the ground and in a matter of seconds, my body smashed against the other wall of the corridor.

I fell to the ground and shouted out in pain as I felt extremely painful stabs in my lower abdomen. My eyes were tightly closed, tears already rolling down my face and I felt as though I couldn't move my legs.

I whimpered, and cried, and screamed until I felt his claw, slowly caressing my arm, going up and down.

My movements and my screams seized immediately and I opened my eyes to look at him.

With teary eyes, I looked up at his face. The first thing I saw was his black bottomless eyes. His mesmerizing blue orbs long gone now, drowned by his wrath.

Then what caught my attention were the gorgeous, rich, black feathers framing his enormous body. Two huge ebony wings were stretched out, covering the whole corridor. I watched his wings move slightly as Lucifer breathed heavily, kneeling beside me.

I looked back at his face and I did a double-take, my eyes falling on his head.

Two, medium-sized black horns were poking out of his upper forehead. They were similar to the ones a goat had, but they were black and maybe smaller.

I guess this is the true form of Lucifer.

I should have been terrified by the real appearance of my mate, with his ebony wings matching his bottomless eyes and his horns tearing through his skin. But I wasn't.

I guess this mate bond of ours was stronger than I thought because all I could see was a true masterpiece, crafted by God. Lucifer was truly the most magnificent being that I have ever seen and I couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Lucifer was looking down at my body as I whimpered and stared at him, trying really hard not to scream. The excruciating pain in my back was unbearable.

Lucifer's attention was clearly only on my lower body, as I laid down in front of him. With great difficulty, I craned my neck towards my legs and with blurry eyes, I saw the damage.

I let out an uncontrollable scream and a new wave of tears and pain washed over me.

My legs were bloodied up and messy but the damage was clear. Both of them were broken, twisted in weird angles, the bone showing. Blood was gushing out of the open flesh non-stop, making a pool on the floor around my limb body.

But I felt no pain in my legs. Absolutely none.

I reached underneath my lower back where I felt the unbearable pain and it came in touch with the hot liquid dripping from there.


I'm paralyzed. I lost my legs.

I was feeling already light-headed from the blow and the massive loss of blood but the emotionally painful wave that hit me at this moment made me almost faint.

"Now, let's make something very clear. You are mine, Eliana Hatzi. You are my mate and you belong to me. Do you see this?" He said with a very deep, demonic voice and opened his right palm, showing me a mark on his skin.

The mark was a black, burned feather.

"You have the same mark on the back of your head. Now, you see little demon... when my mark comes in contact with yours, the job is done. You'll be completely mine and you'll kneel before me as my Queen. So forget everything that you knew and throw away that rebel attitude before I smite you and everyone you ever loved." He growled and leaned down towards my face, watching me with his empty eyes.

At this point, I was struggling to keep myself conscious. Dark spots stained my view as Lucifer kept talking to me.

His clawed hand reached out towards my neck and I flinched away, pushing the back of my head on the ground.

If it's not official yet, then I'm planning not to let it happen.

You can't escape it, Eli... You are the King's only soulmate, Kara said.

The King can kiss my ass.

"Eventually you'll break and you'll give in to me. You are not only my mate, but I'm yours as well. Whatever you do, wherever you are, you belong with me. No other creature in the world will satisfy you and complete you as I do. You are mine, Eliana." His voice has returned back to normal, his horns started to retreat and his eyes were glowing a blood-red color.

"Go to hell, Lucifer."

That was the last thing I said before I closed my eyelids and fell into unconsciousness, the darkness swallowing me up.




I woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around. I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise, there was a little light inside the room.

As the events of the last time that I was conscious came flooding through my mind, I stood up horrified and looked down at my lap.

A soft thin black sheet was covering my body and I immediately snatched it away, revealing my lower body.

Although I was somehow butt-naked again, a heavy sigh of relief left my lips as I saw my legs in their original state. I tried to move them and although I managed to lift my right leg, I fell a stabbing sensation in my lower back.

"Ah, fuck" I exclaimed surprised that I actually felt the pain and hissed lightly, pressing down on my back to subside the pain.

Didn't he heal me completely?

Well, you probably deserved that, Kara snickered.

"Careful there. You are not healed enough to stand up." I heard a familiar voice speak up from somewhere in the room.

My head snapped towards the direction of the voice and I saw Diagon holding two black towels that looked huge in his tiny hands.

At the sight of the demon, I grabbed the sheet and covered my naked body, shielding myself from his black eyes.

I watched his skeletal body move as he breathed slowly, his curious bottomless eyes looking at me like I have three heads. His tiny body was standing in the far corner of the room, besides a door.

"Who are you?" I said and brought the sheet up to my chin as I  stood in a sitting position and pressed my back against the headboard.

My back was hurting a lot but I wasn't about to let my guard down when a demon was inside the same room as me.

"I'm Diagon. I'm a dem-"

"Yes, I already know that. I mean why are you here? Who are you supposed to be? My nanny?" I said, cutting him off and looking down at the towels.

"The King said to keep an eye on you. I'm not your...nanny. I'm your guard and I'm here to make sure that you don't go running around in Hell again." He emphasized the word 'again', tilting his head to the side.

I contemplated what he said and for some reason, I was okay with that.

I was so tired of running and hiding and being chased. I was tired of running away from Lucifer and fighting him.

And I was certainly sick and tired of being hurt, physically, and emotionally.

Fighting with him clearly was a losing game. Proven multiple times.

What if I stayed for a while? I could stay and put this whole situation to the test...see if I can get some answers and maybe comprise with Lucifer.  I think that if I treat him the way he wants to be treated, we could make some progress and he could maybe let me go home.

And maybe agree to be his mate so I can finally complete my mission and be free?, Kara asked hopefully.

Yeah...I don't know about that. Being the Devil's mate isn't exactly my cup of tea. But I can talk with my mother and know, to free you, I answered her.

Lucifer mustn't know that I'm here. He will kill me, your mother, and probably every succubus that exists if it angers him.

And what if it doesn't?

The chances are low. Really low.

I saw Diagon move towards the door and open it. He was trying to balance the towels on his left hand but failed miserably, the towels unfolding and falling to the ground.

A giggle left my mouth before I could hold it back as I looked at the small demon fumbling around with the towels.

Diagon heard me and turned around, looking at me with a surprised look on his face. A small smile found its way on his mouth and it was my turn to be surprised.

"Your shower is ready Miss." He said and picked up the towels, shaking them in case there was dust on them.

"My...My what?" I asked and my eyes widened.

A shower?! I don't even remember the last time I showered.

Wait...when was the last time I went to the toilet? How long have I been in Hell? How could that thought never cross my mind?

"Time in Hell moves differently."He said and cleared his throat.

"I believe the exact analogy is 1 hour on Earth is something more than a month in Hell. Thirty-six days to be exact." Diagon explained. "So it's only natural that your body moves accordingly with the earth standards. Physical needs such as eating, drinking, and what you call 'using the toilet' do not exist in Hell. We simply exist, without needs."

I was in utter shock. My eyes were wide and my jaw must probably be on the floor right now.

"That's why you didn't need any of those things in that room. You were there for 15 days, Hell's time. The food that was given to you wasn't really food. It was simply to trick your mind that you were eating."

At this point, I was gaping at him.

I was trying really hard to process all this new information and I realized that a lot of my questions were answered and a lot of my worries vanished into thin air.

I was constantly worrying about my friends and my dad. They would go crazy if I went missing, especially my dad.

So after all this worrying... I was only gone for less than an hour.


I should have probably told you that sooner..., Kara said in almost a whisper.


Of course, I knew... I'm a demon.

Oh my God, Kara!

"Miss?" I heard Diagon say. I looked up at him and mumbled a 'huh'.

"Your shower is ready. Remove your sheet so I can transport you to the tub."

"Wh-What?" I asked horrified."Uh... I'm good. Thanks." I awkwardly said and tightened my grip on the sheet.

"Don't make my job difficult."He said, looking at me with not a single emotion.

"Excuse m-"

"Your legs are practically useless until you heal completely and I'm not allowed to touch you. So I have to move you with my telekinesis. Remove the sheet so it won't get wet." He explained, his emotionless face never faltering.

"But... I'm naked." I said and he opened his mouth again but I beat him to it."Won't the King get mad if you see his mate naked?" I asked and narrowed my eyes to look at him so I can persuade him.

He opened his mouth again and then closed it.

Ha! Got you.

"How can I explain this to a human... I don't care about your appearance. It doesn't matter to us because we can only see your true form. Your soul's form." He simply said.


After a minute or two of just staring at him and contemplating what he said, I slowly removed the sheet from my body.

"Get ready," He said and I felt my body being lifted from the bed, an invisible force engulfing me.

"Holy shit. I'm flying." I gasped as I moved across the room and towards the open door.

"No. You are not" Diagon said, already tired of my shit.

I chuckled as I went through the door.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I looked inside the bathroom.

Black marble walls, a white marble floor, and a huge bathtub in the middle that looked like it was made out of stone.

There were two torches in the wall, slightly lighting up the room.

The bathtub looked like a huge rock that was emptied on the inside and sculpted like a tub. It was filled with water and steam was coming off of it.

At the corner of the room, there was a shower with a marble seat in the middle. Diagon lowered me down on the seat inside the shower and I felt the force leave my body.

"Shower and then I'll come to move you to the tub"

"I'm sure I can manage.." I said, actually feeling bad for him.

"The King says you can't. So you can't" He said numbly and walked out, closing the door.

I sighed and turned on the shower, hot water hitting my face.

At first, I just stood there, facing the ceiling and letting the warm water cascade down my body.

Then I started scrubbing off the dirt and the dried blood.

Holy shit, I'm dirty as fuck.

I scrubbed with my hands again and again, until I was primarily clean. Then I picked up a weird black bottle and popped the lid off. I placed it underneath my nose and I inhaled, the strong scent hitting my senses and making my heart flutter.

Wood and whiskey.

I caught myself involuntarily smiling and pressing the bottle on my chest, squealing like a teenage girl.

My heart skipped a beat when his beautiful blue eyes and his intoxicating smell came to my mind.

I shook my head and poured some of the content on my hands.

I massaged my scalp slowly, using my fingers to detangle my hair. I used the same thing to wash my body because there wasn't any other bottle.

All the cuts and the bruises on my body were gone and my mind drifted back at him again, as I washed the shampoo away.

He is the one who causes the damage, yet he heals me every time.

I shook my head and suppressed a smile when I heard the door open and Diagon's small figure appeared.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded.

I felt the force hug my body again as I moved away from the shower and towards the tub.

I was now on top of the tub and Diagon started lowering me down. I shivered when my feet sunk underneath the hot water.

The water was actually a little bit too hot, but after my body was completely inside the tub, it actually felt soothing.

The sensation was amazing and the warm water did wonders. I relaxed my body, massaging my neck, and my shoulder blades.

"I'll be outside," Diagon said and I called his name, a thought popping in my mind.


"If you can move things with your mind...and you can lift me with no struggle at all...Why did you let me run from you and why did you chase me? You could easily, lift me up with your telekinesis and it would be over." I said, furrowing my eyebrows while looking at him.

"I love a good chase." He simply said, letting out a small chuckle before leaving.

I chuckled, thinking about that crazy chase inside the corridors. And to think it was only hours ago...So many things have happened since that.

I tried to forget about everything, closed my eyes, and sighed in bliss as the warm water hugged my body, relaxing my muscles.

That's the best I ever felt while in Hell.

I was already feeling much better, my back not hurting anymore. I emptied my mind of all the complicating and depressing thoughts that I had and just enjoyed the silence.

Well...until he popped into my mind.




Thank you so much for 6K :)

Until next time,

Lucifer's Mistress.

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