Jin's one of a kind sister

By nicefosterbts

38.4K 1K 62

Wonjin: just a warning, you are the only girl in our department, so just be prepared You: what do you mean Wo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 3

2.4K 64 4
By nicefosterbts

You were all seated in your respected seats. You all stand up to take the vow. you raised your right hand and you copy what the chief says. you were all officially sworn in as protectors of the law. after the ceremony, you said bye to the boys. today was your first day in criminal law. when you first got there, people were running around everywhere in a panic. Your boss stopped in front of you

Mr. Huk: Are you Y/N

You nod your head

Mr. Huk: Perfect, we just got a missing person's case, here is the file. change out of your uniform, the locker room is in the back. You open the file while walking to the locker room

11 year old Kim Mika (female) was reported missing after she didn't come home after school. teachers say they never saw her at school that day. Mika rides the bus to school, the bus stop is 2 blocks away from her home. The kids who ride the bus with her say they never saw her. Mika has a heart condition, and needs to take medication every day.

So, we need to find her before she needs to take her meds again. she most likely was kidnapped in between her house and the bus stop. street cameras would be our best bet to try and find her

You changed into jeans, and you kept your buttoned top on. You place your belongings in your locker that had your name on it. You grab the file and you go to find Mr. Huk

You: Did security footage find anything?

Mr. Huk: Watch for yourself

he turned the computer screen towards you and you watch the footage, all was to be seen was a masked figure jumping out from behind a building and bringing the girl into a car nearby

You: License plate

Mr. Huk: Lead to a Mr. Jackon. first day, do you want to get some action

you smirked and he gave you, your badge and your pistol with holster

You: thank you sir

Mr. Huk: Wonjin, go with Y/N

the man who looks to be only a little bit older than you, maybe 24. he nods and walks over to you

Wonjin: let's go

you nod and you both leave, you follow him to a car and you get in. You enter the address into the gps

Wonjin: you just graduated right

you nod your head

Wonjin: just a warning, you are the only girl in our department, so just be prepared

You: what do you mean

Wonjin: I mean we will probably tend to be right most of the time, and you might get yelled at for slacking

You tried holding in your laughter, but failed

Wonjin: are you laughing at me

You: I've basically was born to be a police officer. My parents were murdered when I was 13, the man who killed them is still alive and I have a strong will to put him in jail, no matter how long it takes. I was top of my class, and I catch onto things very quickly, we'll see who will get yelled at sweetheart

GPS: You have arrived at your location

you get out of the car and you go up to the door. You knock on the door and a man answers

?: who are you

you show him your badge

You: I'm Kim Y/N From the Criminal law and Justice of Korea. are you Jackson hun

he opens his door more and nods his head

You: Do you mind if I ask you some questions

he nods, you put away your badge

You: Are you the owner of this car

Wonjin walks up with a picture of the car

Jackson: You Found my car?!

You: actually it was used during a kidnapping

Jackson: what?!

Wonjin: You asked if we found it, when was it missing

Jackson: like a month ago, I filed a police report but they never did anything with it

You: Wonjin call in and tell someone to find that report

Wonjin: Why can't you do it

You: Because I just got here and I didn't get a chance to get phone numbers you idiot

he looked offended, he walks away and pulls out his phone

Jackson: you seem like you've been in the force longer than him

You: Nope, today is my first day actually. I kinda scared him a little bit in the car after he "warned me" because I'm the only girl in our division

Jackson: Ah, well good luck with him, he seems like a jerk

Wonjin: Police report was found, we have to go to visit the parents now

You: well then, if you ever find your car contact this number

you take one of Wonjin's cards, and his pen. you scribble out his number and you put yours down

Wonjin: YAH!

You: oh hush, thank you for your time Jackson

Jackson: no problem

you walk back to the car.

Wonjin: Did you really have to scribble out my number and put yours

You: Yes

Wonjin: Wow, I didn't know the police force hired bitches too

You looked at him as he drove. when you arrived at the house you knocked at the door. when it opens you bow

You: Hello, I am Kim Y/N from the Korean Police force

you stand back up and the woman bows slightly. You smile

You: Is it ok if we ask you a few questions

she nods and gestures us to come in. You notice a shoe rack by the door. you took off your shoes and you follow her into the living room

Wonjin: where is your husband?

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