patience, miguel diaz

By p4ulsboutique

84.1K 3.7K 2K

‎ع˖⁺ ⊹ ⋆ ୭ ❪ patience ❫ hunter was never one for sports let alone karate, but what happens when karate is he... More

act one.
o. prologue
i. the halloween dance.
ii. out with the old, in with the new.
iii. cobra kai means no mercy.
iv. cobra kai's new beginning.
v. lab partners.
vi. strike first.
vii. golf 'n stuff.
ix. love and car fires.
x. what comes around goes around.
xi. the all valley tournament.
act two.
xii. be honest with me.
xiii. the old dude.
xiv. miyagi-do ?
xv. the robby keene story
xvi. valley fest
xvii. hopelessly devoted to you
xviii. the beach club
xix. the calm before the storm

viii. junkyards and dinner.

2.8K 161 184
By p4ulsboutique

・☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 【 PATIENCE 】
»»————- act one.  ————-««

ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

" you can't let the mistakes
of your past determine your
future. "


THE NEXT DAY Hunter found herself in an old junkyard along with the other Cobra Kai kids. Johnny, insisted that the kids go there for some training, which Hunter was very skeptical about.

Johnny stood on the roof of an old van, a can of beer already in hand. Oddly enough he didn't have his usual Coors Banquet. "You've trained hard, you've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best, you're ready for this tournament am I right?"

"Yes sensei!" The students shouted.

"Wrong!" Johnny hissed, crushing his can of beer and throwing it at Hunter's feet. "Your best ain't shit." He spat. "If you wanna win the All-Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?" He shouted. Hunters eyes scanned the junkyard, old shards of glass from broken windows, dog poop, and old bumpers were scattered amongst the yard making Hunter cringe.

"Are you losers?"

"No sensei!" The class shouted.

"Are you nerds?"

"No sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No sensei!"

Johnny grunted, throwing his face into his hands as Hunter let out a groan. They were never gonna train enough in time.

Johnny put the kids through the wringer that day. He made them run through tires and walk across a plank of wood over a dumpster full of sharp objects. But Hunter's favorite part was when Johnny let them smash and destroy random objects around the lot.

"Your enemies are all around you, destroy them!" Johnny shouted, handing Hunter an old lead pipe. The girl's lips curved into a frightening smirk as she glanced over at Hawk and Miguel before running over to a pile of junk.

"This is not good," Hawk muttered to Miguel as they watched their best friend begin to smash up an old Volkswagen bug.

Hunter let out an ear-piercing scream before smashing the lead pipe against the window, anger seeping through her veins. "Fuck!" She cried out, sending the pipe through the windshield. She then kicked the car, putting a huge dent into the side. All of her pent up anger from the past few weeks was finally being let out onto an old shitty car.

Johnny watched the girl a little frightened. "I-I think you're done, Villanueva." He stammered, trying to grab the pipe from the small girl.

Hunter tugged back on the pipe, not letting it go. "No." She hissed as Johnny continued to pry. The two stood there tugging on the pipe for a good minute before he gave up and let Hunter continue to destroy the car.

"She scares me sometimes." The man muttered as Hawk and Miguel both agreed.

The sun was starting to set when Johnny grouped everyone back up and began to hand out pieces of beef jerky. "You wanna win, you gotta be hungry, you guys hungry?" He questioned. The children all nodded, they're stomaches feeling empty.

Hunter took a bite of the jerky, letting out a happy sigh. "Yes sensei!" The students shouted. Johnny dug into his pocket and pulled out a dog whistle. "Oh no," Hunter whispered, swallowing the piece of jerky.

"So are they." He smiled before blowing into the whistle. The kids looked around, the sound of vicious dog barking approaching them.

"Oh shit." Aisha cried.

Hunter's eyes widened before she booked it, running and jumping onto the hood of an old Ford pickup. "Don't be afraid, they smell fear!" Johnny shouted as Hunter sadly had to kick a dog away from her. "Hunter!" Miguel shouted. The girl looked up to see him above her on a higher car, holding his hand out for her to take. Hunter grabbed it and Miguel pulled her up effortlessly.

"Thanks, but isn't that cheating?" She breathed, looking up at him.

Miguel shrugged. "What sensei doesn't see, he doesn't know." The boy winked making Hunter sheepishly smile.

The next few days were tiring, Johnny worked the kids non stop to train them for the All Valley Tournament. He did want Hunter and Miguel to stop by the dojo that day, but Hunter needed a well-deserved break.

Hunter and Hawk had started hanging out more, but nothing serious ever came about. Occasionally Hawk would wrap an arm around her or hold her hand but oddly enough, he hadn't made a move on her.

Currently, the two were watching a movie at Hunter's apartment. It was late and Anita was working another long day at the office, meaning that at any minute Carmen would be coming over to let her know dinner was ready.

"So, Hunter," Hawk spoke up.

"Hm?" The girl hummed, her eyes not leaving the tv screen.

Hawk shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Well, we've been seeing each other for a while and I was wondering if you'd wanna be my girlfriend?" Hunter pried her eyes away from the television screen, her heart pounding at his words. She didn't know if she wanted to be with Hawk that way. She only ever saw their 'spending time together' as friendly hangouts.

"Uhh." She stammered. "Yes." She gulped before mentally cursing herself. Hawks eyes lit up as he pulled her hand into his, intertwining their fingers. Hunter looked up at him and her heart broke. He was so happy to be her boyfriend, while she was feeling the complete opposite. She could never say 'no' to anyone.

"Holy shit- that-this is awesome." He smiled, looking at her. The girl nodded her head, a queasy feeling was starting to settle in her stomach. Hawks eyes were still lingering on Hunters and to her dismay, he began to lean in. Hunter squeezed her eyes shut, embracing herself for a kiss from Hawk. Their lips were inches away when luckily, a loud knock was heard throughout the apartment.

"Hunter, dinners ready."

Carmen. Hunter mentally thanked the Diaz women as she pulled away from Hawk. "Okay Mrs. Diaz, be over in a second!" She shouted before jumping up from the sofa. Hawk looked up at the girl, his small smile faltering a bit.

Hunter tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding Hawks' gaze. "S-sorry, Hawk I um, gotta get to Miguel's for dinner or else Mrs. Diaz will tell my mom I didn't eat." She muttered.

Hawk shrugged his shoulders. "It's okay, don't sweat it." He smiled and began to walk towards the door. Hunter nodded her head, smiling a bit.  "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Hawk hummed. Hunter nodded her head as the two walked out the front door.

"Goodnight, Hawk." She said softly.

"Night, Hunter," Hawk said before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and walking away towards his car. Hunter let out an exasperated sigh once he was out of sight and shut her door, plopping herself onto the lawn chairs outside her apartment.

Suddenly Carmen, Miguel's mom, walked out of her apartment. "Is that your boyfriend?" She asked.

Hunter looked up at the woman, scrunching her nose up. "Something like that." She muttered. Carmen raised an eyebrow, taking a seat next to her.

"Young love problems, eh?" Hunter chuckled, nodding her head. "Big time." She said softly.

Carmen chuckled. "Aye, honey, what's wrong?" She asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Hunter bit her lip. "He just asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes when I think I wanted to say no." Carmen sighed and gave Hunter a frown. "Do you like this boy?" She asked. Hunter shrugged her shoulders. "I've known him since I was ten, I mean...." she trailed off. "Maybe? I don't know." She muttered. She wasn't gonna deny that the time they had been spending together was pleasant, but she couldn't help but think of Miguel.

"Maybe you can try? Young love isn't always forever. Do what your heart says, Mija." Carmen said softly. Maybe she's right. Hunter thought. It wouldn't hurt to try a relationship with Hawk, maybe in the long run she'll forget her feelings for Miguel and be happy with Hawk.
Soon enough, Johnny's red car sped into the parking lot of the complex, making both Hunter and Carmen stand up.

"Hey, guys." Carmen smiled, she and Hunter walking over to them. "How's training?"

"Oh, your sons doing great." Johnny smiled, patting the boy on the back. "I wish you would have joined us today Villanueva," Johnny spoke up, adverting his gaze to the Filipina.

Hunter nodded her head. "Sorry sensei, I needed a small break. I'll be good." She muttered as she tried to avoid Miguel's gaze which was almost impossible seeing as she had to eat dinner with him for the next twenty minutes.

"Miggy, you and Hunter go get cleaned up, yaya's making Seco de Carne." Carmen ordered the two children, which they both obeyed.

"Bye, sensei." Hunter and Miguel said in unison before walking away towards the Diaz apartment.

Miguel glanced over at Hunter before speaking up. "I saw Hawk go up to your apartment when leaving to go to the dojo."

"Oh, yeah. We were hanging out." She said softly, still not looking at the boy.

Miguel nodded his head. "Are you guys getting serious?" He questioned.

Hunter nodded her head. "He uh, asked me to be his girlfriend today." She replied. Miguel's heart started to race as he froze.

"What did you say?" Hunter looked up at Miguel and shrugged her shoulders. "I said yes." She mumbled. Miguel looked down at his feet. "Oh, that's good. I-I'm happy for you." He lied.

"Thanks." That was all Hunter said before disappearing into the Diaz household.
Miguel let out a sigh.

You're with Sam. Hunters with Hawk.
You're with Sam. Hunters with Hawk.
You like Sam, not Hunter.

Miguel repeated to himself in his head as he walked into his shared apartment.

Hunter wasn't going to deny how awkward dinner was. Carmen had convinced Johnny to join them for the meal. It was bad enough she had to sit next to Miguel and hold his hand for prayer, now she had to sit and eat dinner with her sensei. Her small break that day was barely enough to keep her sane.

"So, Miguel told me all about the tournament," Carmen said, looking over at Johnny. "I hope he and Hunter don't get hurt." She said softly. Hunter shifted awkwardly in her seat. There was tension amongst everyone and it was getting thicker by the second.

"Mom, I told you there's a referee. You can't get hurt." Miguel muttered.

Johnny took a bite of his food. "At least not permanently."

Carmen looked over at the Sensei, giving him a look. "They'll be fine," Johnny assured.

Hunter sat quietly eating her food. She wanted dinner to be over with already. Although she loved karate and her teammates, she wanted a break. A break from tournament talk and a break from Miguel's presence.

"So have you always lived in Reseda?" Carmen asked Johnny.

Hunter perked up at the topic of conversation. She never knew anything about Johnny, so hearing where he was from was a new puzzle piece falling into place. "No, I grew up in Encino." Johnny smiled softly, taking a bite of his food.

"Really?" Carmen asked, clearly surprised. "Nice houses there." She nodded. Hunter and Miguel watched as the two conversed, still eating their food.

"Well, just because you live in a nice house doesn't mean nice things are going on inside." Hunter looked up at her sensei but he avoided her gaze, he didn't need pity from a sixteen-year-old.

"Mmm, I really like these bananas." Johnny changed the subject. Hunter stifled a laugh in which Miguel just nudged her side.

"They're called plantains." Carmen corrected.

"Oh." Johnny smiled. "In English, we call them bananas."

Hunter let out a chuckle as everyone else around her joined in. Johnny looked at the four around him. "What's so funny?" He questioned.

"Plantains are different from bananas, sensei." She muttered, sipping on her water.

The laughter soon was interrupted by Miguel's phone buzzing. Hunter's smile faltered as she came back to reality. "Oh sorry." Said Miguel.

"Answer it, mijo. It's fine." Carmen allowed. "Don't take too long. Your food will get cold, okay?"

"Okay," Miguel said with a small smile before standing up from his chair and walking to his room.

Yaya gave Carmen a confused look while Hunter just sunk in her seat, making Johnny look over at her. "He has a girlfriend," Carmen whispered to her mom.

"Remember what I said, Hunter," Johnny muttered under his breath. Hunter let out a small grunt before sitting up straight again.

"I'm so glad Miguel has made some nice friends," Carmen spoke up, looking over at Hunter with a smile. "It's been so difficult for him. We had to move around a lot." She sighed.

"Where are you guys from originally?" Johnny asked.

"Ecuador." Carmen hummed.

"Oh, why'd you leave?" Hunter kicked Johnny under the table roughly, giving him a look.

"Porcue se enamoró de un idiota."
She fell in love with an idiot. Yaya said making Carmen look over at her mother.

"Mama." She said sternly. Hunter just smiled and listened.

"I got married at 18. After I became pregnant with Miguel, I learned the truth about my husband's job. Let's just say he was a very bad man." She explained making Hunter look to her with sympathy. "I had to get far away from him."

"Sorry to hear that," Johnny said softly.

"Me too, Miss. Diaz." Hunter frowned and placed a hand on Carmens.

"Don't be sorry, I moved on long ago. You can't let the mistakes of your past determine your future."

Hunter looked up at Carmen, her words sinking through Hunter's skin. "I-I got to go, thank you for dinner Miss. Diaz." She muttered before putting her plate in the sink and walking out of Diaz's apartment.

I wasn't too happy about this chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it 🥺 I'm trying to decide when I want hunter and miguel to get together cause I know some of you are like "jesus just get it over with" but there are three seasons and probably another on the way so... :')

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