King of the Isles.

By ReptileEdge

4K 64 29

The mighty king of the monsters... has died. After an epic battle against the oxygen destroyer personified... More

Death of the King...
A King Reborn.
The Legend Begins.
The Emperor, The Owl Lady, and The King (Part 2).

The Emperor, the Owl Lady, and the King.

722 12 2
By ReptileEdge

Centuries had passed since the day the king of the monsters arrived, and the boiling isles hasn't been the same since.

The tale of the king's arrival had been passed down from generation, to generation, to generation. The tale of how a small settlement of witches had been saved by a monster king known as Godzilla.

During that time, an emperor had risen to power, a powerful witch by the name of Belos. He claimed that he could hear the titan speak to him, and said that the witches had magic all wrong. Ever since then, the coven system that he established to control different types of magic has become an everyday thing all across the isles. But to disobey the coven system, such as not joining a coven, or practicing 'wild' magic, is punishable by any means the emperor sees as necessary.

Which usually meant being turned to stone.

But there was one problem even the emperor couldn't overcome... Godzilla.

Belos has indeed heard the tale of the mighty monster king that defeated a magma monster before his rule over the isles. He knew that this monster could pose as a possible threat to him, so he formed a secret task force to track down, and figure out a way to stop him.

But he had another problem to deal with.

Ever since the task force was formed, giant monsters have risen to wreck havoc across the isles. Each time that happened, Godzilla rises from the sea to take them head on, and emerges victorious!

This made the citizens of the isles both adore, and fear the king. They feared him for what he was, and his sheer power. But they adored him for defeating giant monsters that threatened their lives.

He crushed a giant crustacean.


Set a giant spider ablaze.


And even impaled a giant praying mantis onto one of the titan's smaller rib bones.

(Kamacuras. Pretend he's impaled by a bone.)

Needless to say, the king of monsters is a force to be reckoned with.

Soon, Belos decided to see what the king could do in person, in order to see what he, and his task force, were up against. He figured that if giant monsters attacking are what lure him out in the open, then that's what he'll use as bait.

But the problem was that he didn't know where to find a giant monster. The monsters pop up at random, so there was no way of knowing when another was going to show up. So if he couldn't find one, he could make one.

Belos was no fool. He knew how incredible reckless it would be to create a giant monster just to lure out the king. Which is why he and his task force would be creating one that he would control with ease, so he could limit collateral damage. He doesn't plan on having any casualties, he just plans to scare the citizens.

"Emperor Belos, are you sure this is a wise decision? If this monster were to be created, how can you be so sure it won't backfire?" One of his loyal coven members asked out of worry.

"Worry not. I've taken every precaution in order to succeed in luring out the king of monsters. Soon, we shall truly see what we're up against." Belos said as he and the coven member marched down a hallway towards their destination.

The hallway then led them to a door that only certain coven members, and the emperor himself (obviously), had access to.

Once opened, the door leads to a long stairwell that descends to one of the many catacombs of the castle. This one was more like the basement of the castle if anything else.

**Many many steps later**

Once the two reached the bottom of the stairs, it ended with another door with a large keyhole in the center. But this keyhole didn't require just any large key.

Belos held his staff horizontally, and entered the top piece of his staff, what is supposed to be his palisman, then twisted it like a key. Once the lock clicked, Belos pulled his staff out of the lock, and opened the door.

Once he and the coven member entered, they were greeted by several other coven members of the emperor's coven. The rest were some of the best members of the abomination, illusion, and beast-keeping covens.

These were actually some of the members in secret task force against the monster king.

They all stood in a circle as they were waiting for the other witch, and Belos himself.

Once he stood in the circle, Belos spoke to his fellow members.

"My fellow witches. Here we stand together to accomplish a great task. A task so great, that if word got out, chaos and unrest will ensue across the isles. Once complete, no one speaks of this act outside this room unless told otherwise. Do I make myself clear? Do you all swear to secrecy?" Belos questioned the members.

"Yes, emperor Belos." The coven members spoke in unison without hesitation.

"Good. Now the task at hand is simple, yet difficult. I'm sure some of you have heard of the tale of a monster king that saved a settlement of wild witches long before my rule." He spoke.

"Yes, emperor." The coven members spoke in unison.

"Good. Now, this monster, known as Godzilla, has appeared in the isles during the savage times, and has long since made his presence known throughout the isles every time another giant monster appears. This monster king could pose as a possible threat in the future, and I wish to see what we're truly up against."

"How do you wish to accomplish such a task, your highness?" One of the coven members asked.

"That's the simple, yet difficult part of the task. You see, the monster king only appears whenever another giant monster appears. So I thought up of a plan to create our own monster, one that we can control without fail, and test the limits against this so called 'king.'" Said Belos.

"With all due respect, emperor Belos, but are you out of your mind?!" One of the coven members questioned incredulously.

"No. I don't think I am. Hence why I called in the best of the best for this task. For this is no one witch job. I already know that we can't just cobble together a creature from muscle and bone. But then I began looking into the abominations. They're obedient, loyal, and easy to control. So if we could just scale it up, give it a more menacing appearance, give it more durability, give it some aggression, and unleash it to where the public will see it. Once out in the open, the mega abomination will cause such a ruckus that it will draw out the monster king, and then we will shall see what we're up against in person and not behind closed doors." Belos explained.

The other coven members looked at each other with a feeling of unease. They were unsure about this plan, but they dare not question him or dare provoke his wrath.

"Without any further interruptions, once this creature is created, no one says anything about it. Understood?"

"Yes, emperor Belos." The witches said in unison.

"Good. Now let's get started, shall we?"



The part of the isles known as bonesborough is a common marketplace for the people of this land to buy, and sell goods.

The witches, demons, and whatever were wondering about, minding their own business. But then, the ground began to tremble. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked around confused. None of them knew if it was an earthquake, or one of the creatures roaming around the isles. The worst case scenario was a giant monster.

They soon got their answer once a roar erupted in the air.

(0:00 - 0:10)

They all looked to see a multicolored mass of some kind of sludge or slime with a pair of glaring eyes, and what appeared to be white stones on its body, while using some for teeth and claws.

(Yeah, I used a Pokémon for the giant monster. I'm saving the other Toho kaiju for bigger fights)

"GIANT MONSTER!" Someone screamed.

The town began to panic as the creature drew closer... at a slow pace. But still, it was getting closer... MENACINGLY!


Within the ocean's depths...

Deep beneath the waves of the demon realm's ocean lied a large creature of great power.

As it slumbered, it could sense that something was amiss. It sensed something had invaded its turf. Something made of power. Something... hostile.

Another monster.

Growling, the beast awakened from its slumber, and roared within the depths.

(0:06 - 0:09)



Back at Bonesborough, the people continued to run or fly as the slimy creature was almost upon them. Some of the emperor's coven tried firing blasts of magic to stall the beast, or at least subdue it, but it was having very little effect on it.

Then, one of the demons flying for their lives noticed the sea water next to their town was bubbling greatly.

"HEY! LOOK! THE OCEAN!" She yelled out, catching the attention of others.

They all looked to see that the sea water was churning like boiling water.

(Play the music up top)

But then the ocean's surface exploded to reveal the one causing it...

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

(0:32 - 0:37)


"It's Godzilla! GODZILLA'S HERE!" One male witch cried out.

"It's the king of monsters!" Cried out a demon.

"He's come for the slime creature!" Cried out a witch girl.

As Godzilla lumbered onto shore, he heard the roar of the creature that had disturbed him, and invaded his territory. What he saw was a multicolored slime monster, and he could sense much hostility coming from it.

Godzilla's roared apparently caught its attention, because now its attention was solely focused on the mutated saurian.

Godzilla's dorsal plates flashed, and he unleashed a torrent of blue energy (his atomic breath) onto the creature.

The beast howled in pain as the blast blew a hole in it. The hole began to regenerate, and the monster looked pissed. But its eyes widened once they saw Godzilla charging him without a second thought.

Godzilla managed to slam his body into the sludgy mass of the creature, and managed to shove it back with his shoulder, despite the multicolored slime ball being slightly bigger than the king.

The slime monster was taken by surprise, but regained focus by forming a spiked mace, with the white stones as the spikes, and slammed it down onto the monster king.

Godzilla roared in irritation. The mace wasn't that strong, but it did manage to hurt him. It just didn't give him any wounds.

Godzilla stopped shoving back the slime monster, and swung his tail at the mace, the force his tail brought managed to splatter the limb.

The slime beast roared in anger, and began to form fists.

The two charged at each other, and began to exchange blows.

Godzilla resorted to using his claws, while the slime monster was delivering punch after punch against the king's face, but Godzilla didn't back down. He swiped his right hand across the monster's left eye, making it roar in agony, and clamped his sharp teeth down onto one of the monster's fists.

The monster roared in pain. Retaliating, the monster opened its gaping maw like a snake, and bit down onto Godzilla's shoulder.

Godzilla ripped off the slimy limb, and blasted the side of the monster, where the neck and shoulder should be, with his atomic breath.

The slime monster let go of Godzilla's shoulder as it howled in pain.

Godzilla blasted the monster with his atomic breath again, directly into its chest.

The monster screeched in pain. The hole regenerated, but some of its slime was obliterated from the three times it was blasted.

Angered, the slime beast decided to try one more tactic. It charged Godzilla, and once it was close enough, it stretched its body over and around the king like a cloak, and enveloped him. Leaving only Godzilla's tail visible.

Godzilla struggled and roared within the blobby mass that was this monster. He was having trouble escaping with the slime all around him. So he decided to try another approach to the situation.

From outside, the onlookers watched as Godzilla struggled within the mass of slime until he went still.

They assumed the worst, but the slime monster's eyes widened once it felt an energy surge within itself. It began to bloat like a balloon as the energy grew. Then finally...


The slime monster exploded, the majority of its slime being obliterated by an energy blast released from Godzilla's body (his atomic pulse).

Godzilla roared, and the remains of the slime monster formed a smaller version of it in front of the king. The monster now stood only one third its original size.

Godzilla glared daggers at the slime monster, or what remained of it, and the slime monster trembled under the king's fiery gaze. His orange and red eyes boring into it.

Godzilla's dorsal plates flashed once more, and fired his atomic breath upon the creature, completely obliterating it.

Once he ceased his attack, he looked to see what remained of the monster. All that remained was ash.

(End of the music)

Seeing his foe defeated, Godzilla roared in victory.

The crowd cheered at the defeat of the slime monster, and watched as Godzilla returned to the ocean from where he came from.



During the whole fight, someone had been watching from above the trees on a staff with an owl palisman.

The witch put down her binoculars once Godzilla returned to the sea to slumber.

"Huh. To think today was gonna be boring." She said.

She then took off on her staff to wherever it was she came from.


Boom! A monster fight, AND kickass music to go along with it.

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