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By listenhere_mf

97.8K 2.4K 3.5K

โ†ณ๏ธŽ ๐˜ /๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ. 4 ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜จ๐˜ฐ, ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜บ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๏ฟฝ... More

Chapter 01 | Introduction
Chapter 02 | Just Why?
Chapter 03 | Noah.
Chapter 04 | First sighting
Chapter 05 | Strange.
Chapter 06 | Concerns
Chapter 07 | Meeting Him
Chapter 08 | Disturbed Memories
Chapter 09 | Shocked
Chapter 10 | Again?!
Chapter 11 | Drama.
Chapter 12 | Officer Robby.
Chapter 13 | Confession
Chapter 14 | Gentle Love.
Chapter 16 | His Family.
Chapter 17 | Our appointment
Chapter 18 | Caught Him
Chapter 19 | Punishment
- Bonus - (not a real chapter in this book, btw!)
Chapter 20 | Meeting My Parents
Chapter 21 | Watched
Chapter 22 | Paranoid
Chapter 23 | Taken
Chapter 24 | Meeting Zalgo
Chapter 25 | Intoxicated
Chapter 26 | Loving The Wrong One
Chapter 27 | Realization
Chapter 28 | Moving?
Chapter 29 | Slender's Brothers
Chapter 30 | Almost There!
Chapter 31 | Our baby girl.

Chapter 15 | Jealousy.

3.3K 72 106
By listenhere_mf

(Next morning, Y/n's P.O.V)

I was half asleep and half awake, I felt strong and long arms securely wrapped around my frame. A small smile found its way to my lips since I knew it was Jack. I then heard my bedroom door open lightly.

I now heard shuffling sounds, inching closer and closer to my side of the bed. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, I turned my head and saw Jay smiling at me. I smiled back at him, I slowly and softly unwrapped Jack's arms from my body.

"Darling, who's this? Is he your boyfriend?" Jay asked with a happy tone in his voice. I smiled even wider and nodded my head. I sat completely up, before Jack and I went to bed last night, I put a f/c oversized t-shirt on with f/c panties on underneath. Jack put a pair of black sweatpants on and black socks.

Jay ruffles my hair and says,

"Awwwe, I can't wait to meat him!" Jay then walked out of room, smiling to himself.

I then turned to Jack, I pressed my lips onto his. I slowly moved my lips and soon enough, he started to kiss back. He ran his hand down my side and lifted my shirt up, his claws made their way to my breasts. I moaned into Jack's mouth when I felt his claw twist my nipple a little hard.

Jack smiled into the French kiss and moved his hand to my back and pulled my body into his. He then made me lay on my back as he hovered over me. Our lips were still connected as he grinds his clothed member against my clothed vagina. We both moan into each other's mouthes.

We end the heated french kiss and I said,

"We should get ready for the day." I looked into Jack's eyes and all I see is pure love in his eyes. He smiled at me and pecked my forehead before getting up from the bed.

I tried to get out of the bed but nearly collapsed to the floor. My legs and womanhood are still sore from last night. Jack immediately rushed to me and helped me to the bathroom for us to do our morning routine.

Jack turned the bathtub's faucet on and changed it to warm water. He added bubbles and flower petals into the water. He walked to my candle and natural oils cabinet and poured a bit of lavender essential body oil into the water. He also lit about 10 candles and sat them around the bathtub.

He closed all the curtains in the bathroom so it looked very romantic.

(Author : This is kinda what the bathroom looks like. If you don't like it, imagine it differently! Imagine there are rose petals in the water!❤️💕✨☁️)

I stripped myself of my clothing and got in the warm/relaxing water. I saw Jack going to towards the shower but I grabbed his claws.

"Babe, why don't you join me in here?" I smiled at him.

"Are you sure? I thought you'd prefer to have the tub to yourself." He gave me a doubtful expression.

"I'd much rather you join me in here, Jack." He looked into the water and started to take his sweatpants off. He stripped himself of all his clothes and stepped into the bathtub with me.

He sat down infront of me, I then spread his legs and moved in between them. I layed on my side, my side was pressing against Jack's chest and pelvic area.

He wrapped his lanky arms around my figure while rubbing my baby bump. He stared at the baby bump for a bit and then looked at me. He closed his eyes and leaned his head down to mine. Our lips connected and Jack but my lip to ask for entrance, I decided to tease just one time. I felt Jack's lips pout and he licks my lip lovingly. This made me smile and I just had to give into him. I parted my lips and he swiftly slid his tongue into my mouth, our tongues entangled with each other slowly. We disconnected our lips and I locked the string of saliva that fell from Jack's lips.

"I love you so much, Y/n. No one will ever hurt you, I will protect you until the day I die. I promise." He pressed his forehead onto mine, we made eye contact.

"I love you too, Jack. I promise to do the same for you." I lifted up my hand and showed a pinky finger.

Jack chuckled at this and interlocked his pinky with mine, he then pecked my lips.

"Why don't we get washed up, my love?" Jack asked. I nodded my head and we started to wash each other.

(TimeSkip, a hour, still Y/n's P.O.V.)

Jack and I already got out of the bath about 20 minutes ago. Jack was just asked to have a private talk with Jay.

(Jay's P.O.V.)

I lead Jack to the living room and I stood in front of him. I then spoke,

"So I already know that you're dating Y/n. All I wanted to say is please don't hurt her. I hate to see her upset and sad, I don't think you're like her ex Mark so I have high hopes for you and hers relationship. Just, please never hurt her." I said, a warm and welcoming smile was plastered on my lips. Jack smiled and hugged me, I smiled even wider and hugged him back.

"Welcome to the family, Jack."

(Back to Y/n's P.O.V.)

I see Jack and Jay walking up to me, they were telling jokes to each other and laughing. I smiled, him and my brother are getting along well! This is awesome! Jay waves at me and smiles, he grabbed his car keys and left to his job.

"Hey Jack, why don't we go on our first date today?" Jack smiles and nods.

"Where do you want to go, Y/n?" I then thought about different places and I finally decided on one.

"Let's go to your carnival!" He looks at me.

"Are you sure, babe?" I nodded my head excitedly. He smiled and grabbed my hand, we then disappeared into thin air. Black mist followed our leave and we appeared in the familiar monochrome carnival. Thousands of mutilated children were playing with each other and running around hitting ransoms things in their directed paths.

(TimeSkip, a few hours, still Y/n's P.O.V.)

Me and Jack played hundreds of games and went on tons of fun rides. We even played with some of the children, they acted like regular children but obviously didn't look like regular children.

In my opinion, the children here were strangely  beautiful. They made me grow a soft spot for them and I now found comfort and peace within them. The children seemed to feel the same way towards me which made me smile brightly.

But our fun was cut short when Jack said something about a Slender Mansion again. What the heck is Slender Mansion? Jack teleported me back to my house. I slumped onto the couch since I was teleported into the living room. I got a text message from my professor, Professor William to be exact.
(Professor Bentley)
"Good evening, Y/n. Do you think you can maybe meet me at my classroom as soon a as possible. " Read✔︎✔︎

"Uhm, sure. I will head there now. See ya, William." Read✔︎✔︎

(Professor Bentley)
"Fantastic! See ya, Y/n. <3" Read✔︎✔︎
I arched my eyebrow at the last message from William. He put a heart emoticon at the end of it. I grabbed a honey bun and my car keys, I made my way to my college.

As I arrived to the building, he was standing outside in the parking lot. He was staring at me through my car, I got creeped out but pushed that feeling away from me.

I climbed out my car and locked it. I walked up to William but.........asI did that, he circled me and stood behind me. I went to turn around and ask what the hell did he want but before I could do that. He held a handkerchief over my mouth, it started to make me feel drowsy. I slowly passed out in Williams arms. Before I went completely unconscious, I felt William pick me up bridal style saying,

"You will be mine, Y/n." Then I went limp.

(TimeSkip, when you wake up, still Y/n's P.O.V)

I woke up with a slight headache, my vision was blurry at first but I started to become aware of my surroundings. I was in a dark bedroom hat I didn't recognize at all.

I heard a ongoing conversation or let's say argument happening right outside the bedroom door. One voice was a male and the other was a female. I 100% recognized those voices as William and................Rosabella.

"Well now that you captured Y/n, I can finally have Jack."

"I know that dumbass but do you ready think Jack won't go looking for her?!"

"If he does, I will distract him with my body. That always seemed to work with her brother, Jay pretty well."

"Well this isn't Jay we are talking about! Sometimes you can act so stupid, you know?"

"How exactly am I acting stupid, William?"

"Because you really think you're body will work on a man who is not into you at all anymore?!"

"Oh trust me. He will be into me again, don't you worry about that detail, William."

"You know what? Go ahead just make sure he doesn't come here for her. Got it?"

"Hmm hmm." Rosabella hummed in response.

The bedroom door than creaked open and in-walked William. He was wearing a huge smirk across his filthy lips. He walked to me and rubbed my inner thigh dangerously close to my womanhood. I slapped his disgusting hand off of my but this didn't set well with William.

He grabbed my wrists and tightly pinned them above my head. He then licked my cheek and I scowled at him. He chuckled and ran his hand down my body.

"You know, Y/n. I took note that Jack doesn't exactly have fingers instead, he has long and razor sharp claws. I think you'd prefer a man that has real fingers so he can finger you, hmm?"

He leaned down towards my face, I spit in his face. In response, he slammed 3 finger in my vagina, I screamed since I still somewhat sore down there. I kicked him and he stumbled away from me.

For whatever reason, Rosabella walked into the room holding a kitchen knife in her hand. She lunges at me and attempted to stab my stomach. The knife kind of penetrated but not to much since I was able to knock it out of her hand before it could go even deeper.

She took a swing at my face but I grabbed her wrist and shoved her from me. She growled and stumbled back to her feet. William attacked me from behind this time and stabbed me in my hip with the same knife Rosabella was just holding.

I put my arms over my stomach, no one was gonna hurt D/n. I backward kicked harshly and William dropped the knife and stumbled to the ground. Just as William got up, Rosabella did too. William pinned me down and Rosabella grabbed the knife and raised it above her head, ready to stab right through my stomach whoever she wanted to.

"Ahem. What the hell do you two think you're doing?" I heard a familiar voice.....it was Jack's. He sounded pissed tho.

"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. To. My. Sister?" I also heard Jay's voice, he sounds enraged.

Then, Jay tackles William to the ground and started punching him senseless. Jack came up behind Rosabella and ripped her stomach open with his claws. He then grabbed a handful of her hair and said,

"Y/n, my love. Look away for a moment, please." He looked into my eyes and I nodded, he slightly smiled.

In my peripheral vision, I saw Jack take one of his claws and raised it to Rosabella's throat. Rosabella kept begging for mercy and that she was sorry for what she did wrong.

Jack was not taking any of her bullshit and lowered his claw onto her throat. He completely decapitated Rosabella and he tossed her severed head across the room. Jay asked Jack for help with William, so Jack came up and took his claws and stabbed them straight through William's guts. He pulled the guts and insides out and replaced them with hard candy.

Jack came up to me and picked me up bridal style. He slowly lowered his lips onto mine and I grabbed the side his face. His bloody claws softly rubbed my butt while he carried me.

(TimeSkip, when they arrive home, still Y/n's P.O.V.)

Jay drove my car home while Jack walked with me in his arms the whole way back. Jack said he preferred if he walked with me back home to have some alone time.

Jack was now carrying me like a backwards piggyback ride. Instead of being on his back, I was in his front side. I buried my face into the crook of his neck, the feathers tickled my face and I would giggle.

I planted gentle and soft kissed on both side ms of his neck, I also made a hickey or love mark on both sides of his neck to show he is taken.

I then got an idea and I looked at Jack, smiling.

↳︎ 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡.....

『︎ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 - 2,301 』︎

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