DEAR JULIETTE ▹ Anthony Bridg...

נכתב על ידי hhypnos

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"My final letters, were they read? Or were they written in vain?" Although born in France, Juliette Villeneuv... עוד



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נכתב על ידי hhypnos

chapter six

LADY WHISTLEDOWN'S SCANDAL SHEET AS OF LATE, as always, was the fuzzy grains of a red-seeded dandelion, simply released by a mere puff of breath. They floated to every crevice of Grosvenor Square, spreading to every Lord and Lady. Where the seeds landed, grew a pesky weed of Lady Whistledown's words. The square was ridden with the impurities of the High Society, ridden with rumours of the happenings at Vauxhall the night before. Grosvenor Square was overrun by weeds.

As the early morning sun blessed the cloudless sky, Juliette sat on the wooden porch swing. The heat of an eager imminent summer kissed her skin and warmed the coldness that prevailed from the prior night. She was entranced by the words of her novel, transported to a fictional world. The bustling excitement of Lady Whistledown's rapidly sowing words was unknown to Juliette. She was ignorant to the commotion of Grosvenor Square, as she was too mesmerized by the comfort of another reality.

Suddenly, her book was ripped from her grasp with haste. Juliette gasped loudly as she was torn from the fictional words and was brought plunging into reality.

Édith, her sweet cousin, stood in front of Juliette, eyes wide with mischief. The novel was shut and held tight to her chest, ultimately losing Juliette's page. Juliette tried not to dwell on the sliver of annoyance budding within. She noticed Édith's free hand was tucked behind her back. Unquestionably, the young girl was up to no good.

"Yes, Édith?" Juliette questioned, irritation slightly fell from her tongue.

An impish grin pulled at Édith's lips. Excitedly, she announced, "A new scandal sheet has been released!"

The thirteen-year-old girl nimbly withdrew her arm from behind her back, wielding an intricate sword of words. Lady Whistledown's scandal sheet was held tightly in her clutch. The beige pages fluttered in the light June breeze.

Juliette inhaled sharply, her heartbeat spiking at the news.

"Oh, please, Juliette, let us read it!" Édith pleaded. With haste, she seated herself next to Juliette, offering the scandal sheet. The wooden swing swung backwards at the sudden movement, releasing a low creak. Eyeing the DuBois property, she continued in a hushed whisper, "We must be quick before Mama comes out!"

Lady DuBois had taken a disliking to the notorious scandal sheet, as many on the receiving end of the blade did. She claimed the words were mere poison and did not merit being spread any further. She banned the words of Lady Whistledown, as they were not to be spoken within the DuBois property. For, she insisted, the DuBois family has far more pressing concerns than an anonymous scribbler.

Juliette was uncertain. Lady DuBois's reasoning was sane. After being labelled a crone, Juliette consumed her time pondering whether there was truth to the words. As she thought of the words more, the more she allowed them to nibble away at her soul. However, the pouted lip and pleading eyes Édith wore tugged mercilessly at Juliette's heart. Biting her cheek, Juliette truly attempted to refrain from granting her cousin's wishes. She had no desire in reading what the anonymous scribbler scrawled as of late, for she wished not to be marked a crone once again. Albeit, it was a difficult feat saying no to Édith.

"Very, well," Juliette agreed, after a few moments.

Édith's face brightened, ridden with excitement.

With a sigh, Juliette eyed the terrain of the DuBois home for her dear aunt. Without Lady DuBois in view, she plucked the scandal sheet out of Édith's dainty hands.

She began to scan the sheet. The mere thought of what could be written in venom quickened Juliette's pulse.

"There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, 'shock' and 'delight,'" Juliette began, in a whisper. As she read, her tone was even, but her fingers paled from her intense grasp. "Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed."

Édith listened intently with her eyes fixated on the scandal sheet. She scooted closer to Juliette.

"Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton—"

"Oh!" Édith gasped. Delight overcame her mischievous characteristics. "Isn't that just wonderful! Hyacinth had said that Daphne was quite troubled with what was written lately."

Juliette agreed with a nod.

"The illustrious debutant was seen dancing not once, but twice with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings," Juliette continued, a smile twitching upon her lips. As she reminisced on the happenings of the night before, a tempest of delight and outrage livened within. The dangerously conflicting storm was trapped within her prison of skin.

The turmoil of mixed emotions was the root of the unrest that attacked Juliette's heart. She felt great relief and joy for Daphne. The Bridgerton beauty charmed a Duke. She may not be condemned to a miserable life alongside the bumbling Lord Berbrooke as her cruel brother may wish. As well, Juliette's encounter with Lord Blackwood caused a frenzy of butterflies to arise in her stomach. As she thought of the Lord, the patches of skin where he so gently caressed whilst dancing the night before began to burn with a fiery passion. However, the butterflies were brutally slaughtered with thoughts of Anthony and their heated discussion.

"It seems that Daphne has caught the eye of the Duke!" Édith exclaimed, thrilled. "A Duke! Juliette, a Duke!"

With a stolen glance, Juliette eyed the Bridgerton house. As countless men entered the house, they surpassed the iron-wrought gates donned with thick bushes of pink flowers. Daphne Bridgerton, a diamond of the first water, was being stormed by callers. It seems as if Daphne's once ineligible title was expunged by Lady Whistledown's newest words of praise. As well as the Duke's interest in the diamond. Men all want what they cannot have. Where one sheep is herded, the rest shall follow.

Juliette refused to dwell on the lack of callers she was receiving as of late. The DuBois' drawing-room was an echoing chamber of emptiness. Lady Whistledown's words had constrained Juliette into the category of ineligibility and undesire. Juliette expected not many but at the very least a few callers to come after her captivating appearance at Vauxhall the night prior. Yet, even after her enchanting rendezvous with Lord Blackwood, as well as the other men she conversed with as the night progressed, not a sole caller came. Perhaps, a reasonable explanation would be that all the men she charmed last night were even more charmed by the idea of Daphne Bridgerton on their arm. Juliette forbade the feelings of envy and resent to arise, for she was truly happy for the Bridgerton girl as their circumstances were much different.

If Juliette failed to find a suitor to propose, she was forbidden from returning home to Paris. That is, until she was to be engaged. Her father's wishes distressed her dearly. Nonetheless, at least her sentence wasn't as dire. Daphne, on the other hand, if she were unable to find another man to propose, she would be condemned to a loveless marriage with Lord Berbrooke.

Juliette set the thoughts aside.

"The Duke is fairly handsome as well, Édith," Juliette revealed, sending her cousin a playful wink. Her words were far from a lie. The Duke of Hastings was a beauty etched from godly stone. "Not only has she caught the eye of a Duke, but a handsome one at that! It also seems as if many more callers have taken an interest."

Édith sighed dreamily, cupping her cheek. Gazing off ahead, she mused, "I want a Duke. Hold, no, I want a prince." She released a deep exhale. "A handsome prince."

A small laugh broke through Juliette's lips.

"Why settle for a Duke when you may have a prince," Juliette agreed, cheerfully. She endearingly caressed Édith's dark hair in a fruitless attempt to calm the unruly strands. The DuBois girl's hair had a knack for being untameable, even with many hours of styling. The curly strands merely refused to stay put. "Perhaps, you may become lucky when you debut and a prince may be looking for a princess."

"I wish there was a prince for you, Juliette," Édith frowned. Cocking her head, she played with her following words, "Princess Juliette," a moment passed before she declared, "I quite like the ring of it."

Juliette shook her head, donning a smile. Her words were soft and spoken from her beating heart, "I am in no need of a prince, just love, an endless love. One that puts the love of the sun and the moon to shame." Sending Édith a playful wink, she vowed, "I'll allow you to become the sole princess of the family."

"Very, well," Édith huffed, unsatisfied with Juliette's dull response. She eyed the scandal sheet still held in Juliette's delicate fingers. "Is there more?"

"Let me see," Juliette said lightly, raising her brows at Édith. The action merited a small laugh from the younger girl.

Édith's laughter was a lovely and pure sound. The young girl was yet to succumb to heartbreak or other societal damage. Édith's innocence to the cruelness and pain the sick world had to offer will soon be rudely tarnished. Knowing Édith in the coming years would be subjected to such hurt tormented Juliette. For, she yearned to protect her cousin's childish innocence.

Juliette pushed the anguishing thoughts aside, although the unease remained. Finding where she first ended off, Juliette began reading aloud again, "Let us not forget our once withering crone, a Miss Juliette Villeneuve—" Upon reading her own name, a sense of dread began to eat away at her insides. What poisonous words was Lady Whistledown to spread now?

Édith shared a nervous look with Juliette.

"Dear cousin, it is quite alright if you wish not to continue," Édith comforted.

Juliette sent her cousin a thankful look but continued reading. Her voice was strained and her throat was tight, "—who has caught the eyes of not one, but two eligible suitors at the Vauxhall celebration. The evermore charming Lord Blackwood, the heir of his father's earlship, and the scoundrel Viscount Bridgerton." At her words, Édith released an audible gasp and lightly slapped Juliette's arm. "Perhaps, Miss Daphne Bridgerton and Miss Juliette Villeneuve are not damned to the blazes after all."

"Juliette, you've charmed the Viscount?" Édith yelped, loudly. No doubt, heard by some in Grosvenor Square. Upon receiving a stern look from Juliette, she questioned, much quieter, "Is he not a dear friend of yours? Oh, this is romantic!"

"I would not deem calling him a cruel man, charming," Juliette stated, remembering the cold words she uttered in his direction. A twinge of guilt emerged, but Juliette quickly disregarded it. "Furthermore, I did not catch his eye."

"Why would you spread those words? Especially to a dear friend?" Édith quizzed.

Unable to gather the courage to meet her cousin's gaze, Juliette settled her vision upon the happenings in Grosvenor Square. A horse-drawn carriage hastily stopped outside the Bridgerton house. Two figures, that of Anthony Bridgerton and Lord Berbrooke, jumped out of the carriage with such urgency at the sight of the numerous callers. They rudely pushed aside the men bearing flowers amongst other gifts, rushing inside. Juliette nearly released an inelegant and bitter laugh at the sight.

"Édith, you do not understand," Juliette began, focusing on her cousin once again. "Lord Bridgerton and I, we are not friends. Well, not anymore."

"Well, please do tell why," Édith asked, puzzled. She leaned closer out of pure curiosity. "Why are you no longer acquainted?"

"By his choice, that is all, but mind you I am better off without him," Juliette affirmed. Although, her words were of hollow nature. As Juliette once again eyed the ethereal Bridgerton house, she wished her words to be thoroughly true. They were true to her brain, as her mind abided by the statement. However, her heart yearned for what cannot be, a falseness.

"I quite liked the thought of you two together," Édith stated.

"That thought must be buried, dear cousin, buried in a deep grave," Juliette demanded, her words exuding a fool's gold strength. She stroked a thumb over the hollowness of Édith's rosy cheeks. "For, he is not a man I shall ever sacrifice my heart for again."

"You love him?" She inquired, eyes wide with a deep-rooted curiosity.

Édith's innocent words nauseated Juliette's stomach and drove a stake through her chest. A frenzy of memories in which she did, in fact, love him mercilessly attacked Juliette's thoughts. Yet, a flurry of pain followed close by as she was reminded of the neglect he so easily subjected upon her.

Offering the younger girl a weak smile and a soft shake of the head, Juliette confided, "I once did. Albeit, it was a horrid mistake. "

The cherish she held for him was in vain.

Édith noticed the sadness heavy on Juliette's words.

"However, do tell about Lord Blackwood," Édith urged, changing the topic of conversation. Her tone was laced with pure happiness as she tried to uplift Juliette's sombre mood. "Even his name sounds truly breathtaking."

"I admit that I do not know much about the lord," Juliette confessed. "He is quite dapper though."

Juliette and Édith sat upon the wooden porch swing chatting as the morning sun slowly drifted into the afternoon.

"Miss Villeneuve?" The deep voice made her heart jump. "I expected you to be inside."

Juliette attempted to hide the grin growing on her crimsoned face as her gaze met the stormy greys of Lord Blackwood. He held a large and seemingly expensive bouquet of white roses and baby's breath.

Édith released a small squeak, hastily clutching Juliette's hand from excitement.

"Lord Blackwood, a pleasure as always," Juliette beamed. She was truly enthralled by his presence. "Shall we head inside, into the drawing-room where my uncle is present?"

"We shall."

"Well, let us go then," Juliette said happily as she stood up, and quickly patted the front of her lilac dress. Édith followed suit.

Juliette accompanied Édith and Lord Blackwood into the DuBois home.

As Juliette was about to close the door behind her, she glanced across Grosvenor Square. Directly across from the DuBois home sat the beautiful Bridgerton house with its stone shrouded with an enchanting wisteria.

She caught the glance of Anthony Bridgerton. The Viscount hurried the callers out of the Bridgerton house with such fire. The men dragged beautiful bouquets and wore sour expressions as they were vacated from the property. Juliette and Anthony maintained their gaze for a brief moment, as the lingering feelings of anger began gnawing at her flesh. Her fingers whitened as she clenched the wood in her palm, striving to ease the pounding in her chest. Although, despite her anger, her heart ached for his presence.

As Juliette shut the blue door of the DuBois house, Anthony did the same. The noise of the two slamming doors combined into one headache-inducing sound across Grosvenor square.

Both wore a heavy frown.

. . .

rose's notes

You didn't hear it from me, but I may or may not be working on a Colin Bridgerton fic 😇

Kind of a filler chapter, but I wanted to show more of Juliette's bond with Édith because I love them both so much. But, don't worry, things are going to get exciting soon... ;)

Thoughts on Lord Blackwood?

I hope you enjoyed chapter 6! If so, please consider voting and commenting :)

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