When Sparks Fly (in editing)

By clara_michaels

124 2 0

Cassandra Blake has never really fit in. Her mom left when she was young and her dad is rarely ever home. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

5 0 0
By clara_michaels


The first week of school went by easily enough. Throughout the week, I hung out with Drew and his friends and it was great. Now it was Saturday, and I could finally relax. I was eating a bowl of cereal when I heard a knock at the door. Standing up, I went to the door. Upon opening it, I saw Alyssa standing there, Elizabeth by her side.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask them. Alyssa's jaw drops and she looks me up and down. The look of disgust and shock is clear.

"Girl! Why are you still in pajamas? Did you forget about shopping?" I pursed my lips,and my eyes went wide. Alyssa sighed and marched in, Elizabeth following right behind. "Okay, since you clearly forgot, I am going to help you get ready so we can go shopping in style."

"Alyssa, I just need to put on some shorts and a top for my clothes. We aren't going to a red carpet party."

"Don't care. Where's your room?" 

I looked at Elizabeth. "Is she always like this?" Elizabeth nodded and chuckled.

"Trust me, she gets weirder the more you get to know her, but you get used to it." Alyssa rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"Bedroom is upstairs." I say sighing. She smiles, grabs my hand, and brings me upstairs to my room. "Can I ask why we are making a big deal out of my outfit choice?" Alyssa groans and looks at me.

"Girl, you are new here. You need to make a good first impression, and that means looking good. I'm not going to put you in a floor length ball gown, but as your new friend, I will be making sure you look incredible."

"Okay fine. If that will make you happy, then go ahead." Alyssa squealed and ran to my closet.

"Let's see here." Alyssa gave a quick look to my face before sticking her head in my closet. "With your skin tone, I'd say you would look fabulous in red. Ah! Here is the perfect top." Alyssa pulled out a red burgundy crop top with a tie in the middle. "Now bottoms."

"Okay, I have one question." I turned to Elizabeth who spoke. "Did you really spill your drink on Drew and then offer to clean it?"

"Yeah, I felt bad for spilling it on him. Plus, I'd rather have him like me, than him get mad giving me a new enemy." Elizabeth sucked in a breath and looked at Alyssa who was holding a white shirt and vans.

"You want me to tell her or should I?" Alyssa asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Honey, the fact that you are new and associate yourself with Drew already gives you an enemy."

"What?" Alyssa sighed and set down the clothes.

"Well, you know how every school has that dedicated mean/popular girl? Like Regina George, or the OMG girls. The one or ones that the whole school admires and fears at the same time? The one you think is only in those cheesy romance novels or movies? Well, we have one of those."

"And what does that have to do with being friends with Drew? Is she a super jealous girlfriend?"

"Not exactly. Her name is Bethany. Classic A-bitch. Now we aren't judging her off of what she wears. Personally, I think she has good taste. However, she is a total bitch and a bully. She has sex with a ton of guy, which is whatever, but she treats people like trash. Spreads fake rumors, pits people against each other for her own entertainment, and acts like she is above everything."

Alyssa's voice held nothing but disgust and hatred for this girl. It made me wonder if this Bethany girl had done anything specifically to Alyssa. Maybe lied about something, stole a boyfriend maybe, or humiliated her in front of the whole school.

"Nice story, but I still don't know why that has anything to do with Drew."

"Bethany has a massive crush on Drew. Like big time. She has tried so many times to get with him, and it has become pathetic. She hates every girl he associates himself with. Elizabeth and I are the exceptions with her taken and me being his sister. You though? A new girl who is pretty and single? Someone he knows and is hanging out with? You are a threat to her."

I gave Alyssa a skeptical look. Me? New loser girl a threat? Please.

"Me? A threat to the most popular girl who gets every guy, and considering our social standards, must be beautiful? Why do I have a hard time believing you?"

"Trust me, it sounds ridiculous, but the chick is a psycho. But we will make sure her damage is minimal. For now, go put on these clothes, and Elizabeth will do your hair."

"I need to get my hair done? We are going to the mall. Not the Met Gala."

"She isn't going to do much. Just some type of cute braid. Now hurry." I chuckled and went to the bathroom to change. I slipped on the top and shirt and shoved my feet into the vans. I double checked my appearance in the full body mirror hanging on the bathroom door before going back to my room. "Perfect. Liz, hurry. We don't have much time."

I was sat down in a chair and Elizabeth got to work on my hair. Alyssa turned on some music as Elizabeth did whatever she was going to do. Thirty minutes later, my hair was braided into two Dutch braids that ended in space buns against my neck.

"Holy shit, Elizabeth. This is so cool." She smiled at my compliment and shrugged.

"I have a little sister with long hair and my parents are lawyers meaning they are gone a lot. I needed to entertain myself somehow." She grabbed a can of hair spray and sprayed it on my hair.

"Well, you picked the right hobby. Just so you know, you are doing my hair on my wedding." Elizabeth laughed and Alyssa clapped her hands.

"Okay ladies, we are finally ready. Let's go before my mascara clumps anymore than it has. Speaking of which, we are hitting the makeup store first." I rolled my eyes, but I still smiled.

"Does she always decide these things?" I ask Elizabeth. She smiled and nodded.

"Alyssa is very assertive. Yeah, she makes a lot of decisions on her own, but she is always there to help when you need it. She is very opinionated. It is what makes her charm." I nodded and followed the girls outside.


"Come on, Alyssa! My arms hurt, I have blisters, and I'm starving. Can we please stop to eat at the food court." Alyssa groaned at my plea and looked at me. I was being weighed down by my clothes and some of hers, though it was clear she was struggling the pile of bags she was carrying.

"Fine! I know where it is."

"We all do. We've been staring at the signs and people eating since two hours ago." Alyssa rolled her eyes but agreed to go eat. When we finally found a table, I collapsed onto the chair, dropping the bags.

"Careful. Those things are expensive." I glared at Alyssa, but it did nothing. "Now, I'm going to get food from Chick-fil-A. Anyone care to join?"

"I'll go. I'm in the mood for a ten count chicken nugget and lemonade." I said, standing up. Alyssa looked at Elizabeth.

"What about you?"

"I'm good. I'll get something from Subway, but I'll wait for you so I can watch our stuff." We both nodded and walked away.

"So, I haven't scared you away yet, have I?" Alyssa asked me. I chuckled.

"No, not yet. We'll have to see though."

"Well, so long that you aren't preparing to run away screaming, do you have any questions? As your new friend, it is my duty to help you maneuver your way around town as the new kid."

"I do have one question." Alyssa waited for me to continue. "You said Bethany had a major crush on your brother. Did they ever date? Or does he like her?" Alyssa raised a brow.

"Why such an interest in my brother? Something happening I should know about?" I blushed and shook my head.

"No-no. Nothing is happening. I'm merely...curious."

"Uh-huh. Well, the answer is no. He hasn't ever had a girlfriend at all. And he doesn't like her. None of us do. John hates Bethany because she is a bitch. Elizabeth hates her since she used to bully her. It is obvious why Drew hates her. I hate her because of personal drama that went down a few years back. Nothing important."

I nod, not wanting to push Alyssa to tell me her story. After all, we weren't that close. She had personal demons and so did I. No need to relive them.

"Sorry, I guess. I won't push you to tell me. But thanks for the help." Alyssa nodded.

"No problem. Quick question though. Why so curious? Like I get why you would ask about Bethany because we gave you that whole speech thing at your house, but why focus on my brother?" I shrug.

"I don't know. You said she liked him, I was wondering if those feelings were mutual."

"Because why? Do you like him?"

"No, I don't. I've known him for what, a week? He is just a friend. And apparently a partner in English class. Nothing more. Don't get your hopes up."

"Just saying, you see close, you are asking about him, and you have a date tomorrow."

"It isn't a date! We are working on our project."

"Sure." I was about to make a comment when she held up a hand. "We are next." Alyssa went up to order her food and I followed. As funny and smart as Alyssa was, I had no idea where she got this idea that I had a crush on Drew. I got my food and we sat at the table and Elizabeth went to get her food. When she got back, Elizabeth immediately settled her chin on her hands as she looked at me.


"I'm curious. Any guys you like yet? Any new crushes, interests, or sexy dreams?"

"Drew." Alyssa spoke up. I threw my fry at her.

"Really?! Oh my god, you guys would look so cute together!" My eyes widened.

"Dude, I don't like Drew. Alyssa is being annoying just to be annoying. Drew and I are just friends."

"Then why did you offer to clean his shirt? Why are you hanging out tomorrow?"

"You guys are going out tomorrow?" I glared at Alyssa for what she said.

"No, we aren't going out. I am simply going to his house to work on our project for English. That is it." I looked at Alyssa before continuing. "And for your information, I cleaned his shirt because I felt bad for spilling on him. It was a new shirt, and white with a pink stain. I felt bad."

"Okay, I believe you. For now. But is there a guy?"

"No there isn't. What about you though? Anyone special?"

"Please? Alyssa and someone special? Honey Drew drives them all away." I raised my brow at Alyssa.

"Drew is overprotective. God it is so annoying."

"Come on, I would love to have an older brother. You're lucky you aren't an only child. There's no one to complain about your parents with, no one to argue with, no one to stand up for you, no one to hang out with. It's so lonely."

"Yeah well when you have a sibling, all they do is try to get under your skin."

"Isn't that what you do to Drew? Not the other way around?" I laughed at Elizabeth's comment and Alyssa rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, point is, I don't have a boyfriend."

"A potential one?"

"Nope. High school boys are assholes. I'm waiting for college. That's where the men are." I chuckled and nodded.

"Fair. So Elizabeth, what about you and John? How long have you two been together?" Elizabeth smiled, and I could see a light pink tinge on her cheeks.

"We are almost at two years. God, I love him."

"Oh my God! That is so adorable. Have you told him you love him?" She shook her head.

"I'm nervous. I know he likes me, but love? Love is different."

"Come on, Elizabeth. You should see the way he looks at you." Elizabeth's cheeks went red.

"I don't know. I mean what if he is looking at me and picturing another girl? Like what if he is looking at me and wishing he wasn't stuck dating me? What if he wants someone else? What if he is playing me? I mean, I not that pretty. Like I look fine, but there are-"

"Okay hold up. Elizabeth, you are over thinking everything. Look, first time I met join, the face he gave me was a face that made it seem like something was up his ass." I paused when Elizabeth rolled her eyes smiling.

"Gee, way to make my boyfriend seem appealing."

"You didn't let me finish. The only time I saw him smiling that day, was when he was looking at you. Every time you made eye contact, his eyes lit up. Every time you leaned against him or kissed him, or acted cute, he was smiling. You lit up the room in his eyes. You are gorgeous =, and he is super lucky to have an amazing girl like you."

Elizabeth beamed at me, and a deep red blush coated the skin on her cheeks. She looked up at me, hope in her eyes. She bit her lip.



"You know, it sounds kinda creepy. Like you were watching John." Elizabeth's smile faded. I glared at Alyssa. She made a face.

"Trust me, I wasn't staring at John. Personally, he's not my type. Too serious. Plus, you guys are way cuter. The whole cliche look with you being nearly a whole foot shorter. Adorable." Elizabeth still didn't seem sure. "Trust me, Elizabeth, I would never in my life move in on your man. He is yours. Never mine. I don't like him. Hell, I barely know him. He loves you. If you want, I could get Alyssa to ask him. I would, but I won't if you are nervous about me trying to steal him, and I don't think he's my biggest fan. I got more glares from him in one lunch than I have in my lifetime."

"I know I can trust you. Your offer made that clear. And do you think you could both try to ask him? I'm just too nervous."

"Of course."

"Hold up. Since when was I a part of this?" I looked at Alyssa. A smile danced on her face, telling me she was joking around.

"Doesn't matter when you became a part of this. We are going to be asking John. Well, you are. You can report to me, and I'll tell Elizabeth. I'd rather not willing walk into a situation where John could literally snap me in half." The girls laughed, and I joined in.

The rest of our little mall trip was amazing. Hanging out with the two made it feel like I would finally have some friends. Close ones. Best part? I wasn't moving away.


Okay that is it for chapter numero quatro! I don't know if I spelled those words right, but whatever. Also, can we all admit that we all have done, are doing, or will do what Elizabeth was doing? Like I am SUCH an over thinker. I am  constantly second guessing literally everything about everyone. There are times I wonder if my friends actually like me, let alone a guy. If y'all haven't been through that, I'm jealous. Also, can you please ignore any spelling or grammar errors I made? I hate editing.

Anyway, I am getting off topic, again. I am starting a Pinterest account with the username of clara_michaels. Please do check it out. You will find an aesthetic board for When Sparks Fly which reveals things about the characters and fun stuff like that. I will probably add to it. For every novel I write here, I will be making an aesthetic board on Pinterest.

So remember:  follow me here if you haven't already, follow me on Insta, and follow me on Pinterest. Lots of social media. And don't forget to vote and comment! I will update next week! LOVE YOU!! <3

-Clara :)

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