StarDazzle's Romance Awards 2...

By StarDazzleProfile

6.6K 367 761

{ } Open { } Judging {🌹} Closed What is that sweet scent lingering in the air? *Sniff, sniff*... Is t... More

🌹Tag Fest🌹
🌹Participants Form🌹
🌹Judges Form🌹
🌹Judging Rubic🌹
🎉🌹Tag Fest Winner🌹🎉
✨Round 1✨
✨Round 2✨
✨Round 3✨
✨Round 4✨
✨Judge Appreciation ✨
✨long list✨
⭐Stickers and Prizes⭐

🌹Stardazzle Romance Awards🌹

688 37 21
By StarDazzleProfile

Welcome once again.

We are super excited to be hosting our first Romance Award ever, and we hope that you will be on the same wavelength as us 💓

The month of ❤️ is here, and we, Anna_licious, NzuriWrites and unstablebibliophile, as the hosts, have decided to launch this award to give romantic writers a chance to be recognized for their hard work, hard work that has been done with passion and to help readers discover their next favourite writer 💓

In that same spirit of love, we have named our categories using different types of love.

Isn't it wonderful?

So, let's get this affair on the road 💓

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