You belong to me (Taegi)

By _Julie_suga_

581K 17.4K 6.9K

Where omega Taehyung is the mate of Jungkook. But Jungkook cheats on Taehyung with Jimin. Jungkook doesn't wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 18
notice (not update)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
๐Ÿ”žChapter 24 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The End

Chapter 33

12.8K 353 67
By _Julie_suga_

Sorry for the bad grammar and mistakes

Just as promised Yoongi brought his family back.

Jin crying badly when he saw his son and the first time his grandchildren. Jin hugged his son tightly not wanting to let him go. Taehyung crying missing his eomma so much, Jin caressing his cheeks while tears kept on pouring down.

Taehyung looked behind Jin to see Jimin standing there, tears running down his cheeks. Taehyung removed himself from Jin going straight to his best friend.

Jimin hugging his best friend, telling Taehyung to forgive him that he couldn't protect him from that monster. Taehyung told him it was fine, but he was more worried for Jimin's pup did he/she survived.

Jimin told him that his pup did survive from what happened, Taehyung showed Jimin his twin boys, and Jimin showing him his son.

Jimin helping Taehyung sit down while J-hope went to tend his son, he gave the baby to Jin who gently cooed at his grandchild. Namjoon was carrying the other son, his husband telling him to be careful.

Of course, Jin wanted Yoongi to tell him where was Jungkook, that way he can burn that bitch and cut his balls.

Yoongi calmed Jin down telling him that Jungkook was arrested after he told Jackson to call the police.

Jin asked him who was Jackson?

Yoongi said he will tell him later for now let's enjoy that we have two new members in our family.

Yoongi and Taehyung comforting each other with their pups since they have been separated for such a long time.

The next day

Things got complicated when one of their pups got sick. Since Taehyung and the twins weren't treated in the hospital while he gave birth.

Minjun was having complications in his body, Taehyung getting scared for his pup who was still a small baby.

Yoongi telling him that their son is strong he will be healthy very soon.

Minjun was back to being healthy, both mates found out that their twin boys were alphas.

Taehyung pouted he thought that Hyuk would be an omega since he was smaller than his brother.

Yoongi told him if he wanted an omega maybe they can do it if he wanted to.

Taehyung blushed at that comment whining how he shouldn't talk about that in front of their children.

Taehyung was still healing from what happened, he found out that Jungkook will be jailed for what he had done.
Taehyung was changing the diapers of Minjun and Hyuk but of course, he got helped from his mate.

Yoongi now was way way protective of his family, Taehyung didn't mind as long Yoongi never crossed the line.

Just when Yoongi was about to kiss Taehyung after they laid down their pups on those tiny cribs like a hammock (I have no idea what they are called so please just deal with it) in the living room.

There was a knock on the door. Just how many times would he be interrupted by someone...

Yoongi went to open the door leaving Taehyung giggling when he pouted.

Yoongi opened the door to see Jackson and his husband, what was his name again?

"What do you need Jackson?" Yoongi asked raising his eyebrow.

Jackson was fiddling with his fingers looking down, not before BamBam smack his head.

"Hello Mr.Min, I came here to see if my idiot dickhead of husband rescued your mate?" BamBam said smiling sweetly.

Yoongi now remembers who is BamBam, looks like both mates already got together.

"Ummm...yes Mrs...Wang....?" Yoongi didn't know if he should call him Mrs.Wang.

"Ah, you can call me Mrs.Wang, Mr.Min" BamBam said as he was about to bow, but Yoongi stops him because he was still pregnant.

"Please Mrs.Wang don't bow your still pregnant, but yes Jackson did help me bring my mate and pups back to my arms", Yoongi said.

"See I told you, can you please come back home with me and forgive me pretty please for our babies", Jackson whined trying to persuade his pregnant mate to come back.

BamBam was about to say something to his husband when Taehyung came in.

"Who's at the do- oh hello", Taehyung said seeing to males at the door.

"Well aren't you a cutie, is this your mate Mr.Min?" BamBam gushed at how beautiful this male is.

"Yes Mrs.Wang, this is Kim Taehyung, my mate, Tae this is Jackson and BamBam both are mates", introduced them even though he wanted them to leave already. He wanted to have some time with his precious mate.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr.Wang, ummm...not to be rude but are you pregnant?" Taehyung asked looking at BamBam seeing his huge stomach.

BamBam laughed, "Yes I am, I'm pregnant with triplets".

Taehyung was awed, "Please come in".

BamBam entering the house following Taehyung seeing the twins, he cooed at how freaking adorable their pups were.

Yoongi glared at Jackson who flinched, "Look Mr.Min I'm sorry, but BamBam wanted to see if I did rescue your mate. He wanted to know if Taehyung was ok, also because I want him to come back", Jackson said looking down again.

Yoongi only patted him awkwardly, "Come on let's go inside, I will persuade your husband to come back home with you".

Just like that Taehyung and BamBam became friends, BamBam did come back home with Jackson with the help of Yoongi.

But BamBam told if he does this shit again he will move overseas where his best friend Mark lives.

Jackson promised that he will never do it again.

Taehyung was settling Hyuk to his crib where he shares with his twin brother.

He kissed both his twins cheeks, finally safe from him, no more fear ever again.

Yoongi backed hug him from behind, kissing Taehyung on the cheek.

"They look cute when they are sleeping peacefully," Taehyung said sighing.

Yoongi hummed agreeing with his mate, in a couple of months their twins will grow.

"Come on let's go to bed", Yoongi led Taehyung to their room, a different room.

Both already got ready to sleep, Taehyung cuddling closer to Yoongi who scooped Taehyung in his arms. (you know the scoop position to sleep, I think that's how they call it?)

"Yoongi I'm sorry I couldn't escape from him when I had the chance. Just waiting for someone to come rescue me but I could've escape by myself but I was weakling." Taehyung said hating how he didn't save himself or his pups.

"Hey baby, no you're strong. You dealt with that bastard for years, you kept our babies safe. No matter what I'm going to be your shining armor. I will save you no matter because you are my princess. I know it's cheesy but you're stronger than ever okay", Yoongi said peppering Taehyung with kisses.

Taehyung only nodded sniffing his mate's scent to calm himself, Yoongi rubbing his back.

Both mates finally together after all that had happened.

Updated. This story is about to end guys...which is sad...
But don't worry I already got another story coming up in a few weeks. Let me give you a small teaser of what is's a TaehyungxBTS. I wanted to write a story about this. I have like 5 more stories to write about, which are ideas! I'm okay guys, I know I have a second family of army which I'm proud to be in it. I'm having some me time to heal myself like reading books which I'm a book worm since I was younger...also learning a new language and try to draw again. So guys have your me-time because you deserve it. Take care guys bye 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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