New beginnings

By luton1983

3.2K 170 80

Caitlin is new to town. What happens when she meets Barry who pushes all her buttons? More

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By luton1983

Caitlin drove the car in silence. She felt uncomfortable because Barry wasn't saying a word. Where had the cocky, loud, full of himself Barry that she knew gone? Who was this stranger sitting next to her in the car? The only time he spoke was to give her directions. Caitlin thought she'd be happy if he was quiet, but now he was, it was nothing like she'd hoped. It was really uncomfortable. She'd do anything to have the old Barry back. Caitlin pulled up silently, wondering what had happened to Barry. Even though he drove her nuts, it was better then this

"Thanks latte" said Barry, as he exited the car

"Wait" said Caitlin grabbing his arm, "I want to apologise for the other night"

"What happened the other night?"

"You seriously going to play that card with me?"

"Yes. Let's see how you like it"

"Ok, in that case get out of my car"

"I'm joking. But in all seriousness which part?"

"The kissing you. It shouldn't have happened"

"But it did happen"

"I was drunk. It won't happen again"

"You keep telling yourself that, but we both know it will"

Caitlin screamed in frustration. She had forgotten how annoying Barry was.

"Get out"

"No it's fine, I'm happy here"

Caitlin quickly got out and slammed her door. She went over to Barry's side, and yanked the door open

"Get out now, before I do something I'll regret"

"Ok, relax. I'm getting out"

Caitlin was about to go, when Barry grabbed her hand

"What do you want?"

"I want the truth"

"About what?"

"Why you kissed me?"

"I told you I was drunk. It won't happen again."

"The truth latte"

Caitlin looked at him. How could she explain it when she didn't understand herself? Whenever she was around him, she was in two minds. Her head was telling her to get away, but her heart was saying something completely else

"I don't know. I'm confused Barry. I hate you. Look what you're done to me"

"I hate you too"

Barry pushed Caitlin to the door of her car, and began to kiss her. Caitlin didn't know what she was doing, but she found herself kissing him back. Suddenly Caitlin came to, and pushed him away 

"We can't do this"

"Yes we can"

"No. It's something we'll both regret"

"Not me"

"But it's something we don't want"

"Don't talk for me. I know what I want"

"Barry, this is wrong"

"Fine then, walk away. But one day you'll wake up and realise what a fool you were for letting me go. No one can love you as much as I do"

Caitlin stood silently as Barry began to walk into his apartment


Barry turned around as Caitlin ran up to him, and grabbed his collar, and pulled him to her. She kissed him like her life depended on it. Barry urgently replied. Soon Caitlin pushed him away again

"For real?"

"Goodnight Barry"

"What happened to never again?"

"Just getting you out of my system" said Caitlin as she sped away

Barry smiled as he entered his apartment. The game was well and truly on

Duff duff duff. What's going to happen now? They kissed again, but will it go anywhere? We all know Caitlin won't give in easily. But why? What's she hiding? All will be revealed soon, until then feedback appreciated 

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