Welcome to my playground || K...

By RandomGangster

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Doyoung isn't really into frat boys, but that doesn't stop 5 from being into him. . . . . In which Doyoung ge... More

Oh No!
Oh No! Pt. 2
I should've stayed
The dating project
Day 1: Johnny
Day 2: Yuta
Let me take your hand
Day 4: Lucas
Day 5: Mark
Keep me guessin' Keep me guessin'
Turn back time
Day 6: Jaehyun
What it means to remember
Missing Puzzle Piece
Day 7: Yuta?
We'll take it slow
Next step
Behind the scenes + new projects

Day 3: Jaehyun

340 18 4
By RandomGangster

"Jaehyun that's enough" He hears Johnny say

but it's muffled... by what? 

"Just let me talk to him"

huh? this memory feels so out of place


                            Only us

tenisatenoutoften: good luck today! call me if anything happens code is baby blue 

tytracktytrack: good luck bubs, i'll be with Ten all day so if anything happens just tell us and we'll come pick u up

skinnylegenddoie: thanks babes <3 i think i can handle it :D 

Doyoung sighs re-reading his conversation with Jaehyun earlier.

livedinamericafor4years: we're skipping class today

skinnylegenddoie: no </3

livedinamericafor4years: we are unless u want me to drag u out from your class

livedinamericafor4years: I bet you after Johnny they're gonna be really surprised their bunny is going out with someone else :))

skinnylegenddoie: you're pure evil

skinnylegenddoie: fine. 

livedinamericafor4years: i'll pick you up in an hour

It had been exactly 52 minutes from that, he'll probably be here soon. 

Doyoung had made sure Haechan and Taeil were out of the house by then, he wasn't sure what kind of confrontation them seeing each other would cause.

He heard a knock on his front door, followed by the ringing of the bell 'He always did that' 'always knock first Doie' He remembered. He grabbed his things before making his way to the door.

"Let's go," Doyoung said, clearly already annoyed at the younger.

"Woah there, there's no rush, is Taeil hyung home? I wanna see him" Jaehyun said looking behind Doyoung searching for the older. 

"No, and I don't think he wants to see you anyways" Doyoung said, pushing the other so he could make his way out, Jaehyun frowned but he wasn't actually hurt, he saw all of this coming.

"Where are we going?" The older asked with an attitude.

"Can you actually TRY to get along with me Doyoung" the younger snapped, sounding genuinely upset.

"The same way you tried to be loyal? oh wait" 



"If we're gonna do whatever this is we have to talk about that day, I have to explain, and you have to let me explain, not just avoid me" the younger said, dominance lacing his voice, something that used to relax Doyoung, like he didn't have to worry about anything because Jaehyun would always be there to help him, now it just scared him.

"I know," He said, voice low.

"Lets go, it'll be easier to talk at the park" 

"The park?" He questioned.

"It's where I confessed to you, remember?" Jaehyun asked, smiling at the memory.

"Yeah" He smiled too, regardless of anything that happened, he treasured that memory which now felt more like a distant dream. 


Doyoung sat in one of the swings, youth was all that was missing for it to look exactly like the day Jaehyun finally asked him out. He was sitting in this exact same swing, of course the color was a bit less faded back then but it still felt the same. That day Jaehyun had gotten onto his knees in front of him...

"I held your hands, remember? I promised to never hurt you" Jaehyun said, staring at the younger from the other swing who looked down as if he was remembering a younger Jaehyun, eager for his hyung's response.

"But you did" Doyoung let out sniffling, "You hurt me more that anyone's ever hurt me before, you broke my trust, you- you broke me" 

"Hyung I- you- you never let me explain" Jaehyun said, there was something in his voice Doyoung couldn't recognize, he couldn't recognize a lot of things from Jaehyun anymore.

"What is there to explain? I caught you red handed, she was laying against your chest and you were singing to her, like you used to do to me, God it looked so intimate, I-" He sobbed, the memory of the encounter breaking every wall he had put up, to any other person that could've looked like two friends, but Doyoung knew, that if you ever heard Jaehyun sing, sing to you specifically, you were special, not only that, but it had been months since the younger last sung to him, refused to, said his throat was sore or some other shitty excuse. In fact it had been months since Jaehyun payed him any attention in general.

"It WAS intimate, it WAS special, because she's my... she's my cousin, she came from outside of town that day, her parents kicked her out for being gay and she had nowhere to go, we- we grew up together so I just wanted to comfort her, then you came home and- well you know the rest" Jaehyun said what he had been holding onto for so long. Doyoung didn't know how to react to this 'Was it true?' it made sense but...

"You reeked of alcohol Jaehyun" 

"She came home drunk as fuck, bottle still in hand Doie, she spilled it all over me" 

"You hit me" The younger was thrown aback by this, as if he hadn't seen it coming, like he expected Doyoung to forget this part of the story or...

"Doyoung I never even touched you" 

"What? y-yes you did I-" 

"Hyung, I don't know what you remember, or what you think happened but I never laid my hands on you, you kept running around the apartment, all i did was scream at you to stop, which i know was still wrong, then you stumbled and fell, I- I'd never do that to you" The older was confused, everything that had tormented him for years, that had eaten up at him, was just a misunderstanding? an illusion of his frantic state? It couldn't be, It was so surreal, he didn't know what to do... how to feel... he had broken everything that had been good in his life because he didn't listen?...

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry I- why did you let me believe you cheated on me for so many years?" He sobbed, he was destroyed, like his heart was shattered once again.

"Shh, its ok hyung I- I didn't want to make you some sort of villain, I know that what you saw looked bad so I let you hate me, I didn't know what to do and you just wouldn't listen I- I thought I'd just let you go until you came back but... you never did" Jaehyun said, taking the older in his arms, rocking him back and forward on the grass soothing his thoughts...

"Do you want me to sing to you?" He asked softly, Doyoung nodded into his chest.

"So whenever you ask me 
how I feel
please remember
the answer is you
Even if we have to go around a long way
I will still feel the same
We’ll be alright
I want to try again

Doyoung sniffles calming down...

"I've never heard that one before" He says looking up at the younger, his eyes still watery, but no more tears fell down, only the stains decorated his face.

"I- I came up with it a couple of days ago" He said brushing the olders hair off to the side, planting a kiss on top of his head.

"Hyung, I'm not asking you to forget about everything, I know this is all a mess, I'm just asking you to try, I know you loved me, I- I want that back" 

"I- I can't I..." He stuttered. "I kissed Johnny that day," Doyoung said, tears returning to his eyes. 

"Its ok hyung, I get it you were mad-"

"No Jaehyun... before that, y-you had been so distant lately, brushing me off, pushing me out, I assumed you were cheating already and I- he kept me company... i don't know when or how... but we didn't plan for it to happen, we got close pretty quickly and that day we just kissed and- God im such a horrible person" Doyoung started crying for what felt like the 100th time. 


"I'm sorry Jae, I-" 

"No Doyoung, I let you hate me for years because I thought screaming at you was bad but it turns out you were the cheater all along" Jaehyun says pushing him off of himself, making the older fall onto the ground holding himself up with his hands.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I- I didn't- I didn't mean for this to happen" Doyoung kept crying, he was trembling, from Jaehyun's point of view he looked so small, he felt like if he stepped forward he could crush him. 

"Doyoung get up" Jaehyun told the older, 'God he sounds like he hates ne?' 'Does he?' The older thought. 

"Jaehyun, d-do you hate me?" He cried out, not daring to look at the younger's eyes.

The older's words made Jaehyun snap out of his anger, this was his precious hyung, he had to understand the older's reasons, he HAD been distant, completely ignored him, Johnny took care of him when he didn't, something like that was bound to happen, but in the end it was just them two right? They could try again.

"God no hyung, I'm sorry I overreacted for a second there... here I'll help you up, we can go eat at that Ramen place near here, the one you used to love so much and call it a day ok? I'll take you home and we can both think about all of this" He said stretching out his hand, pulling the younger into a hug. 

"Even if we fall apart
Over frequent fights
What’s important is us
So it’s not meaningless
It’s just taking another step forward
Our past tells us
We'll be alright 
Please try again"

Jaehyun sings, they don't know how long they stood like that, in each other's embrace.

"JUST FUCKING KISS!!" They heard a group of teenagers scream from a passing car breaking the mood.

They both laughed.

"Jaehyun? do you think you can forgive me, that- that we can go back?" Doyoung asks, looking at the older through teary eyelashes. 

"I think we can," He whispers, kissing the younger's forehead. 

"You know I still have to go through these dates right?... I need to remember" Doyoung said, wary of the younger's reaction.

"Yes, I know, I'm ok with that, '' Jaehyun says, grabbing Doyoungs hand "We can wait until all of this is over and start again alright? Just, don't believe what others tell you so easily, come to me first" Doyoung nodded, letting himself be calmed down by Jaehyuns words.

"C'mon, you must be hungry" 


"Oh my! Jaehyun! Doyoung! you kids haven't been here in a while" The old lady behind the counter said 'Ms. Park... I quite missed her' Doyoung thinks to himself.

"Three years to be exact" He heard Jaehyun say.

"Oh wow! Three years is a really long time and you guys are still together? might as well get married" She chuckled, poor lady, if only she knew, he wasn't gonna do that to her though, and he really hoped Jaehyun wouldn't either.

"Maybe we will," The younger said, making Doyoung look at him with wide eyes.

"It's okay hyung I won't marry you... yet, let's just make this lady happy for today" Jaehyun whispered into his ear, making Doyoung blush at the implication that in the future, Jaehyun wanted to marry him.

"Oh Doyoung, my child, your hands are dirty, you can't eat like that, go use the restroom" Ms. Park said, pushing the younger into the bathroom. 

"So Jaehyun honey, are you really going to marry him?" The lady said, thinking Doyoung couldn't hear them anymore, but the bathroom door didn't do much to muffle their conversation. 

"Hyung and I have gone through a lot, if we can keep overcoming obstacles, and not letting people come between us... I know I am" Doyoung smiled his heart squeezing at the thought, this is all he dreamt off a couple years ago, suddenly his heart dropped remembering Johnny, the date he promised him, God he felt like such a horrible person for not wanting to cancel it, but the older made him feel like one day he could be whole again, and Yuta... he added that bit of edge he needed in his life, that uncertainty, that in the moment feeling he never had... but Jaehyun, Jaehyun was his dream, his first love, and now he felt like he could be his forever love... Why was this so hard? 


"What are you thinking about?" Jaehyun said smiling at the older who was playing with the soup from his noodles. Doyoung smiled.

"Us" He looked the younger in the eyes, a smile growing bigger. 

"I mean it's confusing, really, yesterday I would've listed you as the person I hated the most, today... it feels a lot like the old us" 

"Hyung, we'll work it out, I promise, it'll all go back to how it was, just you and me ok? We'll make it, right?" Jaehyun said resting his hand on top of the younger's, Doyoung nodded. 

"We can do this" 


"Hello baby is everything alright" Doyoung heard Ten saying through the phone. 

"Yeah I'm home now, is Taeyong there with you?" He asked happily, they had so much to talk about.

"No, he literally just left, why?" Ten said interested in what his best friend had to say, he could hear the happy tone in his voice, could almost see him smiling.

"Nevermind I'll just spill it to you, but don't tell Taeyong, please, I wanna tell him myself" 

"Ok ok I won't just tell me" Ten replied, throwing himself onto the bed like some teenager in a movie who's about to hear some gossip from their best friend.

"Jaehyun apologized, but turns out that he never even cheated on me and im just a dumb ass whore, also a dramatic ass bitch like for real I cried so much and he like comforted me and whatever, he even-" Maybe he shouldn't tell him about the singing part, he wanted to keep that part just between the two of them... "well he took me to this Ramen shop we used to go to when we dated omg, it was so romantic and he like said he wanted to marry me and shit, like bitch I've never felt so gay before" He finished quickly, waiting for Ten's response, who was currently just trying to take it all in. 

"Wait, he never cheated? Didn't you like catch him fucking the girl?" Ten asked, super confused. Doyoung blushed and hid his face on his pillow as if the younger could see him.

"I didn't catch him fucking her, they- he was cuddling her... uh kinda... and... he was uh... singing to her... but turns out that was just like his super depressed cousin" Doyoung mumbled, slightly muffled because of the pillow, but Ten was able to catch it all, many years of being friends with Doyoung could basically give you super hearing.

"You broke up... with your super hot boyfriend... because he was singing to a bitch? Kim Dongyoung you might be the dumbest bitch I stan" Ten said laughing at his friend who he could hear whining from the other end of the line.

"I know it sounds bad but i promise it looked really bad for him back then, please don't unstan me i'll make you an apology video if you want" Doyoung said laughing with his friend now. 

"Fine... are you guys gonna... y'know... again?" Ten whispered into the phone.

"Why are you whispering? it made it seem like the 'y'know' was NOT dating"

"Idk bitch I'm just trying to add some dramatic flair... but are you?" 

"We don't know yet, but I guess we both want to... ugh I don't know I'm just glad I have free tomorrow, I'm just gonna take my classes and then sleep the rest of the day" Doyoung said, he did need this break. 

"Ok just update me whatever, but anyways I need to go Taeyong is calling, probably to tell me he got home safe uwu"

"Omg ew, y'all just started dating and you guys are doing married couple things gross, byeee, love you, goodnight slut" 

"Goodnight whore" And with that he heard the the line go silent, it was time for him to hibernate


I'm curious to know yalls reaction to this chapter, does anything sound off?

Also just wanted to make clear that Ten didnt know Doyoung when the whole Jaehyun thing happened so he doesn't know about Jaehyun being distant or anything like that not even how it went down just the fact that they broke up because of cheating so that's why he's all like, um wtf?

N E WAYS; every "rest day" for Doyoung will just be a chapter for other characters, so in next chapter it'll be

Ten, Taeyong, Haechan, Renjun, Johnny and Mark

And the next rest day will be

Jaehyun, Yuta, Lucas, Kun, Taeil and Winwin

Hope you're enjoying the story so far <3

Chapter inspired by: Pre-debut Jaedo TT

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