Mr. King and I

By AmberHanscom

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Copyright 2013 Mr. King and I by Amber Hanscom Published by Ellery Van Aller had the perfect life... More

Chapter One: The Funeral
Chapter Three: The Engagement
Chapter Four: Fall to Pieces
Chapter Five: The Adress Says It All
Chapter Six: Price Tag
Chapter Seven: Mornings
Chapter Eight: Emotional Blow Out
Chapter Nine: Friends

Chapter Two: The Will

953 61 4
By AmberHanscom

Copyright © 2013

All Rights Reserved

I was jolted awake by the slam-bang of the car door. I glanced over to find Aunt Bet, who was seething beside me. She tugged at her French twist, her hair tumbling down in elegant, inky waves.

"Francisco, 341 Park Avenue please, and hurry." She ordered testily, as she ran her fingers through her hair.

I stared at her in surprise. Aunt Bet was usually so calm and collective; never in my seventeen and a half years of my life had I seen her so . . . pissed.

"Aunt Bet, are you okay?" I asked tentatively, my voice soft as a whisper.

Aunt Bet froze in the middle of her harried brushing, her eyes sliding over to me.

"Oh, Ellery, honey," she said, heaving a weighty sigh of exasperation. "That, that, that MAN just infuriates me! I cannot imagine why in the world your parents would-" She broke off mid rant her face paling.

"Listen, Ellie," she said quietly, placing her hand over mine. "No matter what happens today, I swear to God that I will not let anything bad happen to you."

I blinked at her, taken aback by the ferocity of her words. My mouth worked up and down but no words came out.

"Um, okay, Aunt Bet," I said shifting in my seat.

After that rather intense discussion, her Blackberry buzzed loudly, her attention focusing soly on it. I thanked the powers that be for the distraction as I settled back in my seat. The ride to Park Avenue was uneventful and silent-at least on my part. Aunt Bet spent the entire drive on her Blackberry, having one-sided conversations with someone from her work.

My iPhone vibrated in my pocket. I turned it on a picture of my current almost-boyfriend smiling up at me. I debated on whether or not I should answer it. Jake hadn't even shown up for the funeral. Neither had my supposed best friends. I hit ignore, pocketing the phone once more. Ashley had claimed to have a family thing, and Faye had simply refused to answer any my calls, texts, or messages. For the moment, I was without any real friends.

I pulled out my ear buds, turning it to Of Monsters and Men's 'Slow and Steady'. The lulling tones released me from my earthly bounds. I was lost in the music, drifting away on the waves of sound,by eyes drifting shut.

I didn't wake until we had arrived at our destination. The building was staggering in stature, a breathtaking blend of historical beauty and modern strength. I followed after Aunt Bet out of the car and up the front steps where a man in a tailored and pressed black uniform held the door open for us. Aunt Bet sauntered past him, her entire mind seemingly focused on one thing and one thing alone. I gave him a smile and a hurried thank you as I all but jogged after her.

She stabbed a fine manicured finger on button for the elevator, the doors sliding open with a soft ding! Aunt Bet entered and I moved to follow her when my foot caught the edge of the entryway. A hand clasped my arm steadying me. I corrected my footing, and glanced up to thank the Good Samaritan. My thank you stuck to my tongue like glue when I saw who it was.

"Mr. King!"

A rueful smile curled his lips as his strange eyes flashed with a wicked light. "A pleasure to see you again, Miss Van Aller."


I turned in time to see the elevator doors slid close on an infuriated Aunt Bet. I blinked in surprise as Mr. King let out a low chuckle.

"We'll catch the next one."

He hit the elevator button and reclined lazily on the wall, a crooked amused smile on his face. I stood there a moment before breaking the awkward silence.

"Um, what are you doing here, Mr. King?"

He laughed as he took his phone out his pocket glancing at the time. "I live here, Miss Van Aller. And please, call be Sebastian, having you call me 'Mr. King' makes me feel forty."

My heart did a funny acrobat routine in my rib cage as a blush spread across my cheeks. I sputtered an apology, Mr.-Sebastian-let out a laugh that echoed like a sonic boom through the grave like quiet of the lobby. Curious glances were thrown our way, eyes lingered on Sebastian and instantly dismissed me with a sharp sneer. I glanced down at my shoes refusing to allow their stares to teeter me.

"You are a curious young lady, Miss Van Aller." Sebastian said as the doors to the elevator dinged open.

We shuffled in; I retreated to one corner while he lounged comfortably on the railing. I watched him curiously as we began our slow rise up. Sebastian King had an odd presence that demanded notice and respect. The set of his shoulders down to the tilt of his head and the stance he took. It was relaxed and comfortable, as if he had command over all things around him and he was fully aware of it. He carried himself with a confidence that I had never seen in a twenty-something guy. He had this way of looking at me that made me feel as if he could see past my strong and collected facade, and see the scared, freaked out little girl I really was.


The sound of my name on his tongue broke me free from my thoughts. I glanced up to find him staring at me intently. My face flamed with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I was just saying again how sorry I am for your loss," he said as he began playing with the chain around his neck. I hadn't noticed it until just then. "Also, I was hoping that no matter what happens today, that you would still consider me as a . . . well, as a friend at the very least."

The naked fear in his voice caught me off guard. I blinked up at him in confusion.

"Why? What's going to happen?" I asked. "And . . . and why wouldn't we be friends? My dad is-was, always singing your praises. He would have been president of the Sebastian King fanclub."

A wry smile appeared on his face, something almost bitter clouded his gaze as he met mine unflinching.

"You're father . . . he and I, we were-"

The elevator came to a subtle stop, the doors dinging open once again. I stared from the open archway to Mr. King, a bit upset that God, or fate, had chosen that moment to interrupt. What had he been about to say? I had no idea, and zero guesses. I started for the exit, when Sebastian's hand came up, warm and big with its long, narrow fingers, wrapped around the exposed skin of my arm, sending a jolt through me unlike anything I have experienced in my life.

I kept my surprise in check, meeting his gaze even as he leaned forward his lips brushing my ear.

"No matter what happens today, I swear on my life, and your parents', that I will not let anything happen to you."

I bit down on my tongue fighting the black orb of fear that was steadily growing in my stomach. This was the second time in a day I had gotten two heartfelt vows of safety. A weight of unease settled on my shoulders as I followed after him into the hall. Aunt Bet was waiting in a glorious foriuor that was all gold and cream. A winding stair case straight out of Gone With The Wind minus Scarlet O'Hara descending the stairs. The tile was polished marble and looked clean enough to eat off of.

"Ellery, come," Aunt Bet's words were clipped and underlined with tension.

Not wanting to cause any trouble, I went to her side without hesitation. Sebastian kept quiet, but the look in his eyes spoke volumes. A thick, awkward silence settled over us as we stood there. I glanced from one adult to another, my stomach knotting slightly. I wished someone would say something!

We were saved by an elder man dressed in black looking ever inch like Alfred from the Batman movies.

"If you will all follow me," he said setting off to the right towards a separate branch of rooms.

Aunt Bet set off after him, with me trailing behind her and Sebastian flanking me. We passed a sitting room complete with a 62" plasma screen, complete with a sound and gaming system that would have made Jake foam at the mouth. We scuttled pass it towards a closed door. The Alfred-look-a-like knocked on the door, opening only after the inhabitant gave him permission. We shuffled along inside.

Books lined all four walls, an antique English oak desk was set in the center in front of a large window that showed a spectacular view of the city. A man in his fifties sat at the desk, his face was weathered and creased with lines that drew a map of his many years, his eyes a watery blue. He motioned us to sit, Aunt Bet claimed a red velvet arm chair to the mans' left. I took the seat next to her, placing myself between Sebastian and she. Sebastian reached across the table shaking the man's hand before taking his seat.

The man introduced himself as Matthew Grey, my fathers' solicitor. He explained why we were here and what would happen.

"I have the last will and testament of Thomas and Regina Van Aller. They leave all their holdings, estates and possessions to their daughter, Ellery Vanessa Van Aller. The total sum of all of their holdings and stocks at present sum up to half a million, who will inherit this sum upon reaching her twenty-first birthday, until then it will remain in a trust."

My mouth had gone dry. Half a million dollars!? I looked to Aunt Bet who looked completely undaunted by the news. Where had THAT come from? We could barely afford the Audi! But Mr. Grey wasn't done just yet.

"Enclosed with the will was a separate addressed to Mr. Sebastian King. I was told not to open it until Mr. King and Miss Van Aller were both present."

Mr. Grey tore the seal with care, taking out the folded piece of paper with care. He took a pair of glasses from his coat pocket setting the on his nose, and he began to read;

" 'I, Thomas Edward Van Aller, give my permission and consent to the betrothal of my daughter, Ellery Vanessa Van Aller, to one Sebastian Reginald King. The marriage will take place upon my daughters' twenty-first birthday. In the event of my or my wife's untimely death should take place before this time, I here by bequeath full guardianship to Mr. King.' " Mr. Grey set it aside, a deafening quiet settling over the room.

I blinked once, twice. I had the undeniable urge to pinch myself because this had to be a dream. There was no way my parents would . . . .

"Ellery? Ellery, are you all right?"

I jolted free of my thought gazing into the storm cloud eyes that set my senses reeling. The expression in them caused my heart to seize. Guilt, fear, worry.

He had KNOWN. He'd known what the will would say. I turned to Aunt Bet who sat stonily and cold, the picture of icy perfection and control. A sick feeling crept through me.


I jumped from my seat suddenly feeling caged. The walls were pressing down on me. I struggled for breath but none filled my arid lungs. The room slanted as my legs gave away. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was Sebastian leaping from his chair for me.

And then . . . nothing.

________________Author's Note___________________

Bahaha! I bet you all thought I forgot about this story! But no, I have not. I am writing this on my prom night . . . which I chose not to attend. But never mind that. What do you all think of this new installment? I know that the legal vocabulary for the will is . . . meh but, I tried! If any you can think of a way to word it better please, contact me!

Before proceeding to ch3 STOP!!! VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW!!!!!!

Xoxo Amber

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