If It Wasn't For You

By BriannButler

17.6K 496 121

This is a fanfiction of Damon and Elena for all those Delena fans out there. It features some resemblance to... More

The Day We Met
Those Eyes
Until We Meet Again
A Night To Remember
Who Are You?
All That I Knew
All The Possibilities
Who Do I Trust?
What Is Going On?
What Shall Become of Us?
Failure to Comply
Old Friends
Winter Solstice
Sneak Peek : Love and War
Author's Note

The Unexpected Arrival

1.3K 42 8
By BriannButler


Elena was beautiful, shame she looked exactly like Katherine. That stupid whore couldn't choose between Stefan and me, so she tried to have us both. We ended up killing each other over her, becoming vampires, and in the end she chose Stefan. Now we both have to live our lives slave to the irresistible substance we know as blood. Eventually she left Stefan alone because she missed the nightlife, but I still had a little resentment towards Stefan because Katherine chose him over me. Whatever, I could survive without them. Elena, Elena, her name rang in my head like a Salvation Army bell. The fact that she resembled Katerina so much made my stomach churn at the resemblance. But actually talking to her and finding out that there's some sweeter, prettier, smarter, human, version of Katherine out there made me feel a whole lot better. Elena was mine whether she knew it or not, wanted it or not, needed it or not. She was mine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I arrived at the Mansion and made my way to the door. I walked in though no one had to invite me in, no living person owned this house so technically it was free to the vampire public.

"Oh brother where art thou?" I yelled, when I walked into the house. I could smell hair gel, whiskey, and Stefan everywhere.

"What are you doing here Damon?" Stefan said as he appeared behind me. I turned around to look him in the eye.

"Ya missed me brother?" I gave him one of my dazzling smiles. His green eyes were looking more brown than green, he had on gray sweat pants and a black long sleeved shirt. His brown hair was disheveled on his head, and he had a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"What are you doing here Damon?" he asked again, with a little more animosity in his voice. I dropped my suitcase on the floor and tried to hide the concern I had for my baby brother on my face. He took a sip of his drink and walked in to the family room.

"I came to visit my baby bro, if that's okay with you. I was in town and decided to stop by and check in on you and whatnot? I didn't know that you were such a heavy drinker." I said as I looked at him, studying his body movements.

"Well, when I moved back to a town where I met my first love, couldn't help but to think of all the times we shared." He said, and I think I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"OH get over yourself Stefan, she left you because she is a whore and only cares about herself. She doesn't give a rat's ass about you or anyone else for that matter. Its time you had a reality check and realize that she's not coming back for you. Grow up baby brother." I said as I went upstairs to my room.

"Well that's easy for you to say, you hate her because she chose me." He said and had a smug look on his face.

"Well who's the one crying now?" I responded and started to unpack my bags.


Dear Diary,

Its two days till the first day of school. The annual bonfire was last night, which was the weirdest day of my life. I met someone, or did something last night but I just can't remember. I remember Matt being drunk, and us breaking up. I also remember Caroline bringing me back to the bonfire after I walked away from Matt towards the hickory road bridge. I was so mad at him for being drunk, and rude. I just couldn't believe him last night. After all we've been through he wants to just be an arrogant ass. I still care for Matt deeply, it's just not what I need right now. I'm going to focus on school and my extracurricular activities. This year will be a great one.

I finished writing in my diary and put it in the top drawer of my dresser. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see my Aunt drinking coffee at the dining table.

"Good Morning Elena." She greeted me over her morning cup of Joe.

"Good morning, Aunt Jenna. Where's Jeremy?" I asked as I grabbed a mug from the cabinet.

"Oh I think he stayed at a friend's house or something, he said he'd be home at around 12." she replied. I sat across from her at the table and took a sip of the coffee.

"So what's on the agenda for you today?" She asked.

"Well the girls and I plan on going to The Grill and playing some pool, and just comparing schedules. You know typical teenage girl stuff." I said and took another sip of coffee.

"Well, call me when you get to The Grill and when you're on your way home okay?"

"No problem." I replied. I went upstairs and jumped into the shower. I put on some dark blue jeans and a light blue long sleeve shirt. I picked up the necklace my mother gave me the night before she died and admired it before clasping it around my neck. As soon as I had my shoes on my feet Bonnie was at my door.

"Jenna, Bonnie's here and we are about to leave!" I screamed to her from the front door to the kitchen.

"Okay you girls be safe." she yelled back and we were on our way. When we got to The Grill Caroline already had a table set up for us.

"Hello ladies." Caroline greeted us.

"Wassup?" Bonnie responded.

"Hey." I said as we walked up to the table she was already setting up.

"I'm starved right now. Hey Barb can we get some wings over here?" Bonnie said to the waitress who had a tray of empty beer bottles held up into the air.

"No problem Bon, coming right up." She said and headed to the kitchen. Bonnie grabbed a pool stick off the wall and began to chalk it up.

"So, what's new pussycats?" Caroline said.

"Besides the fact, that Elena dumped the hottest boy in school, and made head cheerleader this year? Not much." Bonnie said and we all giggled.

"You know he was completely drunk last night? He smelled like beer and was really grabby. Not attractive at all." Bonnie and Caroline began to play pool as I watched from a table close by.

"He's just being a guy that's all." Bonnie said.

"Well that's a guy I wouldn't want to be around." I replied.

"Here you go ladies. Nice and hot and here's a pitcher of tea for you guys." Barb said, placing the food and drinks on the table that I was sitting at.

"Thanks Barb you're a doll." Caroline said and gave her an award winning smile.

"Yet again, no problem darlings." she said and started busting tables

again. I took a couple of wings and put them on plates that were pre-set on the table.

"Matt just needs a reality check, how can the quarterback of the football team not be with the head cheerleader? You're messing up the clich\u00e9'" Caroline said.

"Well Matt is messing up my life." I mumbled before taking a bite out of one of the wings. The doors to The Grill opened and two gorgeous guys walked in.

"Oh my goodness, who are those fine specimens?" Bonnie said mouth completely water in over the young men. They looked like they were walking in slow motion as the sun glistened on them. They walked straight to the bad and sat down. The dark haired one turned around and made eye contact with me. He smirked and gave me wink. At that moment my heart fluttered.

"Well tickle me pink why don't you." Caroline said as she leaned on her pool stick.

"I don't see all the hype." I lied to them and took a sip of tea.

"Whatever, those red cheeks would say otherwise." Bonnie commented. Caroline and Bonnie both came over to the table and took a seat across from me.

"What do you think they're doing here?" I asked still sipping on my tea.

"I don't know, wanna go find out?" Caroline asked as she got up and started walking towards the bar.

"Wait no! What're you doing?" I asked complete shock on my face. You could never stop her once she gets started.


Off to the side is a picture of the gorgeous Elena Gilbert. :)

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