Those Eyes

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I kind of want to start this chapter out by saying if you are reading this right now, THANK YOU :D. I really appreciate you getting this far. I'm not much of a person who likes to write A/N but I just want to say please continue reading this story and Comment, Vote, and Fan. (I much rather you Comment and Fan lol) ENJOI

P.S. An extremely attractive picture of Damon off to the side. :)


I decided to take the little bro out for a drink at a local bar called The Grill instead of him sulking here in this old house in his on filth.

"Come on already, we're losing daylight." I yelled up at him from the bottom of the stairs.

"Lets go, you drive." He said while putting on his signature leather jacket.

"Fine by me." I said walking to my all black Camaro.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Stefan and I arrived we took some seats by the bar. I looked around the place to scope it out and then I saw her. I looked into those eyes and smirked to myself. Before she looked away I saw her cheeks flush. Those eyes were bluer than any blue I have ever seen. When she seems nervous they almost seem irredescent. I turned back to the bar and noticed Stefan looking at me.

"Who is that?" Stefan asked gesturing to Elena who was facing the opposite way from me now. Obviously he didn't get a clear enough look at her or he would have freaked out. Before I even had the chance of answering I was bombarded by the blonde.

"Hi, I'm Caroline and you are?" she said while reaching out her hand. Her scent was sweet but it was nothing like Elena's. Maybe I'll just have her for a snack later.

"Stop it and answer her question." Stefan whispered to me so low only someone with supernatural powers could hear.

"Hello darling my name is Damon and this is my brother Stefan." I said while taking her hand and placing a simple kiss on her knuckles. That made her giggle and I let her hand fall from my grasps.

"Oh Stefan you're new to our school right? You didn't tell us that you had an attractive brother." She said while twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

"Must've slipped my mind." he muttered under his breath.

"Well who are you friends over there? Looks like they're missing your wonderful company." I said then winked at her. She giggled again. I have to admit being dangerously handsome has it perks.

"Oh that's just Bonnie and Elena want me to tell them to come over?" she asked motioning them to come join us.


As I kept glancing back and forth from my drink and the bar. I noticed that the light brown haired guy was the new kid. I think his name is Stefan. Bonnie definitely had a crush on him because she kept staring at him.

"Cmon let's go." Bonnie said and she grabbed my hand and dragged me along while she bounced over there

"So, who are your new friends Caroline?" Bonnie asked while staring at Stefan and he was staring at me. I saw the dark haired guy whisper something to him and his facial expression changed from shock to remorse.

"I'm Damon and this is my little brother Stefan." He said while taking a glance at me. Damon, so that's his name. It fit him in so many ways. He had the perfect hair, body, face, and those eyes. Those eyes were like blue lightening bolts staring into my inner most being. I couldn't look away even if I tried. I think he noticed me staring and smirked. I could tell that he was used to it. I sort of made this promise to myself that I wouldn't persue guys that are self-absorbed, egostical, self-centered jerks. For some reason I get this type of vibe from him. The way those eyes were piercing through me I felt extremely vulnerable. So I bolted out the door. I don't know why but I couldn't stay in there with him looking at me. I started to walk towards my house when I felt a chilled hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you running off to?" I turned around to see Damon standing there with a grin on his face. But not a smug grin, a nice genuine grin. But why?

"Um I just needed some air." I choked out. I felt smothered by his presence like just his essence of was thick in the atmosphere.

"Mind if I get some air with you?" he asked as he looked at me. When I looked into his eyes I saw want and desire. I could already tell at that moment that those eyes were going to be the death of me.


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