《𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐝 日食》・『❈TPN x...

By BurningWaltzXD

18.5K 620 239

▐ ◤ 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 © : 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐏𝐍 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐮... More

『Warnings+Notes before reading』
《Chapter Two》
《Chapter Three》
《Chapter Four》
《Chapter Five》
《Chapter Six》
《Chapter Seven》
《Chapter Eight》
《Chapter Nine》
《Chapter Ten》
《Chapter Eleven》
《Chapter Twelve》
《Chapter Thirteen》
《Chapter Fourteen》
《Chapter Fifteen》
《Chapter Sixteen》
《Chapter Seventeen》
《Chapter Eighteen》
《Chapter Nineteen》
《Chapter Twenty - The Snakes of Alvar Pinera : Part 1》
《Chapter Twenty One - The Snakes of Alvar Pinera : Part 2》
《Chapter Twenty Two - Pursuers》
《Chapter Twenty Three - Sonju and Mujika》
《Chapter Twenty Four - The Promise》
《Chapter Twenty Five - Training》
《Chapter Twenty Six - Onwards》
《Chapter Twenty Seven - B06-32》

《Chapter One》

1.7K 47 60
By BurningWaltzXD


。。。。《10/12/2045 - Luna's POV》。。。。


[8:30 AM :] 

"RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE!! TIME TO GET OUT OF BED!!!" Emma exclaimed, causing all our siblings to jolt awake out of bed. 

It was only 8:30 in the morning, and waking up at early times always made me feel a little grumpier than usual. "Emma, your yelling is so loud I almost confused you for a megaphone." I grumbled after getting up from my bed.

Beside my mattress was Gilda, who's hair was still messed up after the waking call. "Morning Gilda!" I said, patting the green haired girl in the back. 

"Eheh.. morning Luna!" Gilda said, putting on her circle rimmed glasses. 

"Hey Luna, help me out with tying Phil and Sherry's shoe laces!" Emma called out for me.

I turned over towards Emma, and saw the two four year olds handing their untied shoes. 

"Come on guys, it's really easy, all you have to do is create some loop holes, drag it down the empty space, and secure it in, and boom, your shoes are tied." I instructed, demonstrating the act.

I first took Sherry's laces and twisted the two ends into two loops, which I then pulled one of them down the space, fastening it tightly.

As I was tying Sherry's shoelaces, the two toddlers were looking at me in awe as if they saw a giraffe or something big. 

"WOAH!!! THANK YOU MOON-CHAN!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!" Sherry exclaimed, embracing me into a big hug afterwards. 

"Yeah yeah, I get it, I'm awesome as I'll ever be, Tomato." I snickered, patting the red-headed girl's back. 

I then went out the door to head to the kitchen, and as I was walking through the busy hallways full of children 10 and under, I stumbled upon Don and Conny, with the blonde kid holding her Little Bunny plushy.

"Hey Don! Joy Con, Top-hat!" I greeted happily.

"Morning Luna! How was your sleep?" Conny asked me, hugging Little Bunny tighter than ever. 

"It was awesome! I was dreaming about planets and the milky-way!" I answered happily, patting Conny's head after. 

I mostly give all my siblings nicknames, just for the fun of it, and also being able to call them by a name that's memorable.

I continued my way down the hallway and eventually stumbled upon Ray and Norman, doing chores as usual. 

I proceeded to head over to my brother and started to ruffle his snowy white hair with my fists.

"Morning you Half-Decent Moon!" I exclaimed to Norman, who looked a bit surprised by my sudden actions. 

"Good Morning, Luna, ow, could you uh, just call me Norman, ow- please." Norman suggested as I kept punching him on the head.

I then turned to see Ray carrying a jug of water over to the tables. 

"How's it going Ray! Though, I wouldn't really call you a Ray of Sunshine, considering how dark your hair is." I commented, ruffling his spiky black hair. 

"I could say the same to you, Luna." Ray grumbled coldly, with him using his fist to bonk me in the head, which didn't really hurt me at all.

"Not living up to your name huh? Edge Lord!" I teased the raven-headed boy. 

"Shut up, just because I have a different hairstyle doesn't mean you can tease me about it." Ray pointed out. 

"Have you even tried combing your hair for once? you've always had your hair like this since we were 5." I commented, still ruffling their black hair. 

"I could say the same for you." Ray tiredly sighed, placing the jug of water onto the table.

After messing with Ray and Norman, I figured that I should start preparing food too at the kitchen. As I walked in, I saw Mama giggling at me happily. 

"Morning Mama!" I said happily, going past her without a hug. 

"Morning Luna, but, before plating the bread though, do you mind asking Emma to come and put in the glasses?" Mama asked with a warm smile. 

"Alright!" I said back to mama, closing the doors as I walked out of the kitchen. When I got out though, I already saw Emma carrying Thoma and Lannion, as well as Phil on top of her head. 

"Mowning, Nworman, Way! Wuna!" Emma greeted as Phil pulled on the side of her mouth. 

"Good Morning, Emma!" Norman greeted back happily. '

Stop acting so obvious about your crush, Norman, Jeez...' I thought, snickering at Norman's warm expression towards the ginger.

 "Mowning, Emma." Ray said in a mocking tone. 

"Hey!!!" Emma pouted, noticing the tone of Ray's greeting. 

"Come on Emma, how old are you, five?" Ray asked the Ginger haired girl. "I'm 11! Just like you guys! I'm also one of the oldest kids here!" Emma stated, letting go of Thoma and Lannion. 

"The sun's so dense, it can't even take a joke!" I teased, giving Emma a rather smug expression.

After that, Mom appeared right behind me, giggling at the scene me and Emma were in. "Morning Mama!" Emma greeted, now noticing the tall woman from behind me. 

"Ahahah, morning Emma, say, why don't you go start placing the glasses now?" Mama suggested. 

"Not yet!!! I wanna redo my entrance since Ray and Luna teased me!!" Emma pouted, hugging Mama afterwards.

"The earth doesn't revolve around you, Emma." I said in a joking manner, causing Ray to chuckle at my joke. 

"Mom!!! Luna's being mean again!!" Emma whined, causing me to snicker again. 

"Sunshine, you're head's going to explode into a million stars if you keep being that pouty." I stated as I ruffled Emma's orange hair.

"This is what I always like about you, Emma!" Mom said, placing her hands onto Emma's cheeks. 

"That I'm five on the inside?" Emma guessed. 

"No sweetie, it's because you care so much about your family!" Mom said with a smile, caressing Emma's cheeks which caused the orange haired girl to giggle happily.

I went over to the kitchen and started plating the garlic bread over to about 38 plates, while Emma was busy filling the cups with water. Suddenly, I bumped into the mischievous duo, Thoma and Lannion. 

"What are you two doing? Shouldn't you two be placing the fork and spoons?" I asked the duo.

Before the two could answer, they started running away from me to avoid doing their chores, causing me to get pissed. 

"COME BACK HERE BEFORE I SHOVE BROCCOLI UP YOUR THROATS!!" I yelled, running towards the two 7 year olds. I started running across the huge dining room in 3 seconds flat, picking the two kids up and placing them onto the table.

After setting up the table for breakfast, I sat near Gilda and Don, with the iconic trio, Norman, Ray, and Emma, sitting across from us. We all clasped our hands together and started listening to what Mom was about to say. 

"Thank you that all 39 of us are able to eat this wonderful and delicious meal." Mama prayed as she clasped her hands together. 

"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!!" The other children followed. 

After that, we all dug into our food, eating the garlic bread, sausages, and eggs. I stabbed the eggs and sausages onto my fork and shoved them all into my mouth, swallowing the foods happily. 

"Luna, you shouldn't eat that fast, at least chew them correctly!" Gilda criticized me. 

"Yeah yeah Gilda, I know, I just have a fast metabolism for eating!" I stated with my mouth full. 

"And don't talk while you're mouth is full!" Gilda scolded.

A few seconds later, my plate was wiped clean from the eggs and sausages, as well as the garlic bread, with only a few crumbs being left behind. 

"Done!!" I called out happily. The other children then gasped in surprise to see my plate wiped clean from all that food. 

"Wow Luna, you must really like the meal, considering on how fast you were to finish it!" Mama guessed, giggling at me. 

I started heading over to the sink to wash my plate, scrubbing it clean with dish soap. After placing my plate onto the dish racks, I went over to the testing room and started running laps around the desks. 

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9..." After I finished the 9th lap, my other siblings started rushing into the room, sitting in their correct spots.

"How long have you been running for, Luna?" Norman asked me. 

"I- uH, about,, 9 laps!" I said, still sweating after running. 

"Alright kids, settle down now, let the tests begin!" Mama said happily. We then turned on our screens and it proceeded with the instructions. 

"Age 11, Type 1, answer the following questions within the allotted time." The AI instructed. 

《Question One : 32.7 x 23 + 4 squared, what is the answer》


《Question Twenty : What is the ratio of Y to X》


《Question One-Hundred : Running at a speed of 18 1/5 miles in 1/3 of an hour, what is the unit rate of the speed of you running in miles per hour》


《Question Two-Hundred-Fifty : You're building a pool based on a scale drawing that is 20 cm by 10 cm, and uses the scale 1 cm : 250 cm. What is the area of the pool in square meters?》


After answering all three hundred questions within an hour, the buzzer rang through the room, signaling that the test was over.

I looked away from my screen to see everyone sighing from exhaustion of the test, I placed my pen back onto its container and sat back onto my chair and tried relaxing my arms, the daily IQ tests were always giving my hands cramps, pain. 

We all placed our headphones down onto our test screens, and waited for Mama to announce our test scores. 

"Now now children, let's all hear your test scores! Jemima, 89, Yvette, 134, Conny, 137, Mark, 150, Lannion, 167, Thoma, 195, Sherry, 200, Phil, 203, , ," As Mama was announcing our test scores, the other children began to pout on how low their test scores were. 

"Wow, that low?" Thoma asked with concern.

"Aw man.. I was hoping to get at least 200 of them right! Lannion pouted. 

"Ahaha, the test was really hard, I didn't really get most of the questions!" Conny giggled sheepishly. Suddenly, all the pouting stopped when they heard the top-scorer's names. 

"Let's see, Norman, Ray, Emma, and Luna! All perfect test-scores!!" Mom said happily.

After that, all eyes were on all four of us in awe. "Wow! Those four sure are something else!" Nat said, looking at Norman and the others silently. 

"It's been said that the house has never had four perfect-scorers, up until now!" Lannion mentioned. 

"Mama must be really proud!" Thoma said happily. 

"No kidding! Norman's the all-knowing genius and is the smartest out of everyone here in the house, Ray's really fast at making decisions and is also the only one able to keep up to Norman's level!" Lannion mentioned.

"Emma's really adaptive and can learn easily, letting her catch up to the two, Luna is also able to think really quick, and is always motivated to get better every time!" Thoma added. 

"Wow, if only I could have half of their talents!" Nat sighed. 

"You're not the only one who wants to be like them!" Anna giggled.

As everyone was praising the four of us for getting perfect scores, Don suddenly snapped at Norman out of jealousy. 

"ARGHHHH!! THAT'S IT!! Norman, I challenge you to a game of tag!" Don challenged the albino. After that big sentence that Don shot out, all eyes of the children were laid onto Don and Norman. 

"Sure, Don." Norman calmly accepted.

"Norman will be 'it' this round, try to not get caught within 10 minutes." Don explained. The explanation ended with everyone nodding, running away from Norman as he counted to 10.

"Hey Edge lord, aren't you joining?" I asked the ravenette who was sitting beside a tree. Ray looked up at me and turned back to his book, 

"Nope, you go ahead and play though, someone has to go watch the time." Ray stated as he was reading. 

"Come on you independent edge-lord, Don't be such a coward and actually play!" I complained, punching the boy on the arm afterwards. 

"Just to let you know, you got 4 seconds to hide before Norman catches you." Ray informed, Oh, right, I was still in the tree area where Norman was still nearby. 

"Shoot! GOTTA GO, BYE COWARD!!" I shouted as I ran away from the tree. 

In four seconds flat, I already reached the end of the forest, I AM SPEED. I ran towards a nearby tree and started climbing it all the way to the leaves, watching Norman in the distance. 

Norman isn't very athletic so he shouldn't be able to climb up the trees that easily. A few seconds have passed and it was already starting to get boring. *sigh* I guess I might as well just keep myself entertained by passing through the trees.

I was following Norman through the trees as he was busy trying to find the others. As I was following him, I saw Nat and a lot of my other siblings hiding near the bushes.

Why are they all clustered in one hiding spot? Isn't that a bad idea?? Before Norman could find them though, I decided to get out of the leaves and get his attention. 

"Norman!!! Come and get me!!!" I said, directing his attention to me. 

Norman turned around to find me sitting on a tree branch, his surprised look suddenly turned into a calm face. 

"Luna, you shouldn't really give yourself up that easily!" Norman said below me. 

"Yeah yeah, try and tag me crescent!" I said, sticking my tongue out afterwards in a teasing manner. Norman giggled happily and turned away from the tree I was on. 

"I'll tag you and Emma after I tag the others." Norman said, walking away from me. 

"Oh come on!! That isn't fun!!" I pouted once more. 

"Can't stop me! Once I made up my mind, there's no turning back!" Norman stated. One of the few things I hate about my counterpart, he's a god damn kill joy.

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