PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

79.1K 7.8K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
23. Her scoldings
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
35. Fresher's party 2
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
83. Absence of U
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
89. finding solace
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
112. Only I know
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

32. Lie or love.

488 55 116
By hiddenpearl21

The hot sun rays peeking inside the sid room to wake him up from his dream land but unknowingly it started ravishing the well sculpture body where the water dripping from his wet hair falling on shoulder by touching every inch of the body and escaping by a towel which is tied around his waist.


I opened my wardrobe and debating myself what to where.

Now a days I became more and more attentive of my dressing style or anything which I do.

In my life I never felt that one day I will try to impress a girl because all try their charm amd hot ways to get attention from me but now here I'm trying to impress my girl.

She is not like others who fell for looks or money she is different not a bit, but completely different from this world.

She looks so happy if anyone sees her or talk with her or spend some time with her they will live with smile and full energy even though it's for five minutes.

She is just a positive energy with loads of love and fun.

I don't know how she ease her pain..??

To whom she share with..??

Is there anyone that who knows her in and out..??

I don't know but I want to be the one for her.

Every one tries to get in touch with me one way or the other either for the attention from others or for status or for money or for some kind of pleasure too but she is different she always looked at me like aanaya brother or her senior.

I always doubt atleast did she consider me as man or not.

Am I not handsome I thought looking at my reflection in mirror.

I started doing workouts for long time now a days and even I changed a little of my dressing style too.

Did she recognised me or not...???
Only god knows it.

Sometimes I feel neglected that I fight with her and end up in saying sorry to her.

I like the most in her is she don't fight or drag the issue for long time.

If she don't like anything or anyone she simply ignores them silently without knowing them when I asked the reason for that.

'This world is so cruel. It doesn't show any mercy on anyone either for new born babies or the old one who are going to die.

Then what is the need to create a hater by ourself where they can do it by themselves.

Most Important is I'm more busy in loving my haters to boost myself. So I don't have a time or space to create. So I eliminate them by myself in a game called 'Fate played with life in the name of lie or love'. She said

By listening her words I feel like is she is the one who suffered or is there any twin but my respect on her got doubled.

Somewhere I feel she knows about my feelings and she also have same feeling because she never stopped me nor let me cross my limits.

I adore her everything but not her stubbornness but little cute argument makes me go crazy for her.

I don't know when I fell for her deeply but I decided to propose her on traditional day. Even though it is too long but I want her to give some space to adjust with me and accept me.

I want to be in her life like a breath of air that need every second to live and even she is the same for me too.

Because if we try to stop breathing we may do for some minutes or for hours on practice but not life long because it suffocates us to live with out breathing and end up lifeless.

She is everything to love or to think or to breath or to live that she made me realise the meaning of lovelife that I spend every second with her that she explode me with the beauty of love and made me fell for her deeper and deeper to know the real ME for myself.

"Bhai did you got ready"aanaya came breaking my thoughts

"Five minutes chotteyy coming"I said and grab blue shirt and paired with biscuit colour jeans.

I quickly changed and left. As I have a practice today I need to go early and chotteyy also coming with me.

"Mom we are leaving"I said

"Wait if you have practice you go why you are taking my girl early morning" dad said sternly

"Dad it's your girl decision ask her not me" I said calmly because it's too dangerous to fight with dad when comes to anu

"Princess why you want to go early"dad asked calmly

"Causally dad, I woke up early today and got to know bhai going early so to have some time pass thought to go early"anu said while marching towards dad

"Ohh..ok. I will drop you and will have some time together. It's been long na"dad said caressing her hair where mom bhai and I looked at them in shock

"Yeah some people spend their almost whole night while watching Tom and Jerry show"mom mocked

"Sid you go. I will drop my princess"dad said ignoring mom words

"Bye bhai"anu said quickly as if I'm dragging her with me.

Soon I left to college and started practicing and remember that I forgot my book and called anu to bring. Thank god she didn't started.

Soon vivek came and we both going to canteen to get my book from but we heard some commotion about a girl looking breathtaking gorgeous something something.

But we just shrugged and moved as we are getting late to class.

"Chotteyy"I called anu while looking my phone as someone messaged in group about assignment submission at afternoon and I got relaxed and looked at up.

I found my life with breathtaking smile and hell of nervous while looking at me.

I forgot the world around me while looking at her.

So doll is now commotion in college. Ohh god now where should I have to hide her.

I didn't even heard what chotteyy said and I straight away went and sat beside her.

She wear yellow colour dress that the shine of dress is reflecting on her skin and she is shinning like a gold fish with cute pink blush when I said "you looking se.. gorgeous"

She whispered a thankyou.

I control myself to say sexy. Her bangles sound saying the nervousness of her that making me more crazy that I hold her hand under the table.

She sat straight and looked shocked with flushed face I just want to kiss her and hide her from this world.

She wore some chain of white stone locket and matching earrings and ring that added her beauty more.

I saw her ring that hidden of S I smiled at her and left her hand as she is pleading me with her eyes.

"Bubbly do you have a class now" vivek asked while kissing anu cheeks making anu eyes go wide seeing anu reaction siya laughed.

"I mean anu do you have class" vivek shutter after receiving a glare from anu.

"I think we need to change the dress code vivek." I said to grab her attention

"What noo" anu and siya said at a time.

"What happen" vivek asked

Anu and siya nodded their head as no.

"I'm also thinking same sid. Will discuss about this later." Vivek said look at them.

"Yeah yellow suits them more I guess than blue"I said looking at siya even anu wore yellow colour dress.

"No we planned to buy new dress so don't change. And we look good in blue too so dare to change" anu said looking at vivek where sid is looking at siya.

"Class will start let's go" siya said while getting up but I hold her hand tightly under table making siya to gulp.

I guess she forgot that I'm holding her hand.

"Leave my hand what are you doing" siya whispered

"If you want, go. But I'm not going to leave you" I whispered back huskly

She looked like a cherry that I want to bite her cheeks.

After a long I released her hand and whispered near her ear "don't bite" as siya chewing her lips in nervous.

Siya looked at him and sid gestured her lips.

Siya immediately left her lips and stood up to move but sid is not moving so sat back with pouted lips.

Don't test me doll. Go for now but I will catch you at afternoon with that I stood up and we left the canteen.

She literally ran and I laughed at her antics.

I couldn't concentrate on class and same goes with vivek so we submitted our assignments and quit the class and discussing about our sports life.

Soon the time turned 12 we both went to our girls.

Thanks to God that some classes are empty as diploma classes not yet started.

These two are writing their records in an empty class.

Vivek took anu while winking at me.

I entered the room as I found my doll is busy in setting her scattered papers in order while facing the back to board so she can't see me.

I put my hands either side of her.

I don't know how when we became so close to eachother yet a distance of mile.

I love every second I spend with her either we smile or we fight it only we that us together.

How thin she is..yet she looks chubby.. I thought

In this dress her every curve is showing perfectly that making me so hard. I shook my thoughts and looked at papers from her shoulder.

Doll I whispered huskly near her ear that she jump on her place and turned around with wide eyes in shock.

"Wha.. what are you doing here" siya shuttered badly that I feel myself proud that the effect I have on her.

"Just came"I said and shrugged my shoulders

I pinched her cheeks and kisses my hand as if I'm kissing her directly.

She looked shock with pink face.

"You are looking beautiful"I said

"Thank you"she whispered.

I put my hand like kiss on her forehead and kiss my hand as I'm kissing her.

We stayed so long looking into eachother eyes as we are busy in talking.

"Can I" I asked her

She nodded her head as yes.

I cupped her face. Her skin is so soft like a velvet. Her cheeks are so puffy and smooth as butter roll on hot pan.

I lingered my lips on her forehead and closed my eyes in ecstasy.

This is first time we are so close to eachother and I kissed her.

I felt some wet on my palm which are on her face.I opened my eyes in a snap and looked at her.

Her eyes are closed but tears are rolling down.

"Doll, what happen" I asked in panic that the thought passed I hurted her.

She looked at me with so many emotions but there is no sight of regret or hate that relief me from my thoughts but why she is crying.

"Baby doll" I called but what she did took my heart away.

Author POV

The tears started their flow making her vulnerable that she is not ready to show her weak point.

Without thinking twice siya stood on her toes and circled her arms around sid neck and hide her face in his neck and cried her heart out.

"Baby what happen why you are crying did anyone said anything" sid asked caressing her hair where siya shook her head and hugged him even more tight.

She don't know from where she got this much dare that she hugged a man even though she feels so secure.

May be this is the reason that her emotions blast like a volcano in form of tears.

Siya always wish or dream to have a parents where we imagine while reading books.

A lovely couple, where their children's are their life.

A small peck on forehead with love from father. A small kiss on cheeks from mother. A little cute fight but end up with a hug from siblings.

No one ever kiss her may be siya didn't give chance to anyone. But when anu kissed her cheeks she remembered her mother that she allowed to kiss her. That no one has a dare to even pinch but she melt in love of together.

Again the same feeling she felt from sid when he kissed on her forehead. A assurance of love that I'm with you.

Now a days we find people who took advantage of our situation and play with our emotions but he shower her with love and respect.

When siya looked at sid she didn't find any emotions but love. There is no desire of lie to paly a card of love.

Siya felt so secure and hugged him even more tight that her soft chest is pressed to his hard one leaving no place to air to pass.

Sid held securely by snacking his hand around her waist and lifted her a little and pecked her on temple.

One hand around her waist and another caressing her hair that she felt so secure in his arms that she completely emptying her heart pouring all her emotions of not thinking of anything.

"Doll shh it's okay. I'm here with you. Please calm down"sid said while kissing her temple and try to look at her when he heard her hiccups

But being stubborn she hugged him even more tight and dipped her face in his neck not giving any chance to break the hug.

She placed her lips on his neck below the ear making him groan.

"Baby please look at me" sid asked

Siya broke the hug but she is still in air in sid arms that is when she understand she stood on sid feet.

Siya try to stand on her own but sid hold her tight.

"Look at me doll" sid said where siya nodded her head as no

"Please baby"sid said while caressing her cheek.

Siya looked at sid with puffy cheeks red eyes and nose.

Sid wiped her tears asked again "what happen doll why you cried" while kissing her both eyes and nose.

"Why baby" sid asked while kissing her cheeks

"Don't know. I felt to cry" she shuttered when he again kissed her nose.

Sid kissed her forehead again while her hand around sid neck and his left hand around the waist and right hand on cheek.

Both hugged eachother again that there is no heat of pleasure but engulfed in warm of love that their heart beat is in rhythm against eachother.

Hello my lovely readers ❤️❤️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??

What do you think of siya..??

What do you think of sid..??

Do you think that they are going so fast..??

Do you expect forehead kiss and hug..??

What you are feeling when you are reading this chap..??

Are you interested in reading vivek and aanaya story in separate book or should I continue here. Do let me know your opinion..??

Shower your love with votes and comments.

My insta id :- niyankas_sparklepen

Stay home stay safe
Meet you soon with next update..
untill then..
Keep smiling..

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