The Boss's Son

By anelecarey

43.4K 2.4K 616

Mitch works in a menial job, in a small town. His aspirations are to one day be involved in the music indust... More

History Lesson Part 1
History Lesson Part 2
Daily Grind
Coming Home
Lost and Found
After Dinner
Setting The Stage
It's Ready!
Scratching The Itch
Sweet Spot
Oh Daddy!
Sleepover Interruptus
That Conversation
Calm Before The Storm
Crazy For You
Just Plain Crazy
The Chase Part 1
The Chase Part 2
The Chase Part 3
Epilogue A/N

Psycho Twins

1K 60 21
By anelecarey

OK, Scott's tattoo was airbrushed. Didn't stop the feels though and the photos were so cute of them with 'matching ink'. Sup3rfruit is awesome. #verifySup3rfruit people!

Back to the story... please don't hate me for all the horrible ranting though! Thanks Lovely Readers! :) PS. Drugs referenced.

Chapter 25

How can she do this to me? How can she take their side? WTF did they tell her about me? I should have just gone in there and stabbed them... cut out their eyes, cut off their Gay parts, carved my name in their dead chests. Kill them.... Kill her too... How could you do this to me? Gonna fuck them up, gonna hurt them, gonna make them pay, gonna show them what real men do with their junk. Gonna hurt her. No you can't. But she's on their side. So? You love her. No I don't, not anymore. Yes you do Miles. No I don't Miles..................

The ranting in the car devolved into madness. Connie's perceived betrayal caused an already unstable mind to break from reality. All Miles could focus on now was revenge.

Miles drove to Wendell's trailer, it was on the outskirts of the city limits and not many people knew where it was. That was a good thing because he had a lab set up and cooked there. If Avi and his Dad knew where it was they would have shut it down, but his 'Official Residence' was with his Mother in town. Miles stalked to the door, threw it open and started raving to his friend about the injustices of betrayal. Wendell already on the fringe of society and sanity was quite happy to jump on the bandwagon and talk about hurting the Hoyings and Mitch.

"Yeah, I totally agree with you Man. How can they breathe the same air as us?"

"We should stop them."

"Yeah, Man. When?"

"What have you got I can drug them with? I need the upper hand."

"Shit Man, I'm out of pretty much everything. I'm waiting on Joey for a restock. I'm doing another cook when I get the rest of the shit I need. Joey has to drive forever to buy everything now. Bloody 5.0. He's due in later on tonight or tomorrow. I've only got like stuff for personal use Man. I've got some good Ganga, but Roofies and stuff, I need to restock that shit up."

Miles started flat out swearing, walking around the small room and gesticulating wildly. Wendell watched for a while, enjoying the show. Then he tapped Miles on the shoulder and offered him some weed. "Hey man, chill. We are gonna fuck 'em up. It just might take a couple days."

Miles sat down with the joint and the lighter and started blasting.


Scott's POV

Dad called Avi at the station and he and his Father came up to the house to take a report over the incident. While waiting for them to arrive, Dee and I took a look in Miles's room. Mitch stayed with Mom and Dad, he was such a calming influence. I knew he'd look after them. Plus I didn't want Mom or Mitch to look in there, if there was crazy shit going on.

It smelled like a bear had taken up residence inside. Our noses wrinkled as we entered and looked around. Dee had to turn the lights on the room was so dark. I walked over to the window and drew back the curtains. Miles had put something over the windows to block out the light. It also meant that I couldn't open the window to let any fresh air in.

We surveyed the room. His work clothes and professional attire were in plastic hangers on one side of an open cupboard. Everything else was shoved into a chest of drawers. Shoes were stacked in a corner and the bed appeared rumpled. There were pornographic magazines on the bed side table and the titles were really wrong, mostly having to do with older women. Mommy issues much? Then Dee opened the other cupboard door and found the photos of my mother. It wasn't a full out shrine or anything but there were 6 photographs arranged with the most recent at the top. It was of Mom and Miles looking happy, while he was holding a knife preparing to cut what appeared to be a birthday cake.

"We've got to get Avi and his Dad to look at this." I told Dee.

"I agree."

We backed out of the room and went to tell the others what we had found.

Avi and his Dad arrived and started taking our statements, having a look at the shrine with Dee. Kirsty and Kevin arrived a short time later. "Oh no, I forgot to change our recording date." I told Mom and Dad.

Connie was torn between wanting to keep the events of the day private, and telling Mitch's friends in case they were added to the list of people Miles might decide to hurt. With most of the group being aware of what had happened it wasn't like they were going to be in the dark for long anyway. So she said, "OK everyone take a seat in the living room. We are going to get everything out in the open so we only have to do this the one time. Then Scott you and your Boyfriend are going to take everyone over to the pool house and have some fun. We have to get on with things and not let this person or his issues stop us from living our lives.

"Boyfriends!?!" Kirstie squealed, Avi and Kevin nodded to each other and everyone jumped up to congratulate Mitch and me. We both blushed and then we sat down again so Mom could start the ball rolling.

I reached down to hold Mitch's hand and he wrapped both hands around mine. 'I'm so lucky he's here with me. I don't think I could have handled this without him.' I thought to myself.

Mom said, "Miles has been my chauffeur for nearly a year. He has a troubled past and our organisation thought that giving him responsibility and a purpose might help him get his life together. With the groups I belong to, projects like Miles are usually shared around to encourage recipients towards better behaviour and keeping our town a nice place to live. Giving someone a go is sometimes all you can do and often it brings good results. We were aware of his background and who he tended to assosciate with, however Richard & I felt we could give him a good opportunity to improve his situation. While I haven't had any personal issues with Miles or his behaviour, since Scott came home others have noticed changes."

Avi nodded and added "What we found in his room significantly increases the level of apprehension over his mental state and what he might do since Mrs Hoying ("Connie Please Dear."), Thank you Ma'am, Connie, sent him away. We know he is fixated on her, and not in a good way. His verbal abuse of Mitch and Scott at the time he left the residence and the threats he made indicate that he is not completely corpus mentis. We don't know where he went when he left, but it is a good bet he's going to come back at some point. I'm going to stay here tonight in the guest room and also patrol the boundary. Dad will do regular drive bys and we'll get in a couple of Deputies from the next station over to assist until we can find him and ensure he's no danger to himself or others."

Everyone breathed easier with the discussions of safety and the protective detail.

Avi's Dad continued "Unfortunately we know his associates are people of questionable character and means of support. So it might be difficult to find him and apprehend him. "The most concerning thing of course is the verbal threats towards Scott and Mitch, we just really need to find him so we can force a psych eval. Plus there's the "Invasion of Privacy."

At everyone's nods, he continued.

"We're going to take the photographs and some other evidence from his room, take fingerprints and see if we can get some from the window outside the pool house to match. When we're done, Dee's going to pack up his room and we'll have the contents delivered to his Mother. We don't want to give him any excuse to return."

Avi's Dad and my parents stayed in the living room, tidying up the paperwork.

Everyone else hit the kitchen for some refreshment. Dee made everyone smoothies and then we trooped over to the pool house so the rest of the group could check out the recording studio. Avi had a quick look, said "Sweet man." then went to help his father with the fingerprinting. Kevin and Kirstie were really impressed and clamoured to listen to the song, Mitch had obviously told Kirstie about it, who in turn had told Kevin.

"Can I play 'Longing' for them?" Mitch asked.

"Of course Monkey."

"Awwww." Kirstie said

"OK, stop girl!" I said laughing.

"Nope, not until you kiss each other." She smiled giving us the 'bring it' hand wave.

"You might as well do it Scott, she's not gonna let you have a second's peace until you kiss Mitch there." Kevin grinned and nodded.

Mitch and I turned to each other, I held his head in my hands and we fake kissed.

"Oh no fair Scotty." She said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"OK, OK." He pulled me back in again for a real kiss. I knew he was going to make it short and sweet, so when he put his face closer to mine, I bit down on my lower lip and smirked. His eyes flashed and then he grabbed me and kissed me deep and long and fuck I started getting hard.

"OMG!" Kirstie squealed.

"What has been seen can't be unseen." Kevin intoned and then blushed.

I shrugged and hit play. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened in silence.

We sounded, really good. Our voices blended in the harmonies and the drop added so much to the sound. Scott had messed around with some drum beats but we hadn't found anything we liked, then Kevin told us to play it again. He started popping out the kick and high hats, filling out the beat and Kirstie started feeling her way around another harmony. We just needed the bass. We all exclaimed when Avi came back to tell us his Dad was going back to the station to grab some supplies for his son and to take the evidence in.

"We've put a bolo out on the car and we'll start looking for it in ernest tomorrow. For now I'm gonna hang with you guys. When it starts to get dark I'll start patrolling the perimeter."

We all appreciated the update and then he said, "By the way, cool sound I was hearing when I was coming up to the door. Play it again?"

After an hour we had laid down all three harmonies, plus the percussion and bass and were listening to the semi-finished product.

Everyone's face was beaming. We knew Scott just added that something to our sound that we had been lacking. "That was the bomb you guys!"

"Yeah it was, totally." "Yes." "Mmm hmm." We all agreed. It looked like we had found the final piece of the puzzle that could lead to bigger and better things.

"We just need a few tweaks and a couple more songs on there and we have a demo." Scott said stating what everyone knew for a fact.

"What are we waiting for?" Kirstie asked. And we got into what songs everyone knew and Scott could join in on. I could feel that the rest of the guys and Kirstie were warming up to Scott immediately. If not for Mr Crazy Pants, I'm sure we would have been totally happy heading toward a bright future. But life sometimes throws you a curveball.


"Joey, yeah Wendell, Man where are you?" Wendell listened to the person on the other end of the phone. "I got a customer in urgent need of some Roofies Man. I also got some serious need to cook Guy. What's the ETA? Mmm Hmm. Shit Man, I'm gonna be down to bare bones before you get here Man."

Wendell let Miles in on the bad news. Joey was still at least 12 hours away if he pushed it, and he wasn't going to do that. "He's not going to risk getting caught hauling the drugs and other stuff to cook with either. Besides he has a Honey a couple of hours from here and I bet that little shit's going to stop in and see her first too."

"Fuck, you got any more weed man?"


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