Min Yoongi's Sister (Edited)...

By TempestKPopLuv

904 24 472

Nobody knew that Min Yoongi, aka Suga, aka Min Suga, aka Agust D, had a little sister. They really only knew... More

The Beginning
Love Blossoms
Unexpected Hardships
Secrets Can be Painful
A New Chapter of Life
Magic Shop
Life Goes On

Pregnant Life

96 2 78
By TempestKPopLuv

Park Hei Ran's POV:

After Jimin and I returned from Hawaii, it was back to rehearsals for the guys. In just over two months, they'd be beginning the final four concerts of the Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour with a historic concert in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Aside from rehearsals, the guys were being taught about the culture, customs, and even some of the language along with the staff. Some of the choreography was being altered to ensure it wouldn't be offensive, and costumes for the concert were being thoroughly checked to be sure they were still acceptable for Idols without being offensive. It was a lot of work. 

Two weeks before the concert in Saudi Arabia, I was called into the boss's office. I was nervous. Even though I had been keeping my pre-natal and other doctor's appointments on my own time, I wasn't feeling as well as I let everyone believe. My ob/gyn wanted me to slow myself down. I was trying to, but BTS was a well-oiled machine that never really stopped.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, bowing to my boss.

"Yes," he said. "Please sit down, Hei Ran."

That made me more nervous, but I did as I was told. 

"Would I be right to assume that you understand the importance of the concert in Saudi Arabia?" he asked me.

"Of course I do, Sir. This stadium hasn't allowed girls or women to attend any event there in decades. The fact that they'll be allowed to go because BTS is performing is absolutely amazing. It's historic," I replied.

"Then please try to understand that I'm not trying to say anything to your work ethic or ability when I say you're not going with BTS for that concert," he told me.

I was stunned. It took me a minute to process what he told me in order to reply.

"If it has nothing to do with my work ethic or performance, may I ask why you're removing me from my position for this concert?" I asked.

"Please don't take this as me punishing you, but I'm keeping you here because you're pregnant, Hei Ran," he said, but before I could say anything else, he continued. "I promise this is not a punishment. You have kept your word to me that neither your marriage nor your pregnancy would interfere in your work with BTS. I'm grateful for that. However, we're trying to be as culturally sensitive as we can going into Riyadh. Sending you there, pregnant, with your husband, is a major issue, Hei Ran."

"What do you mean?" I asked, putting my anger aside, wanting to understand if me going could really cause trouble for Jimin and the others.

"There are laws in Saudi Arabia that would essentially make your presence there, working with BTS, illegal, Hei Ran. There are laws stating that women are only allowed to work with their guardian's, which in your case would be your husband's, permission, and only if it doesn't interfere with raising your family. You are very, visibly pregnant, Hei Ran. We're trying to be culturally sensitive. If we make a few minor mistakes, I'm sure they'll let it go. If we bring a married, pregnant staff manager who is married to one of the members, we'll have broken a law as soon as you and Jimin step off the plane. I don't know they'll look the other way on that," he explained.

I took a deep breath.

"I understand, Sir," I said finally. "This concert is too important to be ruined by my presence there. I won't argue you asking me to stay in Korea. But what will I be doing, Sir?"

"Since I will be going with BTS, I'll need you to take charge of TXT while I'm gone," he started. "They'll be releasing a new mini album a few days after the Riyadh concert. Why don't you take care of them through their comebacks and I'll get BTS through the rest of the tour dates?"

I sighed.

"If that's what you think is best, Sir."

"I think so. Do this and then you can start working with BTS on the new music," he said to me. 

"Okay, Sir," I told him. 

"Go to TXT's practice room and get started with them," he replied. "I'll go get up to speed with BTS and tell them why I've removed you from the rest of the tour."

"Yes, Sir," I said, standing up and bowing to him before I left his office.

When I found TXT, they had been taking a break from rehearsing in their practice room. I decided to sneak up on the boys.

"Shouldn't you be working?" I asked from behind Yeonjun.

The five boys jumped at the sound of my voice. They quickly scrambled to their feet and bowed to me, saying hello formally.

"I'm Soobin," the leader said to me. "We were just taking a break until our choreographer came back."

"I'm Park Hei Ran," I said and all of their eyes widened. "Relax, none of you are in trouble. I'm just going to be managing you guys and making sure your album is on point for your comeback. Then I'll be staying through your comebacks."

"We're honored to work with you, Hei Ran-ssi," Tae Hyun said to me. 

"Okay, first of all, let's lose the formalities, and don't call me Hei Ran-ssi. I may be married and pregnant, but I'm actually younger than Yeonjun. Next, because we're so close in age, you can relax around me. I may have done a lot with BTS this year, but I've been working in this industry, starting in the US, since I got my masters degree three years ago. I know what I'm doing. Follow my directions, things get done, and there's no need for me to get angry," I told them. "Finally, the only one who has the quick draw on my rage reflex is Min Yoongi, so I think you guys are fairly safe from me going into a sudden rage attack."

I smiled and they started laughing.

"Why does Yoongi-hyung have the ability to make you so angry so fast, Nuna?" Beomgyu asked.

"He's my older brother. Until I started working here, I hadn't seen him since I was a little girl. Most of the time, we're fine. Sometimes, he just hits that last nerve just right and off I go," I replied.

"Enough with the personal questions, you two," Soobin said, looking at Tae Hyun and Beomgyu. "We've got work to do."

"She hasn't told us what to do yet, Hyung," Kai said, smirking. 

"I'm gonna like you, aren't I?" I asked him and he smirked, shrugging.

"If you like lazy pains in the..." Yeonjun started.

"Hajima!" Soobin exclaimed telling Yeonjun to stop.

I stifled my laugh.

"Alright, Soobin is right," I backed him up. "Get in the formation for the song that will be your first single."

They all got up and did as told. I watched their choreography. Some of it was awkward as they did it. 

"How long have you had this choreography?" I asked them.

"Two weeks," Yeonjun replied.

"Has the music video been shot yet?" I asked.

"We were still trying to finalize it with management... which I guess is you, now," Soobin said to me. 

I laughed to myself. 

"Why are you laughing?" Tae Hyun asked.

"He didn't tell me this part when he told me I was working with you guys instead of going to Riyadh," I told him before I took a deep breath. "First thing is first. The choreography, I'm changing some of it. The parts that are awkward for you, in my opinion it's because they're not challenging you as a group. So, let's see what you can actually do."

"But you're not our choreographer," Soobin said nervously.

"I minored in dancing in university," I replied. "I was trusted to stand in as BTS' choreographer when their choreographer was working with you as you were getting into the final stages for your debut. This is something I am qualified for."

Without any more arguments, I had them start teaching me the current choreography. When I picked it up, I knew what I was changing. It was easier to do knowing the choreography because I could show them how to transition from the current choreography, removing the awkward choreo, into my new choreo.

After I finished teaching them the new choreo, the choreographer returned as they were running it through. He wasn't happy when he saw they weren't fully doing his choreo anymore. As soon as he saw me, guiding them through the changes, he came stomping over to me. 

"How dare you change my choreography?! They have to shoot the music video in a few days!" he shouted at me. 

I didn't reply until after the boys finished the run through they were in the middle of. 

"You guys are doing great," I said, pulling out my wallet and giving them some cash. "Take 45 minutes and go get something healthy for lunch, with plenty of proteins. Bring me back something on your way back and don't be late."

Soobin looked between me and the choreographer nervously.

"He's your choreographer, not your manager. Until the end of October, I'm your manager. It's okay that you go. You need to eat something to keep your strength up. Now go on, just be back on time. Don't make me have to come get you," I told them and they left. I turned to the choreographer. "First, you has a name. I'm Park Hei Ran, and as I'm sure you just heard me tell the boys, I'm their manager until the end of October. Second, never get in my face again. I may be married to Jimin, but I'm Yoongi's baby sister, and I'm pregnant. Just consider Yoongi's temper on pregnancy hormones before you get in my face again. Third, you're concerned about their mv shoot? They don't have a concept yet! So don't use that as an excuse to get in my face. Finally, how dare I? I've stood in as BTS' choreographer, I'm qualified and recognized as qualified by our boss to choreograph when it's necessary. After watching them rehearse your choreo, I decided it was necessary. Some of the choreo didn't fit with the rest, it's why they couldn't do it seamlessly. That's all I changed. The choreo that looked awkward. If you have a problem, go get our boss. Because if you open you mouth and disrespect me again, I'll make sure it needs to be wired shut."

He looked at me in shock for the way I spoke to him considering we both knew he was my elder. For a minute, he looked like he was debating saying something to me. Instead, he stomped out of the practice room, mumbling under his breath. Fifteen minutes later, just as I was returning to the practice room from hiding in my office with no lights, he came back with our boss.

"Hei Ran, what happened between the two of you?" our boss asked.

I explained everything. He looked between the two of us as I did.

"Did you ask his permission to change anything before you did?" he asked me and the jerk stood there smirking.

"No, but I had been in here for more than half an hour before I started to change anything. The boys were taking a break when I got in here because he had left the practice room before I got here, and he didn't return until about twenty minutes ago, Sir. There was no one to ask permission from," I replied. "I was told I was managing them from today through the end of October, handling everything I do, like I do with BTS. When their choreographer is not present, I step up. I didn't completely change his choreo. There were parts that looked very awkward when the boys did it. Even before I changed anything, I had them teach me the choreo so I could teach them to seamlessly blend my choreo into the original to replace what was awkward. They ran it through a few times after they got my choreo down before he finally returned."

"Were you really not in here for hours?" our boss asked him, making his smirk fade.

"I... well, I..." he started.

"It's a yes or no question. Were you or were you not here for hours?" our boss asked him more firmly.

"No, I wasn't," he finally admitted.

"Then Hei Ran handled the situation the only way she could, including getting the boys out of here before she engaged you," our boss defended me.

"But she threatened me!" he exclaimed pathetically.

"She's about seven months pregnant, Min Yoongi's sister, and graduated university with a baccalaureate and masters degree at the 18 years old. There's no question this girl has had people push her around before, and I firmly believe she learned to push back against those who thought they could just walk all over her because she was younger and smaller than her," my boss started. "If she wanted to hurt you, I would have looked the other way because you came in here being so disrespectful to her. She respected you enough not to put you in your place in front of the boys. You should thank her for offering you that much respect that you do not deserve and an apology that you acted with such disrespect, especially in front of the boys."

He looked at the boss like he was crazy. The boss looked at him making it clear that he meant what he'd said. 

"I'm sorry I disrespected you in front of TXT and in general, Park Hei Ran," he said, turning to me. "I'm also grateful that you gave me the respect of not putting me in my place in front of TXT or anyone else."

He bowed to me. 

"Now leave and don't come back to this practice room," our boss said. "You've done enough work with TXT. Hei Ran can finish the choreo work with them."

The choreographer left the room. 

"When are the boys due back to practice?" he asked me.

I looked at my watch.

"Ten minutes," I replied. "I gave them money for lunch and asked me to bring lunch back for me on their way back. They were also warned not to make me have to come find them."

My boss gave a small laugh.

"You've already established a relationship with them, haven't you? While still maintaining that you're the one in charge?" he asked me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Now, may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"They told me that they don't have a concept for the video that will be the introduction to this new mini album. And the choreographer said their due to film it in just a few days. Why didn't you tell me about the mv before you sent me here?"

"Because I have confidence in your ability to handle this without being walked through what you need to, Hei Ran. I just gave you a list of things that BTS had to do in January before I left them in your hands so I could get these boys ready for debut. Soobin knows their schedule. Sit down with him tonight before they return to their dorm. He'll let you know everything you need to do until I come back to them and you return to BTS. The comeback shows are already scheduled. That's the only thing you won't have to do. Everything else is on you. I know you can do this. If you can handle deadlines and the madness that comes with working with BTS with the grace you do, TXT will be a walk in the park for you," he explained.

"Alright, Sir. Thank you for you confidence in me," I said to him, bowing.

He left, and the boys returned from lunch just a few minutes late. When I asked why, they told me it took a few minutes longer than planned to get my lunch. I let it go. 

"I'm going to be in charge of your choreography while I'm here. Your choreographer and I wound up having our dispute settled by your usual manager, our boss, while you were at lunch. I'm guessing our boss figured since I'm qualified anyway, it was best to keep him away from me before I hurt him," I smiled at them innocently. "You know, pregnancy hormones."

The guys laughed, but they weren't as nervous as they were before they left. 

"So, what would you usually do now? I need to learn your schedule. Soobin, before you leave, Boss said to sit down with you and get your schedule for the time I'll be with you guys," I told him.

"We usually leave together since we walk home together," he said.

"That's not happening while I'm your manager. I know you guys get out of here late sometimes. Especially as you get closer to a comeback. I'll drive you to your dorm at night," I told them.

"Why?" Yeonjun asked.

"Because I want to know that all of you are safe," I said. "I grew up in Daegu before going to Los Angeles for university. I know the streets as much as I know books. Idols as you as you guys are prime targets walking the streets of Seoul late at night."

"Beomgyu is from Daegu, too," Kai replied.

"I know. I recognized it in his eyes. The knowledge of when to look the other way and when to fight," I started. "It's normal for the kids who grow up in Daegu. You never know who will get caught up in some dangerous stuff and you need to know to be relaxed yet able to read a situation quickly."

The other four looked at Beomgyu, one of the mood makers of the group.

"She's right. You don't see that side of me because I haven't had a reason to be so alert with the four of you at my side, but I guess only someone from Daegu can recognize it because they know that same look in their own eyes. Suga-hyung also called me on it when I met him. It was when he told me if I ever have trouble adjusting to Seoul, he'd help me," Beomgyu said, smiling.

I gave him a hug. 

"Since nothing has been decided as far as a schedule, we're going to discuss your music video," I told them. "I'm going to decide the concept of your music video."

I sat them down and listened to the song while I thought about ideas for the music video. I let them give me some of their own ideas as well. After about half an hour of that, I brought them to a salon.

"What are we doing here, Hei Ran?" Soobin asked. 

"You've only had one mini album released so far. But what have you noticed with all the big names from comeback to comeback?" I asked all of them. When they didn't answer, I continued. "They change not only their concepts, but they change their looks. You guys have the chance to reinvent yourselves after Cat/Dog with this release. It will always be part of your past, but this release gives you a chance to show that there is so much more to you than that. A fresh look is a big part of it. So, you're here for a little pampering. While you do that, I'm going to listen to the songs on the album to see what else I can come up with for you guys to promote it, any last minute changes to make it better, anything to make this the best comeback for you as possible."

After we were greeted, I told them what I wanted for each of the boys. Once they were taken, I pulled out my air pods and started listening to the music, pulling out a notepad to take notes on anything I came up with. When I was done a few hours later, I brought them back to the practice room. 

"So, how do all of you feel now?" I asked them.

"Like we've locked Cat/Dog in the past," Yeonjun said, laughing.

"It feels like we're different somehow," Kai said.

"Good. Let go of the past," I told them. "I listened to the songs, and I have a question. Were there any songs you guys wanted on the album that were rejected for any reason?"

"Yeah," Beomgyu said, going and getting his phone. "This one."

He hit play. The song he played had a bit of an edge, but it was still fun. After hearing all of the songs currently going on the album, I decided this song needed to be on it, even if I removed one of the songs currently on it. I would talk to my boss later. 

"Send me that song and let's get into the studio before dinner. That is going on the album. It's too good to leave it off," I told them with a smile, which made them cheer.

"We really wanted this on the album, but the producers working with us on the final list said no," Soobin told me. 

"Well, I said yes. I'll talk to Bossman later, after we've recorded it and I've polished it up, getting it ready for the final track list," I told them. "Let's go."

Over the next few weeks, I got the track "New Rules" onto the album, got the boys a new wardrobe to fit their new concept, got the music videos they were shooting in October done, and got them through their comebacks. All without Jimin or BTS to help me out or cheer me up. I was amazed at how much TXT had gotten done. 

The mini album was being received well. The boys of TXT were so happy with me, when the month was over, they were sad to see me go. Maybe it was my pregnancy hormones, but when I saw that, I got permission from Bossman to help them through anything tying back to the mini album, while I still worked with BTS. This somehow led to me stepping up to help them with some end of year performances alongside BTS, but I made it work until December. 

Min Yoongi's POV:

December 2019:

Hei Ran and I were out running an errand for work. I needed some new equipment and she came with me to approve the purchases for the company. We were just about finished when I realized that every so often, Hei Ran was breathing heavily... too heavily for someone not doing a lot of manual labor.

"Are you okay, Hei Ran-ah?" I asked.

She nodded at me as she handed over the company credit card to pay for my equipment. After the payment was approved, she told the clerk to have it delivered to Bit Hit Entertainment under her name and to my studio. Then she walked out of the store.

"We could've fit that in the car, Hei Ran," I said. "So, what's really wrong?"

Her breathing was heavier and I could see she was in pain now.

"Call an ambulance, Yoongi!" she exclaimed, obviously unable to hide the pain anymore.

I called an ambulance, realizing that she was probably in labor. When I got off the phone with them, I called Jimin.

"Hey, Yoongi," he said, happily. "How are you and Hei Ran getting along today?"

"Jimin, I'm pretty sure my sister just went into labor," I told him.

"She's not due for another two weeks," Jimin said, obviously trying not to panic. "Are you sure?"

"I think so," I replied. "How soon can you get back to Seoul?"

"It's going to take me at least a few hours, Yoongi. Even if I leave right now and go straight to the airport, we're in the middle of the fan meet in Busan," he said to me.

Hei Ran took my phone out of my hands and I glared at her. She glared back at me, and for the first time, I realized why some people were afraid of me. I put my hands up in defeat, not wanting to cross hormonally charged Hei Ran.

"Finish the fan meet, Jiminie," she said breathing heavily, obviously trying not to cry out in pain.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I could hear Jimin raise his voice.

"The doctors said the first baby usually comes with a very long labor, Jimin. Finish the fan meet and then come back to Seoul to me. Don't disappoint the fans. We promised them," Hei Ran said, and I couldn't believe she had just said that... apparently, neither could Jimin. "I know I'm your wife and this is your baby, Jimin. But Yoongi is with me. I'm not alone. Just finish the fan meet and come home to us."

I took my phone from her.

"Jimin, don't..." I looked at Hei Ran and I could tell she was trying to hold it together for all of us... I sighed. "Don't worry about Hei Ran right now. I'll take care of her until you get back here. If there are any changes and you should leave Busan early, I'll call you back, okay?"

"Are you sure, Yoongi? I should leave now," Jimin argued.

"It seems important to her that you finish the fan meet, hyung," I told him. "I want to tell you to get your ass back here now, but I don't have it in me to fight her on this one, Mochi."

"Fine," Jimin sighed. "I'm leaving as soon as the fan meet ends. I'm booking my flight now."

"Alright," I said. "I'll see you soon."

I got off the phone with him and looked at my sister.

"He's booking his flight for the first flight out of Busan after the fan meet ends," I told her. "Unless anything happens before then, he won't leave the fan meet. Happy?"

She nodded, breathing heavily. The ambulance came and they put her on a stretcher. I got into the ambulance with her and held her hand the whole time.

"What's your relationship to the patient?" the medic asked.

"I'm her older brother," I replied.

He nodded and went about taking care of her.

"Thank you, Yoongi," she said to me between contractions.

Jimin showed up at the hospital about seven hours into Hei Ran's labor. 

"They really weren't kidding when they said labor for the first child is long," he said, coming from the nurse's desk where he had checked in and gotten an update. 

I laughed a small laugh.

"It's nice of you to join your wife, Jimin-ah," I said sarcastically.

Jimin ignored me and gave Hei Ran a gentle kiss on her lips before brushing her sweaty hair off of her forehead. 

"I'm sorry it took me so long to be here for you, Hei Ran-ah," he apologized to her.

"You're here before the baby. That's more important," she said, trying to keep her breathing even.

I looked at Hei Ran, worried. She hadn't been breathing heavily when she wasn't having a contraction before. Jimin picked up my worry and looked at her, trying to figure out if there was something he was missing. 

"Hei Ran, are you in more pain than you've been in until now?" he asked her gently.

As if Hei Ran had been holding on for Jimin to be at her side, she fell into a seizure and a minute after she started seizing, her vital signs all stopped. My sister was dying. Technically, she was dead already, but there had to be a chance to save her and the baby.

"HEI RAN-AH!" Jimin exclaimed, starting to cry as he held her. 

I ran out the room, right into the rest of BTS, but I pushed past them. When I got to the nurses' desk, I told them what happened.

"Get the doctors into Park Hei Ran's room. NOW!" I demanded. "She just flatlined after having a seizure!"

I heard the others take intakes of breath in shock. I even heard Taehyung and Kookie start crying. Normally, I would have tried to help in this kind of situation. But this was Hei Ran, my baby sister that had only been back in my life for a year. My concern was making sure she survived childbirth, no matter what needed to be done.

Jimin's POV:

I hadn't realized Yoongi had left the room when he was coming back, gently prying Hei Ran out of my arms. 

"Jimin-ah, let her go. The doctors are coming and you need to let her go so they can try to save her and your baby," he said to me calmly, more than I could understand him being.

"She's dying, Yoongi-hyung! How are you so calm?!" I demanded.

"You, Hei Ran, and the baby need me right now, Jimin-ah. You need be to be the elder in this family and think straight so that Hei Ran and the baby have a chance to live. Jimin-ah, I knew as soon as I saw the machines flatline that you were going to lose your shit. You have every right to, but Hei Ran still needed someone to make sure she had help. I just got her back a year ago. There wasn't a chance in hell that I'd let my emotions be the reason I lost her again," he told me.

The doctors came in and asked Yoongi to get me out of the room. It wasn't easy, but he got me outside to the rest of the guys. I immediately ran to Taehyung and Kookie. After a few minutes, the doctors came over to me.

"Mr. Park, when your wife's vital signs crashed after the seizure, it sent the baby into distress," her ob/gyn said to me. "We've revived her and she's awake, but we need your consent to induce her labor to force delivery now."

"Will that hurt either of them?" I asked.

"It could cause complications for your wife, including another seizure, which could be fatal to her. However, if we don't deliver your child now, you will lose the baby, Mr. Park. Since Mrs. Park has made it clear we are not allowed to do surgery on her under any circumstances, our only option is to induce her to force delivery," the doctor said.

"I'm her husband, can't I override her and tell you to do the surgery?" I asked, desperately.

"In the state your wife is in right now, surgery is more dangerous to her than inducing. Surgery will leave higher risks of blood clots, infections, and other complications that I don't think your wife will be able to survive in the shape she's in," the doctor replied, handing me the paperwork to consent to them inducing her labor.

After I signed the paperwork, I handed it back. Before the doctor left with it, she turned back to me.

"Aren't you coming with me to support your wife through this, Mr. Park?" she asked. "It will make both of you more comfortable with this."

I nodded and followed her. They showed me how to get ready to go into the delivery room to be with Hei Ran. She was already in there when they brought me in. Looking at her, I'd never seen her so disoriented before. 

"Don't worry about how out of it she seems. It's the medications she's on after her episode," the doctor reassured me. 

They sat me by Hei Ran and I took her hand. When the baby was born, we found out we had a girl. She wasn't breathing, though. It took them a minute to get her breathing. It was the longest minute of my life. When they took my daughter and wife away, the doctor asked to speak to me. 

"Mr. Park, we want to keep your daughter in the neo-natal unit for a few days to monitor her because her mother flatlined for a few minutes before she was born. We just want to be sure that she's okay before allowing her to go home. As for your wife, I want her to stay a few days because, while we were able to revive her, we don't know what made your wife have the seizure that led to her body shutting down the way it did. I want to see if we can figure it out."

"Of course," I told her. "I want to make sure my girls are healthy. Please, do whatever you can to help them."

"Your friends can't see Hei Ran tonight. You and her brother can take a few minutes to say good night, but there's not much you can do. You might as well go home and get a good night's rest and come back tomorrow," she said.

"Can Yoongi and I see my daughter before we go? I get that it may not be a good idea to have the other five guys around her tonight, but Yoongi is her uncle and I'm her father. Can we at least see her for a few minutes before we leave for the night?" I asked. 

"Of course. I'll tell the neo-natal unit to expect the two of you," she replied and I hugged her.

"Thank you," I told her. 

I walked out to the others.

"I have a daughter," I told them, which made them excited. "But right now, the only ones allowed to see Hei Ran or the baby are me and Yoongi. So, we're going to go say good night to Hei Ran and than see the baby for a few minutes and then come back here to you guys so we can all go home."

Everyone but Yoongi was disappointed, but it was better than terrified. The fact the two of us could see the baby and Hei Ran meant they were both alive. 

"How is she, Jimin-ah? How is my sister?" Yoongi asked me on the way to Hei Ran's room. 

"She seems out of it, Hyung. And they don't know what happened earlier. So, they're going to keep her here to try to find out. They're also keeping the baby to make sure she's okay since she was born after all of that," I told him. 

Hei Ran still seemed really out of it when we went and said goodbye for the night. I'm not sure if she understood what was going on around her. I was nervous leaving her. 

When we got to the neo-natal unit, they brought us over to my daughter. She was beautiful. I couldn't believe I helped create that beautiful little girl. The nurse helped me hold her. Yoongi took a picture of me holding her on his phone. Then the nurse helped me hand her to him and him to hold her properly. I took a picture of him with her. After a couple of minutes, the nurse told us that was enough commotion for my daughter and she needed to be put back down. She took her and put her back down. Yoongi and I both took pictures of her in her bed and left.

Hei Ran's POV: 

My little girl had been born two days ago. Jimin and I still hadn't named her, and we had to do it soon. However, this was the first time I was fully coherent since Jimin first got to the hospital. A nurse told me what had happened since. I died and had to be revived. That was before the baby was born. 

"How are you feeling today, Hei Ran?" my doctor asked as she came in.

"I'm fine. I want to go home to my husband with my daughter already," I told her. 

"I need to run some tests to figure out what happened before she was born, Hei Ran. I can't just give you a clean bill of health," she replied. 

"I know what's wrong with me. I have severe migraines. Being under fluorescent lights for all those hours with the machines beeping, having painful contractions, made the migraine I'd already had before I went into labor trigger a seizure," I told her.

"Your vital signs shut down," she said.

"My body's way of dealing with the overstimulation that was making my head feel like it was going to explode," I told her. "I'm fine. Really."

"Let me run a few tests," she told me. 

"No scans or blood," I told her firmly. "If you want to test anything else that does not involve you drawing my blood or giving me a CT scan, an MRI, an MRA, X-ray, or any other kind of scan, fine."

The following day, having run a few tests, I got to leave the hospital with Jimin and our daughter, Mi Sun. I could tell that Jimin was still scared of what happened to me when I was in labor. I felt guilty about that, but I didn't know how to tell him now. I didn't know I'd ever be able to tell him.

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