My Revenge

By ugly_choco2005

22.2K 948 209

Anna Alejandro a simple girl who get played by the schools richest boy . She disappears after a few sudden i... More

The proposal
Happiness..... really?
Unus pro omnibus
Suicide or Revenge?
The acid#2
Final plan!!
The rape
Good samaritan
The truth
Finish me??
The ultimate checklist
Author's Note.
The prom!!
You are fired!!
Sunshine and Moonlight.
Running away
The nightmares
New Characters.
Happy Ending?


328 18 0
By ugly_choco2005

Drew's pov

I get to the office at mid day. Am feel really frustrated and angry and I really hope that no other person infuriates me.

I walk to the private elevator meant for me only to find out that it has been closed and not in use. Ok it seems like I am going to be firing more than just my assistant today. I immediately scream for the security to come forward.

"Why the fuck is my fucking elevator not fucking working. It's your damn job, I mean the only job you have in this company is for situations like this. I don't owe you salary yet you don't do your damn job." I shout angrily at the head of security who looks like he is about to faint out of fear. Where the hell did my company get such incompetent workers. "Now," I say deadly quietly," what do you say I should do for your incompetence? Hmm, tell me, should I praise you, fire you, take your salary or just strangle you for the time I have wasted on this damn floor." I make a move to strangle him but I stop in the process. By now the entire building is watching and the useless chief security is shivering out of fear.

"Now look, I am going to use this elevator in the next hour and by then I want it fixed and working properly if not......" I speak angrily and surprisingly quiet. "Everyone of you back to your damn duty posts if you still want your fucking jobs and manager I want the elevator cleared no living soul should be in there." Immediately people scatter everywhere, possibly back to their jobs,while some to gossip their asses off. The manager has cleared the elevator and I beacon on him to follow me. The ride to the top floor of the building is quiet,mostly because the manager is quiet and looking at me nervously like a girl with her first crush. I glare at him for moments before he gets the message and stops.

We reach the top floor and I walk to my office and stop abruptly at the assistant's desk. So now, my general manager is hiring incompetent assistants too, as if it is not enough that she is a woman. I will feel so good firing her today.

"Where is my damn assistant, Elvis?" I ask, anger already rolling in, in full force might I add. Elvis looks at me nervously and stutters,"w-well,y-your see, s-he-" "just cut off your crap stuttering. Elvis you are very, so close to being fired and I will make it my personal duty to do so if you don't start acting like a damn man and doing your job properly. Now where is the stupid woman you hired as my assistant? Why is she not in her damn office doing her fucking job?" I below at him watching as he winces at my language. This man is a fucking coward who doesn't deserve to work here.

"Well sir, she has gone on her lunch break".
"What lunch break, at this time" I reply not checking my watch.

"S-sir, its 11:45am now, her lunch break is one hour, from eleven to twelve,sir". I calmed down visibly at his words.
"When she comes in make sure she sees me immediately." I watch him try to cover up the surprise of my sudden mood change. I chuckle a little bit. I think he sees this as an opportunity to speak

"Sir, this particular assistant is the vest we have had so far. She is different. She handles all the paperwork without complaining. We even won two multimillion dollar contracts that she handled. I can vouch that she is the best assistant you can have." I stare at him passively, who could this woman that has done so much in so little time be?

"I need her CV, and when she comes in tell her to come to my office. If she is as good as you say then I will see." I sigh knowing truthfully that she must be good. Contracts are hard to get and if you get two in such little time then you must be good.

We shall see, we shall seee.........


Anna's pov

My break is almost over the anticipation and the fear are almost killing me. I have not felt so stressed and scared in a long time. As far as I know the boss hadn't yet arrived when I left and now as I walk to the company from my lunch break I can't help buy wonder if he is at work. So far, no one has mentioned his name, the reason I don't know, but it seems like everyone is so scared of him that they don't. The internet is just useless about it too. I think he is an anonymous CEO even if he is company is doing so excellently well. I won't be surprised if he is just hated by everyone considering the fact that he is an asshole sexist who derives pleasure from ridding people off their jobs. Unfortunately, my being alive and out of jail depends on him.

I get to the company building and the whole place looks like something has happened. No one is at their desks, they are just gossiping around. I check to see if I am the wrong place because since I came here, this hasn't happened once. I look around and more people are gossiping. It seems like they are being controlled. I go up to a female worker in her middle age that I am quite familiar with.

"Emma, why is there so much disorderliness here? I have not seen this type of behaviour since I came." I say sounding worried. There has to be a reason,right?

"Why wouldn't there be disorderliness when we have a boss who comes to the office and almost brings down the roof for such trivial matters. He hasn't even been around. He is supposed to be happy that we are saving his sorry as from being broke even if technically we are paid to do that. I just hope he never sees happiness. His fine face and body won't save him from being cursed". Harsh much.

"Ok, so where is he" "Allison Summers" I am cut off by the general manager Elvis who looks like he has been on a battle field with his shirt untucked and tie loose.

"You are needed in the boss's office now", he cries out .

"Ok, doom time to meet you". I say quietly as I hear Elvis in the background ordering everyone to go to their duty post


I slowly trudge into his office, his back is turned facing the window . I sigh nervously, he doesn't look half bad from behind. His has great ass. Did I just think that?! I am in the middle of being fired by my sexist boss and the only thing I can think about is how his ass looks...?

"Sir, you called for me" I stutter nervously.
When he doesn't answer me I become scared. He has to see all I have done already,even without him. I can't loose this job. "Sir, please you can't fire please. My entire life depends on this job. I have been very diligent and competent since I came. You can find out from Mr Elvis. I haven't broken any work etiquette. Please sir, tamper justice with mercy." I cry out hoping his hard heart of stone would melt.

Just then he turn around and my world starts to spin. I am indeed doomed now!!


Drew's pov

When I get Allison's pov, the face I see is not what I expected in a million years but I can't place the emotion that I feel surge through my veins. I don't know if I am happy,joyous or angry anymore. This is the woman I have been looking for for weeks, she was always right under my nose but I didn't see her. I call up Elvis on the office phone "I want Allison in this room in five minutes max, if not consider yourself jobless." I hang up and stand up going towards the view behind my chair. Who knew the view of cars passing and traffic could look so beautiful. I smile and wait in anticipation for her to come. Ohh how I would make Hay eat her words.


I hear the door of my office open. And Allison or Anna shuffles herself into the office.

"Sir you called for me", she says her voice scared. I still remember her beautiful it was then, looks like it didn't change a bit. She starts to blurt out words but I have already tuned the words out, I only hear her voice which sounds desperate. I turn around and instantly she stops and looks frozen. I chuckle at this, I can imagine her surprise.

"What happened Allison, cat got your tongue?" I ask taunting her. " you were just begging me not to sack you, and when I think about it you are an asset to thus company so I can't let you go". I say smirking.

She looks at my shocked her mouth hanging open, I think she is going to say something along the lines of "never mind sir, I actually agree with you firing me...." But I talk before she is able to, " and don't bother to argue with me, you signed a contract and in that contract you are not allowed to resign for the first year".

She shakes her head starting to argue against my point but I raise my hand in a silencing motion. I pick up the copy of the contract she signed that was with me and hand it over to her. "Read it since you don't look like you believe me". She doesn't collect it and instead looks at me passively.

I chuckle at this. You are stuck with me now love.


Hey guys, how are you doing?
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!( ˘ ³˘)❤

How has it been so far. I have no excuse for not updating for $o long but I am truly sorry.

You have really inspired me to write you know? When I last updated, MR only had four hundred and something reads but at this point it's in nine hundred+ reads.

I love you all so much and I am so grateful that you have supported me thus far.

Love y'all.


P.s: the picture above is of the dress Anna is wearing. I hope that by the next chapter I will be able to submit the pictures of the new characters to you. Who knew I was so hard finding pictures of twins on IG. Bye love you!!! Yes you!!

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