Possessive CEO

By manukansal12

92.9K 3.9K 278

Suhana is sincere and good nature but she is clumsy and not smart. She is innocent and pure. She thinks every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
chapter 58
Chapter 59

chapter 29

1.3K 71 5
By manukansal12

Suhana gulped her saliva and turned her face towards window. He cursed into his heart, 'Why is this girl so obedient?'

He did carefully a side her hairs and kissed on her exposed shoulders carefully, "You are not allowed to show your skin except me." She felt butterflies into her stomach.

but she looked at him with suspicious. 'Why is he talking like a boyfriend?' But she had no dare to ask him.

He held her hand into his hand. He put a bracelet on her wrist. When she noticed something was on wrist, she looked at wrist. But she was shocked. Why is it looking so familiar? Before she asked anything, he told her, "When I saw it I recalled about you.... Simple and unique." The bracelet was giving compliment on her skin. It felt it made for her.

If she was not touched from his words, it's definitely lie. She tried to hid her nervousness and said with husky voice, "It's you last night who bought it?" Even, it was statement but she asked like question.

He examined her face for few minutes then nodded, "Do you like it?" He knew answer by looking at her but he wanted to hear from her mouth.

She looked outside through window and shook her head, "No". She had no fantasy which she couldn't afford.

But he kissed on her cheek and said proudly, "But I like it." He was glad that he bought something which she liked. He didn't care about price and anything else. He can do anything only her one instruction. But unfortunately, she never asked him to do anything for her.

He didn't know her taste and preference. And she was not easy person who told by herself. There is only one way to find about her by spending time with her.

Suhana pursed her lips and didn't say anything. He took her hand into his hand and interlocked their fingers. She tried to protest but he was strong. That's why in the end, she gave up and let him do what he wanted. He was in good mood now.

Actually, in first place, he was not going to attend this party. He always avoided to party because it's so noisy. But when suhana mentioned to leave, he suddenly recalled about party. Then, he decided to attend it with Suhana.

The car stopped in front of venue gate. When the party organiser heard Kavish Singh was coming, he couldn't believe but soon he came to his senses and rushed towards the gate to welcome him. He scolded his assistant, "We didn't arrange anything. Why didn't you tell me before?"

The assistant felt wrong but said in low voice, "Sir, I got to know just now. Before I called to Mr Ravi, he denied directly. But suddenly he called just now and informed that Mr Singh is coming. That's why I inform now."

The organiser didn't do anything now that's why he said, "Let it go now. Come with me to welcome him. Remember that we can't afford to offend him in any case."

The assistant knew very well that's why he nodded in agreement.

The driver opened the car door. Kavish came out from car and adjusted his coat. The organiser and his assistant plastered smile on their faces. Before they came to greeted Kavish, they noticed the kavish raised his hand towards inside the car. They were confused what's going on. They saw a beautiful hand put on Kavish's hand. And his grip got tight. As Suhana came out from car, Kavish held her waist and pulled her towards himself.

The others looked at that scene and got dumbfounded. They never saw Kavish attended any party with any female. Even, they never saw and female subordinates and female assistant with him. What were they imagine things?

But everyone came into their senses soon and the organiser came forward with smile abd greeted, "Hello, Mr Singh. Please welcome."

Kavish nodded towards him without expression and took steps forward. Suhana felt uncomfortable to take steps like him handling her waist. She frowned and asked with impatience, "What are you doing?"

Everyone held their breaths because they never saw anyone talked to him like it. They were praying for this girl.

But unexpectedly, Kavish's gaze became warm when he looked at Suhana and noticed her expression, "What happened?"

She said nonchalantly, "I can't walk comfortable like it." She looked at his hand which was on her waist.

Actually, she was embrased. Everyone was looking them and he was so imitate to her in public. She was feeling uncomfortable.

He didn't say anything but pushed away his hand. But before, she could relax. He held her hand into his hand tightly and pulled her towards him. He said in her ear, "You are no allowed to stay away from me in this party."

Her cheeks were buring hot. She didn't know it was because of embrassment or shyness. When he looked her reaction, he was pleased.

Nobody heard what kavish said to her but looking their interaction anybody could tell they were close. They were curious who was this girl and what her relation to Kavish? But nobody dares to ask him.

Suhana worked into small company and here were everyone belongs to big companies of city or high profile. That's why they didn't know Suhana. Kavish also took her in this party because he was aware of this fact.

Suhana and his relationship was not confirmed by Suhana. And he didn't want to force her for anything. He wanted to adjust her into his life slowly. What if Suhana didn't want it or get mad on him? It's better to take every step carefully and slowly.

He could feel everyone's eyes on her. He knew she was with him that's why everyone wanted to know about her. But whatever reason he didn't like that everyone looking at her.

When they entered into party, everyone greeted him polietly and he greeted back. When they greeted kavish and kavish greeted back, they looked at Suhana with curiosity. They thought Kavish introduced her on his own but unexpectedly, kavish had no intention to introduce her to anyone. Meanwhile, Suhana didn't care what other thoughts about her.

She came with kavish and he attached with her like glue. After knowing him many months, she understood one thing about him that you can't escape from him if he doesn't want. And she felt comfortable with him that's why she was not annoying with him.

It was Rishabh kali who was in his late thirties and he was from a known families in city. He was rich and well known into city. Mostly girls were charmed by his looks and nature.

Kavish and Rishabh were discussing about business to each other. Kavish had cold expression on his face while Rishabh has light smile on his face.

Kavish held Suhana hand into his hand and kept her close. She thought when he talked about business, he left her but she was wrong. Helplessly, Suhana was listening to their conversation.

Rishabh noticed Suhana's lazy expression. He thought she was someone rich spoiled daughter. He gave her bright smile and said, "Miss, don't you have any drink?"

Before she could say anything, he called the waiter and asked, "What do you like to drink?"

Suhana denied polietly, "Sorry, I don't drink."

He chuckled lightly, "How is it....?"

Kavish was looking it with gloomy. But he was waiting how Suhana react that's why he didn't say anything. But after hearing Suhana reply, he interprutted with cold voice, "Mr Kali, you don't need to concern about my women. She can do freely what she wants."

Suhana wanted to protest, 'Who is your women?' but after hearing his next words, her tongue was tied. She couldn't understand what she was feeling right now. It's beyond of her imagination.

Meanwhile, Rishabh was speechless. He knew very well about Kavish's personality. When he noticed the warning and killing gaze on Kavish's notice, he was scared. Who is this women who changed a lot of him? He heard rumours last night that kavish held a girl into his arms. But he never imagined it's true. Today, he saw with his own eyes.

Suhana felt awkward atmosphere between them. She also heard about Rishabh that's why she knew very well about his status into society. She didn't want to create trouble. That's why she whispered softly to kavish , "I have to go washroom."

Kavish retreated his gaze from Risabh and looked at Suhana with affection. His expression changed without his notice. He touched her hairs lightly and smiled, "fine, come back quickly."
She wanted to say, 'i am not running away' but she hadn't dare.

She nodded and left. She felt everybody's eyes on her that's why she was comfortable. She quickly went to washroom.

After doing her business, she came out from cubicle and stood in front of mirror. She washed her hand and after drying, she patted her cheeks lightly. She felt hot onto her cheeks till now.

According to her, it should had be usual weekend like other weekend. But she thought how she came to here in party with Kavish. She looked her reflection into mirror and asked, 'whats going on? Why can't she reject his any request?' she was afraid with herself. She didn't know what's going on. She knew he was dangerous to her and she should stay away from him. But why she always ended up with him?

After thinking a while, when there was no answer of her question, she disappointed give up.

As she looked her beside, her eyes widened to look. She closed her eyes for one second in hope that she was imagine and opened her eyes again. But nothing changed. She smiled brightly and said in excited, "Kira di."

The other girl looked at confusion but after looking at few moments, she screamed, "oh my god Suhana. I didn't recognise you."

Before Suhana reacted, she was crushed by a tight hug. Other ladies were looking at them with strange expression. But they didn't care.

Suhana struggled a little and said with taking deep breaths, "Di, leave me.... I can't breath."

Kira suddenly left her and said with apologized tone, "Suhana, I am sorry. Are you alright? Actually, I got excited."

Suhana took deep breaths and after calming down, she smiled, "It's ok di. How are you? When did you come back?"

Kira replied with huge smile, "Just few days ago. Let's go outside and talk."

Suhana nodded and they left. They found a corner and sat. Kira asked, "Tell me first. What are you doing here?"

Suhana couldn't tell her truth. Actually, she didn't know how to introduce Kavish. She told half truth and half lied, "Actually, I came with my friend. He needs a female companion. That's why I am here. Now you tell me."

Kira told sincerely, "I came with my boss. Actually, he is talking someone and I got bored. Thank god, you are here as I will not be bored."

Suhana giggled. She asked, "when you come back, why didn't you call?"

Kira was Namita's classmate and best friend. In college they were together and best buddies. Kira mostly came to Suhana's home that's why they knew each other very well. Kira went to foreign for job and she returned few days ago.

Kira told with disappointed, "Actually, I was going to meet today as today is weekend and give surprised to namita. But unfortunately, my boss told me to attend this party that's why I couldn't go. Tell me how everyone is doing?"

Suhana nodded with understanding. She replied, "Everyone is doing well. When you will meet, you will know yourself."

They started to talk about what they did in last those years. Then Suhana suddenly recalled something abd asked, "Kira di,I have to ask you something." When Kira nodded, Suhana asked, "Actually, you and Namita sis were Sam's classmate and you were best friend to Namita sis. That's why you may be know that Sam likes someone. Who is that girl?"

Kira didn't reply immediately. She bit her lips and asked after thinking carefully, "Suhana, you and Sam..."

Suhana understood what Kira wanted to say. It's not unusual. Everyone thought that time how close they were. Suhana told with seriously, "Di, I consider Sam like my elder brother and he considers me like his little sister. We are like brother and sister. That's why don't think wild. Actually, I got to know now that Sam likes a girl. Namita sis knew about it but she didn't tell me. I hope you know about it."

Kira took a deep breath and examined Suhana's face. Kira was in human resources department that's why she knew how to read faces. When she noticed Suhana was not lying. She smiled lightly, " Suhana I am sorry. I don't know. I knew that he likes a girl since college time but who was that girl I have no idea."

Suhana didn't ask further. She was confused who can be that girl.

Kira laughed into her heart. Whole college knew about it except that damn girl. When Suhana didn't ask further, Kira changed the topic and they were talking happily. Even, Suhana forgot there was someone who was waiting for her impatiently.

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