Never The Same (Hunter X Hunt...

By Hex_Dragon

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In this world of magic (kinda) and monsters, there lives a species classified as magical beasts. They are cal... More

Chapter 01: Obviously Different
Chapter 02: Coincidence or Luck?
Chapter 03: Cookin'...
Chapter 04: A Dangerous Ball Game
Chapter 06: The Labyrinth Of Memories
Chapter 07: The Baka Trio

Chapter 05: Exposed

911 65 13
By Hex_Dragon

We all stood perfectly still after my flavorful outburst. Silence reined as I stared shocked into the eyes of Chairman Netero, his mischievous eyes staring back.

I reflexively tugged my hood up, though I knew I wouldn't do me any good anymore. Gon looked from me to the Chairman and back again, "Yugure..." He said worriedly.

I flinched, because his tone snapped me out of my shock. Options began running through my single minded brain. 'I could run for it, now that I don't have to hide it there's nothing to stop me from tearing out of here and jumping out a window'.

Well, nothing but a highly skilled and very fast old man, who didn't look like he was ready to just step aside and let me pass. I glowered at him and he chuckled.

"Now now, what's with the scary eyes, I haven't done anything worth that kind of look have I?" He said. "Still, though I knew from the start you weren't normal, I never thought you'd be a magical beast, let alone one of the rare 'Nekoyona'" he continued.

I hissed "Y'all wer' the ones who decided we wer' beasts, not us! Then again, I s'pose bein' a beast is bett'r than bein' an arrogant, selfish human" I spat back.

He clicked his tongue "Now now, that's uncalled for. And do you really think you should be saying such things in your position?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

I glared back, not caring Gon and Killua were giving me looks that said 'stop!'. "My 'position' is my own, and not one of someone else's makin', nor will I be treated diff'rently just because I am 'unusual'" I stated, folding my arms.

We stared silently at each other for several tense minutes, then, he broke out in a chuckle. I was so taken aback I didn't know what to do.

"I like you, you have spunk!" He laughed, I actually stepped back. "This is so interesting, I can't pass it up. Alright! This is what I've decided: because I like you, and you've proven your skill by making it this far as well as the ball game earlier, I've decided to let you, a classified magical beast, participate openly in the Hunter Exam!" He said.

Again, the room was completely silent, then Gon grinned "Isn't that great Yugure! You can continue the exam! An you don't need to hide any more" he said cheerily.

I relaxed my on guard position and nodded, dumbfounded. I glanced at the Chairman, suddenly suspicious "Yur serious? Not just yankin' my tail?" I said.

He smiled "Why yes, I am serious, like I said, I find your predicament entertaining, so you might as well stop wearing that hood, I can't imagine it feels comfortable" he said.

Still suspicious, I flipped my hood down. And forgot all else as I massaged my ears. Gon looked the most intrigued by them out of the three.

"Can I touch them?" He asked, wish a certain childish blunt curiosity that made me want to hug him. I shrugged "Sure" I reached up and pet my ears, unable to resist I started purring.

He laughed and I saw Killua's weirded out expression and the Chairman's amused one. But I didn't care, it had been sooo long since someone pet my head like this.

After that whole thing was over, and we were all getting used to me not having to hide my ears, Killua decided he'd be going to sleep, while Gon wanted to stay and continue to try to take the ball.

After the adrenaline of being exposed ran out I was hit with all the fatigue caused by stress and the workout of trying to take the ball from the Chairman.

So I decided that sleep was my best option for the moment. And therefore, I said goodbye to Gon and went with Killua. He seemed distant and fuming about something so I decided not to say anything.

We passed a pair of fellow examinees and one of them bumped into Killua's shoulder. We continued walking but the man called out "Hey brat! Apologize!".

I sighed, these humans never knew how to read the mood did they? When Killua didn't respond the man ran after us and out his hand on Killua's shoulder.

'Aaaannddd there's another one for the afterlife' I thought, sure enough, the man was dead in seconds. Blood splattered my shirt and I sighed.

Whiping it off I glanced at Killua "That was pretty cool, what did you do to your hand?" I said, looking down at the said appendage.

His head came up and he looked at me, as if he'd forgotten I was there. Then he shrugged and held it up. Veins stood out and his nails became radar sharp points.

I examined them and whistled "No wonder YOU weren't surprised when you saw my claws" I said. He nodded and we continued in silence toll we found the sleeping room with Leorio and Kurapika, sat across from each other and went to sleep.

You may wonder if I felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as a bunch of boys. The answer is no, why? Reason #1) half of them I considered below me and if they tried anything, they would die. Reason #2) the other half were like my brothers.

When we were gathered the next morning for debarking, I wasn't even trying to hide in the least. If I was allowed to do this thing openly, I wouldn't be ashamed of my nature.

My hood was down, tail out and gently swishing from side to side. Claws unsheathed. I got more than one strange and weirded out look, and when the Chairman appeared, one man spoke up.

"Chairman sir! There is something here who shouldn't be! It" he pointed at me "Isn't human, it's a magical beast, it snuck on here, it should be thrown off!" He said, enraged.

He was short, with orange hair, a bow, and a turban like thing on his head. I looked at the Chairman, raising an eyebrow. There was a noticeable circle of space around me.

' Now how will you deal with this one Netero" I thought. For a moment silence was all there was, except the mutterings of agreement with the boy of the people around me.

Then the Chairman spoke "I, after discovering what she is, and observing her skill, have decided to let her join this Hunter Exam as a legitimate participant" he announced.

This was not met well, people called out for me to be thrown off the airship, or at least disqualified, Gon and Killua made there way over with Kurapika and Leorio to stand beside me.

"Silence!" The Chairman finally called, there was an immediate hush. "Are you questioning me? The Chairman of the Hunter's association? The one controlling this Exam?" He said, arching an eyebrow.

Everyone but us flinched, and a murmer of "No sir" ran through the crowd. He smiled "Good! We can now continue the Third Phase of the Hunter Exam" he said.

After that, I still got weird and often resentful looks, but I wasn't bothered...much. a few people tried to step on my tail or shove me by 'accident'.

I slipped aside and avoided all attempts, winking at the people responsible to let them know I knew what they were doing.

Still, despite it all, I felt extremely good being able to let my tail go and ears free, and not having to worry about hiding.

We were all deposited on the top of a REALLY tall tower. It was explained we had 72 hours to get to the bottom, and that was it. I walked around some, just enjoying the wind and sun for a bit, two things we didn't get much in the marsh.

I saw the group -'the group being Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio- and headed over, I waved to get their attention as I walked and grinned "Hey-" I stepped forward...and the stone beneath my feet gave out. I had time to start "HOLY-" before I fell into darkness.


Here's this chapter, sorry it's short again, not sure how well it turned out, please tell me what you think! I'd really appreciate it!




And here's a waffle for your time ( °w°)>#

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