Kakashi's daughter, is in lov...

By annimefreakxx

163K 4.9K 1.8K

This is a story about a girl who Kakashi found and was supposed to kill. But he felt something about that gir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

4.8K 204 28
By annimefreakxx


It's been about a week since I've basically shut everyone out. I've been going on non-stop solo missions. I've barely talked to Kiba. In fact, the only time I socialize is when I have to go check up on Kakashi.

Yeah. I've started calling him Kakashi now. I'm trying to make things easier for everyone else but... I'm really dying.

Kiba...he's been leaving things for me just outside my door. Sometimes he makes me unfinished daisy chains..sometimes it's just a note.. other times it my favourite flower, a white rose. He's been trying so hard yet.. I have to shut him out. I can't be with him.. I just can't... It's too hard.

I sighed as I sat next to Kakashi. He was still unconscious. I was waiting for the Tsunade to come back and become the 5th Hokage. Then she can help Kakashi and I won't have to worry any more. I gripped Kakashi's hand tighter.

Please...please be ok.


"Arfff argff!! Arff arff!"

"That a boy Akamaru! You nailed it!" I said while jumping from tree to tree with Akamaru. "Now that's aerial dynamic marking! Now try it while spinning! Watch you aim,"

I followed Akamaru, making sure he's doing it right.

I still can't help but have Kasumi in my mind. I mean it's not like I was the one who made her like this.. was I?

"Haha way to go!" I said to Akamaru as he hit the tree right on target.

Even though I was smiling around everyone, I'm worried about Kasumi. I've tried talking to her, I've tried leaving her notes.. I don't know what to do... She just keeps shutting me out.

"Wooohooo!" I yelled jumping as Akamaru hits right on target.

The only other person I can think of that would be able to get through to her, is Kakashi sensai. But if I can't.. then maybe he can't either.. But he needs to try. I better go find out if the new Hokage has woken him up yet.

"Come on Akamaru let's go!" I yelled as we started running back to the village.


"Huh disgraceful." said Lady Tsunade. "To be completely taken out of the game by 2 lowlife punks like that. I thought you were supposed to be the best."

"Sorry to disappoint you." said Kakashi.

"OK let's go! Now that Kakashi-sensai is done just one more and your all done!" said Naruto with a huge grin on his face.

"Rock lee he's right this way! Just next door!" said Guy-sensai frantically.

I watched as they left the room and I was alone with dad- I mean Kakashi.

"So is there anything you need?" I asked not looking at him.

"No. I think I'm fine." he said, still looking dazed.

It was silent for a moment. It took so much not to run up and hug him. He's my dad... I wanted to asked him heaps of questions but I just sighed.

"Well then, I have a mission anyway so ill see you later." I said before poofing into smoke.


Well that was weird. I thought. Kasumi didn't act like she normally would... she seemed.. distant.

It was only a second before someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I said lazyly.

The opened and appeared was Asuma.

"Oh hey," I said.

"So your finally up eh Kakashi?" he said smirked as he took a seat next to me.

"Yeah. So did I miss anything?" I asked hoping there was nothing I needed to catch up on.

"Well actually Kakashi.."

Oh crap here it comes.

"It's about Kasumi."

My eyes shot up to him.

"What about her? She was here when I woke up and she seemed fine... well actually she was quite distant." I said thinking.

"That's what I mean." said Asuma.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well to be honest." said Asuma. "No one really knows."

"It wasn't Kiba was it!?" I asked or more demanded.

He held up his hands in defence.

"No no! It wasn't him."

I sighed in relief.

"Good. Or I'd have to teach him a lesson."

"This isn't a time to be joking around Kakashi" said Asuam looking at me seriously. "She's changed a lot. And not in a good way."

I narrowed my eyes at him. Although he could only see one.

"Tell me."

"Well it was ever since you got knocked out." he started. "Tamaki said she appeared at the Hokage's office, taking a huge bunch of solo missions. That were A and B ranked."

"That's a problem because?"

"I haven't finished yet," he said. "Ever since she's been taking those missions, she hasn't talked to anyone." I narrowed my eyes at this. What does he mean? "She's done the missions fast and efficiently. Not that that's a problem or that they were hard for her but she hasn't socialized with anyone. She's also been ignoring Kiba.

"In fact, the only time she talks is when she is getting food or weapons from stores. She doesn't smile, she doesn't even look at you when you talk to her.."

I sighed. This isn't because of me is it? No she's not that dumb.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A week Kakashi."

A week? What is this Kasumi?

I was about to speak but I heard another knock on the door.

"Come in." said Asuma with a sigh.

Kiba walked in with Akamaru on his head.

"I think I need to go now anyways." said Asuma waving goodbye before walking out the door, shutting it behind him.

There was a bit of an awkward silence. I was trying to process everything Asuma had told me but Kiba interrupted me.

"So how are you doing ..sensai?" asked Kiba.

"I'm fine Kiba. I'm more interested in why you came to see me. In fact I know why. Asuma just explained everything to me."

I saw his face sadden.

"Has Kasumi talked to you?" he asked.

"Yes." his face brightened up.

"Really!? What'd she say?"

"She still wasn't herself Kiba."

His brightened expression was lost again.

"She just asked me if I needed anything and when I said no, she left."

"Better then what I could do." he said. "She hasn't talked to me since..."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Kiba." I said. he looked up and nodded in response. "You and Kasumi left together after the thirds funeral, what happened after that?"


I told Kakashi everything that happened that day, even her slight flinch and us making out but I didn't go into detail on that.

"So she just left? Just like that?" asked Kakashi-sensai.

"Just like that." I said and Akamaru barked in agreement.

He went silent for a moment, he look like he was in deep thought.

"So now I don't know what to do.. she just started ignoring me..and she doesn't even talk to anyone... I don't know if she'll even carry on talking to you.."


It was about 12 at night when I got back home from my most recent mission. Although I don't know whether I really want to go home.. I'll end up having to have to see Kakashi and ignore him. But can I even ignore him? Maybe I should just grab another mission and go? That'll be easier.

Once I made it home, I slowly and quietly opened the door, there were no lights on. He's probably asleep. I thought.

I made my way to my room, tip toeing. Once I was in, I threw my dirty clothes on the ground and picked some new ones.


I turned with a kunai in hand only to find Kakashi standing in my doorway with his own kunai.

"Oh it's you." I said puuting my kunai back as I got back to packing.

"Oh it's you'?" he said. "Well that's just such a great way to greet your dad when you get home from a mission." he said with sarcasm.

I didn't answer. If I'm like this with everyone else, then I need to be like this with him too.

"Kasumi? Are you even listening to me!?" he yelled and threw the kunai at me, I just dodged it, letting it get stuck in my wall and carried on packing.

"Why are you acting like this? Why are you being so distant from everyone!?" he demanded.

I just ignored him. I could feel tears wanting to flow down my eyes but I just held them in.

"Kasumi.." he said but I ignored again. "KASUMI."

"WHAT!?" I yelled turning to him and dropping everything I was holding.

He looked a little taken back by my reaction but then spoke.

"Why are you acting like this? Heck are you even Kasumi?"

"Of course I'm fucking Kasumi! Don't you know your own daughter!?"


I flinched at his words. Averting my gaze. Fuck who am I kidding. I thought. I can't do this.

"Kasumi." he said with a now calm expression.

I lifted my head, catching his eyes, showing I was listening.

"Are you ok?"

I couldn't handle it.

"No." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. His eyes softened and I ran up and buried my head into his chest, tears streaming down my face. "No I'm not ok!" I sobbed.


I held her close, whispering comforting things and rubbing her back soothingly.

I've never seen Kasumi like this. I thought. She's my daughter... How could I let her get like this?

But....I think.. I think that everyone forgets... she's still only a kid.


Awww! Cute father daughter moment!

Did you guys like it? I hope so. Or should I have made Kiba the one to comfort her? Oh well too late! Hhahaah

btw sorry if I like have a lot of time skips, it's just like that's how I planned the story.... I forgot about the time in between...

Anyways! Does someone wanna comment? Sorry sometimes I just feel like I'm talking to myself... ;(




Please? x

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