The Dance We Shared

By sidnick22

23K 459 11

Timeless 2.0-What if Lindsey had never gotten Kristen Pregnant, and he reconciles in his entirety with Stevi... More



431 11 0
By sidnick22

December 31, 1998

Stevie and Lindsey were at home alone on New Year's Eve, it was the first time in probably years that they weren't having a big party but their little peanut at six months old sleeping in his little Moses basket downstairs dressed in a long sleeve light blue and white striped sleeper with grey cuffs and a little koala over his heart was more important. And really all they needed was champagne and each other to ring in the New Year. 

Lindsey was sitting at the arm of the couch by the end tables and Stevie was curled up next to him under his arm. 

"Steph." Lindsey states.

"Hmm?" She asks looking at the TV some pop group performing. NSYNC or something like that.

"At your concert in Woodstock, were you insinuating something when you sang Rose Garden." 

"What do you mean?" She questions.

"Well, I mean like you pointed to me and said YOU never promised me a Rose Garden and in the song, you mention not having a ring on your left hand and you looked at your hand. I was just wondering if maybe you were thinking about it." He shrugs.

"Oh, I'm thinking about it." She nods.

"That's good, that's a good thing." Lindsey nods.

"Why?" She questions immediately bolting up, her left hand falling to her chest her right arm on the back of the couch. 

He just digs in his USC sweatshirt pocket and he pulls out a ring box. Stevie greedily grabbed it and popped it open to reveal a gorgeous gold ring with a cluster of about nine small diamonds that created a square. 

"Lindsey..." She trails off.

"Will you let me be the luckiest man in the world and marry me?" He asks

"Yes, yes I'll marry you." She nods as he smiles and takes it out of the box and slides it on her finger.

"Oh, Lindsey it's gorgeous." She smiles.

"I'm glad you like it." He beams and leans down and kisses her. "I debated for a solid two months on if I should get you a new one or not." He sighs.

"The ring from 73, you still have it?" She asks.

"It's in my closet yeah." He nods.

"Can I have both?" Stevie asks.

"Well they're both yours sure...why do you want both?" He asks.

"Well, because I want one that I can wear to by fancy which'll be this one and then I want one to wear for casual." She shrugs.

"I don't know what you mean?" 

"When we go on tour, I want to wear the cheaper one in case I lose it. When I'm just running errands around town I want the smaller one, and like when I go on Interviews and Talk Shows and Red Carpets I want this one." She smiles.

"So you want to be able to choose which ring you wear on a daily basis?" He questions.

"Yeah, but I do one solid thing to wear all of the time." 

"A small gold band?" He asks.

"Yeah, a small gold band." She nods.

"I can make that work. What about me?" Lindsey questions.

"Silver. I want you to have silver." She states.

"You don't' want us to match?" 

"No, your skin is too tan for gold. And I think it would be cool and funky to have two different color rings." Stevie beams.

"Alright. Next question...When and how big of a wedding?" He questions.

"Today's Thursday. Everywhere will be closed on Friday cause of the Holiday but let's do it on Monday. At a courthouse with a Justice of the Peace, and Seth." Stevie tells him.

"Stevie Nicks doesn't want a big fancy wedding?" He asks.

"No, I've done that and it ended badly." She shakes her head.

"You married Robin's Widow in Greif it would've ended badly anyway." Lindsey states.

"Okay, while that is true I still want to do this on Monday with just us," Stevie tells him.

"I can get behind that...what if we go tomorrow and pick the rings out though?" Lindsey asks.

"That's fine. I just want a plain gold band." 

"I know. Simplicity." He nods. 


January 2, 1999

Stevie was drying the dishes when the telephone rings. She dries her hands and picks up the receiver not even looking at who was calling her.


"Well isn't this just Deja Vu." She hears Jeff sigh sadly.

"Jeff, what's wrong?" She questions. 

"I called you almost 25 years ago and told you what I'm about to tell you again." 

Stevie thinks back 25 years and her hand falls to her stomach. 

"Are you going to tell me your mother died?" 

"Yeah, I am." He nods.

"Oh Jeff, I'm so sorry when. How?" 

"Just in her sleep. The neighbor checks in on her daily and she found her this morning." Jeff sighs.

"Alright, well...let me...let me get Lindsey and you can tell him." Stevie sighs squeezing her eyes tightly. She didn't very much like doing that the first time and the fact that she was doing it again, didn't sit well with her.

She walked to the back door where she saw Lindsey in the pool with Seth in his little baby floaties and she opened the backdoor.

"Honey, phone." She smiles.

"Who is it?" Lindsey asks.

"Jeff." She states.

"Oh, alright should I tell him about the engagement?" Lindsey questions pulling Seth towards him and getting him out of the pool. 

"No, don't tell him." Stevie shakes her head.

"Alright, wet naked baby coming at you." He smiles 

"Why IS he naked, he has swimmer diapers?" Stevie asks grabbing him.

"Cause it's seventy degrees out, the water is warm and I used to swim naked when I was a baby," Lindsey explains.

"Well if he pees on me, it's on you," Stevie growls grabbing one of the towels to wrap around her baby boy he tends to aim and it's always at Stevie. 

When Lindsey goes into the house, Stevie looks down at Seth who is pouting at having been taken out of the pool and she just sighs.

"Well, baby I don't think Mommy and Daddy are getting married on Monday." Stevie kisses his little cheek and heads back into the house where she can see Lindsey slouched down one arm crossed over his chest the other holding the phone, his head looking down. 

Stevie just walks towards him and with Seth in her arms, she wraps her free arm around him. He shifts so he's holding her and he just squeezes her tightly and rubs her back. 

"We'll be there on Monday. We have some things going on tomorrow and Monday but we'll be there Monday around dinner time." Lindsey explains.

"We'll stay with you and Daryl yeah." Lindsey nods.

Once he hangs up he just hugs his Fiance and his child.

"We're not leaving now?" Stevie asks.

"We've got a Wedding on Monday." He shrugs.

"You still want to get married on Monday?" 

"I do. We made a promise. She'd want us to." Lindsey kisses her head.

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