By bellasweetwriting

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[ cast ]
[ one ]
[ t w o ]
[ t h r e e ]
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[ s i x ]
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[ t w e n t y ]
[ t w e n t y o n e ]
[ t w e n t y t w o ]
[ part two ]
[ t w e n t y f i v e ]
[ t w e n t y s i x ]
[ t w e n t y s e v e n ]
[ t w e n t y e i g h t ]
[ t w e n t y n i n e ]
[ t h i r t y ]
[ t h i r t y o n e ]
[ t h i r t y t w o ]
[ t h i r t y f o u r ]
[ t h i r t y f i v e ]
[ t h i r t y s i x ]
[ t h i r t y s e v e n ]
[ t h i r t y e i g h t ]
[ t h i r t y n i n e ]
[ f o r t y ]
[ f o r t y o n e ]
[ f o r t y t w o ]
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[ f o r t y f o u r ]
[ f o r t y f i v e ]
[ f o r t y s i x ]
[ f o r t y s e v e n ]
[ f o r t y e i g h t ]
[ f o r t y n i n e ]

[ t h i r t y t h r e e ]

2.4K 93 60
By bellasweetwriting

t h i r t y t h r e e
j e a l o u s y


"Hey, what the hell?" She asked before reading out loud. "'Amelia, I have terrible news.'. What happened and what could possibly be worse than midterms?"

Stiles was about to speak when he looked to something behind her. The girl turned around to look at someone she really wasn't expecting.

"Hey, Lia," greeted her Isaac before sitting next to her. "You look nice."

The girl looked at the werewolf for a few seconds before slowly turning around to look at her boyfriend, who was shrugging.

"I'll tell you later," he said before turning around to look at Jackson, but his conversation being interrupted by the Coach slamming his books against his desk.

"Alright, listen up." Amelia played with her pencil, trying to distract herself from the fact that Isaac was sitting right next to her. "Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult... I'm not even too sure I could pass it."

"Hey," she heard next to her. Amelia turned around to look at Isaac, who just called. "Wanna be in my study group?"

She chuckled nervously. "I'm not that great at Economics."

"I really don't think there's something you aren't great at..."

"Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question," called out Coach, and she prayed for it to be her.

She quickly raised her hand, but another guy was chosen. Amelia turned around to look at Stiles but he was to worried talking with Jackson and Scott to even focus about the position his girlfriend was.

And she couldn't even hear what they were talking about.

She looked to her book, identifying the werewolf smell that was coming from Isaac. It was softer than Scott's, and that wasn't because of her weakened powers, it was because he smelled different than Scott or Derek.

She just wanted to leave the class, or even be part of whatever Stiles and Scott were doing.

"Jackson!" She heard the coach scream, scaring her. "Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Uhm..." Doubted the lacrosse player. "Just an undying admiration for my... my coach."

"Suck up," whispered Amelia before faking a cough, making some of the class laugh.

She looked down to her book and pretended innocence when the couch glanced at her, before looking back at Jackson.

"That's really kind of you," said the coach nodding before losing his smile. "Now shut up! Shut it! Lydia, to the board."

She observed as her strawberry friend walked towards the chalkboard before looking down to her notebook.

"Hey," Stiles called her in a whisper and she turned around to look at him with a smile, "there's some stuff we need to talk about."

"Is everything okay?" She mumbled back, worried. Stiles looked over to Isaac sitting next to her before glancing at his girlfriend again.

"I'll tell you later."

Amelia looked over to the board, noticing what Lydia was doing.

"What the—"


She woke up from her transe, looking up to the coach before looking back to the rest of the class, still holding the chalk in her hand while small tears fell though her cheeks.

"Okay then... anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?"

Amelia looked over to what Lydia had written all over the board before writing it down on her notebook, taking out her phone to read the reflection.

She wrote 'EMPLEHENOEMOS', which backwards read clearly...


• • •

Amelia walked towards her usual seat in the chemistry lab. She was looking down to her textbooks, more worried about her midterms than caring about Isaac or Erica or Boyd or Derek or Kanima or Argents or Sealgair family...

Woah, she did have a lot of things to stress about.

The girl sat down in her usual spot, noticing how somebody dragged the seat next to her backwards, looking up to see Isaac.

"Hey..." she said again, and before the guy could seat down, Stiles took the chair in a hurry, surprising not only Isaac, but Amelia as well.

"Hey! How's my beautiful girlfriend?"

She saw as Isaac grabbed his backpack and walked away, sitting next to Erica.

"What is up with you?" She muttered angrily. "He's not gonna hurt me in school. And I won't let him."

"Still, I'm not risking it. And there's something you need to know." He looked towards Isaac and Erica before looking at the girl. "They are going to do something to Lydia..."

"And why aren't you sitting next to Lydia like Scott is doing?"

"Because I—" Amelia raised her eyebrows. "I— well... I want to sit with you."

Amelia stared at her boyfriend for a few seconds, confused, before looking up towards Mr. Harris, who just started speaking.

"Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe'," started Harris as he walked towards Stiles and Amelia. "I myself have encounter infinite stupidity." He patted on Stiles's shoulder, making Amelia glance at the teacher as he walked away before looking down to Stiles.

"Do you want me to punch that guy for you?" His girlfriend whispered to his ear, making him smile.

"So," Harris continued, "to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or, in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one."

Stiles rolled his eyes before looking towards Amelia, who simply smiled at him, trying to comfort her boyfriend.

"Erica, take the first station," called her Harris. "You'll start with..."

Amelia looked as the majority of the boys in the class raised their hands and she couldn't help but to laugh at that.

"I didn't ask for volunteers," said the teacher. "Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall."

Stiles looked over to her girlfriend. "They can't get to Lydia."

"Okay..." Amelia nodded before looking down at her book.

"Alright, next two!"

• • •

Stiles was looking over to Amelia and Isaac. For his bad luck, they got together in the first station.

He wasn't even focusing on what he was doing, he was just staring at that werewolf, frowning, stepping his foot repeatedly on the ground, watching as the guy smiled at her, flirted. How he kept staring when she moved her hair as she was trying to read the instructions to the experiment.

"So, you can smell werewolves?" Isaac whispered to her and she nodded. "How do I smell?"

"Like dog," she replied, making him laugh. She smiled a bit before continuing to follow the experiment.

"You know, just because you have this... complicated bond with Derek, doesn't mean you and I can't be friends. We used to be..."

Stiles was pressing his lips shut. Oh, he was more than jealous, he was pissed, he was angry, he was every negative emotion he could feel in that second he was feeling it.

"I mean, I kinda trust you..."

Amelia turned around to look at Isaac abruptly. Did Derek tell him to say that? Was it a weird coincidence?

"You do?" He nodded.

"Hey, how can you not trust the girl that brought you nuggets and fries to chemistry class just because she wanted to?"

Oh, yeah, she remembered. She brought him food and they ate it together in secret from Harris while they did the assignment, which they failed, by the way...

How could she forget?

She smiled a bit before looking down to her book, Harris dinging the bell.


The girl stood up from the chair and walked towards another station, while Stiles was quick to sit down next to Isaac.

The werewolf chuckled before looking down to the experiment, smiling.

"If you harm one perfect brunette hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present."

Isaac laughed. "Really? I don't think she'll like that though. I mean, she will kill you if you touch me. I did tell her I trusted her, doesn't that mean we are... bonded, now?"

Stiles stared at the werewolf madly. He didn't exactly now how the whole supernatural bond thing worked, but the only thing he knew is that it started with trust, and he didn't like Amelia trusting Isaac for any motive.

"You know..." Isaac continued. "I did ask her out once though."

"Sounds like the beginning to a heartfelt story," interrupted him Stiles as he continued to do the experiment. "I'm gonna pass, thanks."

"It was a few months ago..."

"She said no because she didn't like you, you felt heartbroken. You thought everything was going to be different but still, the most popular girl in school wouldn't even look at you."

"No, she didn't say no because she didn't like me. She said no because she had a date... with you." Stiles turned around to look at him abruptly. "She felt bad, so the next chemistry class she brought food and we ate it, like a little date between us, hiding from Harris." Stiles dry swallowed. "Then she started dating you."

"Mhm... unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should write about it in English class, you know? Channel all that negative energy."

"Nah," Isaac said. "I was just thinking of channeling it into getting you out of the way..." Stiles stared at him for a few seconds. "I'm not very good at writing."

Harris dinged the bell, before yelling switch again.

Stiles had to sit down next to Scott before he quickly turned around to look at Amelia to make sure she was okay.

And she was sitting with Erica.

He was about to stand up when Harris hit him with a ruler, making him sit down again.

Amelia looked from Erica towards the rest. And everyone was looking at each other.

"What are you going to do to her?" Amelia asked Erica, remembering that Stiles said something about them trying to hurt Lydia.

"Don't you mean... what is she going to do to us?"

Oh, Amelia really didn't like Erica at the moment. She thought she was the big thing, but Amelia knew she could take her down without even missing a breath.

"What she is going to do to us"

Did they think Lydia was the kanima?

"Did you know I can smell werewolves? And other creatures?" Erica listened quietly to her. "I can smell three wet dogs in here, but I don't smell a reptile. So if the thing you guys are doing has to be with that, then you guys are off track."

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I don't trust your instincts. I heard they were failing lately, and I don't want to take my chances, you know?"

She chuckled, looking back to the experiment before looking at her, with a big smile.

"Sorry... two wet dogs and a bitch."

Erica's eyes shined in a golden tone, and Amelia's eyes responded with their purple color. The girl was about to take out her claws when the bell dinged, making them looked over to Harris.

"Time!" Erica put down her claws. "If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal."

The girl looked down, noticing the little crystal that was inside, taking it out before looking at Erica.

"Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it."

Amelia took the crystal and handed it towards Erica, but the girl was focused elsewhere. The protector turned around to look at Lydia next to Isaac, as she was about to eat the crystal.

"Lydia!" Scott yelled, making the whole class look at him.

"What?" Asked the girl in return, before eating it.

• • •

Amelia looked up from her phone to notice the back of a girl talking to one of the teachers. She find it peculiar, since she had seen that girl before, but she didn't know from where.

When she was about to approach her, she felt as an arm was placed around her waist before being thrown into a room, making her jump.

"What on Earth was that!? Stiles!" She exclaimed, looking at her boyfriend as Scott shut down the door. "Why are you guys acting so strange?"

"There's something you need to know," said Scott. "At the chemistry lab, Isaac and Erica were trying to poison Lydia with kanima venom because they think she's the kanima."

"Oh, I already knew that."

Stiles, Allison and Scott stared at Amelia as the girl shrugged.

"How did you—"

"Look, you told me they were gonna do something to hurt Lydia. I figured that you meant they were gonna do something bad to her, but then, when I asked Erica in the last switch about what they were gonna do to her, she said that I should be asking what would Lydia do to us. I kinda assumed that they thought Lydia was the kanima, and let me tell you, it makes sense."

Stiles moved his head abruptly, making Amelia open her eyes.

"Why would you say that!?"

"Oh— well, first off, I'm sure than Lydia is not a werewolf, second, she got bitten by an Alpha and survived, so she must be something. I don't know what but she is something. When I smelled her in the hospital room, she didn't smell like Lydia. She smelled... supernatural. And Derek said that not even the kanima knew that he was the kanima, and what I saw today was Lydia write 'Someone help me' several times in a chalkboard." Allison exhaled. "But! I'm not saying I'm gonna give her towards Derek so they can kill her, because Lydia is not the kanima. I saw that thing in the eyes and that was pure evil... Lydia is like... half."

"That's what I said!" Exclaimed Stiles before looking at Scott.

"Well Derek's waiting outside for her," told them Scott, making Allison place a hand on her forehead.

"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asked, making Amelia raise her eyebrows.

She was not gonna let Derek kill Lydia.

"If he thinks she's the Kanima, then yes," replied Scott, "especially after what happened at the pool."

"It's not her," insisted Stiles.

"I also don't believe it's her," said Amelia. "Look, it all points out that it's her but there's something missing."

"She didn't pass the test," reminded her Scott. "Nothing happened."

Amelia exhaled. "If Lydia was the one cornering us in that pool, I'm gonna have a lot of nightmares."

"It's not her."

"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her," intervened Allison as she sat down on the Coach's desk. "So, either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her."

The three looked over to Amelia, who simply blinked a few times before glancing at them.


"You said she was supernatural," mentioned Scott.

"Yeah... Do I have to draw a map?"

"And you bond to supernatural creatures."

Amelia looked at them for a few seconds before shaking her head, not accepting it.

"I'm not doing it," she insisted. "I'm not doing it. Get yourselves another seeker!"

She didn't want to do it, not because she thought Lydia was the Kanima, but because her powers were still in process of recovering and she didn't want to risk Lydia's life.

She had too much with two (maybe even three) werewolves in her back, she couldn't handle an undetermined supernatural creature.

"What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?" Suggested the protector.

"By three o'clock?" Asked Stiles as she walked away, with her arms crossed.

"There has to be something in the bestiary!" Allison exclaimed making Stiles give a step forward.

"Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that! Amelia, you are bonding!"

"I am not!" Exclaimed the girl with security, stepping towards her boyfriend. "I won't be able to protect her. My powers are getting weaker by the hour and I can't shoot at Derek!"

Stiles knew his girlfriend had a point. The fact that she couldn't hurt Derek was a disadvantage, but putting her against three new born betas with flickering powers wasn't a good idea either.

New born...


Amelia, Scott and Allison turned around to look at Stiles as soon as he said the name.

"I'm gonna kick you so hard you are going to reach the moon," whispered Amelia before looking at Allison and Scott. "But he's right... she can link."

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