In The Pale Moonlight | Tommy...

By sutosomi

97.5K 2.9K 4.6K

(Disclaimer! This a romantic relationship with Tommy and I don't want to sexualize him. I will take this down... More

Chapter 1 | Not your cup of tea
Chapter 2 | Interesting People
Chapter 3 | In your head
Chapter 4 | Progress
Chapter 6 | Tolerable
Chapter 7 | Pale Moonlight
Chapter 8 | Suspicion
Chapter 9 | It isn't the best being nervous
Chapter 10 | Streamer Detected?
Chapter 11 | Friends?
Chapter 12 | Figure It Out
Chapter 13 | Truth
Chapter 14 | Adapt
Chapter 15 | Make Me Hope
Chapter 16 | Can't Cook For Shit
Chapter 17 | Change of Plans
(A/N) Important-
(A/N) H u h ?
Chapter 18 | Wilby
Chapter 19 | Just The Start of The Day
Julia x Reader hmm?
Chapter 20 | Vlog Gun
Chapter 21 | Ignore It
Chapter 22 | Why In The Morning
Chapter 23 | The Office and Off To A Bee
Chapter 24 | Confession
Chapter 25 | Nobody
Chapter 26 | When You're With Him
A/n: Stop, read this pls
Chapter 27 | Where This Flower Blooms
Chapter 28 | Ocean?
Chapter 29 | I've Fallen In Love
Chapter 30 | Only Two Days Ago
Chapter 31 | Cause I Got a Feeling
Chapter 32 | Not Throwin Away My Shot
Chapter 33 | For A New Change
Chapter 34 | His Old Friend
Chapter 35 | Connection
Chapter 36 | Change Should Scare Everyone
Chapter 37 | A Good Gift
Chapter 38 | Sober On A Christmas Night
Chapter 39 | Spiked
Chapter 40 | Her Truth
Chapter 41 | If Time Could Repeat
Chapter 42 | No Words
Chapter 43 | Sooner
Chapter 44 | Terminals and Thoughts
A/N: Breaking Point
Chapter 1 | Its Been So Long
Chapter 2 | While It Lasts
Chapter 3 | No Other Heart
Chapter 4 | Mildly Surprising
(Finished) Chapter 5 | Live 24/7

Chapter 5 | Closer

2.5K 90 42
By sutosomi

[ "I am the Alpha Male" - Drista ]

Tommy tilts his head. "That's a stupid name" he scoffs. I roll my eyes in annoyance. That's the first thing he says when I introduce her? How insensitive, really. I should've insulted Toby when he was talking about him if I knew he was going to insult Drista. Honestly, I wish we weren't even on the topic of Drista right now. Guilt washes over me every time, and it's never the best.

I push the thoughts back, and come back to reality to Tommy's laughs. "Seriously, it's not funny" I spit, although not in an offensive way. I wait for his laughter to die down which didn't take too long. I sigh. "And she's way better than Toby by how you described him" I say. A smirk plays on my lips. I know that Tommy would get all defensive if I brought Toby into this, but I wasn't exactly insulting the brunette. I honestly think that Toby is a sweet and kind person from the description that Tommy gave him. I smile, knowing that Toby has a soft spot for the absolute prick in front of me.

The blonde gasps in offense. "You did not bring Tu- Toby into this!" He exclaims. I cock an eyebrow, ignoring that his defensive personality in full play. "What were you going to call Toby?" I ask curiously. He scoffs and shakes his head.

"Aren't we talking about Drista" he retorts. I stay silent for a moment.

"Yeah- well Drista is way better than Toby. I bet she's even braver than you" I laugh. Tommy huffs in annoyance. I laugh even more on how it gets to the blonde. My smirk grow wider as I continue.

"That's so not true. I am, and forever will be the Alpha male. There's no way a woman can be stronger or braver than me (Y/N), get it right" he states with pride. I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach. He starts to stutter, absolutely confused. "W-Wha-? What the hell are you laughing about bitch!" the blonde yells. I hold up a finger, disrupting him whilst my laughter continues. I gasp for air as I finish and wipe a little tear that found its way out.

"You? Alpha male? Stronger? Come on Tommy, I know Drista is fairly strong, don't be sexist" I scold playfully, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'M NOT BEING SEXIST!" Tommy screams, bringing his hands up as if he were to clutch something. I bark out laughing.

"Tommy, you just said that a woman wouldn't be stronger than you! That's hella sexist!" I state, chuckling. He aggressively shrugs my hand off his shoulder and he shoves me lightly back to my original sitting spot. He scoffs.

"I'm not being sexist woman... jesus you sound like fucking Wilbur" the blonde mumbled to himself, annoyance blatant in his tone. I cock an eyebrow. Did I hear that right? Wilbur? Does he mean like, the DreamSMP Wilbur? I shake my head, unsure. It couldn't be, maybe Tommy is talking about a different person. Yeah, that might be it. I chuckle to myself at how stupid that would be.

I watch as Tommy shakes his head. "Whatever, just tell me about this bitch Drista" he orders, his tone still seeping annoyance. He crosses his arms, and sits there, looking at me expectedly. I widen my eyes with a smile and nod excitedly. Despite not talking to Drista in a long time, I doubt that she would be any different. Sure, I feel guilty for leaving and I truly miss her and whenever something reminds me of her a wave of guilt washes over me. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. I'm not supposed to be dwelling about that, not right now. Think of the positives (Y/N).

I laugh at the fact that he called her a bitch. He must be really annoyed. "Well, Drista is blonde" I roll my eyes. "She's actually American, and uh, is quite blunt" I chuckle nervously, remembering that one time when some High School boy bumped into her. She ended up calling them a stupid nerd and to fuck off which had me laughing my ass off. We were only 13 back then. I smile and shake my head. If only I can go back and witness that once again.

Tommy choked on his breath, making my gaze fall onto him immediately. I cock an eyebrow. "You good?" I ask, leaning in a bit to check up on him. I notice that I couldn't even see the blonde and that I was just completely leaning in to see nothing but his dark silhouette. Before I backed away, I notice briefly, some of his facial features. My eyes widened. The lighting of moon had slightly and only slightly, lit up the shadows of his face. I traced out the shape of his face with my eyes, and the round tip of his nose. It was almost sharp, yet round like a button. I breathed out amused. Although I can't see the more finer and vaguer details of his face, I was satisfied with what I got.

I felt a breath slightly blow on my face and my eyes widened. How long was I staring? How long had I been leaning in? My eyes flickered upwards to see that my field of vision was covered and that the tall dark looming trees were out of my peripheral vision, the night sky scarcely visible.

"(Y/N)?" Tommy mumbled after a bit. I flinched at the sudden closeness of his voice. He was much closer, and his voice was soft, as if to not scare me. I gulp, screw Julia for fucking up my mind. She made it sound like I had a thing for Tommy or that what happened was intimate. And if she were here, I wouldn't give her a chance, nor the word to say it.

I cleared my throat, and backed away immediately. It was too awkward to keep the position. "Y-yeah?" The blonde also quickly clears his throat and chuckles awkwardly as well.

"You spaced out there for a bit.." he states. I laugh quietly, and nod fidgeting with my hands in my lap. What the fuck just happened? Honestly, I had thought Tommy just accidently did something. I was just checking if he was alright, how the hell did we get so close? I gulp as the heat starts to spread through my cheeks. I shake my head. I won't do this shit right now, it was an honest mistake. I sigh as I recollect my thoughts, and nod to myself.

"I- why did you choke on thin air? Have breathing problems or something?" I ask through the silence, trying to lighten the mood. Tommy chokes again and bursts out laughing, signaling that I had successfully lightened up the mood at the slightest.. His laugh, as infectious as it is, makes me laugh along, the rather intimate moment now pushed aside. The blonde slaps his leg, and runs a hand in his hair after catching his breath.

"No, you prick. I just- your best friend is American?!" he exclaims in surprise. I cock an eyebrow, but my mouth forms an 'o' in realization. He doesn't like Americans. I burst out laughing again making him scream. "OH MY GOD WOMAN, FOR CHRISTS SAKE PAY ATTENTION" he scolds. I snicker and stop laughing as he ordered.

I shake my head in disbelief. "What's with you and Americans Tommy?" I ask amused. He scoffs. I can literally feel him roll his eyes. I roll my eyes back.

"What do I have against Americans? Woman, if we showed up in war we would be using fucking swords" he states. I cock an eyebrow in confusion. "And how does that relate to anything?" I ask, trying to find any relation. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, annoyance blatant.

"IF THEY SHOWED UP THEY WOULD HAVE GUNS! LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" Tommy screams, making me howl with laughter. I choke on the air, and gasp. Is that what he thinks? Sure, they would but who the hell wouldn't? The other country would have like, bombs and nukes, and you would be fighting with swords and shield whilst mounting horses? I think not chief. If they had tanks while we had fucking stallions I would have called the whole thing off.

"But Tommy, not all Americans have guns!" I argue, still laughing a bit. He huffs, "You wouldn't get it" I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, I don't think I will. But about Drista, she was pretty cool. She got me most of the time and I felt like I could just be me around her. The moments we spent together is what I cherish and when we bullied her brother it was hella funny" I chuckle. Talking about this makes me feel all melancholic, maybe as if she died, which sounds pretty stupid considering she's very much alive.

"Don't get sappy on me now, I don't want to deal with a crying woman" the blonde ordered. I looked at him incredulously and shook my head amused. Seriously, does he know how sexist and stupid he sounds?

"I'm not going to cry Tommy, don't be dumb" I tell him. He snickers, "You say that now" he mumbles.

"Is that all about Drista?" he asks. I nod in confirmation, thankful that he asked. I don't think I would want to share anything else. He sighs in relief and runs his hand through his hair. "Finally, can we just ask regular fucking questions now?" he questions me. I cock an eyebrow. "What the hell does that mean?" I ask confused. He groans.

"Honestly, you are so dumb woman" the blonde complains. I scoff. "Well I'm sorry that I don't know the fucking context of regular questions" I mock. He breathes out annoyed.

"Like favorite colors, simple facts about yourself, you know?" Tommy explains. My mouth forms an 'o' and I nod. "Ok, now that your dumb ass got that, what's your favorite color?" he asks. I roll my eyes at how bluntly he asked the question and sigh.

"(F/C) probably, what about you?" I answer.

"Red and white seem pretty good together" he shrugs. I cock an eyebrow. "That's so fucking simple" I state, leaning back.

"Yeah, we-" he cuts himself off before he can finish his sentence and closes his mouth shut. I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head in confusion. Why did he pause? Was he going to say something insensitive? Did something come up in his head? I scan him further to see that he was leaning over to look past me. I cock an eyebrow.

"Tommy? What are you looking a-" he puts a finger up to my face, stopping me from finishing my sentence. I glare at him for the action, and shove his hand away. "Seriously, what's goi-"

"(Y/N), shut the fuck up and stand. We need to leave" he orders blankly, his tone stern. My heart instantly starts to pound. Why was he so serious all of a sudden. What happened? Why do we need to leave? I asked none of those questions aloud. "No questions, grab your bag, and we're leaving" he explains, gathering his stuff on the grass. In a hurry, I follow his orders, and throw my backpack on, stuffing in my phone and headset in.

"Ready?" he asks, his voice wavering slightly. I nod without saying a word. "Good" Abruptly, and out of no where, he grips my wrist tightly and drags me towards where he had left last night. I gasp in surprise and start to even out my pace to keep up with his.

"W-What the hell Tommy?! Where are we going!?" I finally yell out, the cold night air stinging my cheeks. "The guards" he briefly explains, his voice shaky due to us running. I widen my eyes and look behind us to see that there were now flashlights seen in the distance. Faint sounds of voices were heard, and I suppose they belonged to the guards.

"Listen to me, and I'm only explaining this once" he says. I look back at him, intently listening. My heart continues to pound. What if they find us? What if they catch us? My eyes start to flicker around me, but Tommy's quick squeeze around my wrist brings me back to reality.

"This is going to be quick, ok?" he reassures, looking back at me. I nod. "When we make it out of the park and head into the lighting, we don't look at the other. Turn around immediately and get lost into the crowds, alright? I want you to head home for tonight. I'll call you on discord once I get to my house, got it?" Tommy quickly explains, the sidewalks and crowds of people spotted. The lights were annoyingly bright and seeped into the dark forest entrance. I gulp and look back to see that the lights from before were now where me and Tommy sat.

"(Y/N)! Now!" Tommy yells. My eyes widen in realization as we headed out into the light. It blinded my eyes for a quick second, and I covered my eyes briefly before opening it up again. Tommy's grip on my wrist was still tight, and I could feel his body facing away from mine. I was panting, my heart racing maybe a million miles per hour. I sigh in relief and stare down the busy sidewalk.

"Don't turn around until you know we're far enough from each other, alright? Make sure to answer my call" he orders, his tone and demeanor still as serious and stern. I gulp and nod, "I got it. Thanks for tonight" I quickly thank, a small smile on my face. He chuckles.

"Tomorrow, 10 o'clock so we have more time" the blonde explains. I laugh lightly. "I'll be there"

"Better be" he scoffs. I laugh. "Talk to you soon, (Y/N)" Tommy says.

"Talk to you soon Tommy"

With that, I feel his hand slip from my wrist and I start to hastily walk into the crowd, the sounds of cars sounding in the bustling night. Chatter and laughter was heard amongst the cars, and the lights obnoxiously flared. I ignore and channel out everything, just focusing to snake my way through the crowd. I wanted to get home as soon as possible.

I wanted to talk to Tommy more


I'm kinda proud, and unsure about this chapter, but whatever. I really need to get more into the plot still though :') By the way, my dialogue and conversational writing is not good- is it obvious, or-? And the climax, seriously I think it's fucking bad lmao. Also- I looked back and saw that I mistaken breathe and breath. I hate everything :)

Word Count: 2.3k

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