Dramione/ Feltson One Shots

By lou_28_sunshine

4.2K 49 31

A collection of Dramione and a few Feltson stories. Please be aware that they're will be grammar mistakes. More

A Brothers Love
Friends Night
Christmas Day!
Simply Beautiful

The Peacock's Vanity

575 8 5
By lou_28_sunshine

Hi, y'all! Sorry, it took me so long to update! This one a bit short but I love it and hope you do too. I have a few other stories I posting soon so don't worry!

Also, if you have any suggestions or something you'd like to see let me know!

"Draco!" scolded Hermione behind him. "Stop strutting like a peacock! You look ridiculous."

The duo was walking the halls on their nightly check of school grounds. Like most nights they had only discovered a trio of Hufflepuff students trying to sneak to the kitchens. 

"I'm not strutting! I am simply walking!" Draco shot back.  "Besides peacocks are scary!"

Hermione's light laughter quickly reached Draco. "Draco Lucius Malfoy... scared of peacocks, I can't believe it!" she laughs falling into a fit of giggles.  "Oh, the irony!"

"Have you seen them? They have sharp beaks and look weird. " he protests his lips falling into a pout.

"Are you sure you're not just offended by their beauty?" she lightly poked him a hint of a smirk on her face.

"Malfoy's, scared of peacocks!"

"Malfoy's scared of peacocks!  Malfoy's scared of peacocks!" she chants walking down the hall. 

She looks back at him her face glowing in the light from the few candles in the corridor. Little pieces of hair that had escaped her bun, had fallen delicately around her face.

"Hermione, shut up!" whisper yelled Draco running to catch up with her. 

"You, scared of peacocks! It is absolutely absurd!" she squeals doubling over.

"Granger!" "Shut up!" scolds Malfoy running to catch up with her. Irritation on the fringes of his voice. "You're going to wake the whole bloody school!" 

His normally stiff styled pale blond hair bounced around his head before falling in his face. His normally crisp white shirt rumbled from running. 

"Draco, it is 9:30 no one is asleep."  objected Hermione checking her watch.

"Fine, can we please just finish our rounds?"

"Oh, stop being so sensitive Draco." huffed Hermione a frown falling on her face. "Besides I think you're much cuter than a vain bird." Hermione's hands reached up and brush a strand of Dracos's pale hair out of his face just in time to catch the form of a faint smile on his face.

Both remained silent until they reached their shared dormitory. The head boy and girl shared a small common room and two bedrooms just off the 6th floor.

Draco stepped past Hermione, towards the door. Before leaning towards Hermione. "I think you are too" murmurs Draco, pressing a soft kiss to Hermione's cheek before walking into their common room. Leaving a blushing Hermione outside.

Hope You enjoyed this chapter! If you like Dramione and Harry Potter (which hopefully you do since you're reading this) follow me on Instagram at BrightestWitch896!


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