American Heroes: A Stranger T...

By catchip2

219K 6.4K 10.6K

Will stays with Dustin in the field a little longer and hears the Russian transmission. More

Welcome Home
The Mall
Indiana Flyer
Rabid Rat
Looking for Russians
Duffel Bag
Best Friend
A Feeling
What Are You Doing?
Castle Byers
The Middle of the Night
The New Host
What About the Russians?
Air Ducts
Operation Child Endangerment
Star-Crossed Lovers
Mike's House
Killing Two Birds
Dungeon Master
My Own Species
The Team
Our Ticket Out
The Station Wagon
The Holloways
The Hospital
On Fire
Family Discussion
Perfect How You Are
Satan's Baby
Blank Makes You Crazy
The Bite
Nerd Stuff
Acting Crazy
The Best Things
Griswold Family
The Mind Flayer
Will Byers
Major Malfunction (sequel)


3K 112 172
By catchip2

"We'll need another car since there's so many of us," Jonathan says, leaning over the kitchen counter beside Will and across from Nancy. Everyone else but Robin and Dustin, who are discussing strategies for defeating the Mind Flayer at the dining table, are asleep. On the floor in front of the television set, Mike is lying with half his face smooshed into a pillow. Will's stomach churns as he looks at him, the argument from the previous night fresh in his mind.

"I guess it shouldn't take too long." Nancy says, grabbing the keys to the station wagon and heading for the door with Jonathan. "We'll be back soon."

"Wait," Will calls before she and Jonathan can leave. "Can I come, too?"

Shrugging, Nancy glances to Jonathan who smiles. "Yeah, of course." Will hurries out the door with them and gets into the station wagon.

While they drive to the Byers' house, Nancy starts discussing their overall plan. "After everyone's woken up, we should start looking for the Flayed or at least figuring out if there are more than the ones we already know."

"And do what with them?" Jonathan asks.

"Burn it out of them if they haven't already turned into those monsters." Nancy sighs. "I just think we need to know who the Mind Flayer's infected, and then maybe we can figure out how or where they got infected in the first place."

Once they reach the house, Will and Jonathan transfer to Jonathan's car while Nancy drives back in the station wagon. On the drive back, Will leans his head against the window, staring outside as he wills himself not to think of the argument from last night. It's impossible. Mike's words keep flooding back into his mind. You keep going crazy and getting pissed at me for doing literally anything... You didn't used to be so angry... Because it's not... right. The look on Mike's face whenever he yelled at him felt like pure hatred. It made Will's stomach twist into a knot.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan asks, glancing at Will out of the corner of his eye.

"Mhmm." Will continues to stare out the window, Mike's voice in the back of his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jonathan says with sarcasm, a playful smirk appearing on his face. "Did you say something? I didn't hear you. Was that a yes or a no?"

He knows his brother is only joking around, but all Will's emotions seem to boil up to the surface at once, and he bursts into sobs. The car slows before stopping by the side of the road. Jonathan turns to look at Will. "Will? Will, what's wrong? Is it something to do with the Mind Flayer?"

Unable to get a word out, Will shakes his head and buries his face in the crook of his elbow. Jonathan squeezes his shoulder. "What's this about then?" he asks in a quiet voice, leaning down to be level with Will's face.

Swallowing the lump in his throat and covering his eyes with the palms of his hands, Will sucks in a ragged breath. "I don't know." His voice comes out in an embarrassing whine which only makes his face grow a deeper red.

Jonathan pulls him into a hug. They don't move away from each other for a good minute, Will crying softly into his brother's shoulder. When he pulls away, he sniffles and rubs his eyes with his sleeves. "It's – it's Mike."

"What happened?" Jonathan asks.

"I-" He clears his throat, trying to put the words together. His stomach is sore and his chest aches and his voice comes out softer than a whisper. "I really like him. A lot more than I should."

Jonathan hugs him again. "It's okay." He pauses and meets Will's eyes. "Is that... that's what you're upset over? Or is there something more?"

Will's face drops to his hands. "We had a fight. And..." He racks his brain for a way to phrase this in order not to explain everything. "... I think he knows, and he's not happy with me."

"Why do you think he knows?"

"Well... he's just-" He thinks back to what was said during the fight at the mall, carefully choosing his words. "I was angry he was so obsessed with El, and... and he said it wasn't his fault I don't like girls." He chews his lip, hoping he won't have to explain anymore.

Jonathan's eyes narrow. "Mike said that?"

Will looks back out the window, shrugging, but Jonathan puts a hand on his shoulder. "That was a shitty thing for him to say," Jonathan says. "Frankly, if he's going to say things like that, I wouldn't bother with him until he apologizes. You deserve better."

"I don't think..." Will runs his knuckles over his mouth. "He's my best friend. I don't think he meant-"

"Whatever he meant doesn't matter. What matters is how it affected you. If he hurts you this much, he isn't worth it even if he is your best friend. He needs to understand what he said hurt you, and he has to apologize."

"But maybe he didn't mean it like I thought he did."

Jonathan folds his hands in his lap. "Will, if he's your best friend, you can't just let him go around saying things that hurt your feelings even if you're not sure that he meant to. Did you tell him how you felt about what he said?" Will shrugs which makes Jonathan sigh. "If you did, then don't waste your time on him until he explains himself. Will, look at me."

Will looks at his brother.

"You deserve so much more than guys who treat you like an afterthought. You hear me? You're the kindest, most caring and thoughtful person I know, and you deserve someone just as kind and caring and thoughtful. You don't need someone who treats your feelings like something to be ashamed of. I know Mike's been your best friend since you were little, but honestly, that means he should know better." He takes Will's hands and squeezes them tightly. "Never be ashamed of your feelings, Will, and never be ashamed of who you like. It makes you who you are, and who you are is the best person I've ever known."

Smiling as tears well in his eyes, Will wraps his arms around his brother. "Thank you, Jonathan. I love you."

"I love you, too, Will." He sits back and smiles. "Do you want to wait here and take a minute?"

Will shakes his head. "No, it's fine. We can go. Nancy's probably wondering where we've gone."

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