BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle/FA...

By EdgeLordLOL123

7.3K 141 95

the phantom field. an unknown phenomenon which sucks many strange individuals. such as warriors, monsters, ph... More

Character Analysis:Archer/ EMIYA
CHAPTER 5: Duel under the moon


536 12 3
By EdgeLordLOL123


Mai Natsume was in, let's say, the Worst Day of her life at the moment. 

she was thrown in a Tournament that is said to have people from other worlds, she couldn't find her friends or anyone else that she recognizes, she didn't know where on earth she even was right now, totally lost, and worst of all, she was hungry. really hungry.

"aaaah. I've been literally walking for what feels like 4 hours straight, and I'm still lost!" she says as she was all alone and her stomach was growling loudly.

"and I'm even more hungry now" she whines.

right now, she would give anything to eat one of Noels cooking again. sure her food was beyond godly levels of horrible, but again, because of Mais rather.... bizarre tongue which reverses taste of food in her mouth, she was the only person that could handle Noels foods.

"Where even am I? I've never seen anywhere like this! Ooh if only I had some sort of guide or at least some kind of map!" She says feeling hopeless about her situation.

The city she was in at the moment, or rather where she was now, was a walkway under/close to a bridge in somewhat midnight. There was A few clouds visible due to the moonlight shining through.

For now, she was mainly looking Noel, Mokoto, Subaki or someone she at least knew and was familiar with. So far she was just absolutely and literally running in circles.

"wait," she pauses "I know! If I go to that bridge over there, I just might be able to navigate my way through! I can see this place from the high ground and have at least some kind of plan on how to_" before she finishes, she feels a presence somewhere around here

"huh?! who's there?!" she demands on guard

"well hello there!" says a rather.... crazy sounding voice

then on her reflexes, she dodged an upcoming attack that was aimed right at her, she didn't know what even stroke her, she only was thinking about not getting hurt right now

"eep!! who did that?!" she yells

"Oops, sorry!" said the voice again, and soon, Mai now had a good look at her Attacker

"My hand slipped!" said the voice rudely

"Slipped?! that was totally aimed right at me!!!" she yells at the figure with red hair and.... Bloody looking arms

"So what if it was, huh?!" yells the figure hostile 

Mai steps back a little with her spear in hand "just... who are you?! and what did I even do t you that your attacking me like this?!" she asks

"oh simple really! I'm BORED out of my god damn mind!!!" yells the figure
"and since I haven't had a plaything for a while, I decided to Just come and have fun with YOU little missy!!"

"guh?! like that?! just because your BORED?!" yells Mai in shock

"Yeah DUH!!! whatcha gonna do 'bout it huh?! you're gonna fight me or what?!" demands the red figure

"If your not gonna give me a choice, then I will_"

"WHOA OKAY Time out!! Time OUT!!"

"huh?! it's that voice again.." says Mai

"I don't wanna blow out your heat of being fired up BUUUT you two can't fight unless you have a partner!"

"Tsk! I don't need a partner! I can do Whatever The hell I want!" yells the firgure

"hey!! all you need is just a tag partner! I'm not asking for much here you know!"

"sooo does that mean I can just.... you know... walk away now?" asks Mai thinking that if it was just two of them she could just walk this one off

"GAAAAAAH!!" but suddenly, a really load roar was heard through the whole area

"Oh good! now at least He has a partner now!"

"Wait WHAT?!" Asks mai in shock

then a rather... strange looking creature lands down while breaking the ground beneath it. it had a long and tall figure, rather long white hair, and had some purple lines all over it's body, and finally, it had long mangle like arms

"GUUUUAAAAHH" it roared out

Mai "EEEH!! What is that?!"

"oh that would be Carmines tag partner since their both from the same world."

"w-what? but I'm still alone here!!" Mai says really warried 

"oh yeah! ha...didn't think this one through..."

"Fine! But you better not get in my damn way freak show!!" Yells 'Carmine' as he had no choice but to work with what ever his partner was

"Okay now now everyone please just wait you can't fight while the other side is still one partner short_ hey wait!!"

Her voice fell to deaf ears unfortunately 

"guess there's no other choice... I have to fight by my self!" Mai says as she enters a stance
but could she really be able to fight off these two by her self? she would get defeated if she was all alone, or worse, Killed!

'oh no why did I say that! I can't fight one on two if I'm up against... guys like these! ooh god Mokoto, Noel, everyone, where are you the time I need you guys the MOST right now?!' she screams at herself mentally like an Idiot

"OOH that's really gutsy of ya missy!" says a forth voice

"huh?! who said that!!" yells Carmine

"huh? who...?" says mai as she looks up to see.... a man in a full tight blue suit

"uum....hello?" she says awkwardly

"Yo miss busty lady! By the look of things you really need a helping hand with... who ever these clowns are" says the man in blue tight suit 

"huh?! who you calling a Clown you blue shit face!!" insults Carmine

"gee that ones a piece of work" says The blue figure as he stands up and jumps down next to Mai

"then again, I really do want a Good fight right now, That's why I even agreed to this stupid Tournament in the first place." he walks up next to mai next "And Fighting along side a really Pretty and Busty Lady such as your self miss, makes it all the more fun."

'Eh?! is he... flirting with me right now?' thinks Mai blushing a bit

"YO VOICE!!! You still there?!" Yells the man in blue

"Yes still here what's up?"

"I'm partnering up with this pretty lady here against these Clowns. good with ya?" he said

"And the Odds are now FAIR!"

"Good." says the figure as he summons a blood red spear, surprising mai to know this man uses a spear too..... which is red... like hers.

"So lady, you know how to fight with a spear like that?" he says

"O-Oh! yes!" says mai as she gets in place

"Oh good. this is gonna be a ton of Fun!" says the figure in Blue as he smirks
"alright You clowns!! come get some!"



Being called a clown more than once was really pissing off carmine. so he rushed straight at the man in tight blue suit.

the man in blue responded in kind as he rushed forward and thrusts his spear upward aimed at Carmines face. seeing this made Carmine to quickly dodge before there was a hole in his face.

meanwhile, The Black tall creature lunches forward at Him, but soon, Mai also lunches forward and kicks the creature away before he reaches the man in full blue

"Nice save busty lady!" he said as Mai blushes at the nickname. soon he went at Carmine like a Battle jet.

Carmine quickly summoned some kind blood red spike all around him the moment he saw the man in Blue coming, but to his surprise, he had slid down the last second and now was lunching his spear up forward at him aimed at his chest.

he quickly summoned a bunch of other spikes from the ground before the spear reaches him, making the man in Blue to retreat before finally landing the killing blow.

as the man in blue landed on the ground after surviving the coming sneak attack, he looks straight the his lunatic bloody foe and blows a whistle "damn that is one neat trick ya got their buddy. But do you really think a little bit of nose blood is all it takes to instantly beat me?" he mocks

"huh?! whatcha say?! How you come and bent over so I can shove one of 'em up your asshole, you asshole!!" yells Carmine in anger

"sheesh, All this time I thought I Get too crazy going in a fight. well the more you know I guess" says spearman in blue

soon, A rather big Red spike was flying right at him, which he easily dodged like it was nothing. 

 then he rushes at the spearman in a rather rushed out way but The spearman simply dodges his attack and lunches his spear forward, Carmine dodges but soon the spearman kicks him into a trashcan a few meters away

"well that should take care of the trash for now" he jokes

"Watch out!" he heard his partner callout to him.

soon he saw the black long creature lunching forward toward him, he dodged and soon started to strike the monster like thing with his spear.

the creature did get some damage, but soon it recovered and and started to punch The spearman with rapid punches

"oh shit!!" the blue spearman was caught off guard by the speed of the attacks, he blocks them but couldn't hang on for long as on of the punches gets him in his face.

he stumbles back after that one hit, on parries an up coming attack and soon, Mai jumps over and attacks the creature, soon or shortly after, both partners start to attack the creature at the same time. soon they both started to thrust their Spears forward rapidly at the same pace and speed too. as if they could read and sync each others moves flawlessly.

they both could see they could make a really good team with each other. maybe because they both knew martial arts, knew their way around with a spear, and both were really quick and flexible.

"gotcha!" they both roared as they performed one last thrust but before they could both see a really dangerous attack coming from the creature as they both jumped back to avoid the creatures arms slamming all over the place like deadly whips.
soon the whole area around the creature was a Wreck because of the whip like strikes that it performed all over its surrounding areas.

The spear man whistles again "that was a really dangerous one. Makes ya question if this clown has any kind of bone in its body or not huh?"

"we almost got it! just a little more push!" she said as she aimed her Spear at the creature

"ooh I see. ALRIGHT! you throw! I'll go for the Heart! Got it?!" he yelled

"right!" Mai answers knowing full well of His plan

Soon Mai lunches her spear at the creature, which impales it through the abdomen 


"Your heart_" The blue spear man shouts as he someone now was right in front of the Creature
"_IS MINE!!" he yelled as he thrusts his spear up and impales the creature right through were it's heart should be.

"GAAAH...AH....UUUUGH....." it said while feeling pain

"...HUH?!" the blue spear man suddenly gasps as his spear was stuck in its chest

"this doesn't have a heart?! no wait.... It's not just any normal heart?!" he yells

"GAAAAAH" the creature tries to bite his head off

'shit! I can't pull my spear out in time!' he panics mentally 

"I WON'T LET YOU!!!!" shouts Mai as she Kicks the creature in the head before its jaws reach out to the spearman's face. it still didn't let up. soon it tried to strike the two but soon. 

"TAAAAAAAAKE_" Both Mai and Lancer raise their fists and with one motion, they both uppercut the Enemy in the jaw, sending it flying "_THIS!!!!"



"Phew! You saved my skin yet AGAIN missy! Guess I owe ya twice now!" said Lancer

"think nothing of it! You were the one that came to my help! So technically I owe you one..." mai said

"Just call me Lancer for short missy." he said as he pulled his Spear out, and soon Mai followed the same action

"Hey! I'm not...finished yet!" said Carmine as he stood up, barely 

"sheesh. some kids just never learn do they?" said Lancer annoyed

"Huh? hey, wait, buddy, you lost."

"SHUT UP!! If you think that was enough to beat me then your living up in clouds!!!" he yelled as he rushed forward, only to get sucker punched.

By sucker punch, I mean Both Lancer punched him in the face with the back of his fist, and Mai did a martial art kick straight into his other side of his face, and they both sent him flaying back into a light pole

"Hmm~ you do look really hot AND you know your way around huh, missy?" said lancer with a teasing voice

"EH!!! stop Eyeing my body!" she yelled blushing

"OH you noticed?! Sorry sorry! old habits die hard ya know." he said scratching the back of his head for being found out

"but really, with a well built body like that, and a lot of skills in a Spear then you are practically my taste in women" he says

"W-Well....I'm not really a.....f-forget it" she decided not to continue

"Then again. A hot and Sexy body like yours is really a good Break for these sore eyes of mine" he teased

"EEP!! Stop that!!! PERVERT!!!!" she yelled as she punched Lancer in the shoulder

"Whoa WHOA sorry!! I promise I'll try not to flirt with you too much! Promise! Promise!" he yells

"you better mister!" she answers in a serious tone.


......but soon. both their stomachs growled. meaning they both were hungry

"...Oh...almost forgot why I was searching this whole City for. I was looking for some damn food!!" Lancers said

"And I forgot why I didn't want to fight." she said more hungry now

"Hahaha!! guess we're both in the same boat now! c'mon! Let's go find some damn food in this shitty place before we start Eating our fingers." he joked

"Yes PLEASE!" said Mai, both Spear users moving along shoulder to shoulder to fill their stomachs in desperation 

"AAAAnd their just Ignoring me now. grrrr-eat. but gotta say. those two make a really good team with each other. and their kinda cute together even!!! AAHAHAHA! well, the more you see I guess"

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