you're the best around - (dan...

By finish__him

31.4K 567 215

[I do not own The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai trilogy] [This is only a fan-made story/fan fiction]... More

ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
ᴄʜ.1 (in the beginning)
ch.2 (young times at the beach)


718 15 4
By finish__him

--playing Young Hearts by Commuter--

[Daniel and Scarlette eventually break their hug and make a walk towards Reseda. Scarlette had now been composed, ready to have a normal conversation again] "I guess I won't be friends with Johnny and the Cobra Kais anymore after the stunt they pulled."

"-And after he cheated on you." [He adds]

"I almost forgot about that." [she laughs at how ridiculous it sounds. Daniel agreed that it was odd]

"Well, why?"

"Well, I was only really with Johnny because it felt like where I was supposed to be- but I didn't really like him like that. I even went out with him at the halloween dance because you didn't ask me, actually." [Scarlette expresses herself in front of Daniel only, she just felt comfortable with him- it really felt right for her]

"Really?" [Daniel blushes a little bit and smirks]

"Yeah." [Scarlette smirks back and laughs] "And I was looking for you at the party when I got a raw egg thrown in my hair right as I was opening the curtain to your shower costume."

"Hey, I got an egg thrown at me too."

"That still pisses me off, what a jackass." [She crosses her arms and makes a semi-angry face. Daniel puts his hand on her and pats it with a smile, while Scarlette becomes silent and thinks to herself] "I wish I'd just sucked it up and danced with Daniel anyways with the egg in my hair- it probably wouldn't have been that bad." [She thought] "He was probably having a good time dancing with Ali anyways." [She looks at the ground, disappointedly. Daniel would most likely still be dating Ali -even after tonight- which made Scarlette upset]

"I guess you're gonna have to punch Johnny in the face again now." [Daniel breaks the silence]

"Well only if you want me too." [They both laugh] "Plus, Ali already slapped him silly." [She laughs but Daniel does not- he never saw Johnny get smacked in the face, he was already out of there by the time that occurred]

"What do ya mean?"

"Johnny kissed her- forcefully. Probably to make you mad or something." [Scarlette then thinks about when Johnny asked her to the Halloween dance- he barely spent any time with her at the dance while when they were at Reseda he seemed so excited-] "That's probably also why he went out with me in the first place." [although Scarlette didn't like Johnny in that way, it still disappointed her that her relationship with Johnny was built off of spite. Daniel agreed that this was the truth, but he almost couldn't believe it]

"How could anybody be like that to a girl like her?" [He thinks to himself, remaining silent. He didn't want to lie to her about it, but he also didn't want to make her more upset. Daniel feels a little bit better about himself, knowing that he wasn't cheated on- but he felt bad for Scarlette nonetheless. They pass by Mr. Miyagi's home]

"Hey, it's Miyagi's place! We should stop by- unless you don't want to." [Daniel wished to say hello to his friend but he had forgotten that Scarlette was Mr. Miyagi's former student. He didn't want things to be awkward and he didn't want anybody to feel uncomfortable]

"Let's go." [She feels like she's ready for a change, since it's already much to come after tonight. Daniel smiles back at her and they open the gate to Mr. Miyagi's place] "Nice paint job." [Scarlette smiles, looking at Daniel- she knows he painted the fence, house, and sanded the floors. She also assumed that he waxed the cars. They both step up the stairs and wipe their shoes off on the rug at the door. Scarlette looks around the room- decor the same as it was 3 years ago. The old man sits at his table, holding a glass of saki in front of a photo of his wife. He pours more into the glass as he sings an old okinawan song]

"Hey, I didn't know you were a singer." [Daniel takes a seat on a pillow on the floor, Scarlette sits beside him]

"Daniel-San! Daniel-San!" [The old man places the glass in front of Daniel]

"What's that song that you were singing?"

"Japanese blues." [Scarlette interrupts- Mr. Miyagi looks at her and nods, raising his glass slightly- he wouldn't have expected her to be at his home ever again. But he's so drunk that he won't even ask]

"Scarlette-San." [He places another glass in front of Scarlette, he then pours saki into each glass]

"Bonsai!!" [The drunk old man raises his glass and cheers with Daniel]

"To baby trees." [Daniel toasts, making Scarlette laugh]

"To bonsai." [Scarlette toasts, making Daniel laugh]

"Bonsai!!!!" [The drunken okinawan repeats louder, waving his hands around in front of the teens]

"Bonsai!!!" [Scarlette and Daniel repeat the motion of the hand and phrase at the same time, they all cheers their glasses and drink. Scarlette coughed just a little bit, it was definitely not her first drink. Daniel is a bit more hesitant, once he drinks he coughs a lot. This made both Scarlette and Mr. Miyagi laugh]

"What, is this your first drink, Daniel?" [She continues to laugh watching Daniel struggle to stop coughing]

"It's not yours?" [He manages to say something between the coughs]

"I was friends with the popular rich kids, remember? I've been to a lot of parties." [Scarlette smirks]

"What else have you done?" [He coughs once more]

"You'll see." [She smirks again- making Daniel smile and laugh. He looks back over to the drunk Mr. Miyagi]

"What're we celebrating for?"

"Anniversary." [he replies, pointing at the framed photo of his wife in front of him]

"Is this your wife? I didn't know you were married." [Daniel notices the framed photo of a japanese woman, he turns it to him to look at it. Scarlette's smile fades, she knows that Mr. Miyagi had been through a lot]

"Beautiful, don't you think?"

"Yeah she's pretty." [He smiles as he looks at the picture more closely- he looks over it at Scarlette for a moment without her noticing. He wonders what the future will bring- assuming he'll still be dating Ali and just friends with Scarlette. This made him happy but he felt like something was missing in a way]

"First time I saw her, Hawaii. Beautiful." [He finishes his glass of saki and reaches to pour another]

"Where is she now?" [Daniel inquires, Scarlette looks down at her feet. She knows the answer, sadly]

"Eh, drink, drink." [Mr. Miyagi pours more saki into everyone's glasses and walks over to the other room.The teens look over at the old man holding another photograph of the same woman, in this one she's pregnant] "Daniel-San, Scarlette-San. Look, look'' [He brings the small picture over to them and shows it around] "First American born Miyagi waiting to be born" [The drunk man laughs- confusing Daniel more. Mr. Miyagi hands the photo to Daniel and pours another glass] "Drink, drink." [Mr. Miyagi stands up again] "Sergeant Miyagi regret to inform Wife-San dead, complications of birth." [The sad drunk old man begins to cry as he sits on his bed. He eventually falls asleep, lying on his bed snoring. Scarlette doesn't look right, she's sitting slouched over as she takes another drink of saki]

"How much have you drank?"

"Not enough." [The drunk girl blankly replies, pouring more saki into her glass]

"Are you drunk already?" [He laughs]

"Um.." [She looks off into the distance, zoning out for a solid minute] "What'd you say?" [Daniel laughs again, he stands up and walks over to Scarlette, looking back at the old man asleep then looking at Scarlette again]

"C'mon lets get you home." [He helps her stand up as they walk out of the door- Scarlette stops in the doorway and walks back to the table. Daniel stands there confused but watches what she does. She pours one last full glass of saki and chugs it, coughing a little bit. She walks back over to Daniel and they leave Miyagi's place. As they walk, Scarlette drunkenly rests her head on Daniels shoulder. Daniel blushes for a moment but feels relaxed]

"So, you gonna keep dating 'the hottest girl in school'"

"Yeah. You said it yourself- Johnny forced her to kiss him."

"True-" [She sighs] it just sucks for me because you're hot and I want to kiss you right now." [She drunkenly thinks aloud- Daniel blushes harder and Scarlette can feel him tense up]

"Oh really?" [He smirks and looks over at her]

"Yup." [She blankly responds, looking him in the eyes]

"Then that sucks for me too because I want to kiss you right now too." [Daniel smirks once again]

"Yup." [She blankly repeats- Daniel laughs] "You're missing out right now." [She jokes, making Daniel laugh again]

"She's just saying these things because she's drunk." [He thinks to himself] "It'd be too good to be true if she really felt this way." [He thinks again. They make it to Reseda and Daniel has to assist Scarlette up the stairs because of how drunk she is] "So, I'll see you at school tomorrow?"


"Do you want to walk there together, like we used to?"

"Ok, karate kid." [She smiles]

"Ok, slugger. I'll see you in the morning."

"Hold on-"

"What? Do you need me to open the door for you too?" [He jokes as he steps away from the door and towards Scarlette. She grabs him by the arm and pulls him an inch away from her face]

"No, I wanted to give you this." [Scarlette suddenly attempts to kick him in his stomach when Daniel blocks it. She then tries to punch him, he blocks again. She tries to attack him twice more, he blocks them again]

"Why'd you do that?" [he pants and wipes his sweat on his red jacket- anticipating more attack]

"To see how ready you are-" [She then sweeps his leg and holds him down, sitting on top of him, his face very red. She had caught him off guard and used it to her advantage] "-for the tournament." [She stands back up and holds her hand out to help Daniel, he stands back up and smiles]

"I thought you were gonna kiss me." [He puts his arm against the wall beside her]

"Is that what you wanted to happen?" [She smirks]

"Yup." [He smirks back and steps away from her, opening the door to his apartment] "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Daniel." [They both step into their apartments]

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