Let me Love you

By iam_dolly

91.8K 5K 339

Everything and anything we do serves a purpose. What if the purpose we have in life is to love someone who do... More

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 14.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 18.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.

Part 13.

3.5K 228 14
By iam_dolly

Type's POV.

Since it seems Tharn's engrossed talking with Tong and Sarawat, he didn't notice that I called him saying I'll go to the restroom. I even tug his shirt but he still didn't notice it. I've decided to just leave and go to the restroom. I will be just quick anyway, quick enough for Tharn not to notice that I am missing or I left.

After the release, I wash my hand on the sink. I turned around to leave but the stall behind me opened and show my nightmare.

"Hi Type. Long time no see..." The man infront of me smirks while I'm trembling in fear and is having panic attack, unable to breath properly. Its suffocating.

"W-Why are y-you here?" I'm stammering. He walks closer and I step back until I couldn't anymore. Tharn help.

"Don't you miss me, darling?" He said with a smug smile. I want to get out of here. Tharn, take me out of here please.

He pressured me, he moves closer to me and pinned me. I can feel his breath on my face. My breath hitched, I'm trembling. I hate this.

He caressed my arm, I froze. It sent disgusting shivers to my bones. I want to puke.

"Hmm? Still as stiff as ever huh?" His hands continues to move until he reached my neck. I don't have the strength to push him. "Oh, so you're the new bitch of Tharn Kirigun huh? Why don't you service me too?" He got his smug smile on his face. He inched closer attempting to kiss me.

I mustered a little bit of strength and push him but he is too strong for me. He grab both of my hands and pin to the mirror and he starts licking my neck. He rip my inner shirt. I wanna throw up. I am helpless. I just shut my eyes tightly and let my tears to fall. I really want to vomit, I feel so disgusted with his touch. I only want my Tharn.

He has been kissing me while I'm begging him to stop. I can't hold it anymore, I vomited on him. He slapped me and voice out his disgust. I winched in pain, it stings where he slapped me. I kept my eyes shut and the next thing I know a loud thud sound and my hands were freed. I slumped on the floor and hugged my knees.

"Keep that eyes close Type" The voice, it must be Tong. Then Korn screamed in pain and his voice becoming farther and father. Korn is my ex but nothing happened to us, I mean no penetration. I just give him as far as jerking him off and he is not satisfied. I know what I lack but I was not ready that time. He wants to take me but I refused. I didn't even know that I'm just part of the bet. We stayed together for how many months. He abused me with his words. Then I caught him cheating, they were having sex. They were having threesome, he is fvcking two bitch at the same time. He said since I cannot give what he wants then he will take it somewhere. He is not sorry, I decided to break up with him and he hit me. I was lucky to be saved by Techno.

Arms wrapped around me, a familiar scent, its Tharn.

"Type, I'm sorry. What did he do to you?" Tharn asks. I opened my eyes and immediately hug him back, I'm still trembling.

"Tharn... He grope me, he kissed me. Its disgusting Tharn... take me away from here." I cried on his chest.

"I told you not to leave my side" He said, is he blaming me?

"b-but you're busy" I reasoned out.

"Fvck its my fault." He part himself from me and look at my face. He saw the bruise on my cheek and my shirt is torn. His eyes flash anger. "Sh*t! I'm sorry Type, I'm sorry love" I just hugged him again.

"Let's go home Tharn. I don't want to stay here anymore" I plead, he nodded.

He scooped me and carry me bridal style. I wrapped my hands on his neck and hide my face on his chest, he doesn't seem to mind.

"San, Tong, please take care of it for me" He  said. I peeked and saw Korn laying on the ground, in front of everybody. Blood all over his face. He is beaten up good.

"You're taking me lightly." Tharn said firmly, "Let this be a lesson to you and to any of you who wants to follow his deed" I tighten my hold on his neck.

"Its okay love. He can't hurt you anymore" He kissed my hair. I listen to his heartbeat and it helps me to calm down.

I can feel that he is walking again. We arrived at his car and he place me on the passenger's seat and help me with the seat belt before going to the drivers side and finally drive off to his house.

I fell asleep. I didn't know when did we arrive at his place. The engine is already off and his just unbuckling the seat belt. He place his arm on the back of my knees and the other supports my back. He will carry me again.

"Tharn... I can walk already. Let me down, I must be heavy" I said but he didn't budge. He carry me again like I'm some weightless feather.

"You're not heavy love" He smiled and move his head to kiss me but he back out. He must be disgusted with me.

"You're disgusted with me Tharn?" I asked. My tears starts brimming again.

"What? No love. I just... Maybe you'll be disgusted if I kiss you now" He said, did he forgot that we are mates and we are officially mated?

I pull his head towards me and kiss him. "I won't be disgusted with you Tharn" I said. He smiles.

We entered his house and he went straight to the bathroom in his room. He put me down and prepare the bath.

I remove my clothes and throw them on the side until I'm stark naked. I hug him from behind.

He turned around and saw the naked me. My cheeks is surely tinted red from embarrassment.

I pressed my body closer to him. "Take me love, erase this disgusting feeling" I said and kissed him with such intensity. His eyes went bigger but he returned the kiss with same intensity too.

"I will gladly take you right here, right now" He said before he dived to my neck while groping me everywhere replacing the disgusting touch of Korn.

"Hurry Tharn~" I demanded and he didn't say a word and just continued to touch and lick me all over.


// Just some short update.

Hello hello!

Love lots 💙♥️

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