Worlds Colliding (Once Upon A...

By katherinep97

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Nina Dobrev - Freya Gold / Priscilla Candice Accola/King - Ella Swan Katherine McNamara - Lisa / Vasilisa Ash... More

Chapter 1 - Pilot
Chapter 2 - The Thing You Love Most
Chapter 3 - Snow Falls
Chapter 4 - Price of Gold
Chapter 5 - That Still Small Voice
Chapter 6 - The Shepherd
Chapter 7 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Chapter 9 - True North

Chapter 8 - Desperate Souls

57 8 1
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the street, Ella drove herself, Emma, Lisa, Henry and Rose down the street.

Freya/Priscilla: (voice over) "There is a town in Maine."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the wedding ceremony, Priscilla threw a hurl of magic fire toward the Evil Queen, who disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, as did the hurl of fire. Evil Queen used the wand to make Vasilisa disappear in a whirl of white light.

Freya: (voice over) "Where every storybook character you've ever known..."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In Enchanted Forest's woods, Charming kissed Snow White with true love's kiss, causing a burst of magic erupt silently and harmlessly with a wave of rainbow light.

Freya: (voice over) "Is trapped."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In Enchanted Forest/Our World, Snow White/Mary Margaret released a blue bird out of the window.

Freya: (voice over) "Between two worlds."

From 1.05 - That Still Small Voice: Lakeside, David looked at Mary Margaret. "You're the only thing in this whole place that feels right."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the castle, the Evil Queen was holding the wand that controlled Vasilisa. Priscilla raised her hand to perform a spell. Vasilisa took Priscilla's hand to stop her.

Emma: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "The Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairytale characters here?"

From 1.07 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: There was flashes of Graham remembering and seeing visions of the past.

Lisa: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "They don't remember who they are."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the Enchanted Forest, the Curse smoke was making its way to the castle.

Freya: (voice over) "Victims of a powerful Curse."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the castle, the Evil Queen was confronting everyone. "Everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the Pets Corner Vet. Clinic, Henry, Rose and Lisa were sitting on the chairs.

Freya: (voice over) "That can only be broken..."

From 1.01 - Pilot: Outside the Mills house, Emma and Ella watched the children walk into the house.

Freya: (voice over) "By three people."

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the Pets Corner Vet. Clinic, Rose looked at Lisa, Emma and Ella. "It's your destiny. You're gonna bring back the happy endings."

From 1.07 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: In the Sheriff's station, Regina was speaking to Ella, Emma and Freya. "Freya, I know you're still fighting me over the adoption so that I won't be able to take Lisa in, take Henry and Rose from me. I assume that is why you're helping Freya, Ella, so you can try to take Henry and Rose from me."

From 1.03 - Snow Falls: In the hospital, Lisa looked at Mary Margaret after David had been reunited with Kathryn. "You belong together."

From 1.04 - Price of Gold: Outside Jace's house, Erik's wedding ring fell onto the passenger seat of his car. 

Jace picked it up, frowning.

Jefferson walked over. "Jace?"

Jace blinked, confused, looking at Jefferson. "Found a ring." He handed it to Jefferson. "Someone must have lost it a while ago."

Jefferson looked at the ring, knowing it was Jace/Erik's, but knowing he couldn't tell him that. "Yeah, uh, I know who it belongs to."

From 1.04 - Price of Gold: Outside of Freya and Jefferson's estate, they were talking about Jace and his ring.

Freya held the ring. "And nothing?"

"No," Jefferson answered, taking the ring. "I'll keep it for him, hopefully until he'll get his memories."

From 1.06 - The Shepherd: At the Nolan party, Jace and Melissa looked at each other, smiling, drinking.

Jefferson: (voice over from 1.04 - Price of Gold) "Maybe getting him and Melissa around each other will help."

From 1.07 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: In flashback, Odette walked closer to stand with Erik and Axel, wrapping an arm around both of them. Erik held Odette's hand on his shoulder, kissing her head, holding Axel's head. Odette kissed Axel's head, leaning her head on his.

From 1.02 - The Thing You Love Most: In the street, Mr. Gold stepped into Freya and Jefferson's way.

Freya: (voice over) "Who knows the truth?"

From 1.02 - The Thing You Lost Most: In the street, Ella, Emma, Lisa, Henry and Rose hugged.

Freya: (voice over) "Who can break the spell?"

From 1.04 - Price of Gold: Outside, Freya and Lisa were talking, embracing.

"Being apart from both of you was killing me, knowing that you didn't remember like Rebekah, Jefferson and I remembered," Freya told her.

"Do you remember everything?" Lisa asked. "Because I don't."

"Well, not yet," Freya told her. "But we'll both remember more, in time."

"With each match I strike," Lisa finished.

From 1.01 - Pilot: In the Pets Corner Vet. Clinic, Lisa had been watching the memory/flashback through the flame of a match.

Freya: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "Lisa's visions started again. She'll remember more and more with each vision she gets from the matches she strikes."

From 1.02 - The Thing You Love Most: In the street, Lisa lit a match to burn the pages of her book, the pages containing Young Emma and Baby Ella. She saw a brief memory in the light of the match.

Freya: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "Soon, she'll be able to remember it all, and how to break the curse."

From 1.07 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: Regina crushed Graham's heart to kill him in front of Emma.

Freya: (voice over from 1.02 - The Thing You Love Most) "You wanted Ella and Emma to come to town."

From 1.02 - The Thing You Love Most: In the street, Freya, Jefferson and Gold were talking.

Freya looked at Gold. "Because you wanted all this to happen. If you think that this redeems you in my eyes, you're wrong. You've done far more harm than good, even to your own family... Papa."

Gold watched as Freya and Jefferson walked away down the street.

Freya: (voice over from 1.04 - Price of Gold) "He may have been a monster, but he's still my father. And I can't change that. But it doesn't mean that I have to like it."

From 1.04 - Price of Gold: Outside Freya and Jefferson's home, Jefferson looked at Freya. "No matter what happened, I think that your father still cares about you."

Freya sighed. "Why do I still try to find redeeming qualities in him?"

ღ Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) ღ

Flashback 1

Enchanted Forest

Day - Cottage

Rumplestiltskin, before he became the Dark One, was spinning thread. His young children at the time, Baelfire and Young Priscilla, ran inside worriedly and horrified.

"Papa, Papa," Young Priscilla told him. "They've come for Rebekah."

Hearing horses and soldiers outside, Rumplestiltskin hurriedly grabbed his cane, leading the way outside, followed by his two children.


The three Stiltskins walked outside to see soldiers trying to take Young Rebekah away.

Young Jefferson desperately tried to stop them. "No! No, no! Papa, stop them!"

Jefferson and Rebekah's father, Cedric, was trying to fight off the soldiers to try and keep them from taking his daughter, despite his very obvious madness. "No! Please! Please, don't take her! No, you can't take her! She's my baby! Don't take my baby!"

The leader of the soldiers, Hordor, was sitting on his horse. "Nonsense. She's a fine, strong girl. She'll make a fine soldier."

"It's a mistake!" Cedric told him. "She's turning 14. Only 14!"

Young Jefferson tried to get to his sister. "Rebekah!"

Young Rebekah was crying. "Jefferson, don't! Papa!" Young Jefferson and Cedric were both held back by the soldiers despite their struggles, yelling and thrashing until the soldiers were kicked down, beaten into the ground. Young Rebekah cried at seeing them hurt. "Stop it!"

Hordor raised his voice. "At the orders of the Duke! The Ogre Wars have taken their toll this season. More troops will turn the tide."

Young Priscilla was crying at the sight, stepping forward.

Rumplestiltskin put a hand in front of Young Priscilla. "No, no, no."

Baelfire was horrified. "They lowered the age again."

Young Priscilla was horrified, holding onto Baelfire's arm.

Rumplestiltskin held either of his children's hands to comfort them, holding them protectively. "I know."

Hordor ordered his men to grab Young Rebekah. "Take her. She'll ride with me."

"No!" Young Jefferson told him.

Cedric nearly broke. "No, you can't have her!"

Young Jefferson and Cedric pushed themselves up and were ready to fight the soldiers off, trying to attack Hordor.

Hordor was wielding the knife of the Dark One named Zoso, who's face was covered with a cloak, and his skin changed like Rumplestiltskin's after he had turned into the Dark One.

Zoso was controlled by the dagger and Hordor, magically strangling Young Jefferson and Cedric, forcing them to stop fighting as they were thrown to the ground, magically pinned down.

Young Rebekah was crying. "No! Papa! Jefferson!"

"The Dark One seems to think I can," Hordor told them tauntingly, putting Young Rebekah on the back of his horse, riding away.

The other soldiers followed.

"My birthday is in three days, Papa," Baelfire told him. "They'll come for me in three days."

"We'll find a way," Rumplestiltskin told them. "We'll find a way."

Rumplestiltskin held his children protectively.

Once the soldiers and Zoso were gone, Young Jefferson and Cedric were released from the magic, both gasping for breath desperately as they pushed themselves up.

Young Priscilla ran to Young Jefferson, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jefferson."

Young Jefferson shook his head, in tears. "She's gone, Priscilla. Rebekah's gone."

Baelfire walked closer to comfort his friend and sister. "Jefferson, Rebekah will be okay. She's strong. She always takes care of you and your father and she can take care of herself. Rebekah will be just fine. I promise you."

Young Jefferson was still heartbroken, and it looked like his madness, and Cedric's madness, could be pushed to the limit because of Young Rebekah being taken away from them like this, without the ability to save her while they had been magically tortured into stopping.

Young Priscilla and Baelfire both embraced Young Jefferson, hoping to help him and comfort him.

Rumplestiltskin walked closer, placing a hand on Cedric's shoulder. 


Our World


Day One

Morning - Mr. Gold's Pawnshop

Jace walked in. "Gold? In here?"

Gold muttered to himself. "Well, it is my shop."

Jace followed his voice to the back of the shop, smelling something unpleasant. "Whoa. What is that?"

"Now, this is Ianolin used for waterproofing," Gold told him.

"Smells like livestock," Jace told him.

"Well, it is the reason why sheep's pelt repel water," Gold replied.

"It stinks," Jace complained. "If there was a reason why you called the Sheriff's department, if you wanna talk about that quickly? Or outside?"

Gold stood, walking around his table. "Yes, I just wanted to express my condolences, really. The Sheriff was a good man."

Jace nodded sadly at the loss of his friend. "Yeah, he was."

Gold looked at Jace's badge. "You're still wearing a deputy badge?" Jace looked down, surprised. "Well, he's been gone for two weeks now, and I believe after two weeks of you acting as Sheriff, the job becomes yours. You will have to wear the real badge."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not in a hurry," Jace explained. "So, um, thank you for the kind words."

Jace walked away, preparing to leave.

Gold followed. "I have things."

Jace turned around, frowning. "What?"

"The Sheriff, he rented an apartment that I own," Gold explained. "Another reason for my call really, I wanted to offer you a keepsake."

"I don't need anything," Jace told him.

Gold nodded. "As you wish, I'll give them to Mayor Mills. Seems like she was the closest thing he had to family."

"Not sure about that," Jace replied.

"No love lost there, I see," Gold told him. "Look, I feel that all of this stuff is heading directly for the trash bin. You really should take something. Look, his jacket?"

Jace shook his head. "No."

Gold shuffled through the stuff, bringing a radio set into light. "I'm not sure if you have children, but..."

Gold looked at Jace knowingly, knowing full well that Erik and Odette did have a son.

"I don't," Jace replied.

"Well, in case you do in the future, then," Gold told him. "Or you could give them to Ella for her own. Henry and Rose might like these, don't you think?" He also obviously knew that Ella was his niece and Henry and Rose were his great-nephew and niece. "Henry, Rose and Lisa could play together. I believe you were the one that wanted to help my daughter Freya become a deputy so that she and Jefferson could have the chance to get Lisa. And maybe this is my way of thanking you for that, Mr. Wilson."

"Jace," Jace corrected.

"Jace," Gold repeated, gesturing to the radios. "You could give these to the children."

Jace considered for a moment, walking closer. "Sure. They say kids grow up so fast. Might as well make the most of it."

Gold smirked, giving a small nod of agreement. "Might as well."

"Ella's been trying to make up for not being part of Henry and Rose's lives like she wanted to be before," Jace stated. "And you're right, I am trying to help Freya and Jefferson with Lisa, because they obviously care a lot about her, unlike Regina. I know that's why you're helping me now. Not just as a thank you like you said, but so that you could help me help them so that your little family drama can stop." Gold shrugged. "Yeah, I can see right through you, Gold. But thanks. I'll let Freya and Ella know that I got these, and where they're from. I hope they can enjoy them with Henry, Rose and Lisa. And Emma, too, since she seems to spend a lot of time with them."

Gold nodded. "The time together is precious, you know. That's the thing about children, before you know it, you lose them."

Jace looked affected by that line more than he could understand, and he had no idea why.

Gold looked at Jace knowingly, turning away.


At the playground castle, Freya, Ella and Emma found Henry, Rose and Lisa sitting at their castle.

Jace walked closer. "Hey, figured that I would find you guys here."

"Hi, Jace," the kids told him.

"Hey, kids," Jace replied, handing out the radios. "Brought you guys something."

"Where'd you get these?" Freya asked.

Jace shrugged awkwardly because he knew of issues between Freya and her father, but he had no idea about how severe they were. "Um, Gold, actually."

Freya tilted her head. "My Dad? You got these from my father. Let me guess. He wanted me to know they were from him? Him trying to make nice."

"Maybe," Jace answered. "Said that he was helping me and thanking me for wanting to help you get a job as a deputy to help you and Jefferson get Lisa. Asked me if I had kids and talked about how before you know it, they're gone."

Freya frowned in confusion, knowing that Gold was stirring latent, blocked memories in Jace's mind about his life in the Enchanted Forest with Odette and Axel, but she had know idea why he would do that.

Lisa, Henry and Rose also looked curious because they knew about Axel.

"Freya, your father's being creepy again," Emma told her. "This time bringing Jace into your family drama?"

Freya sighed. "Tell me about it."

Jace smirked. "I don't think that was his intention, Emma. But I told him that Ella wanted to make up for not being there in the past with Henry and Rose, and thought that this could be a good way to do that."

Ella smiled. "It is. Thank you."

Jace nodded in agreement. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," the kids told him.

Jace walked away.

Freya looked at the kids. "You guys okay?"

Henry was upset. "Yeah."

Lisa nudged Henry with her shoulder. "Oh, come on. What's up? You've been depressed for weeks."

"I think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while," Henry told them. "You don't play with the Curse. Look what happened to Graham."

"Henry, we told you they did an autopsy," Ella told him. "It was totally natural causes."

"Okay, whatever," Rose told them. She looked at Emma and Ella. "You don't believe? Good. That should keep you from messing with it. And getting killed." She looked at Freya and Lisa. "Like you could get killed."

"You're worried about us?" Lisa asked.

"She killed Graham because he was good," Rose told them. "And you're all good."

"Rose," Ella told her.

"Lisa, you always say that good always wins," Henry told her. "But winning comes with a price. And this is the price. Because good has to play fair. Evil doesn't. She's evil."

"This is probably best," Rose told them. "I don't wanna upset her anymore."

Sheriff's Station

Jace, Emma and Ella were working.

Jace was holding the Sheriff's badge, debating.

Emma looked at ace, noticing. "I think it's time, you know?" Jace looked at her. "Wear the badge. You deserve this."

"She's right," Ella agreed.

Freya walked closer, looking at Jace. "Hey. Let me guess. My father also suggested that you take on the full job of Sheriff? Wear the badge and everything?"

"Yeah," Jace answered.

"Okay," Freya said. "And then Emma and Ella would remain deputies."

"And Jace and Graham offered you a second job here, Freya, because you know what you're doing, more than just being a teacher," Emma told her. "And you proved that when you went into the mines to save Henry, Rose and Lisa by yourself."

"The job's still open for you," Jace told her.

Freya managed a small smile.

Regina walked in. "Oh, I'm sorry. That job's not open for you, Freya. And Jace, that Sheriff's badge is not for you. Ella and Emma might find themselves losing their jobs, too."

"It's been two weeks," Freya told her. "For Jace, promotion is automatic. And I do have what it takes for this."

"Maybe you do, but the promotion is automatic unless the mayor appoints someone else within the time period, which I'm doing today," Regina told them.

"So who's it gonna be?" Ella asked.

Regina smirked. "After due reflection, Sidney Glass."

"Sidney from the newspaper?" Jace asked skeptically. "How does he make sense for Sheriff, when you believe that Freya doesn't make sense for a Deputy?"

"Well, he's covered the Sheriff's office for as long as anyone can remember," Regina told them.

"Yeah, for writing articles," Freya told her. "And you just want him here because he'll do whatever you want him to."

"You just cannot stand the fact that things have been getting better around here, can you?" Emma asked.

"Better?" Regina repeated. "Are you referring to Graham's death as 'better'?"

"No," Emma answered in a low voice.

"He was a good man," Regina told them. "He made this town safe, and forgive me for saying this, Jace, you have not earned the right of wearing his badge. None of you do."

"Graham hired me years ago as a Deputy because he trusted me with a badge, and he would trust me now," Jace told her.

"And Jace and Graham picked me and Emma to be Deputies, and offered Freya the same," Ella told her.

"Jace and Graham were wrong about the three of you," Regina told them.

Jace scoffed. "No, we knew what the hell we were doing. We freed this office from your leash. You're not getting it back."

"Actually, I just did," Regina told them. "Jace, Emma, Ella, you're fired. Freya, you're never going to get a job here."

Regina took the Sheriff's badge from Jace's hand, leaving the office.

Jace cleaned his jaw.

Emma, Ella and Freya glared after Regina.


Granny's Diner

Freya, Ella, Emma and Jace were sitting together, having a drink.

Jefferson walked closer, looking amused. "Looks like I'm not too late for the drinking party."

"Nope," Freya answered. "You're just in time."

"Hi, Jefferson," Jace told him.

"Jace," Jefferson replied.

Ella gestured to the seat next to them. "Please, have a seat."

Jefferson sat down. "Thank you very much."

Freya poured Jefferson a drink, handing it to Jefferson. They clinked their glasses, drinking.

Emma was angry enough to break her glass, much to the surprise and amusement of the others. "Sorry."

Ella shook her head. "Don't be. I'm right there with you."

"So am I," Freya agreed.

Jace and Jefferson exchanged an amused look.

Mary Margaret, Rebekah and Melissa walked in, seeing Emma picking up the glass.

"You broke a glass?" Rebekah asked.

"Wasn't when I started drinking," Emma replied. "Is now."

Ella sighed. "I just need to hit something."

Melissa gestured to the glass that Emma broke. "Emma already beat you to the punch, Ella. Literally."

Emma and Ella smiled sarcastically.

"Hilarious," Emma replied.

"What's going on with you guys?" Rebekah asked.

"Regina fired me, Jace and Ella so she can put one of her own puppets in as Sheriff, and refused to give Freya a job even as a deputy," Emma answered. "That's our jobs."

"Never heard you so passionate about it before," Mary Margaret remarked. "What happened?"

"I've always been passionate about my job, Mary Margaret," Jace replied, taking a drink. "This town has a lot of problems, but I love the people in it, and I want to protect it and them as much as I can. I always have."

"No one's denying that, Jace," Mary Margaret replied. "I was talking about Ella and Emma."

Ella sighed. "Oh, I just know Emma and I want them back. Obviously Freya wants a chance at her job, and Jace deserves the Sheriff position. Emma and I just..."

"There must be a reason," Snow told them.

"I want to be able to get Lisa and give her the home she deserves," Freya answered.

Jefferson nodded, tense. "Instead of with an evil bitch that likes to ruin her life."

The other adults gave Freya and Jefferson a look, but let it slide.

"And I know why," Ella said. "It's for Henry and Rose. But that's not looking likely now."

"Maybe I just want to beat her," Emma told them.

Melissa walked over to the table. "So you're drowning your sorrows because of losing your jobs."

"Yep," Freya answered.

"Can we join?" Rebekah asked.

"Of course you can, Rebekah," Jefferson replied, sliding over to give Rebekah space to sit down.

Rebekah sat down next to Jefferson.

Melissa sat down next to Jace. "Is that why you guys called us?"

"Freya called Jefferson, and he had no problem meeting with us," Jace answered. "Said that we could make it a party with you, Mary Margaret and Rebekah."

Rebekah looked at Freya and Jefferson, who both took a drink smugly.

Rebekah knew that Freya and Jefferson were making a reason to get Jace around Melissa and Mary Margaret more, smirking. "Yeah, sure, I'd love to drown sorrows and have our own little party. Pour me a drink, Jace."

Jace poured Rebekah a drink, handing it to her as she walked closer. "Here you go." Rebekah took a drink. "Mary Margaret?"

"Sure," Mary Margaret answered. "One drink. Just one."

Jace handed Mary Margaret a drink. "Yeah, right. Melissa?"

"Yes, please," Melissa answered. Jace poured a drink for Melissa, handing it to her. "If it makes you feel any better, everyone in town knows that there's no better person to take up the role of Sheriff than you, Jace."

"Thank you," Jace replied.

Jace and Melissa clinked their glasses, drinking, eyes locked as they did, drawn to each other despite their lack of interaction in Storybrooke before.

Rebekah, Jefferson and Freya smirked at part of their plan working. Rebekah held her drink toward Jefferson and Freya in silent congratulations, and Jefferson and Freya clinked their glasses with Rebekah before the three of them all took a drink.

Gold walked into the diner, not surprised to see Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah drinking with the others, walking closer.

Rebekah, Jefferson and Freya looked up in surprise to see Gold walking up to them and their friends like this.

Gold smirked at their reactions. "Good evening, Freya. Jefferson, Rebekah." Freya gave him a look. Jefferson rolled his eyes, drinking. Rebekah shook her head. "Sorry for the intrusion, but there's something I'd like to discuss with you, Freya. And Jace, Ella and Emma."

"I'll let you guys talk," Mary Margaret told them, standing, walking away.

Melissa nodded, standing. "Yeah, me too."

Melissa walked toward Mary Margaret as they sat at a nearby table.

Rebekah looked at Gold. "I'm not going anywhere, and since I'm blocking Jefferson in, neither is he."

"You two don't have to go anywhere," Gold replied. "I heard about what happened today, such an injustice."

Ella sighed. "Yeah. Well, what's done is done."

"Spoken like a true fighter," Freya told her sarcastically.

"I know what chance I have," Ella replied.

Emma nodded in agreement. "She's the mayor, and we are, well, us."

"A couple people with a common goal can accomplish many things," Gold told them. "A couple people with a common enemy can accomplish even more. How would you like a benefactor?"

Jefferson gave him a look. "A benefactor?"

"Do you mind?" Gold asked, sitting next to Jace. "You know, it really is quite shocking how few people study the town charter."

"The town charter?" Jace repeated.

Gold smiled slightly. "It's quite comprehensive on the mayor's authority, or maybe she is not quite as powerful as she seems."

Rebekah, Jefferson and Freya exchanged a look at Gold helping Freya, Ella, Emma and Jace like this, frowning slightly in suspicion as they looked at Gold.

Gold merely smiled in response, knowing they had no reason to trust him or know why he was helping them, but intent to do it all the same.

Flashback 2

Enchanted Forest

Night - Cottage

Rumplestiltskin approached his sleeping children, trying to wake them up. "Bae. Bae. Wake up, Priscilla. Come on. Wake up, Cilla. We're going now. Come on."

Baelfire and Young Priscilla woke up, and Rumplestiltskin led them out of the house.


The three of them were walking.

"It feels wrong to run away," Young Priscilla told them.

"It's worse to die, Priscilla," Rumplestiltskin told her. "I'm not having Bae taken away to the Ogre wars."

They encountered a beggar along the path.

"Alms for the poor?" the beggar asked. "Alms for the poor?"

"Yes," Rumplestiltskin answered, giving him a few coins, moving along with his children.

"Are you sure there's no other way?" Young Priscilla asked.

"Bae, Cil, I can't lose either of you," Rumplestiltskin told them. "You're all I've got left. You don't understand what war is like. What they do to you." They heard the sound of approaching horses. "Quick, hide! In the ditch, hide. Go, go, go!"

Before Baelfire or Young Priscilla could hide, Hordor and several riders on horseback surrounded the family of three.

"Stop right there!" Hordor told them. "What are you doing on the king's realm?"

"We have some wool to sell at the fair at Longbourne," Rumplestiltskin told him.

"I know you, don't I?" Hordor asked, getting off his horse, walking up to Rumplestiltskin. "What was your name? Hmm? Spindleshanks? Threadwhistle? Hobblefoot?"

"His name's Rumplestiltskin," Baelfire answered.

"Hush, boy!" Rumplestiltskin told him.

Hordor thought for a moment. "Rumple... Ah, the man who ran. Are these your children? How old are you? What're your names?"

"I'm Baelfire and I'm 13," Baelfire answered. "This is Priscilla and she's 9."

"And when is your birthday, Baelfire?" Hordor asked.

"In two days time," Baelfire answered.

"Hush, boy!" Rumplestiltskin told him.

"Did you teach them how to run as well, Rumplestiltskin?" Hordor asked. He looked at Baelfire and Young Priscilla. "Did he tell you? Did he tell you how he ran and the Ogres turned the tide of the battle, and all the others were killed, and he returned home to a wife who could not bear the sight of him?"

Rumplestiltskin was desperate for his children not to know this. "Please."

"You see, women do not like to be married to cowards," Hordor told them. "Men certainly are used to women who cannot defend themselves, though they would be much more satisfied with a woman who can fight."

"Please don't speak to my children like that," Rumplestiltskin begged.

"It's treason to avoid service," Hordor told them. "Take the boy now."

The knights walked toward Baelfire.

Young Priscilla was terrified of losing her older brother. "No, no, no, no. Bae!"

Rumplestiltskin desperately tried to stop them. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Hordor repeated. "You have no money, no influence, no land, no title, no power. The truth is, all you really have is fealty. Kiss my boot."

"I don't understand," Rumplestiltskin told him.

"You asked my price," Hordor told him. "Kiss my boot."

Rumplestiltskin shook his head desperately. "Not in front of my kids."

Hordor gave him a deathly intimidating look. "Kiss my boot!"

Rumplestiltskin knelt down to kiss Hordor's boot. Hordor, along with the other knights, laughed as he did so. Hordor kicked Rumplestiltskin in the stomach, making him fall.

Young Priscilla ran closer worriedly. "Papa!"

Baelfire ran closer. Hordor returned to his horse, and he and the other knights left on horseback.

The beggar walked closer. "No, no, no, no. It's okay. Let me help you. Let me help you home."

"Thank you, old man," Baelfire told him.

The beggar helped Rumplestiltskin up.

"I don't have any money to pay you," Rumplestiltskin told him.

"I can think of another way," the beggar told him. "You just leave me whatever you can spare, and I'll find a way to be your benefactor. Come."


Our World


Day Two

Day - Storybrooke Town Hall - Mayor's Office

Regina and Sidney Glass were getting their pictures taken by many reporters.

Regina smiled. "Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own homes. That's why Sidney Glass is my choice for post of Sheriff. This man has put the needs of Storybrooke above his own for as long as any of us can remember as chief editor of the Storybrooke Daily Mirror. Please welcome your new Sheriff."

Regina was about to attach the Sheriff's badge on Sidney's shirt when Jace, Emma, Ella and Freya walked in.

"Hold on a second," Freya told them.

"Mr. Wilson, Miss Gold, Miss Swans, this is not appropriate," Regina scolded.

"The only thing not appropriate is this ceremony," Freya told them. "She does not have the power to appoint him."

"The town charter clearly states the Mayor shall appoint--" Regina started.

"A candidate," Emma finished. "You could appoint a candidate. It calls for an election."

Regina chuckled nervously. "The term candidate is applied loosely."

"No, it's not," Jace told her. "It requires a vote."

"And guess what, Madam Mayor?" Ella asked. "Jace is the one running."

"Fine," Regina told them. "So is Sidney."

"I am?" Sidney asked. Regina turned to give Sidney a look. "I am."

"With my full support," Regina told them, looking at Jace. "I guess we'll learn a little something about the will of the people."

Jace nodded in agreement. "I guess we will."


Flashback 3

Enchanted Forest

Night - Cottage

Rumplestiltskin and the beggar were sitting by the fire, sharing some stew, while Young Priscilla and Baelfire were asleep.

Rumplestiltskin sighed. "Another day gone. There'll be no fleeing now."

"No, you need to find another way," the beggar told him. "You need to choose a different path."

"Choose?" Rumplestiltskin repeated. "What choice do I have?"

"Everyone has a choice," the beggar told him.

"I'm the town coward," Rumplestiltskin told him. "The only choice I have is which corner to hide in. I'm lame, friendless, the only thing I've got are my children. And Bae's going to take them away from me, away from Priscilla. She's only 9 years old. Cilla needs her older brother. If they take him away, Cil and I would truly, truly become dust."

"Not if you have power," the beggar suggested.

"You may as well say diamonds," Rumplestiltskin replied.

"Get a hold of yourself," the beggar scolded. "Think. Why do you think that someone as powerful as the Dark One would work for a useless fool like the Duke of the Frontlands?"

Rumplestiltskin shook his head in confusion. "Tell me."

"The Duke has the Dark One in thrall," the beggar answered. "He's enslaved him with the power of a mystical dagger and on the blade is written a name. The true name of the Dark One. If you steal the dagger, then you would control the Dark One yourself. And then no one would be able to take your children away from you."

"To keep a man like the Dark One as a slave?" Rumplestiltskin asked. "No, I--I--I can't. I'd be terrified."

The beggar nodded knowingly. "Then, perhaps, instead of controlling the power, you need to take it."


Our World


Day - Mr. Gold's Pawnshop

Gold was sitting at his desk, watching the flame of a lighter. 

Regina walked in.

Gold put the flame out, smiling. "Regina." Regina flipped the sign on the door to the Closed side. Gold stood. "Shall I remove some things, make a bit of space for your rage?"

Regina walked toward him. "You found that loophole in the town charter."

Gold walked over to a cabinet which contained the dagger. "Legal documents, contracts, if you like, always been a fascination of mine."

Regina nodded in annoyance. "Yes, you love to trifle with technicalities."

Gold closed the cabinet's door. "I like small weapons, you see, the needle, the pen, the fine point of a deal. Subtlety, not your style, I know."

Regina glared at him. "You're a bastard."

Gold chuckled. "I think your grief's getting the better of you, Regina. Shame what happened to Graham."

Regina gave him a cold look. "Don't you talk about him. You know nothing."

"What is there to know?" Gold replied. "He died."

Regina faced Gold, standing at one side of a cabinet, across from him. "Are you really going up against me?"

"Not directly," Gold answered. "We are, after all, both invested in the common good, we're just picking different sides."

"Well, I think you picked really slow horses this time," Regina told him. "It's not like you to back losers."

"Well, my daughter isn't one that commonly loses," Gold replied. "In fact, Freya's only lost a couple of times, and with Freya on Jace, Emma and Ella's side, they are sure to win. Never underestimate someone who's acting for their child, and Freya and Ella are acting for their children."

"Lisa is not Freya's child by blood, and Henry and Rose are not Ella's children, not legally," Regina replied.

Gold smirked. "Oh, now who's trifling with technicalities?"

Granny's Diner

Henry, Rose and Lisa were sitting at a booth, reading the newspaper. Freya, Emma and Ella walked closer.

"How was school?" Freya asked. "I'm not the only teacher you three have. How was the rest of your classes?"

"Okay," Lisa answered.

"You're reading that paper pretty hard," Emma told them.

"Sidney wrote it," Lisa explained, showing them the article. On the front page, the title was; Ex-Jailbirds, Emma and Ella Swan. Ella birthed babes behind bars. "Is it a lie?"

Emma and Ella were shocked and upset that they had to find out like that.

"No," Emma answered.

"Henry and Rose were born in jail?" Lisa asked.

"Yes," Ella answered. "These records were supposed to be sealed. Tell me you're not scarred for life."

"We're not," Lisa answered. "Well, not by this."

Emma sighed in relief. "Good."

"Then let's throw this out," Lisa told them. "We will get our news from something more reliable."

"Like what?" Rose asked sarcastically. "The Internet?"

"Lisa, I know what you've been trying to tell us," Henry told her. "I know in your stories back home, good always beat evil. But this is a land without magic."

"Right," Rose agreed. "Which means that good doesn't do this kind of thing. And it's hard for good to ever find anything to do. At least, to win."

"Maybe back in the Enchanted Forest, good would always win," Henry told them. "But here in our world? We can't win against evil."

"Don't talk like that," Lisa told them. "Regina plays dirty. No getting around that. Alcina, too. I couldn't beat them in the other world. But that was because they had my wand. Other people could beat them then. We can beat them now."

"Who's Alcina?" Ella asked.

"Long story," Lisa told them.

"The three of us, and Jace, we have a new ally," Emma explained. "Mr. Gold said he's going to help."

Freya sighed, rolling her eyes. "I tried telling Jace, Emma and Ella that my father is even worse than Regina. They won't listen to me."

"Well, listen to Freya," Rose told them. "Ella, you already owe him one favor. You don't want to owe him anymore."

"Freya knows more than anyone how bad Mr. Gold is," Lisa told them.

"In either world," Henry agreed. "And if Freya doesn't trust him? How can you?"

Henry and Rose gave them a look. "Don't do this."

Evening - Storybrooke Town Hall - Mayor's Office

Jace, Emma, Ella and Freya walked in to talk to Regina, showing her the paper.

"How low can you possibly sink in order to attack Ella and Emma when they're not even running for Sheriff?" Jace asked. "They're going to be Deputies again. You don't have anything on me to attack with, so you attack them instead?"

"And I'm only getting started," Regina replied. "On all four of you."

"This was a juvie record," Ella told her. "This was sealed by court order. I don't know how you got it, but that's abuse of power and illegal."

Regina was preparing to leave her office. "Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't want people to know you cut their cords with a shiv?"

"We don't care what people know," Ella answered. "This hurts Henry and Rose."

Regina smirked. "They would've learned eventually. We all lose our heroes at some point."


They walked along through the building.

"They don't need to lose anything more," Emma told her. "Neither does Lisa. They're depressed, Madam Mayor."

"They don't have any..." Ella trailed off worriedly. "Any hope. Don't you see that?"

"They're fine," Regina replied, switching off the lights.

"They're not fine," Emma argued. "I mean, think about it. Henry and Rose watching their adoptive mother throw an illegal smear campaign against their birth mother and aunt? You don't think that would be upsetting?"

"All I did was expose them to the truth," Regina told them. "And as for legality, I did nothing wrong, but Jace and Sidney will have a chance to get into all that at the debate."

"Debate?" Freya repeated.

They walked down a staircase leading to the building's front door.

"Yes, there's a debate," Regina answered. "Mr. Wilson, you two can talk about jail time and juvie records and maybe even your new association with Mr. Gold."

Jace rolled his eyes.

Freya sighed. "You know. I've been trying to tell them that he's a snake."

Regina opened the door, and an explosion was set off, setting the next room on fire, throwing Regina, Emma, Ella, Jace and Freya back from the blast.

Regina's ankle was crushed by a piece of debris and was immobilized.

Freya stood, running toward the door to find a clear path for them all to get out.

"All right, come on," Emma told them. "Let's go. We gotta get out of here."

"I can't move!" Regina told them. "You have to help me!"


Flashback 4

Enchanted Forest

Day - Cottage - Outside

Baelfire, Young Priscilla and Rumplestiltskin were outside their house, winding wool up on short sticks made of woods, soaking wool in hot sheep's fat.

"Keep that fire good and stoked, Bae," Rumplestiltskin told him. "The sheep's fat needs to be liquid. Priscilla, get that wool good and soaked."

"Why are we doing this, Papa?" Baelfire asked. "We can spin and sell--"

"These are our keys to the castle, children," Rumplestiltskin told them. "And once I'm inside, there's something I have to take."

"What do you need to take?" Young Priscilla asked.

"That old beggar, he told me a fine tale, about the Duke and his magical dagger," Rumplestiltskin explained.

"What does it do?" Young Priscilla asked.

"If I own that dagger, I control the Dark One," Rumplestiltskin answered, pantomiming someone with a dagger. "If I kill the Dark One with the dagger, I take his powers."

Baelfire and Young Priscilla were in shock, horrified.

"By God's name," Baelfire told him.

Rumplestiltskin smiled excitedly. "Imagine me with those powers. Can you imagine me with those powers? Bae? Cilla? I could get to redeem myself. I could turn it towards good. I'll save all the children of the Frontlands, not just you, my children."

"I'd love to see that, but if the law says I'm to fight, I--I can fight," Baelfire told him.

Young Priscilla was scared of losing him. "Bae."

Rumplestiltskin shook his head worriedly. "No, no, no. The law doesn't want you to fight, the law wants you to die. That's not battle, that's sacrifice. You look at the red in the sky, that's not the--the fires of the battlefields, that's the blood of our people, it's the blood of children, the blood of children like you. I mean, what sane person would want to get involved with that?"

"So, it's true?" Young Priscilla asked.

"What?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

"It's true?" Young Priscilla asked. "It's true you ran."

"I had no choice, Priscilla," Rumplestiltskin told her.

"And Mother?" Young Priscilla asked. "Did she leave you like the knight said? You told us she was dead."

Rumplestiltskin looked down in shame, speaking in a low voice. "She is dead."

"So, what do we need to do?" Baelfire asked.

Rumplestiltskin knelt down beside them. "The Duke's castle is made of stone, but the floors and the rafters are made of wood."

"Why does that matter?" Baelfire asked.

Rumplestiltskin smiled slightly. "Because wood burns."


Our World


Night - Storybrooke Town Hall - Staircase

Regina was still trapped, grabbing Emma and Ella by the hands while Freya and Jace were looking for a way out.

"You're going to leave me, aren't you?" Regina asked.

Emma and Ella ran to help Regina free her ankle, but all three were completely confused, not knowing a way out of the fire.

Freya and Jace were moving debris so Jace could find a fire extinguisher, using it to get the fire under control, clearing more way to the exit, opening the door so they could leave. "Let's go!"

"Come on!" Freya called.

Emma and Ella saw that Freya and Jace figured the way out, helping Regina stand up.

Jace handed the fire extinguisher to Freya, turning to Regina, taking her from Ella and Emma, carrying her in his arms. "Got you." Jace nodded to Emma and Ella to follow Freya out. "Move, move."

Emma, Ella and Freya ran out of the building.

Jace carried Regina out of the building.


Once outside, a reporter took a picture of them, and sirens could be heard.

Regina was in a lot of pain. "Oh, ow, ow, my ankle, set me down gently."

Jace rolled his eyes, placing Regina down on her feet gently.

"Seriously?" Ella asked. "You're complaining about how we saved your life? After Jace carried you out?"

Regina watched the fire engines approach the scene. "The firemen are here; it's not like we were really in danger."

"Fine, whatever," Jace told her. "Next time, we'll just..." He paused, tilting his head. "You know what? Next time, we'll do the same thing. And the time after that, because that is what decent human beings do. That's what good people do."

A lot of people were outside after seeing the fire, including Henry, Rose, Lisa, Rebekah, Jefferson and Melissa.

Rebekah and Jefferson ran closer instantly.

"Freya," Jefferson called.

Freya instantly embraced Jefferson. "I'm okay. We're okay."

Jefferson looked at Jace, Ella and Emma, and they nodded in confirmation.

Rebekah sighed in relief. "Oh, my God."

Melissa instinctively ran up to Jace. "Jace!"

"Melissa?" Jace asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw the fire," Melissa answered. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," Jace answered.

Melissa sighed in relief as she impulsively embraced Jace. Jace was surprised but grateful, returning the hug.

Ella, Emma, Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah couldn't help but smile a bit at this.

Melissa pulled away, looking at Freya, Ella and Emma. "Freya? Ella? Emma?"

"We're okay," Ella answered.

"We're all good," Emma answered.

Freya nodded.

Henry, Rose and Lisa ran up to them to embrace Freya, Ella and Emma in relief, and they returned the embrace.

"Did you guys really rescue Regina?" Lisa asked.

Regina was on a stretcher with an oxygen mask, overhearing Lisa, throwing off the mask in anger. "Enough!"

"Mom," Henry told her.

"I'm fine," Regina told them.

Jefferson brushed a hand over Lisa's head. "Yeah, they did, Lisa."

Lisa smiled as she hugged Jefferson, who returned the embrace.

Jace and Melissa saw this and smiled softly, knowing that they were right before about Freya and Jefferson caring more about Lisa than anyone else.

Sidney ran up to Regina with a camera to take a picture. "Nice shot of the victim."

"Sidney, what the hell are you doing?" Regina asked. "Are you trying to hand this election to Jace?"

"But it's news," Sidney told her.

"It's competition, you fool," Regina told him.

Mary Margaret walked up to Jace, Emma, Ella and Freya to check on them and make sure they were okay. "Did you really rescue Regina?"

"They did," Rose answered excitedly. "The fireman said it. So did Jefferson. They saw it. Jace carried Mom out."

"You're heroes," Henry told them happily.

"We should see if they have a picture of the rescue," Mary Margaret told them.

Melissa nodded in agreement. "We could make campaign posters for Jace."

Rebekah pointed to Melissa. "Oh, people would love that."

Ruby nodded. "That's a great idea."

Jace was exhausted but content with everyone he knew backing him.

"Yes," Archie agreed. "Wait, so..."

The group walked away, leaving Jace, Melissa, Freya, Rebekah, Jefferson, Emma, Ella and Freya alone with the kids.

"This is how good wins," Lisa told them excitedly. "You do something good. People see it. Then they want to help you."

Henry smiled. "Maybe you're right, Lisa."

"Henry?" Lisa asked. "Rose? You see? We don't have to fight dirty. I promise."

Henry and Rose smiled.

Freya looked away while they were talking, seeing a piece of fabric nearby, realizing what it was and who it was from, angry, speaking quietly. "Son of a bitch."

Jefferson and Rebekah heard her, looking at Freya in confusion. "What?"

"My father," Freya answered, walking away.

Jefferson and Rebekah exchanged a look.

Rebekah cleared her throat, taking a step to follow Freya.

Jefferson placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Nope."

Rebekah groaned, lifting her head up to the sky.

Jefferson couldn't help but scoff in amusement.

Gold's Pawnshop

Gold was standing in the shop, his hands blackened with soot, using a rag to wipe them clean, hearing Freya walk in from behind him, and though he hadn't seen her yet, he knew it was her. "Loads of visitors today, starting with Jace, then Regina, and now my very own daughter." Freya slammed the door behind her. "Who I hope is not going to break my little bell."

Freya walked closer, angry. "You set the fire."

Gold turned to face her. "I've been right here, Freya, or is it okay for me to call you Priscilla even while in this strange world?"

"Do not play with me right now, Papa," Freya told him, saying 'Papa' with a sarcastic tone. "I know you better than anyone, so don't try to fool me." She showed him the cloth. "I know this is yours, and I could smell the sheep oil on it that you had me and Bae make when we were kids to burn down the Duke's place."

"Surprised with your good memory, but glad," Gold told her.

"Why did you do it?" Freya asked.

"Because Jace cannot win without something big, something, like, uh, I don't know, being one of the heroes in a fire," Gold answered. "Alongside you, Emma and Ella, of course."

"And you knew that all of us would be there at the right time," Freya told him. "Why would you have me as one of your little heroes? I'm not running for Sheriff, and neither are Ella and Emma. And Jace's just trying to get his rightful job back..." She realized. "You wanted to show the town that I do have what it takes to be a deputy." Gold smiled at his daughter's insightful genius. "The only question is, why?"

"I think that a deputy would have a better chance at regaining custody of a certain Light Bringer who's powerless in this world, than a teacher," Gold told her. "Maybe you and Jefferson would even be able to get your real daughter Grace as well, someone who you can't even see or speak to because Grace doesn't have the luxury of remembering our past life, who doesn't know you anything more than her teacher, and doesn't know her real father, Jefferson, or mother, you. You and Jefferson would do anything to get Grace and Lisa back." He used her words against her. "I know you better than anyone, so don't try to fool me. Jace knew all along that you would have a better chance of getting Lisa back like this, which is why he offered you the job, even if he doesn't know yet about Grace. Maybe that was why I wanted to repay him."

"Yeah, and bringing up children to try and stir memories about Axel," Freya replied. "Jace told me what you said. Which leads me to believe that you're trying to get him to remember Odette and Axel just like me, Jefferson and Rebekah are doing." Gold shrugged. "Why are you helping me? Helping Jefferson and Rebekah? You know that doing this will not help me get Lisa and Grace back. Not yet. And you know that even you helping with Curse memories won't make me forgive you for everything you've done. Not just to me, or Jefferson, or Grace, or Rebekah, but to everyone. Now you suddenly care about making amends? You don't do anything unless it benefits you."

Gold nodded in agreement. "If you don't trust me, which I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, or if you want to tell your good friends the truth about the fire, go ahead, expose me, but if you do, just think about what you'll be exposing and what you'll be walking away from." Freya glared at him for a moment, turning to leave, walking toward the door. "Oh, yes, and, um, who you might be disappointing."

Freya turned around, glaring at Gold, walking out, slamming the door behind her. Gold smiled.

Flashback 5

Enchanted Forest

Night - Duke's Castle - Outside

Rumplestiltskin had arrived with Young Priscilla and Baelfire, lighting one of the torches they had made earlier, setting a pile of straw on fire, making it spread along the castle's walls, burning wooden joints and cracks, the fire spreading inside the castle, burning ceilings and rafters, some burning rafters falling to the ground.


Rumplestiltskin walked into a hall with flags standing along the walls, putting one silver-green banner aside, revealing the hidden dagger behind it, taking the dagger, seeing the name Zoso on it, the Dark One's name. Rumplestiltskin left the castle.



Our World


Day Three

Day - Town Hall - Outside

Above the entrance was a banner hanging, reading: Debate Today - Sheriff's Election.

Mary Margaret was stapling promotion posters saying 'Wilson for Sheriff' on a bulletin board, going on with her task on the other side of the board, running into David. "David. Hi."

David nodded nervously. "Mary Margaret. Hi."

Mary Margaret showed him the flyers in her hands. "I was just, uh..."

David showed her the flyers in his hands. "Yeah. Yeah. Me, too."

"How are things?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Okay," David answered. "I got a job. Yeah, I'm working at the animal shelter with Melissa."

Mary Margaret was pleased to hear this. "Really?"

"Yeah," David answered.

Mary Margaret noticed David fixing a poster to the wall. "So, Sidney?"

David nodded. "My wife is friends with Regina. So..."

Mary Margaret nodded in remembrance. "Oh, right."

"If it wasn't for that, I would be hanging Jace flyers too, especially after he helped me," David admitted.

Mary Margaret nodded awkwardly. "How is Kathryn?"

"Good," David answered. "She's meeting me here. Later."

"That's wonderful," Mary Margaret told him, stapling posters with more force than necessary to the wall. "Well, I'm all out of posters. I'm going to go. Get some more."

Mary Margaret quickly left.


Melissa was stapling up Jace's Sheriff posters.

Jace walked up to the building, looking at the posters. "Those look great, Melissa. Thanks."

Melissa smiled, turning to Jace. "Well, thank Mary Margaret, too. We made them together."

Jace nodded in amusement. "I will do that. I'm just... not used to people supporting me like this."

"Yeah, well, you deserve it, after everything you've already done to try and keep this town safe," Melissa pointed out. "And how much you care about the people here and want to take care of them. You're a real leader, Jace. And you deserve this."

"Thank you," Jace told her. They looked at each other with small smiles. "I should get inside. Prepare for the debate."

Melissa nodded in agreement. "Of course."

Jace saluted Melissa with two fingers, walking inside. "I'll see you in there."

Melissa watched him go with a small smile.


Sidney was getting ready for the debate.

Archie was practicing his opening speech. "Citizens of Storybrooke. Uh, we welcome to you to, uh... Welcome citizens of Storybrooke. Uh, we welcome you citizens of Storybrooke. Welcome--"

Jace was sitting at the podium, drawing back the curtains.

Ella walked closer to see Henry, Rose and Lisa sitting in the audience, who smiled at them.

Emma, Mary Margaret and Freya approached Jace and Ella.

Freya handed some papers to Jace. As Jace took them, Mary Margaret handed him a bottle of water.

Jace sighed. "I'm not going to win."

"What are you talking about?" Mary Margaret asked. "Everyone's talking about what you, Emma, Ella and Freya did in the fire. You're going to do great, Jace."

"Thanks, Mary Margaret," Jace told her. "And thank you for the fliers. Melissa said you two made them together."

Mary Margaret nodded. "Of course."

Ella and Emma were nervous.

"Henry and Rose are right," Emma told them. "We can't beat Regina like this, not at the way she fights, just watch and see."

"Is this really about beating Regina?" Mary Margaret asked.

Ella drew back the curtain to have another look at the kids. "It's just..."

"Henry," Mary Margaret finished. "Rose. Lisa."

"We wanna show them that good can actually win," Ella explained.

"That's why you want to win it for them," Mary Margaret told them. "But why do you want to win for yourselves?"

"That is why," Ella told her. "We wanna show them that heroes can win, and if we're not--if we're not heroes, and we're not Saviors or Protectors, then what part do we have in their lives? Okay, there it is."

Mary Margaret smiled. "There it is."

Jace chuckled softly.

Freya drew back the curtains, noticing Gold entering the town hall, knowing she had to tell Jace, Emma and Ella the truth.

Gold noticed Freya behind the curtain and that she had seen him arrive, smiling slightly.

Flashback 6

Enchanted Forest

Night - Woods

Baelfire and Young Priscilla were waiting for Rumplestiltskin to return.

Baelfire knew that his sister was scared, pulling her into his arms protectively. "It's gonna be okay, Cil."

"How do you know that, Bae?" Young Priscilla asked.

"Even if Papa's plan doesn't work, I'll be here to protect you," Baelfire told her. "Wherever we go, even if I have to leave for battle, I will always come back to you."

Young Priscilla managed a small smile. "You will?"

Baelfire smiled, nodding. "Always. Forever. As long as we're both alive, at least, silly Cilly."

Young Priscilla couldn't help but laugh at the nickname. "Silly Cilly." They smiled, the two siblings embracing once again. Rumplestiltskin ran toward them. They looked at him in relief, smiling. "Papa!"

Rumplestiltskin smiled. "Oh, Bae. Cilla."

"We were so worried about you," Young Priscilla told him. "Are--are you burned? The castle..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Rumplestiltskin answered. "I need you to go home and wait for me there."

"Come with us, please," Young Priscilla told him. "I have a bad feeling."

"Bae, Cil, this is something I have to do on my own," Rumplestiltskin told them. "Bae, take Cilla and go home, now. Go home and wait for me. I'll be back. You go." Baelfire took Young Priscilla by the arm, looking back at their father for a moment, pulling his sister with him as he left, taking her home. Rumplestiltskin took out the Dark One's dagger, holding it up in the air, so he could read the name written on the blade by the light of the torch. "Zoso. Zoso, I summon thee."

At first nothing happened. Rumplestiltskin lowered the dagger, turning around, seeing the Dark One/Zoso, frightened, quickly backing away, dropping his torch.

"You were asking for me?" Zoso asked.

In order to keep Zoso at distance, Rumplestiltskin advanced the door. "Submit, oh, Dark One. I control you."

"Yes, you do," Zoso agreed. "Wield the power wisely. You can wield it any time now. It's almost dawn. That means it's your son's birthday. I bet Hordor and his men are already on their way to your house."

Rumplestiltskin shook his head in fear. "No, they can't take him. I can't lose him, neither can Priscilla."

"You don't control them," Zoso told him. "You control me. Have you ever wondered were Baelfire and Priscilla really your children at all? Unlike you, they're not cowards and yearn to fight and die in glory."

"No," Rumplestiltskin told him.

"What a poor bargain that would be to lay down your soul to have your bastard children," Zoso taunted. "So I ask you, what would you have me do?"

"Die!" Rumplestiltskin answered, stabbing Zoso in the chest, tackling him to the ground. In the torch's light, Zoso's face changed, revealing that he was the beggar, laughing. Rumplestiltskin recognized him, in shock. "It's you. You are the beggar."

Zoso gasped for breath while he was dying. "Looks like you made a deal you didn't understand. I don't think you're gonna do that again."

Rumplestiltskin was just completely confused. "You told me to kill you."

Zoso chuckled. "My life was such a burden. You'll see. Magic always comes with a price. And now, it's yours to pay."

"Why me?" Rumplestiltskin asked. "Why me?"

"I know how to recognize a desperate soul," Zoso answered, starting to fade.

Rumplestiltskin tried to keep him alive. "No, no, stay! You have to tell me what to do. Tell me what to do."

Rumplestiltskin's hand, which held the dagger, changed color. Removing the dagger from Zoso's body, he noticed that his name was now on the dagger's blade.


Our World


Day - Town Hall

Archie was welcoming the audience, looking at Jace and Sidney, where they had taken seat on either side of him. "Tragedy has brought us here, but we are faced with this decision. And now, we ask only that you listen with an open mind and please vote your conscience. So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the candidates. Sidney Glass and Jace Wilson. Okay, uh, Mr. Glass, your opening statement."

Sidney walked up to the podium. "I just wanna say that if elected, I wanna serve as a reflection of the best qualities of Storybrooke. Honest." Regina was inaudibly mouthing Sidney's words simultaneously, revealing she had coached him to saying it. "Neighborliness and strength. Thank you."

Regina cheered him proudly.

"And Jace Wilson," Archie told them.

Jace walked up to the podium. "You guys all know that I've done everything I've been able to in order to protect this town for years, ever since Graham hired me as a Deputy. The two of us took care of this town in every way possible. And yes, we hired Emma and Ella Swan, who, yes, have what they call a troubled past. But you've been able to overlook it because of the, um, hero thing we all did with the help of Freya Gold. But here's the thing. The fire was a setup." The audience began to murmur, becoming noisy. "Mr. Gold agreed to support us in this race, but we didn't know that that meant he was going to set a fire. I don't have definitive evidence, but Freya's sure. And if Freya's sure, Emma, Ella and I are sure. And I can't win that way. I'm sorry."

Gold stood, looking at Freya, smirking knowingly, leaving the town hall. Freya watched him go, looking from him to Regina, not sure what either of them would do now.


Granny's Diner

Freya, Emma, Ella and Jace were sitting at the counter, drinking.

Ruby stood behind the counter. "Another for all?"

"Oh, hell, yes," Emma answered.

Freya looked at Jace. "You did the right thing telling everyone, you know?"

Jace nodded. "Yeah... I know." He looked at Freya. "Thanks for telling me the true."

Freya smiled softly, rubbing Jace's back.

The kids walked in.

"Guys, hey," Ella told him.

Henry, Rose and Lisa were each holding a walkie talkie, handing the other four to Freya, Jace, Emma and Ella.

"What's this for?" Freya asked.

"You stood up to Mr. Gold," Henry answered. "It's pretty amazing."

"Well, he did something illegal," Jace told them.

"That's what heroes do," Rose told them. "Expose stuff like that."

Ruby brought Freya, Emma, Ella and Jace another drink, placing glasses of milk in front of Henry, Rose and Lisa.

"Rose and I shouldn't have given up on Operation Cobra," Henry told them.

"We're not giving up again," Rose told them.

Lisa smiled. "Good."

Jace raised an eyebrow, smiling a small smile in amusement. "I didn't know I was part of Operation Cobra."

"From now on, you are," Henry told him, smiling. "We trust you with everything, and you're family." Freya, Ella and Emma smiled. "We want you in."

Jace nodded lightly. "Okay." He ruffled Henry's hair, making him chuckle softly. "I'm in."

Regina and Sidney walked in.

"I thought I might find you here, with drinks, with my kids," Regina told them.

"I'm not your kid," Lisa replied.

Freya, Henry and Rose smiled at the fact Lisa was not afraid to stand up to Regina.

Emma, Ella and Jace smirked in amusement.

Ella looked at Sidney. "Here to card us, officer?"

"Well, not at all," Sidney answered. "I think I will join you."

"Here?" Jace asked. "I don't know. I think they're setting up a back room for the victory party."

"Oh, well, you'll have to tell me what that's like," Sidney told him.

Regina took the Sheriff's badge out of her pocket. "Congratulations." She placed the badge in front of Jace on the table. "Sheriff Wilson."

Lisa, Freya, Emma, Ella and Jace looked at them in surprise.

Henry and Rose were in shock. "Wait. What?"

"There was a very close vote, but people really seem to like the idea of a Sheriff brave enough to stand up to Mr. Gold," Regina explained.

Slowly town people walked in, including Jefferson, Rebekah, Melissa and Mary Margaret.

Jace frowned, tilting his head. "Are you joking right now?"

Rose shook her head. "She isn't joking."

Mary Margaret and Melissa smiled, exchanging a look, looking at Jace.

"Well, first things first for my first job of becoming Sheriff," Jace told them. "Giving Ella and Emma their jobs back." Emma and Ella smiled. "And Freya?"

"Freya has proved she can do the job," Rose finished. Regina gave her a look. "I mean, Miss Gold. Jace and Graham offered the job to you before."

Henry nodded, smiling. "When Freya saved me, Rose and Lisa from the mines. When she helped us find Ashley."

"Freya, now that you proved you can do it?" Rose asked. "Are you gonna take the job?"

"You can do it, Freya," Lisa told her, smiling.

Jefferson and Rebekah looked at Freya knowingly in amusement, knowing that they were a lot closer than they used to be to breaking the curse and saving the town, even if they were still a long way to go.

Freya smiled, nodding.

Henry and Rose smiled. "Yay."

Melissa sat down next to Jace, smiling at him, winking. "Congratulations... Sheriff."

Jace smirked in response. "Thanks. But I'd prefer it if you still called me Jace."

"Okay, then... Jace," Melissa replied.

Mary Margaret gave Jace a hug. "Oh, congratulations. You deserve this."

"Thank you," Jace replied.

Regina watched Jace, Melissa and Mary Margaret with glares.

Lisa smiled, looking at Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah with a big smile that they returned, all of them happy and smug.

Rebekah wrapped an arm around Lisa.

"Long way to go, but at least we're closer than we were," Jefferson whispered.

Lisa nodded, smiling.

Flashback 7

The Enchanted Forest

Day - Cottage - Outside

Hordor and a group of his knights were at the cottage, where Baelfire and Young Priscilla were outside, and they were taking Baelfire.

"Everyone's watching from behind their curtains today," Hordor stated. There were some laugh from his soldiers. A soldier holding the reins of Hordor's horse suddenly fell to the ground. Rumplestiltskin stabbed him with the dagger, completely changed. Hordor knelt. "Dark One." Rumplestiltskin walked toward him. "No. Who are you?"

"Have you forgotten me already?" Rumplestiltskin asked. "What was it you used to call me again? Spindleshanks?" He snapped his fingers. "Hobblefoot."

Young Priscilla and Baelfire were in shock. "Papa?"

Hordor was even in more shock, looking at the dagger. "Rumplestiltskin."

Rumplestiltskin smiled. "Wonderful. And now, you shall know me as the new Dark One. How about a little fealty? Kiss my boot."

When Hordor bent over, Rumplestiltskin grabbed him, snapping his neck.

"No, Papa!" Baelfire told him. Rumplestiltskin started to kill the rest of the knights by stabbing them with his dagger in such a brutal and violent and bloody way that Young Priscilla screamed slightly in shock and horror. Baelfire pulled Young Priscilla toward him, hiding her eyes from the sight against his chest. Once Rumple was done, Baelfire let Young Priscilla raise her head, but wouldn't let her look at the bodies. "Papa? What was happened to you?"

"You're safe, Bae," Rumplestiltskin told him. "Do you feel safe, Priscilla?"

Rumplestiltskin approached his children. The dagger in his hand was covered in blood.

"No," Young Priscilla answered. "I'm frightened."

"I'm not," Rumplestiltskin told them. "I protected what belongs to me and I'm not scared of anything."

Even though his children were clearly terrified, Rumplestiltskin gave a little laugh.


Our World


Night - Freya and Jefferson's Estate - Outside

Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah were walking home.

"Are you okay, Freya?" Jefferson asked. "Dealing with an insane father is not an easy task."

"I'll deal," Freya answered. "Thank you, Jefferson."

"Well, at least we're closer," Rebekah admitted. "Admittedly and regrettably with the help of your father, but..."

They all sensed something, sighing.

"Which version of you are we speaking to?" Jefferson asked. "The Dark One, who created a bloodbath in front of his 9-year-old daughter Priscilla and 14-year-old son Baelfire, not to mention all of the other horrific things we've had to see you do, or Mr. Gold, who set a fire to try to get our friends their jobs and try to get Freya a job that could help us reunite with Lisa and Grace as a family?"

Gold walked closer, smiling slightly. "The one who knew that after a victory party and accepting a second job, that Freya would come home with you, Jefferson, her fiancée in this world, husband in the other world, and your sister Rebekah. Unfortunately for me, neither you, Jefferson or Rebekah are all too fond of me, Priscilla."

Freya turned to face him, giving him a sarcastic look. "I wonder why that is."

Jefferson and Rebekah turned to face him.

"So this might be the first time I'm talking to you without part of the act that we're all keeping up since we woke," Rebekah told him.

"That it is, Rebekah," Gold answered.

"I could've gone longer without talking to you," Rebekah told him.

"I'm sure you could," Gold replied. "Speaking of our acts. Political theater in an actual theater. I knew no one was going to vote for your friend unless we gave him some kind of extraordinary quality. And I'm afraid Freya, Ella, Emma and Jace saving old Regina's ass from the fire just wasn't gonna do now. We had to give them all a higher form of bravery. They had to see them all defy me, and they did."

Jefferson gave him a look, realizing. "Everyone's afraid of Regina. But they are more afraid of you. By standing up to you, Freya, Jace, Ella and Emma won them over."

Gold smiled. "It was the only way."

"You knew Freya, Jace, Emma and Ella would do this," Rebekah told him.

"Oh, yeah," Gold answered. "I know how to recognize desperate souls. While Freya is not desperate for anything except for reuniting herself and you, Jefferson, with Lisa and Grace, Ella is desperate to have Henry and Rose as her children and have them happy, while even Emma is desperate to be in the lives of her niece and nephew. And you, Rebekah? You're desperate to reunite with Malakai, and Mathias, Saphira and Tori. And Cilla and Jefferson are desperate for the same."

Freya sighed, looking down. "Great. So what, now we're all on the same page?"

"Freya told me and Jefferson about what you did with Jace," Rebekah told him. "Bringing up children, trying to stir memories of Erik, Odette and Axel. Knowing that he would be just as desperate to reunite his family as the rest of us. You knew that we were trying to get Jace and Melissa together so they would remember, like we did with David and Mary Margaret, trying to undo the Curse one person at a time, with the help of Henry, Rose and Lisa. And after that fire stunt, Melissa was practically running into Jace's arms, and Melissa and Mary Margaret were helping him with his campaign every step of the way."

Gold shrugged. "I figured the three of you would be happy."

"So you knew that it would get Jace, Snow and Melissa close again too," Freya stated. "Not surprised at this point."

Gold smirked.

"Freya told also told me and Rebekah about what you told her," Jefferson told him. "And I don't believe you're telling the complete truth. Maybe you did this, helping Jace, helping us come up with reasons to get him around Melissa and Snow more and try and get him to remember Axel, so Priscilla, Rebekah and I could have an easier time to help Lisa break the Curse, to get her and Grace back, reunite with them with me and Priscilla as a family. And try and find a way to find Malakai, Mathias, Saphira and Tori."

"You didn't just do it for us," Rebekah told him. "To help Freya and Jefferson with Lisa and Grace. Or Jace with Melissa, Snow and Axel. Or me, Malakai, Mathias, Saphira and Tori. You did this for something else. Didn't you? What is it?"

"I made a deal sometime back with Ella Swan, Rebekah," Gold told him. "We established that she owed me a favor. It wouldn't hurt for my own daughter and her husband Jefferson and sister-in-law to owe me one as well. And now that Jace is the Sheriff, Emma and Ella are Deputies, and Priscilla is a deputy and a teacher, I'm sure we'll find some way for you all to pay back what you owe me, Freya." Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah sighed, looking away. "Congratulations. And you're welcome."

Gold smiled, walking away from their home. Freya, Jefferson and Rebekah watched him go, glaring.

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