Athena [George Weasley x oc]...

By BunnyWeasley23

34.8K 951 249

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...and the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal b... More

Athene Rose
Am a what?
Hogwarts an new friends
Chaser & Seeker
Dreams or reality
House Cup and Truths
How Dreadful
Slugs, Duels, & Snakes
Estelle Riddle
Rumors and Confessions
The Prophecy
Black Dog
Quidditch Cup
Peter Pettigrew
Saving the innocent
Death Eaters at the Cup
Curses and Champions
Yule Ball
2....3...and he's back
Order of the Phoenix
Pink lady
Dumbledor's Army
Breakouts and Attacks
Secret Tasks
Ring and Curses
Start a war
Save as many as we can
Weasley Weddings
Extra: Naming Daisy
Extra: Family Vacation
Extra: Actual ending
💜Music Suggestion💜
New book
Important Author's Note

Trolls and Detentions

1K 25 16
By BunnyWeasley23

I'd just left potions with the twins when Hermione ran past me.

"What? Hermione?!" I yelled chasing her

"Bye Boys!" I yelled to the twins and I received a 'bye bye Ms. Rosie' in response


Apparently Ron had said something mean and now Hermione was upset I decided to leave her and go find him when I heard someone talking. I snuck around the corner to see Professor Quirrell and he appeared to be speaking to himself. But then I heard a response

'No harm will come to the girl, if you are sure she is the one.'

"Yes of course!" He mumbled

"Very odd." I whispered to myself before running off to the great hall

I had just sat down when Quirrell came running in screaming about a Troll. George protectively wrapped his arm around me before I could run off with Harry and Ron

"Come along now Rosie!" Lee yelled

"Don't need you scaring the big old troll!" Fred joked as he pitched my cheek

"Yes yes, come along now." George said pulling me closer to him and Fred shot him a knowing look.


It was the day before Christmas break when I received a letter from my gran telling me I'd have to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday. It was also Saturday so I changed from my pajamas and thought I'd spend the day in the library

As I was writing the last bit of my potions essay someone sat down across from me but I didn't look up.

"Athena?" Draco asked but I kept writing

"Athena I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Draco." I sighed still writing

"You were my friend first! Why does Potter get to steal you from me?" He asked angrily I quickly looked at him over the edge of my glasses before gathering my things

"I do not belong to you! I am not some object." I yelled dropping my bag and a few books and being shushed by Madam Pince who earned and evil glare that could scare even Snape himself.

"Everything ok here?" Fred asked as he grabbed my bag from the floor and helping me pick up my books

"Yea Rosie are you alright?" George asked wrapping his arms around me while glaring at Draco

"Yea, I was just leaving." I said as I let them lead me about of the library

"Athena! Wait!" Draco yelled but was quickly shushed by Madam Pince


A figure dressed in black robes stood over a black and grey crib next to a woman dressed in white in the middle of a wooded area. There were others dressed in black standing along the trees

"Soon my darling Estelle will be here."

"What of the boy my lord?"

"He is nothing but a mere bump in the road. It shall be taken care of."

"Amelia will birth my Estelle and she will become a very powerful witch! I feel her power grow stronger every day

"Amelia you are to tell everyone the girl died! You must! It is the only way!" A voice that sounded oddly like Dumbledore whispered

"But what if he gets her?"

"He won't, I assure you he will not."


I shot up with a gasp and looked around. It was a strange dream but one I'd been having for months. Two things I'd become 50% sure of was that Estelle is me or I've got and older sister I didn't know about, and Dumbledore knew something, not that he tell me. I'd already tried to ask and he turned me away. I'd owled Gran about it a few times but she dismissed it every time.

I sighed and laid back down before remembering it was Christmas, I turned over to see Hermione was gone and I laughed.

The girl had given up on trying to wake me after I'd magically thrown a bucket of water on her last month. But it was a total accident.

Once I got up and threw on a jumper that I was almost 100% sure belonged to George I grabbed Daisy and I ran downstairs to the common room to see Harry and Ron playing wizard chess

"Happy Christmas boys!" I yelled

"Happy Christmas Athena." Harry smiled as Ron just nodded along to focused on the game.

"Is that my jumper?" George asked walking up to me taking Daisy from my arms

"Indeed it is Georgie, and ya can't have it back either. It's quite warm!" I smiled and he blushed


"Let's open presents yea?" Fred asked saving his brother from embarrassment

I'd received advanced spells and potions books from Hermione

Sweets from Harry and Ron

Joke items from the twins and lee

A lavender sweater with a white A on the front from Molly

And then there was another gift wrapped in nice silver paper with a note

To Athena🤍
I opened the box to see a beautiful  necklace

"What ya got there Athie?" George asked

"A necklace? But I don't know who it's from." I said confused as he took it and put it on for me. We'd spent the next few hours in the common room talking and enjoying each other's company

Ron beat me in Wizard chess about 6 times before I gave up

Hermione was trying to figure out who gave me the necklace and she assumed it was the same person who gave Harry his invisibility cloak


"He doesn't like me Mione!" I said as we were on our way to the great hall

"Athena Rose Day! You can't possibly believe that! The boy is basically in love with you." She smiled

"He's just being nice Mione. George Weasley does not like me."

"Yes he does." Ron joked coming up behind us with Harry

"Talks about you an awful lot. Never stops really." Ron smiled

"The chances of George liking me are just as good as Harry dating a Slytherin." I joked then laughed as Harry blushed receiving confused looks from Ron and Hermione and a smile from me

"Whatever you say Rose. But he's even got his own nickname for you, walks you to your classes even when it means he's late to his own, and I bet you he's even saved a seat for you in the great hall." Hermione said matter-of-factly

"There's barely anyone here, it won't be that uncommon for a seat to be open next to him. And I happen to like the nickname plus when has either twin ever cared about being to class on time." I sighed as we made our way inside the great hall were sure enough there was a seat  next to George as he talked to Fred

Hermione shot me a knowing smile and I laughed.


Today I had detention with Hagrid for calling Snape 'Sir Grumpy Snaps' and apparently the trio and Draco had it as well

Filch lead us to Hagrid's hurt complaining the whole way but I ignored him, once we got there Draco started complaining about having to go into the forest when he heard a howl and immediately clung to my arm. Sighing I followed the group and Hagrid spilt us up

"Right Ron, Hermione with me, you two with Athena." He said and before we could split Draco spoke

"Ok then we get Fang!" Draco exclaimed with a smirk

"Suit yourself, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid laughed and another howl rang through the air causing Draco to tighten his grip on my arm and Fang to hide behind me.

"Let's get this over with." I said basically dragging Draco with me.


After a bit of walking Harry stuck his arm out to stop me causing Draco to run into me. We saw a figure that looked shockingly like the one from my dreams and it was hunched over a unicorn. It looked up at us and Draco ran away trying to drag me with him but I tripped and he didn't stop. I heard a voice in my head roar


It was cut off as the figure was chased away by loud noises but before I could see the source of the noise I fainted

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