The Mandalorian (Din Djarin x...

By LayceJ25

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Two lone gunfighters make their way through the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the Ne... More

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian And The Dar'manda
Chapter 2: The Child
Chapter 3: The Sin
Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Chapter 7: The Reckoning
Chapter 8: Redemption
Chapter 9: The Marshal
Chapter 10: The Passenger
Chapter 11: The Heiress
Chapter 12: The Siege
Chapter 13: The Jedi
Chapter 14: The Tragedy
Chapter 15: The Believer
Chapter 16: The Rescue
Chapter 17: Return Of The Mandalorian And The Dar'manda
Chapter 18: From The Desert Comes A Stranger
Chapter 19: In The Name of Honor

Chapter 4: Sanctuary

5.2K 152 81
By LayceJ25

The Razer Crest flies through space, Mando sitting in the driver's seat and (y/n) in the passenger seat, when the Child starts to push buttons. "Stop touching things." Mando said to him, firmly. (Y/n) looks down at the little one and shakes her head at him. The Child looks at the two, innocently, and provocatively moves to push another button, which causes the ship to jerk and shake.

(Y/n) grabs the kid and pushes the buttons and the ship goes back to normal. She places the Child on her lap as Mando shakes his head then goes to look back at the dashboard.

"Let's see..." he said and he pulls up a hologram of a planet on the dashboard. "Sorgan. Looks like there is no star port, no industrial centers, no population density. A real backwater skug hole." Mando said then he turns to (y/n) and the Child. "Which means it's perfect for us." He said then he looks at the Child.

"Ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat?" he asked and the Child just looks up at him with his big eyes and tilts his head a bit. "You think we'll be safe here?" (Y/n) asked, nodding towards the Sorgan hologram. "Nobody's gonna find us here." Mando assures and he steers the ship towards the planet.

Finally, Mando lands the Razer Crest in a wooded area then he powers it down. Then he turns to the Child and (y/n). "Now, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna look around. It shouldn't take too long. I want you to stay here with him." Mando said to her and she nods. "I'll find us some lodging, then I'll come back for you." Mando said then he begins to walk off.

(Y/n) stands up and places the Child on the chair then moves over to the driver's seat. "You stay right here. You stay. Don't move. You understand?" She tells the Child, firmly. The Child looks up, blinks and tilts his head at her. "Great." She said and she turned her head away for one second.

She looks back over to the seat, only to see that the Child was gone. "What the hell?" She said and she gets up and runs out of the cockpit. 

Mando goes over to the back door and opens the ramp. Once it was opened, he looked down to see the Child standing right next to him. "Haar'chak." (y/n) growls as she comes up to Mando, who sighs. "I'm sorry. I just turned my head away for one second and he was gone." (Y/n) said and Mando looks down for a moment then sighs again.

"Oh, what the hell...Come on." He said and the two hunters leave the ship, the Child following them through the woods.

Eventually, they enter a common house where people were looking and pointing at them as the Child looks around. One woman, who looked like a warrior type, seemed particularly interested in their arrival. Then a tooka-cat lets out a little roar, which startled the Child.

(Y/n) looks down at him as he looks up at her with a startled and scared look. "Don't worry. You're alright." She said as they go sit at a table.

"Welcome travellers. Can I interest you in anything?" the proprietor asked after she comes up to their table. "Bone broth, for the little one." Mando said. "Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest you and the lady in a porringer of broth as well?" The proprietor asked. The two hunters shake their head as Mando said. "Just the one."

"Very well--" the proprietor said but then (y/n) speaks up. "That one over there, when did she arrive?" she asked as she nods towards the warrior woman. The proprietor looks over before she speaks. "Uh...I've seen her here for the last week or so." she replied.

"What's her business here?" Mando asked her. "Business? Oh well...there's not much business in Sorgan so I can't say..." the proprietor said before Mando tosses some coin on the table. She looks down at it and starts to take the coin. "She doesn't strike me as a log runner...well...thank you, sir. I will get that broth to you as soon as possible, and I will throw in a flagon of spotchka, just for good measure. I'll be right back with that." She said and she leaves just as Mando and (y/n) noticed that the warrior woman was gone.

Mando gets up and moves to leave. "Stay with the kid." He tells (y/n) and leaves. He exists the common house and starts to look around with his HUD, which showed him recent footprints leading between the huts but suddenly ends.

The warrior woman jumps him and the two fight hard and heavy as they punch, kick and throw each other. Then (y/n) runs up and jumps on the warrior woman's back, wrapping her arms around the woman's neck. The woman grabbed her arms and ran back a bit and slammed (y/n) up against the wall.

Mando grabbed the warrior woman and they began to fight then (y/n) joins in the fight. Finally, the fight ends with the three pointing a blaster, Mando and (y/n) pointing their blaster at her and the woman aiming her blaster at them, but then they hear a slurping sound. The three adults turn their heads and see the Child watching them, sipping his broth.

Mando and (y/n) look at the warrior woman, who looks at them. "You want some soup?" Mando asked the warrior.

Later, Mando, the Child, (y/n) and the woman, Cara Dune as she introduced herself, all sit at a table. "Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor, mostly ex-Imperial warlords. They wanted it fast and quiet. They'd send us in on the drop ships. No support, just us. Then when the Imps were gone, the politics started. We were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots. Not what I signed up for." Cara tells them.

"How'd you end up here?" (Y/n) asked, curiously.  Let's just call it an early retirement." Cara said before she sips her soup. "Look, I knew you were Guild. I figured you two had a fob on me. That's why I came at you two so hard." Cara said. "Yeah, that's what I figured." Mando said and Cara smirks.

"Well, this has been a real treat." She said as she gets up. "But unless you wanna go another round, one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first." She said then she finishes her soup, sets the cup down and walks away.

"Well, looks like this planet's taken." (Y/n) said as she turns to Mando and the Child. "Seems like it." Mando sighs.

That night, Mando and (y/n) were doing some repairs on the Razer Crest when two men, riding on a cargo sled, approach them. "Excuse me." one of them, Stoke, said and the two hunters look over at them. "There something we can help you with?" Mando asked, dismissively, as he and (y/n) keep working.

"Uh...yeah... Raiders." the second man, Caben, said. "We have money." Stoke added. "So you think we're some kind of mercenary?" Mando asked them. "You two are a Mandalorian, right?" Stoke said then Caben added, quickly, as he gestures to their armor. "Or at least wearing Mandalorian armor...That is Mandalorian armor, right?" 

"It is." Mando replied. "I'm a former Mandalorian." (Y/n) said then Caben turns his friend with a smile. "See?! I told him. Sir and ma'am, I've read a lot about your tribe... If half of what I read is true--" Caben said then Stoke shouts. "We have money." 

Mando and (y/n) turns to them. "How much?" (y/n) asked. "It's everything we have, ma'am. Our whole harvest was stolen." Caben said. "Krill...We're...krill farmers." Stoke informed. "We brew spotchka. Our whole village chipped in." said Caben as Stoke holds up a coin purse.

"It's not enough." Mando said as (y/n) looks between the two men with sympathy. Mando starts to walk away and the men take a few steps closer. "Are you sure? You don't even know what the job is." Caben said as (y/n) follows Mando. "I know it's not enough. Good luck." he said. "This is everything we have. We'll give you more after the next harvest." Stoke said and (y/n) turns to Mando.

"What if I go and check it out?" She asked and Mando turns to her. "No. I'm not letting you risk it on your own. That money is not enough. Trust me." Mando said to her, firmly. She huffs at this as Mando opens the hatch, making the two men stumble back. Then they start to move away, disappointed, as Mando and (y/n) walk up the ramp.

"Come on. Let's head back." Caben said to his friend. "Took us the whole day to get here. Now we have to ride back with no protection to the middle of nowhere." Stoke said then Mando and (y/n) halt and turn.

"Where do you live?" Mando asked and the men turn back around. "At a farm." Stoke said, dejectedly. "Weren't you listening? We're farmers." He said and (y/n) takes a step forward. "In the middle of nowhere." She said, questioning. "Yes." Stoke replied, confused 

"You have lodging?" Mando asked. "Yeah. Absolutely." Caben said, hopeful. "Good. Come up and help." Mando said and the men follow the two hunters into the ship and together, they load cargo onto the sled. "I'm gonna need one more thing. Give me those credits." Mando said to the two men.

Later, Cara was sitting by a campfire when a coin purse drops beside her. She draws her gun, looking up, only to see Mando and (y/n) standing there. "Ready for round two?" Mando asked and she looks at the coin purse then smiles.

Moments later, Mando, Cara, (y/n), the Child and the two farmers were on the cargo sled, riding through the woods. "So we're basically running off a band of raiders for lunch money?" Cara asked. "They're quartering us in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked that's a pretty square deal for somebody in your position. Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case, we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn't handle." Mando tells her then he leans back, as does the Child and (y/n), watching the stars through the treetops overhead.

The next morning, Cara, Mando, (y/n) and the Child were all asleep until the sled comes to a stop. They wake up and look over to see a farming village, children ran towards them. "They're here! Come on!" one of the kids shout and they come up to the sled and see the Child.

"Well, looks like they are happy to see us." (Y/n) pointed put and she heard Mando let out a soft laugh as Cara smiles and said. "Looks like."

The village children gathered around the Child as Cara, Mando and (y/n) unload the cargo. Mando and (y/n) arrive at this hut as one woman, Omera, pulls up the blinds. She turns and looks at them, whether with hesitation or apprehension it wasn't clear.

"Please come in." She greets and Mando and (y/n) walk in with some cargo in hand. "I hope this is comfortable for you two. Sorry that all we have is the barn." She said. "This will do fine." Mando assured her. "I stacked some blankets over here." Omera said as she gestures towards the blankets. "Thank you. That's...very kind." (y/n) said when a young girl appears at the doorway.

The two hunters round on her and she starts back to hide outside the doorframe. Omera goes to pull her into sight again, holding her tight to her side. "This is my daughter Winta. We don't get a lot of visitors around here. She's not used to strangers." she said then she turns to her daughter.

"This nice man and lady are going to help protect us from the bad ones." Omera tells her and the young girl looks up at them. "Thank you." she said in a small voice. Mando just nods, near imperceptibly, as (y/n) gives a reassuring smile. "Come on, Winta. Let's give our guests some room." Omera said as she takes Winta's hand and leaves.

A couple of days later, the Child was in a crib while Mando was checking his rifle and (y/n) was checking her blaster. "Knock, knock." a voice said and they look over to see Omera, holding a tray of food, and Winta, who was also holding a tray of food.

"Come in." Mando said and they enter and set the trays of food down. "Can I feed him?" Winta asked as she gestures towards the Child. "Sure." (Y/n) said as Mando turns around. Winta goes and kneels by the crib, holding up food.

"Are you hungry?" She asked the Child as she hands him the food. He takes it and eats it which made the little girl giggle. "Can I play with him?" She asked. "Sure." Mando sighs while (y/n) chuckles to herself.

Winta takes the Child out of the crib and sets him on the floor. "Come on!" she said to the Child as they leave the barn. Mando starts to rush after them, worried. "I don't think--" he started to say but Omera holds him back. "They'll be fine." she said. "I don't--" Mando said but (y/n) speaks up. "Mando, Udesii." she said and Mando looks over at her then backs off.

"I brought you two some food." She said then she looks over at Mando. "I noticed you didn't eat out there. I'll leave it here for when I go." She said. "That's very thoughtful of you." Mando said then he turns away as (y/n) looks out the window, watching the kids playing with the Child. 

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" Omera asked Mando. "Go ahead." he said. "How long has it been since you've taken that off?" she asked him, gesturing to his helmet. "Yesterday." he replied. "I mean in front of someone else." She said. Mando turns around then looks and points out the window, towards the kids.

"I wasn't much older than they are." He replied. "You haven't shown your face to anyone since you were a kid?" Omera asked. "No. I was...happy that they took me in. My parents were killed, and the Mandalorians took care of me." Mando said then Omera turns to (y/n). 

"What about you? You wear similar armor as him don't have a helmet." She said and (y/n) turns to her. "I'm a...former...Mandalorian. My helmet was removed during a fight, which is not allowed." (Y/n) said and Omera gives her a sympathetic look. "Oh. I'm sorry." she said. "This is the way." Mando said and (y/n) looks over at him and nods.

"Let us know if there's anything you need." Omera said to them. "Thank you." Mando said and Omera leaves. (Y/n) watches her leave before she looks over at Mando. "I think she likes you." She said, teasingly. He turns his head and tilts it as if she had grew a second head.

She shrugs and smiles, innocently, at him then looks back out towards the window, seeing the children playing with the Child. "You know, I miss that." She said. "What?" Mando asked her. She nods towards the kids and said. "Innocence. Being a kid."

Mando grabs his plate and cup and sets them on the window sill, standing next to her. "Do you ever think know...before that day? Like our lives beforehand?" (Y/n) asked him as her hands go up to her necklace and she starts to fiddle with the crystal. "Sometimes." Mando replied, knowing what she was talking about.

"Why?" He asked her. "It's been on my mind lately. Especially now with seeing these kids play." She said, nodding out the window. Mando looks out the window at the kids then back at (y/n), who was looking down. "Sometimes, I just miss those days where I didn't have a care in the world and not worry about getting hunted down by bounty hunters and the remnants of the Empire." She said with a small chuckle.

"Don't worry. We'll be safe here." Mando assures her before he reaches over and places a hand over hers. She looks up at him, shocked, but she starts to smile, warmly, at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up. I guess this place just reminds me of home." She said then she stands up, slowly removes her hand from underneath his and goes over to grab her plate of food and drink.

"I'll just be out here. Don't worry, I won't look in, Din." She said as she walks out of the barn. Mando watches her leave then turns back to his plate and sighs. Then he takes off his helmet, sets it aside and begins to eat the food.

"About 15 or 20 of them came through here on foot." Mando informed Cara and (y/n) as they patrolled the forest. He looks through his HUD, which revealed footprints and alot of recent damage higher up in the trees. "And something big sheared off those branches." he said as they move on.

Then they crouch down and see a gigantic footprint. "AT-ST." Cara said, shocked. "Imperial Walker. What's it doing here?" (y/n) asked, confused. "I don't know. But this is more than I signed up for." Cara said and they share a glance.

Back at the village, Mando, Cara and (y/n) stand on the porch of the barn, addressing the villagers. "Bad news. Y'can't live here anymore." Mando said. "What?" Stoke said. "Why?" Caben asked then Cara leans towards Mando. "Nice bedside manner..." she whispers.

"You think you can do better?" Mando asked and (y/n) chuckles. "Can't do much worse." (y/n) said and Cara nods. "Agreed." She said then she turns to the villagers. "I know this is not the news you wanted to hear but there are no other options." She tells them.

"You took the job!" Stoke yelled.

"Yeah!" Caben shouted.

"That was before we knew about the AT-ST." (Y/n) informs them. "What is that?" Stoke asked. "The armored walker with two enormous guns that you knew about and didn't tell us." Cara yells then the villagers started to shout over each other.

"Help us!"


"You're supposed to help us!"

"But we hired you!"


"We have nowhere to go." Omera said. "Sure you do. This is a big planet. I mean, I've seen a lot smaller." Cara said. "My grandparents seeded these pods." Caben exclaims. "It took generations." Stoke said. "I understand. I do. But there are only three of us." Cara said.

"No there's not! There's at least twenty here!" Stoke shouts as Caben nods in agreement. "I mean fighters. Be realistic." Cara said. "We can learn!" said Caben. "We can!" Stoke shouts.

"Give us a chance!"


"I've seen that thing take out entire companies of soldiers in a matter of minutes." Cara tells them. "We're not leaving." Omera said, firmly. "You cannot fight that thing." Cara said then Mando looks over at her. "Unless we show them how." Mando said and Cara and (y/n) look at him like he is insane as the villagers shouts.

"Show us!"

"Yeah, we can do this!"

"You got two problems here. You got the bandits, and you got the mech." Mando tells the villagers after they gathered around him, Cara and (y/n). "We'll handle the AT-ST, but you gotta protect us when they come outta the woods. And I don't have to tell you how dangerous they are. Cara Dune here was a veteran. She was a drop soldier for the Rebellion, and she's gonna lay out a plan for you. So listen. Carefully." Mando said and he steps aside as Cara begins to speak.

"Now, there's nothing on this planet that can damage the legs on this thing. So we're gonna build a trap. We're gonna need to dig real deep right here." She said as she points to the edge of the outermost krill pool. "So that when it steps in, it drops. The three of us will hit their camp, provoke them. That'll bring the fight out of the woods and down here to us." She said.

"I'm gonna need you to cut down trees and build barricades along these edges. I need it high enough so that they can't get over, and strong enough so that it can't break through." (Y/n) said to the villagers as they give worried looks. "Okay. Who knows how to shoot?" She asked and, reluctantly, Omera raises her hand.

Later, Mando and (y/n) unpack their arsenal then them and Cara hand out the weapons. Then they split the villagers into two different groups, Cara worked with one half of the villagers and trained them on melee. Mando and (y/n) trained the other half on shooting practice.

"Fire!" (Y/n) shouts and the villagers shoot haphazardly, missing more than they're hitting--except for Omera, who shoots true and steady. Mando nods while (y/n) gives her a look of impressed.

Later, the villagers began digging up the bank of the krill pool and some started cutting up wood, making barricades, while Mando, Cara and (y/n) discuss strategies.

"The sun is about to set and we'll be leaving soon. When we return, we're coming in hot." Mando said to Omera as her, him and (y/n) walk out of the hut sometime later. "We'll be ready." Omera said and Cara walks up and nods at them. Then Mando and (y/n) walk away.

That night, Mando, Cara and (y/n) run though the forest until they come upon the bandit camp, where three Klatooinians were sitting by a campfire. The three of them take the Klatooinians from behind and snuck up to one of the tents. They draw their blasters and enter the tent to find no enemies, just several large vats of glowing blue liquid.

Mando sets a charge on the main tent post when Cara makes aware of incoming enemies. A few Klatooinians come in and the trio fight them by punching or kicking them. After they were taken down, a few more flooded the tent. They fight them off until more enemies come in shooting.

Mando and (y/n) soften up a wall with shots from their blasters and the three of them escape just before the charge blows the tent up. "I hope the plan worked." Cara said when a red light comes on. They turn and see the AT-ST rising up from the forest. "Go!" Mando shouts and they turn to run. "GO!!!" He shouts as they run and avoid being shot at by the AT-ST.

They run out of the forest and towards the defenses of the village, they slide into cover. "This is it! Once that thing steps in the pond it's going down!" (y/n) said and Cara turns to the villagers. "Weapons ready!" she shouts and they get their weapons aimed just as they watch the AT-ST coming closer, breaking through the tree line. "Just a few more steps." Mando whispers.

Suddenly, the AT-ST hesitates to step in the water and stops on the bank instead. "It stopped." Cara said, confuse, just as the AT-ST stands at the outer perimeter of the village, waiting. Everyone watches it with baited breath until the AT-ST turns on a blinding light. "Get down! Get down!" Mando whispered, forcefully, as the light sweeps the defenses then opens fire on the huts.

"Hold your positions!" Cara yells at the villagers. The Klatooinians break out of the forest and flood through the AT-ST's legs towards the village. "OPEN FIRE!!!" Cara shouts and they open fire.

"We gotta get that thing to step forward." (Y/n) shouts as her and Mando fire at some Klatooinians. "I'm thinking..." Cara said as they continue to fight. "New plan." She said after thinking for a few moments. "What do you have in mind?" Mando asked her. "Gimme the pulse rifle." she said and Mando hands over his rifle.

"We'll cover you." (Y/n) tells her and she nods then storms out towards the AT-ST, jumping into cover in the pond before it. "Come on. You got this." Mando mutters as Cara aims the rifle at the AT-ST.

"Come to mama." she whispers and she shoots at it and it steps forward but stops short of the pond. Cara tries again but she needed to remain in cover. The AT-ST shoots at where it suspects Cara to hide but doesn't step forward.

"Take the bait, you hunk of junk." (y/n) mutters as Cara shoots into one of the cockpit windows, sending the AT-ST reeling to finally step forward into the pond where it goes down hard.

(Y/n) activates a charge and uses her jetpack to fly towards the fallen AT-ST, throwing it into the cockpit window. She flies over to Cara, grabs her hand and flies her back over to the village's defenses just as the AT-ST blows up. The remaining Klatooinians flee and the villagers sigh with relief and celebrate their victory as (y/n) looks down at Cara as they continue to fly over to the village.

"Was that the plan?" (Y/n) asked Cara. "Something like that." Cara laughs and (y/n) laughs with her. "Improvisation. I like it." She said and Cara smiles just as they land on the ground.

Weeks later, the Child was chasing and catching a frog as the village children watch. Once he catches the frog, he proceeds to eat the frog which made the kids turn away in amused disgust. The Child spits out the frog and the kids laugh as the frog hops away.

Cara was sitting out front of the barn as Mando was leaning next to the door. (Y/n) was out somewhere in the village helping some of the villagers with some chores. Omera comes out and hands Cara a drink. "Thank you." Cara said, appreciatively. Omera nods then turns to Mando.

"Can I get you something in the house?" She asked him. "Uh...thank you. Maybe later." Mando said then Omera turns to watch the children. "He's very happy here." she points out as they watch the Child play with the kids. "He is." Mando said. "Fits right in." Omera said and she walks away.

"So, what happens if you take that thing off? They come after you and kill you?" Cara asked Mando, pointing at his helmet. "No. You just can't ever put it back on again." Mando replied. "Is that what happened to your friend?" Cara asked, nodding off to the side.

Mando looks over and sees (y/n) talking and laughing with some of the villagers as they continue to gather up some crops. "Yeah. Although, her helmet being removed was accidental. There was a fight with a bounty we were involved in with another Mandalorian. At one point, the bounty got on top of her and removed her helmet." Mando said and Cara looks over at him, noting his tone of voice.

"You sound a bit upset about it." She said and he just shrugs, not knowing what to say to that as it was true. "But why can't you just slip off the helmet, settle down with her and raise your kid sitting here sipping spotchka?" She asked, incredulously. "You know, we raised some hell here a few weeks back. It's too much action for a backwater town like this. Word travels fast. You might wanna cycle the charts and move on." Mando replied.

"Wouldn't wanna be the one who's gotta tell him." Cara said as she nods towards the Child. "I'm leaving him here. Travelling with me...that's no life for a kid. I did my job, he's safe. Better chance at a life." Mando said. "It's gonna break his little heart." Cara said. "He'll get over it. We all do." Mando said then he sits there and thinks for a few moments before getting up and walk away.

As he walks up to (y/n), he heard one of the villagers telling a joke which made everyone laugh including (y/n). Mando felt his heart pound in his chest once he hears her laugh. He had noticed these last few weeks that she seemed happy here, almost like she belongs here. And that's why he was gonna ask her to stay here with the Child.

He felt good of leaving the Child here but he'd feel better with her staying and watching over the kid. She is the person he could trust with his life.

"Excuse me. Can I have a word?" Mando asked as he approaches (y/n). "Of course." she said and he leads her away from the others for privacy.

"It's very nice here." Mando said as they walk along the bank and look around. "Yes, it is." (Y/n) said. "I think it's clear he's...he's happy here." Mando said and she turns to him. "And you seem happy here." He added. 

"What about you?" She asked him, curiously. "Me?" he asked, confused. "Are you happy here? Y'know...We could stay here. The community is grateful for what we did. We can pack all this away in case there's ever trouble. You, me and the kid could have a good life. He could be a child for a while." She said and Mando looks into her eyes from under his helmet.

"Wouldn't that be nice?" she asked him. "It would." Mando replied, his voice breaking. She gives a sympathetic smile to him then placed her hand on his chest. Part of her wanted to see if she could reach out to his helmet to take it off but she knew how important the Creed was to him, so she didn't push it.

He places his left hand over her hand, that was on his chest, and ran his thumb over her fingers. "I don't belong here. But he does. And I would feel better if you were here watching over him." He said to her, softly, and she nods. "I understand." She said and she looks down. 

Mando felt his heart ache as she looks down in sadness. He felt like he should do something but he wasn't for sure what. Suddenly, he raises his right hand and placed it on her cheek, making her look up at him. His heart started to thump harder in his chest as she looked at him with her (e/c) eyes.

He strokes his thumb across her cheek and he wanted to say something, something that he's been wanting to say for awhile, but a little voice in his head was telling him no, you can't do this...not to her. Not now.

Little did he know that (y/n) held similar feelings towards him, her heart felt like it was going all over the place when he placed his hand on her cheek. She had always held these feelings for him back before she became a Dar'manda. But once she was banished, she shoved those feelings for him away as she felt ashamed for what happened and figured he didn't want her anyway.

Now that they were working together again, those feelings had started to resurface and reminded her why she had such a soft spot for him. And she had been trying to figure out a way to tell him but it always seemed to be bad timing by the time she wants to bring it up. Either he got busy or she was too scared to bring it up.

They stand there, staring in silence when Mando started to speak up. "(Y/n), I..." he started to say when a loud blaster noise rings out. The two jump into action at this and Mando turns to her. "Go get the kids." he tells her. "On it." She said and she runs off as he goes into the woods.

Once he gets there, he sees Cara standing over a body, the end of her blaster was still smoking which told him that it was her that fired the shot. With his foot, Mando turns the smoldering body over to reveal a beeping tracking fob. He kneels down and picks it up.

"Who is he tracking?" Cara asked. "The kid." Mando replied, roughly. "They know he's here." Cara said. "Yes." he said. "Then they'll keep coming." she said. "Yes." he said and he destroys the fob by dropping it on the ground and stepping on it.

After telling (y/n) what happened, the two began packing up all of their stuff and extra supplies on the sled. (Y/n) sets the Child on the sled as the villagers surround it and Cara walks up to her and Mando.

"Are you sure you don't want an escort?" She asked them. "We appreciate the offer. But we're gonna bypass the town and head right to the Razor Crest." Mando tells her. "Well then." Cara said then she offers her hand. "Until our paths cross." She said and Mando takes her hand. "Until our paths cross." he said as they shake hands then (y/n) and Cara shake hands.

Winta runs forward and hugs the Child. "I'll miss you so much." she cries as Omera turns to Mando and (y/n). "Thank you." She said, appreciatively, and the two hunters nod before they get into the sled and head out, back towards the Razer Crest.

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