Savior 🔞

By sd_luvs_bangtan

38.1K 1.2K 301

HER I feel really tired... Like the world has drained me of everything I ever had. Love is never something I'... More

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482 22 3
By sd_luvs_bangtan

"What are you doing here?

"I could ask you the same thing Jeon Jung-hoon... LA is a long way from Seoul."

"I came to return my son's airplane, and spend a couple days with him."

The man laughs sarcastically at me, and I try to remain calm.

"Where is your son? If you're spending time together, why is he not with you?"

"He went to see a friend, and I'm getting ready to sleep since I'm feeling a little jet lagged... So, if you'll excuse me?"

I motion toward the door, expecting him to leave. Instead he takes a seat on the couch, making himself comfortable.

"Is this 'friend' your son is with perhaps a cute little blonde going by the name Fiona? I think I warned you that he should not meet her again if you want the safety of your granddaughter to be guaranteed."

"Why are you doing this? I've never understood what you gain from any of this..."

Before I could continue, he jumped from his seated position and I felt his fist strike my face. I fell to the ground, and tried to get up, but was slammed again. The punches were brutal and constant. I tasted blood, and felt the bones in my cheek break. When he stopped punching, he landed heavy kicks to my abdomen. I felt myself losing conciouseness, but I still heard the last thing he said before he left me lying in a pool of my own blood.

"We had a deal Jung-hoon... I'll do anything for the happiness of my daughter. Even at the cost of your son's"



I woke up to the pounding on my hotel room door. I drag myself out of my bed, grumbling about killing whoever is there. As I get closer, I hear Jimin's voice and the continued knocking. He sounds stressed, so I hurry and open the door. He almost falls into me when the door disappears from his moving fist.

"Oh, Hyung... Sorry!!"

"Jimin... It's 1 in the morning. What is going on?"

"Taehyung called... Mr. Jeon was attacked. He's in the hospital." He's panting and can barely get his words out, so I lead him to sit down while I grab him a water.

"When did this happen? Was he at home, or at work?"

"Hyung... He was here! In LA to visit Jungkook. Taehyung got a call from Kook when he couldn't get his father on the phone... Tae had a key to the room, so he went to check and found Mr. Jeon severely beaten."

"Let me get dressed Jimin. We'll go to the hospital"

I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, I think through everything that I've learned so far... Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I hurry and finish up to get out of the bathroom. When I open the door I notice Jimin ending a phone call, and he's startled when I call to him.

"Who was that? Something else happen?" Jimin's eyes are wide, and I can see he's bothered. He is just shaking his head, but doesn't say anything.

"Jimin... What's wrong?"

"I don't know Hyung... That was Bora. She asked me if Jungkook is alright... Why would she call about him?"

"Did you ask her that?"

"No... I just said as far as I knew he's fine. She seemed weird, and when I asked if she was ok, she got all bitchy like she normally is."

"Strange... Do you want to go now?"

He agrees, and we leave. I notice he seems distracted more than usual, but I don't want to be too pushy. It's stressful what's happened. Maybe he's just upset that a man he's known most of his life, is in the hospital.

When we arrive at the hospital, I see a man that looks like Jimin's father-in-law. I point him out to Jimin, and my friend's face completely changes. He storms off towards the man, and I almost think he's going to punch him. I am about to see what's going on, when Sophia runs up to me, and she's crying. I hug her, and see Jungkook coming behind, looking down.

"What happened Sophia-ah? Why are you crying?" She just looks at Jungkook, who is standing next to her now.

"Hyung... Thanks for coming. But you don't need to stay, it's late..."

"How's your father Jungkook-ah?" I watch my friend crumble in front of me. He's scrubbing at his face to try to stop the tears, but the sob still escapes. Sophia wraps her arms around his waist and he hooks an arm around her shoulders, holding her to him.

"He's in a coma Hyung. He was beaten really badly... I shouldn't have left him alone. I knew there was something wrong." He hugs Sophia with both arms now, and she is rubbing his back trying to calm him. It seems to be working, and he lays his cheek on the top of her head.

I look up when I hear Jimin yelling. I had forgotten about him for a minute.

"What did you do!? Did you do this!?"

I now see that Mr. Kang's hands are wrapped in bandages, like he had injured them. He looks up and notices Jungkook, Sophia, and I all staring at him. He pushes Jimin away from him, and leaves the hospital. I go after Jimin who appears to be about to follow Mr. Kang.

"Jimin! Stop! Let him go. Talk to me... Tell me what is going on."

Jimin looks at me, and then behind me, at the teary couple. His eyes are sad, and he seems to be struggling with a decision.

"Talk to me Jimin. I can help."

"Is Mr. Jeon...?? Is he dead Hyung?"

"No. But he's in a coma. Now tell me what you know. I can tell that there are things you're trying to hide. I'm sure that it is difficult, but you have to trust me... Let me help."

"Ok Hyung... I'm j-just confused about things... You were asking me about Bora and Aera the other day... The surname... I may have asked Bora why Aera's last name was different. I had never really thought about it before... She said Aera was adopted, but she refused to give me more information..."

I can tell there is more, but he doesn't want to say it. He seems sad...

"You'll feel better when you say the rest Jimin... What else?"

"When she didn't give me more information, I called Rosé... Hyung... She told me that she and Aera were never in a real relationship. That it was all a set up being paid for by a 3rd party. She feels bad, but is afraid of whoever is behind this. I can't believe that I introduced Aera to J-Jungkook... Wh-what have I-I d-done...??"

I knew he would blame himself... I grab his shoulders and get him to look in my eyes.

"Whatever this is, it's not your fault Jimin. We will figure it out together. I am going to call my father... I need to make sure we can protect Sophia and Jungkook... I don't think he'll survive losing her again..."

"Hyung... I asked Kang Daeshim if he beat Mr. Jeon... He laughed Yoongi hyung. He told me to stay out of it... But he didn't deny that he was the one who did it... I feel like there is so much we're missing... Like the last 6 years have all been one lie after another..."

"We will figure this out. Stay with Jungkook and Sophia... I'm going to go cancel my pilots, and call Dad... You ok?"

Jimin gives me a weak nod, but he's barely holding it together. He walks to the couple who are now sitting in a chair cuddling. It's time to figure out what the hell is going on?



When Taehyung told me my Dad was injured, I thought it was a mistake. My Father is strong, and knows how to fight. As soon as I saw him though, I knew he never had a chance to defend himself. Whoever did this to him, surprised him... He had no chance.

I am thankful that Sophia is with me, because I know my Dad was trying to warn me. Would I have lost her again if he didn't send me to her? Who is behind this? So many questions, but no answers are running through my mind. Yoongi hyung is making some calls to his family to try to get information. Tae hyung and Jimin hyung went with Sophia to get some food. It was hard to let them take her out of my sight, but I know they'll protect her.

I called my mother, who was besides herself when I told her what happened. I asked her what it is that I'm missing, but she didn't know anything. She only said that my father had been frustrated a couple years ago when my marriage was arranged. He never told her why... I let her know that Sophia is alive, and Dad knew, but had been blackmailed to keep the contract with Aera. She cried knowing how that must have hurt him to not be able to tell me about Sophia.

I'm planning to bring my father to Seoul as soon as they say he's safe to fly. It would be best if he would wake up, but I'll hire a medical team to come with us, if he isn't. I was hoping for another week here to tie up the business in the company, and reconnect more with Sophia. I know she's scared of all the things that are going to happen when we get to Seoul, but as long as she stays with me, we'll get through it together.

"What are you thinking about?" The soft voice I love asks me. I open my eyes and see her looking at me with concern.

"Just about getting my Dad back to Seoul. Did you get some food?"

"Yes. I brought you some sushi. Don't you dare say you're not hungry either... I know you are." She smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I took the container of food from her, promising to eat it.

"Are you tired? You can lay your head on my lap if you are... I want to say that you could go home and sleep, but I think it's better if we stay together... I'm sorry if I'm being paranoid."

"I understand. I don't want to go anywhere without you either. I feel safe when I'm with you." She lays her now pink face on my lap and I smile down at her. I relax and play with her hair as she falls asleep.

When I know she's fully asleep, I take out my phone to take a picture of her cuteness. I spend time really looking at her. The scar that used to be so noticeable is now very light. The small cuts from the torture Ha-eun had put her through are barely there. Her skin is beautiful. My phone vibrates in my hand making me jump. I check to see if my love is disturbed, but she's sleeping peacefully.

I answer the phone in an almost whisper.



Jungkook? What's the matter with your voice?

Aera? Why are you calling? Do you realize what time it is here?

I'm sorry. I just heard about your father. Is he alright?

No. He's not... Who told you about it?

What do you mean he's not? What are the doctors saying?

He's in a coma. He was beaten severely on his head and face. Now, answer me... Who even told you?

Bora said that he was in the hospital. She didn't tell me what happened though. Should I come there?

No. We'll be bringing him to Seoul as soon as they tell us it's safe enough.


Now is not the time for jealousy Aera. I will bring him, along with Sophia, Yoongi hyung, and Jimin hyung.

Great... She's agreed to come with you?

Why wouldn't she?

I don't know Jungkook... Maybe to not ruin our marriage.

There is nothing to ruin Aera... I won't talk about this now. Please have Olivia call me soon. I tried to reach her earlier, but she didn't

She's with my mother. I don't think she remembered her phone.

What do you mean? You left her there?

Why is that a problem? My Mom loves Olivia.

I just want to make sure she's alright. Are you going back to your Mom's? Bring her phone to her please.

I was planning on letting them have a night together. I'm going to stay home. But I'll have her call you in the morning when I pick her up.

Aera... I don't want

What Jungkook? You don't want Olivia with my Mom?

I wasn't going to say that... You know what? I won't argue about this. Please go and get my daughter and bring her home. Have her call me when she's there.

You're unbelievable... Your daughter?

She is my daughter Aera. Now do what I said. I won't tell you again.

What are you going to do if I don't?



Fucking listen to me! Bring her home!!

Fine!... Asshole!

She hung up after that, and I realized that Sophia was awake. She's looking at me with a concerned face, and I hate it. I don't want her to worry about Olivia. But the truth is, I'm worried... Mr. Kang being here, Aera's attitude, and just all the unanswered questions have made me crazy.

"Is everything ok Jungkook? Where is Olivia?"

"Aera brought her to her Mother's for a visit. I don't know enough about anything right now so I told her to go and pick her up and bring her back home. Don't worry, Love... I'm sure she's safe."

She doesn't look convinced, and honestly, neither am I at this point. I want so badly to understand all of the things that have happened this past few days. I see Yoongi hyung walking towards me, and Sophia sits up tensing. When he is standing in front of us, he smiles to Sophia, and she calms a little.

"I spoke with my father Kook. He will meet us in Seoul to tell us more information, but for now, he wants us to stay together. He said that he didn't feel safe to tell me more on the phone, so it must be a big deal. Jimin and I have spoken with my pilots, and they are going to fly back tonight to Seoul, so we can all travel tomorrow with your Dad in your plane. We should go to Sophia's and pack her stuff. The Doctors have said if we have a medical team on board, your Father can fly."

"Thanks Hyung. I don't know what I would do without you."

We all stand to go and I notice an armed man outside my Father's room. I am about to go and question him when Yoongi hyung tells me he hired him to keep my Dad safe until we can get on the plane. I'm surprised by the weapon the man is carrying, and it reminds me that someone may have tried to kill my Father... I take Sophia's hand and we follow Yoongi hyung to a car with other armed guards that will bring us to Sophia's apartment. Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung are following in another car, and when we arrive, everyone gets out to get inside quickly. Sophia looks to be in a daze, but she leads the way.

She looks a little sad when we start taking the photos off the walls. Hyung had already prepared the necessary wrappings and boxes so that we could make sure they are transported safely. Taehyung hyung keeps reminiscing when pictures were taken, and it seems to make Sophia happy to hear the stories. I feel a little jealous of their relationship, but I try to remember that she had no-one but him, and he did what he thought was best to protect her. We work through the night and into the morning, packing things that she wants to bring, and things she'll donate.

I open her closet and find a bunch of wrapped presents. I am about to check what they are, when she comes behind me. "I bought gifts for every birthday, and even Christmas... I didn't know if I would ever meet her, or you again, but I wanted to celebrate in some way..."

"Let's take them with us. We can open them with Olivia when you meet her. I'm sure she's going to love it that you were thinking of her. I know I'm touched... Some of these are for me?" I watch her face turn a cute crimson color as she nods her head. I bend to her and give her a kiss, catching her off guard. I watch her blush harder, and cover her cheeks with her cute hands. I laugh at the fact she still reacts this way to me. "I love you Sophia." Taking her into a tight hug, kissing her head, I hear her mumble against my chest that she loves me too.

When everything is packed, and the boxes for donation are set to the side, we bring them down to the cars. Yoongi hyung instructs the men to bring them to the plane and we'll meet them with my Father as soon as the medical team is gathered. I honestly don't know how he is able to find these kinds of people, but I'm grateful. Men with guns is not something I would know how to find...



Scared would be an understatement... All that is happening feels so surreal. I feel guilty that somehow this has to do with me. Somehow the Lee's still haven't stopped hunting me... Sitting in the plane, I watch as Jungkook holds his Father's hand, and talks softly to him. He's telling him what we are doing, and where we are going. I hear him tell him that he will make sure to get him the best Doctors in Korea, and that he will be fine. I pray he is. I turn when I feel a presence next to me to find Yoongi looking at me.

"How are you doing? I know that the past few hours were rushed, and noone really asked you what your thoughts were.."

"I guess I'm alright. Scared... I'm not sure where I'm going to stay. I know your offered, but I don't think Jungkook would like it, and I don't feel comfortable showing up suddenly at his house with Aera there... and I think he needs to tell Olivia about me before he introduces her to me... It's just so much to think about. You know?"

"I know. Maybe we'll have you stay with Mrs. Jeon. Then we can set up a guard there, and he can go home and speak to Olivia about you. When he has, he can bring her to his parent's home, which a safe space for her to introduce her to you."

"I like that idea actually... I just don't want to impose on Mrs. Jeon. She's got a lot to deal with right now with her husband hurt. And I don't know what she'll feel about me after I ran away..."

"Has anyone been truly upset with you about what you did? I know I wasn't. I think Jungkook was more surprised, and frustrated, than mad. Jimin had a momentary bout of anger, but you saw how quickly he changed his tune. We all care about you Sophia. You know what? I can't wait for the moment when Jin hyung meets you again..."

He starts giggling thinking about how Jin is going to freak out. I tell him I'm going to need ear plugs to get through it, and he laughs at my thoughts.

"What's so funny over here?"

"Sophia was just saying how when she meets Jin hyung she'll probably need ear plugs."

Both men are laughing now, and it's a sound I love. I don't know when I have ever been happier in my life than when these men are laughing. Yoongi and Jungkook talk about where I should stay when we get to Seoul. I get nervous when Jungkook insists I go with him. I excuse myself because I don't think I can hold the absolute panic I am feeling. I know it will come out in tears, and I need to get it under control. I get in to the bathroom and let myself cry. I don't want to meet Olivia with Aera there looking over my shoulder. But, do I get to have a say? She has been the mother of my daughter for Olivia's whole life, whether I like it or not.

"Sophia? Are you alright, Love?" I hear Jungkook asking, but my voice is going to come out broken so I just don't answer. I wash my face and hope he won't notice I have been crying. While I'm drying my face, he opens the door, and seeing me, he knows immediately that something is wrong. "What's wrong? Tell me... Did I do something? Yoongi hyung seems to think you don't want to come to my house..."

"It's not that I don't want to Jungkook... I just think it would be best for Olivia if you could speak to her without me first. I don't want her to feel pressured to react a certain way."

"I know she's going to be so happy... and impatient to meet you. But if you're sure this is what you want, then I'll go to her and you can either stay with Hyung, or my Mom..."

"Ok. Wherever you think is best. I don't want to impose on anyone. I can always stay in a hotel until I find an apartment..."

"Stop talking bullshit Sophia. I didn't get you back to have you live in a hotel, or an apartment on your own. I don't know what we're facing after what my father told me, but I plan to get a divorce as soon as possible. I will not give Aera her 6 months. It's going to be you, me, and Olivia as quickly as I can make it happen. Ok?"

I nod at him and agree with what he's saying since it's what I want. I hope we won't be facing too many issues... I have a feeling though, that nothing is going to be as easy as he would like it to be.

When the plane lands in Seoul, they get his father into an ambulance and headed to the hospital with a guard team. The rest of us get off, and are met with our own team of guards. We are walking to the cars, when I see Aera running towards us. She throws herself into Jungkook's arms and starts kissing him. I'm standing there looking ridiculous with my mouth open. Jimin tries to pull me to the side, but I don't move. I watch as Jungkook takes ahold of Aera rather harshly and pushes her away from him. "WHAT THE FUCK AERA?!?" She's grinning, and I feel my stomach drop. "I was just greeting you how we said goodbye... what's wrong with you?"

The stab to my heart is swift and I almost double over. I stumble back from Jungkook, and Aera is looking quite satisfied with herself. Yoongi grabs me and pulls me away from them. I am biting my cheek to not cry... Part of me knows that she is trying to hurt me, but I can't help that I am. He didn't tell me that they kissed before she left that day. He promised to always be honest, and he told me that they'd never had any other intimate contact except the almost forced blow job she gave him... Is he being honest with me, or trying to protect my feelings?


"Don't Yoongi... I'm ok."

I keep walking, not really paying attention to where I'm going. It's dark and I feel a drop of rain hit my face. I look back and realize I've walked quite a distance without realizing. I stand still trying to figure out the best thing to do, but the rain starts to pick up. I look ahead and see a cafe not too far away and start making my way there as quickly as I can.

A car pulls up next to me, but I don't pay attention to it, just trying to get to the place where I can get a warm drink. A voice calls out my name and I glance to the left to see a man in the passenger seat motioning for me to go to him. I don't know him, so I shake my head and pick up my pace. He calls me again, and I feel scared. I am only 2 blocks from where I want to be, so I start running. The car keeps up with me easily, but I don't stop. I'm hyperventilating, and feel like I'm getting weaker with every step. But I make it to the cafe and throw myself through the door.

Thankfully it's fairly empty, and I bend forward with my hands on my knees, catching my breath.

"Hello! Wow, is it raining?" I look up to lock eyes with the familiar man who is speaking. "Sophia? Is that you?" A grin splits his more mature face, and I smile widely back at him. "Min-jun!" Not waiting another second I jump towards him, hugging him. He laughs and hugs me back. "I thought I'd never see you again!! I heard you died... Wait... You're not dead?!?"

He's holding me by my shoulders and inspecting me, trying to figure out if I'm really me, or really alive... I am not sure which. "Min-jun... It's me... It's a long story. Can I get a drink and we can talk." This brings him back to the present, and he laughs at his own behavior. He grabs my wrist and brings me to a table near the counter.

"What would you like? It's on the house, so get whatever you want."

"I can pay Min-jun. I don't want you to get in trouble with your boss." This makes him smile bigger than I've ever seen.

"The boss won't mind... Trust me Sophia."

I order a hot macchiato and a blueberry muffin. While I'm waiting, I feel my phone vibrate, and I pull it out. Looking at the screen, I see it's Jungkook, so I decline it. He calls another 2 times, but I can't talk to him right now. I need to stand up for myself, or Aera is going to run right over me. In this minute, I need to collect my thoughts. It vibrates again, this time with a text.

[Where did you go?>

<I'm fine. I am just taking a little time to calm down.]

[We are supposed to stay together. I need to know where you are.>

<It hurts too much... Just give me a little time.]

[Love... She was trying to hurt you. I'm sorry... Please... I'm worried about you. I don't want anything to happen to you.>

<I'm with an old friend, and quite safe at the moment. I'll call Yoongi when I'm finished here. Go home Jungkook. See Olivia.]

[What friend? We've been here less than an hour.>

<Min-jun... He's buying me a coffee. I'm just going to catch up with him for a little while, and clear my head.]

[You're at his cafe? I'll meet you there.>

<What? Jungkook... I'm fine!!]

Frustrated, I throw my phone onto the table, ignoring the spam he's sending me. I just wanted a few minutes...

"Everything alright, Sophia?"

I smile at my friend as he sets my order on the table. I sip the coffee, enjoying the heat it brings me.

"I'm fine Min-jun. Jungkook was just being annoying."

"Wow... You and Mr. Jeon are still together?"

I laugh at the fact he still calls him so formally. As I'm about to answer Min-jun, the bell over the door chimes, causing us to look up.

In walks a soaking wet Jungkook, looking pissed. Min-jun, looks at me and stands from the seat. "I guess that answers my question..."

Jungkook storms towards me, and I just stay in my seat, sipping my drink. He plops down on the chair Min-jun just got up from and glares at me.

"Do you know how worried everyone was? Did you think of anyone else except yourself?"

My eyes go wide, and I choke a little on the coffee. I feel hurt by his words, but the guilt is eating away at me too.

"Jungkook... I didn't me" "No! You didn't THINK Sophia... I can't believe you did that!"

I look away feeling ashamed, but the stubborn, angry part of me is threatening to rise up if he continues. Min-jun asks if he'd like a drink, but he says no, and that we'll be leaving. He takes his wallet out, but Min-jun refuses his money.

"Take it Min-jun... Giving away freebies isn't good for business. If you do that often it'll just cause problems. And this problem is mine to deal with."

He didn't just say that... I'm sitting with my mouth hanging open, looking at the man I love...

"did you just call me a problem?" I whisper.

"What? I couldn't hear you..."


I stand from the chair, knocking it over and turn to apologize to Min-jun. Before I can, a strong hand grabs my wrist and I'm yanked into his hard chest. I start pushing him away, but he's strong, so it doesn't do much good.

I am cursing and yelling at him to let me go, but he wraps his arms around me and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I hear him sniff, and I realize his shoulders are shaking. He's crying? I hug him and he cries harder.

I hold onto him as he begins to settle. There's so much guilt gnawing at my gut, I feel nauseous. I know that he panicked because of how I left him in the past, and I can't blame him for that. His overreaction is understandable, and I should apologize for being a brat. I just can't see her kissing him that way... I can't stand how she has put a wedge in between us so easily.

"Min-jun? Could you get me 2 more macchiatos to go? Also, if I could get your phone number... I'll call you when I have some free time. We'll catch up."

After Min-jun gets the drinks and enters his contact info in my phone, Jungkook and I walk out of the cafe together. Jungkook intertwines our fingers and kisses the back of my hand.

"I'm so sorry Sophia... I didn't mean that you are a problem. I just meant the situation... I should have told you she kissed me before she left that day. I'll be honest, I had pretty much forgotten it... I love you. Please don't leave me again... I won't be able to live."

Hearing him, I calm down some. I wrap my arms around him and just enjoy his warmth. He leans down and joins our lips. I melt into the feeling and don't even mind the rain.

"Come on... Let's go to my Mom's. She's expecting us."


I hope you're all doing well. Thank you for reading.

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