๐™ฝ๐šž๐š•๐š• || Hunter x Hunter...

By Adyull

105K 2.9K 1.1K

Sister? who knew the Zolydcks could have girls. But there she stood. Her long white hair flew along with the... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16

Ch. 15

3K 100 20
By Adyull

Killua sat in the lemo that's being driven by Canary. He had just brought Alluka out of the household. Yullia had already warned him about Illumi's action. He knew Illumi was coming to stop him.



"Killua right?"


"You removed the needle, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I feel much better."

"Then, I won't have to hold back when I kill."

"Kill? Me?"

"Haha. You can't kill a family member during an inner mission. Just family member's."




Killua lowered the phone. He looked towards Alluka. Illumi does not consider Alluka to be a family member at all. The one person currently in his way is the same one for everything. Illumi does not believe Alluka to be a family member. As long as Alluka is a threat to the family, she will never be let out. He was angry. Angry about Illumi's choice. Moving the phone in front of his face. He tightened his grip.

"I'd like to see that. I'll beat you at your own game."


"Then. Let's begin!"






Illumi launched his attack. He had stroke needles in cars near them. Forcing the drivers to give their life away to crash into the lemo carrying them. Illumi watched from above the hill as the lemo flew into the forest.

"Not. bad."

Hisoka kneeled down looking towards the smoke.

"That was excessive. I thought you were going to ask him first."

"I got a spotter. After analyzing that. There's something that's suddenly bothering me. Killua's hiding rules from us. If there are rules I don't know about, trying to negotiate with him is pointless. It might accede to my demands because they favor him. So I need to get rid of Alluka before Killua has a chance to use that to his advantage."

"Nii-san... Family members are off limits. Alluka is our little sibling. We are not killing Alluka."

Yullia was next to Illumi sitting down at the edge of the clift. She did not like what just came out of Illumi's mouth. Yullia knew the only reason was because Alluka's a threat to him. A threat to all his family. If he can't control he can't allow his family's life to be in someone else's hand.


They were now staring at each other battling against each other with their glare.

"Can I kill Killua?"




Yullia and Illumi both immediately released their bloodlust. Staring straight into Hisoka's eyes. They both were ready to kill the man in front of them.

"If you touch Killua. I will kill you. Right here. Right now."


Hisoka smiled widely at the two in front of him.

"I'm joking. You guys are leaking your bloodlust. Is that alright?"


They both snapped out of it. Their bloodlust was leaked. Killua had sensed them.

"Was that on purpose." 

"Of course not~."

"Take it as a warning Hisoka. I'll kill you."

Yullia got up. She did not like the joke Hisoka had made. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't leak any bloodlust. She would have killed him right here.

"Come on, it was a joke :'3"

"Just take care of the butler. Let's go Yulli."




Hisoka looked towards the forest beneath him. The two beside him were already gone. He stood up himself and jumped towards the forest.

"Well. Let's start."

"Nii-san can't we just let them go. You know Killua. He won't put the family in danger."

"We talked about this before. No means no."



They were currently at Parasta Airport waiting for Killua. They both already knew Killua's directions.

Seeing Killua and Alluka get out of the lemo. They both jumped down from the branches and walked out of the dark into Killua's sight.

Alluka, who saw Yullia, wanted to run towards her instantly. But sensing Illumi next to her and knowing the situation she was in. She stopped herself. And held onto Killua's hand tighter.

"Aniki. Nee-chan."

"Yo. Killu. Are you hiding something from me about Alluka? How come Milluki's 5th rule doesn't apply to you."

"How did you find us."

"If I answered your question. Will you answer mine?"


"Tsubone's pendant, Okaa-san has the images seen through it transfer to Nii-san's phone."

She actually knew about Alluka's power. Why Killua was able to escape the 5th rule. But she couldn't tell Illumi. She didn't know what he was going to do with it. She didn't know how he was going to abuse it.

Hearing her name. Tsubone stepped out of the dark with Amane next to her.

"I thought I felt someone watching us. It was from the pendant Kikyo-sama requested me to wear. Knowing fair well I cannot take it off. You guys used it to monitor our moves."

They both bowed towards Yullia and Illumi. As much as she didn't like Illumi and Milluki who was so much like their mother. They were still from the Zoldyck family, this was not a mission to be interfered with by personal feelings. But Yullia was different. She was like Killua, someone with a heart. Someone with emotions. Someone who was sane. Every butler knows that.

Why is Yullia-sama siding with Illumi-sama?

"Well. Ya. Killu, there's nowhere to run. We need Alluka, it will only bring harm to everyone."


Killua released nen, Illumi was clearly not registering Alluka as his family. His eyes got watery. Alluka had been through so much. Always trapped within the Zoldyck household. He wanted to do something for her. Something he couldn't do for Yullia. The man in front of him was not someone he wanted to fight. They are family.

"Nii-san. Stop treating Alluka like a thing. She's our family member. We are only bringing her back, remember?"

Yullia spoke up, clearly not liking the way Illumi addressed Alluka.

So that's why.

Tsubone looked towards Yullia. She was here to protect Alluka in her own way.

"Alluka needs to be eliminated."

With that Illumi dashed towards Killua, ready to kill Alluka. Yullia who heard Illumi's statement loud and clear focused her nen on her foot and she dashed forwards. Getting her feet positioned to Illumi's side. She kicked him.

Illumi turned towards Yullia and crossed his hands in front of him blocking the attack. He got pushed back from the impact. Doing a flip, he landed a bit further than Yullia. Yullia landed at the same spot she kicked him.

Tsubone and Amane did not move. They were only ordered by Silva to watch Killua. They had no right to interfere with the two in front of them.

"Alluka's not what you think. Can you treat her like a family? She's really not as dangerous as you guys label it. You guys only experimented with her. You never saw her grow up, her sadness, her smile, her wishes, her thoughts. Have you once even sat down to play with Alluka. She needs you too. She needs her older brother."

Yullia shouted towards Illumi. They had agreed to not kill Alluka. She couldn't possibly watch her little sister get killed like that.

"Yullia. Alluka is a threat to the family. With his unknown powers, we cannot control it. We must eliminate that threat."

Illumi took out his needles and threw them towards Killua. Yullia got in front of them and cut it with her nen blade.

Killua could only watch. He at first had no idea why Yullia was siding with Illumi. But he knew. He knew Yullia cared about Alluka deep down. As much as he cared about Alluka. As much as this was involving him, he couldn't interrupt the two in front of him. He had to stay with Alluka. In the end he was still protected. Protected by Yullia.

Illumi appeared in front of Yullia and punched her. Yullia dodged towards the left and threw back a punch.

Illumi ducked down and swinged his legs towards Yullia's. Yullia jumped and brought her right knee up trying to connect it with Illumi's face.

Illumi blocked it with his right hand and tossed and pushed Yullia's leg. Yullia twisted her body and turned towards Illumi's other side. She kicked towards him.

Illumi jumped backwards. Yullia dashed towards him and swung her nen at him. Illumi bent backwards and dodged it. Flipping 2 more times he handed on the floor.

Illumi dashed towards Yullia. The moment he got in front of her he got lower and swinged towards her legs. Yullia jumped up and punched towards Illumi's head. Illumi grabbed her arm and threw her down on the floor.

A figure flew above Yullia's sight, Hisoka dashed towards Killua. He was ready to kill Killua. With the two throwing bloodlust at each other he was getting affected. He was getting hungry. He wanted to kill Killua so he could fight all of them. He wanted to join the fun. He wanted to keep Alluka alive so Gon could live.

Both Yullia and Illumi were in an unbalanced position. They did not expect Hisoka to come out in between their family business without their order. They were not ready to block Hisoka's attack.

Killua who thought Hisoka was going for Alluka got in front of him. His nen was activated. But before he could do anything, he was frozen. In time. Everything around him as well.

Yullia flipped back and got up from the floor. Running towards Hisoka he tried to push him away. Illumi blocked Yullia's attempt and kicked her on the side.

"He's trying to kill Killua. Are you stupid? Have you lost your mind?"

"I won't let him kill Killua." 

Illumi dashed towards Yullia and swinged at her head. Yullia got lower and reached her arm forward and slashed her nen towards Illumi. Illumi got pushed back, some part of his body cut.

"Please. I don't want to fight you."

Yullia did not want to fight Illumi. Not because she's going to be defeated Not because he's her family member. Not because, family was off limits. Not because she wasn't going to be defeated. But simply because she can't. The very reason for her to get strong was for him to see. He was the reason she worked so hard for. She only wanted to show him. Show him how long she's been waiting for him. Waiting for the young Illumi to come back.

"Yulli. Why can't you listen to my orders? We have to kill him. What do you not understand."

Yullia looked down, she had to tell him. She had to tell him about why Alluka's not dangerous.

"Alluka can grant any wish. As long as it's ordered by someone she cares for. Right now she will only listen to me and Killua."


"That only gives me more reasons to desire it. Stop your nen, I won't kill Alluka, I just need you to order Alluka for me."

I can make it in time.

Illumi's grin widden. If this was true Alluka's powers are going to be enough to save Yullia. All his
years of work were going to be accomplished.

"No. Nii-san, I only told you that so you know Alluka is not a threat to the family. I will not let you abuse it."


Drip. Drop.


Illumi dashed towards Alluka again. Yullia followed him. Grabbing his shirt she pulled Illumi and threw him down. Getting on top of him, she pinned him down.

"Let them go!"


Illumi kicked Yullia away. Yullia flipped around and grabbed Illumi's leg and pulled him back. Her grip firmly on him.

Illumi used his leg to kick Yullia away. She did not move.


Drip. Drop


"Yulli. This is important. I need Alluka right now."

His momentum did not stop. Yullia pulled on his leg more. Getting a firmer grip, she threw him to the side.


Drip. Drop.


He suddenly felt a drop of rain on his face. He looked up towards the sky. Time was still frozen. There was no rain.

Did it just...

Yullia pulled Illumi back and rolled towards him. Getting him top of him she pinned him down again.

"Please. You don't have to control everything! No one is asking you to be perfect. They don't need you to protect them. Not the kind of protecting you do. They need their real older brother, the one that's there for them when they need it. The one that smiles at them, that is kind to them. They all respect you already. There is no need to control them. That's not how you have a good relationship with your siblings. You should know that! "

Yullia was desperate. Somehow she believed deep down. She believed that Illumi was still somehow there. She wanted to believe it. That's the person she needs right now.


"Yullia. I will protect you. I need Alluka right now."

Yullia looked at the Illumi under her. His face was full of emotions, he reacted towards her words. The words that she remembered so well. He was still there. The young Illumi.


Drip. Drop.




Bzz. Bzz.


Illumi's eyes widened both at the words that came out of Yullia's mouth and by what he just saw. Time was cracking.

"Yullia stop your nen."


Bzz. Bzz



Yullia fell on top of Illumi..

Illumi acted fast. Grabbing Yullia he got up. Picking Yullia up he ran towards Killua.


Bzz. Bzz


Drip. Drop.


He kicked Hisoka to the side and grabbed his two siblings.


Bzz. Bzz.


The cracks were formed around them. Time was being frozen and unfrozen from different areas of the crack.


Drip. Drop.


Killua and Alluka's time were both unfrozen. They looked at the scene around them, It was too much for them to handle. They had no idea what just happened. How they were teleported from their previous position. Why Illumi was carrying Yullia in his arms.


Bzz. Bzz.

"Killua! Order Alluka now. Heal Yullia. She's going to disappear."

Illumi held Yullia towards them. He was desperate. His face was no longer wearing a mask. He looked towards Killua and Alluka. A water drop was rolling down his cheeks.


Drip. Drop


"Nanika, Heal nee-chan now."


Bzz. Bzz.




"It won't work."

Yullia gained conscious and paused time again. She was still weak. Unable to stay awake.

"Stop your nen Yullia."


Bzz. Bzz.


"I can't."


The time around them suddenly changed. It was twisting.

"Stop it Yullia! You can do it!"


The image of the Illumi hugging Killua popped up around them.


Her time was twisting through dimensions. It was showing them images.


"Illu... I can't."


An image of Illumi watching Alluka play in the family's room popped up.




Yullia used her strength to move her hand towards Illumi's face. She gently held him. All the pieces were coming together in front of her. The images of all the younger Illumi's expressions layered upon Illumi's face. Disappearing into him. Leaving him with only worry written all over his face. Yullia smiled. He was still here. Illumi had never left her. He was always looking after her. She knew. She knew he didn't kill Rei because they were friends. It was for him to protect her. Rei's family was trying to abuse her powers. They ordered Rei to trick Yullia. Illumi had killed his family to protect her. She just found out recently. She had asked Kikyo about what really happened.


An image of Illumi drinking coffee alone in his room.


"Ne... Illu..."


An image of siblings. Everyone was looking towards the camera. Illumi held on to the only white hair in the picture.


Illumi looked at Yullia's expression. It was the same. It was always the same smile. Always the same.


A multiple image of the young Yullia's face popped up. They all had the same smile on their face. The same expression. No matter what age they were. Smiling wide. They opened their mouths with the Yullia in his arms.

"Ne... Illu..."




"Will you protect me?"


Time was twisting faster. The white space around them started disappearing. The areas where the white layer no longer shine was pitched black. No light could be seen through it.

Illumi smiled warmly towards Yullia. The same way he always had when Yullia asked him this question.

"I will always be here."


Yullia felt warm. The man in front of her only grew older. Stronger. More handsome. He's real self was always there. He never changed. She felt her eyes closing


She used her last strength and pulled her fingers towards her forehead. She wrapped nen around her finger and digged in. Pulling out the needle in her forehead she looked towards the Illumi who was in shock.

"Yullia! No!"


He was shading away from the dimension. Her body no longer registered him as her.

Along with the images behind her. She smiled towards Illumi.

"I'll always protect you too."




"Yullia. Please don't leave me behind."




Yullia layed down on the few white spaces around her.


An image of an old forest village popped up.


Closing her eyes she thought about Illumi's last words.


An image of the small bassinet popped up.


You won't remember me.


The closer up image of the bassinet formed.


I love you... Illu...


All the space around her closed. It was pitch black.


The pitch blackness changed to the view inside the bassinet.


The baby laid. Died with the saya's blade in her chest. 

I didn't make it. I can't win against time.




Yulli... I love you...

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